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  1. (Norse mythology) the Norse dragon that guarded a treasure and was slain by Sigurd

How To Use Fafnir In A Sentence

  • The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs, by William Morris Morris's cod-epic poem features a Norse hero called Sigurd who forges a mighty sword in order to attack the dragon Fafnir, who guards a priceless hoard of gold. Ten of the best dragons in literature
  • The riddling talk between Smaug and the hobbit has its parallel in the dialogue between Fafnir and Sigurd, although that takes place after the death blow has been struck.
  • Belike thou wilt now have good will to bow down Fafnir's crest according to thy word plighted, since thou hast thus revenged thy father and the others of thy kin. The Story of the Volsungs
  • And never a word spake Fafnir, but his eyes waxed red and grim The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
  • Regin says, “Trust me well herein; and with that same sword shalt thou slay Fafnir.” The Story of the Volsungs
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