How To Use Factotum In A Sentence
By day three it was the department's triumph and I was a factotum.
Other main characters are Queen Jehanne, former top Night Court "adept" ie former top courtesan of Terre Ange and second wife of King Daniel Courcel, her lover and dabbler in magical arts Raphael de Mereliot, elderly Ch'in wizard Lo Feng and his factotum disciple and martial arts expert Bao who are honored guests of the Angeline court, as well as quite a few others that you will encounter in the fullness of time.
Archive 2009-06-01
I quickly grasped, however, that if not the factotum of the city, he was very well connected in a certain subculture whose existence I was just, by hearsay, becoming aware of.
Her powers of administratrix were untrammelled save in one respect: Octavius Buzzby was to remain in his position as factotum on the Champney estate and adviser for its interests.
Flamsted quarries
Led by Rahm Emanuel, a stalwart Clintonian factotum and grandee of the now obsolete DLC, the exodus from Clinton's campaign recalled the whoosh of gas escaping from a hot air balloon over the Grand Canyon.
Michael Carmichael: Obama's Pivot

I became her assistant and general factotum.
Later, impersonating the family's trusted factotum, Oreo confronts an officious medical professional.
He worked as a general factotum at Keadeen Hotel for 37 years.
Hans, talented in many ways, was a general factotum in Maye's.
From Old French, it went to Portuguese which gave it to Indian languages as peon: one who walks ahead of the master, a factotum.
Mme D. likes to pull strings, and uses her pallid lady's companion, the spinster Capulat, as her factotum.
She is perpetually and dangerously angry, bluntly refusing - although employed in a factotum capacity - to perform many of the chores she is given, often colouring her refusal with some venomous invective.
His factotum, George Dolby, records that Dickens would nerve himself one hour into each journey with a draught of brandy.
I've heard politicians and their factotums express themselves in this way about people who are so angry they can barely express themselves, or who have grievances that they cannot articulate properly.
An indication of the old Greenock club's decline was the declaration of only two substitutes, one of whom was Ally Maxwell, who fulfils a number of roles from coach to general factotum.
They are attended by the soulless shades of their most fanatical worshippers, courtiers, and factotums.
He was employed as the studio's title designer and general factotum while assiduously learning about filmmaking.
If I stayed at Park Lane it would be to wither away in a backwater as Geoffrey's factotum.
Artificer, constructor, factotum, a man who loves impossible bets, he says: ‘How did the idea come to me to construct the greatest globe of the world in the world?’
Alain Locke's role as a general factotum of the Harlem Renaissance has tended to overshadow the full dimensions of an active and productive life.
Emily, as her loyal factotum explains, is happiest and best at taking care of other people.
I became her assistant and general factotum.
She was a general factotum at the restaurant - washing dishes, cleaning the floors and polishing the furniture.
We need a factotum to take care of the workshop.
He seems nothing more than a general factotum but in fact he's the power behind the throne at Bangazi.
When his grandson was born in 1604, his family of three had four servants, apart from his factotum and sole studio assistant, Francisco de Preboste.