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[ US /ˈfækəɫˌteɪtɪv/ ]
  1. able to exist under more than one set of conditions
    a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte
  2. not compulsory
    elective surgery
    an elective course of study
  3. of or relating to the mental faculties
  4. granting a privilege or permission or power to do or not do something
    a facultative enactment

How To Use facultative In A Sentence

  • The filamentous fungus Fusarium oxysporum is a soil-borne facultative parasite that causes economically important losses in a wide variety of crops.
  • Anaerobic facultative can remove more than 80% of TNT and RDX in the wastage. Aquatic organism (water hyacinth) can degradate TNT and RDX in some extent.
  • Other parasites will feed on any host available and are called facultative parasites.
  • Some facultative parasitic plants such as Rhinanthus minor appear to have functional photosynthetic apparatus and can grow without a host providing reduced carbon.
  • Facultative paedomorphosis occurs in most species, though individuals in these species usually metamorphose fully into terrestrial adults with robust bodies and limbs, broad heads, and laterally-flattened tails.
  • Adults and larvae of most species are facultative predators, but some are specialist predators, some are mycophagous or saprophagous or even phytophagous, occasionally damaging flowers and turf.
  • Facultative amphimixis is the equivalent of the mechanism described under meiotic parthenogenesis.
  • The host (facultative aerobe implies facultative anaerobe, doesn't it?) could handle aerobic conditions already, presumably because it had peroxisomes as oxygen sink. t's funny that you mention peroxisomes, as people once thought they were endosymbionts but now evidence seems to point to en origin from the ER. A critique on the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria
  • Some facultatively hypothermic species (colies, several coraciiforms) alleviate this cost by group roosting on the nest, but this adaptation has not led to the evolution of joint laying.
  • However, some tetraploid lines are facultatively apomictic and an individual plant may set seed both apomictically and sexually.
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