How To Use Faddish In A Sentence
He once had a faddish private client who insisted on egg-white omelettes, to be cooked without butter or oil in the pan.
The pejorative word faddish an simply be a negative way of saying “current” or “in touch.”
Navigating the Winds of Change
We are not a people beholden to faddish diets, hung up on tofu, soya, sushi or colon-cleansers.
One hopes that whoever wins next week will quickly dismiss all this faddish declinism.
He was an original pioneer into the dark frontier of chaos before it gelled into a scientific theory and faddish field of study.

This is because I'm flighty and align myself constantly with faddish moral causes.
Adult attention deficit disorder is quickly becoming the new gay "wastebasket," or faddish diagnosis some doctors and patients are clinging to in an effort to keep up with our 24-7 culture. Daily News
Some analysts fear it might still be overexposed to the faddish and underperforming technology sector.
There was, they felt, “a certain snobbish and faddish ‘interest’ in Negroes.”
White America Reacts
The strong appetite for a piece of Ireland was often shallow, faddish and dishonest.
I wouldn’t call - y suffixation gaga, but it has become very faddish.
Link love: language (4)
She underwent an intellectual crisis, she says, discovering that these strategies, which she now calls faddish trends, were undermining public education.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
He was an original pioneer into the dark frontier of chaos before it gelled into a scientific theory and faddish field of study.
To the degree that this device contributes to the broader popular perception that ‘literature’ is pretentious, faddish, vague, eventless, effortful, and suffocatingly interior, quotation marks may not be quite as tiny as they appear on the page.
2008 November 18 « One-Minute Book Reviews
To me they resemble the salukis of Arabia or most Iran, more than those of Central Asia, like mine, though all tazi- saluki variation seems clinal and influenced by climate and terrain, as in wild animals, rather than by faddish breeding.
Archive 2006-01-01
Needless to say, after more than a decade of internecine strife, all this faddish Conservative unity is somewhat fragile, not to say illusory.
All of the early cites for the expression are clustered around 1888-1889, when sports writers and others began using it in a rather faddish manner.
Cascades are especially common in medicine as doctors take their cues from others, leading them to overdiagnose some faddish ailments (called bandwagon diseases) and overprescribe certain treatments (like the tonsillectomies once popular for children).
The low-fat diet cascade | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
Once faddish temporarily, up to now wide still those who be popularity " law of high protein, low carbohydrate reducing weight " , go to ever was warned by medical bound.
He once had a faddish private client who insisted on egg-white omelettes, to be cooked without butter or oil in the pan.
The knee-jerk reaction is to dismiss such training as faddish and of dubious value.