How To Use Facility In A Sentence
Ireland does not have another manufacturing facility with a similar capacity to absorb glass cullet (crushed glass).
This facility is intended to help a few hundred families living in public housing by training them to be grocery store clerks.
You can do a lot of that from our facility, but eventually a mobile system to inspect parts on wing is where we are going to be positioned.
Born in an American Stalinist medical facility**** to foreign parents, he spent his early years nomadically, drifting from country to country***** as his feckless father moved the family in search of lasting employment******.
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Modern processors have a special hardware facility, the Performance Monitor Unit (PMU), to collect the events related with the operations in the processor.

The energy charge, measured in kilowatt-hours, is for the actual electricity that is used by the facility.
Both ads use the same stock video of Cofield walking forlornly alongside her shuttered brake-pad production facility.
Strickland goes negative in first campaign ad
This facility allows the user to input text in various forms onto the screen and thus create a true newspaper page.
There are obvious logistical problems involved in protesting outside such a facility, and it was clear from the outset that the protest was not going to reach the giddy heights of previous campaigns.
Everyone in this facility yields to the seven deadly sins… especially pride and vanity!
It's a facility we leased from the government, so at some point we had to give it back.
But the Decatur plant is not the only facility cited for poor quality standards.
Surgeries such as Cesarean sections, fracture repairs, tumor removals, foreign body removals and cystotomies are all performed at our facility.
Once facility executives understand actual energy consumption, they can begin benchmarking their buildings against their competitors and even their own real estate.
Your camcorder should have these basic features: autofocus, playback facility, zoom lens.
Users visualize the Undo facility in different ways, depending on the situation and their expectations.
China is building a 400-megawatt facility 60 miles from Beijing, and says confidently it will be generating 12 percent of its energy from renewables by 2020.
The Bank dishonoured a number of cheques drawn by its client and sent a fax contending that his debit balance was in excess of his facility.
This exciting partnership also has its roots in both parties respect for the environment - the "cloverleaf" course was designed to minimize impact on the environment while Thule has gone so far as adding solar panels to the roof of its Seymour, Connecticut manufacturing and office facility that will offset 26\% of the total energy used.
Bike Magazine - Most Recent
It will include a canoe run, fish pass, changing and training facility and public viewing areas.
Boeing began final assembly work at the North Charleston facility during the summer.
Boeing Union Presses Plant Relocation Issue
The U.S. Marines operate the air-traffic control tower, and a small contingent of U.S. Army troops run the power-production facility.
She said that instead of looking to build a new leisure pool the money could better spent on a larger facility.
But he failed to disclose that he had simply transferred his interest in the facility to his wife.
Those participants who qualify from each local market will join as a team representing their racetrack or off-track betting facility in Las Vegas.
It boasts excellent hotels, fine beaches, possesses every facility for boating and bathing and can offer all the other forms of amusement which a holiday-maker is likely to require.
Death of a Delft Blue
Occasionally users still require their data on magnetic tape and so this facility remains available.
Facilities should use only the following weight conversion factors to record and report on all unweighed waste that enters or leaves the facility.
Patients received a letter from their medical facility countersigned by the project director informing them about the study and about a phone call to follow.
But that won't happen unless facility executives are educated about the value of rightsizing and the importance of whole-building design.
Then she'd meet the reality: a misty white contraption like a strange sauna facility.
Times, Sunday Times
Energy modeling and lifecycle costing can give facility executives a solid idea of the costs and benefits associated with their choices before a facility is built.
CandyTechFactory Ltd. In 2005 plans to create a state of the art Gummi and Fruit snack manufacturing facility were initiated.
For example the boot can take a child buggy and golf clubs, both items lying flat on the floor, between the rear wheel arches, without having to utilise the folding seat facility.
It typically is charged twice the going rate as the criminal inmates housed in the same facility.
Owned by the municipality of Funchal, the whole facility is kept spotlessly clean.
He cites a project to build a special school with a boarding facility and medical centre.
Times, Sunday Times
Clearly, the absence of cheque guarantee cards limited the value of the cheque book facility.
It is always immensely humbling for we hacks to be in the presence of the Chancellor, given his facility for talking expertly about, apparently, everything under the sun.
All mice were housed in a pathogen-free barrier facility in which sentinel mice were periodically monitored for common murine pathogens.
This nopalito cactus and jicama salad with dried fruit and smoky Mezcal lime dressing is prepared by chef Agustín Gaytán. research facility in Parlier. "alt =" Mark Crosse/The Fresno Bee - Jerry Serimian, biological technician at the USDA Jerry Serimian, biological technician at the USDA research facility in Parlier.
Well, what Spenser did with practically every Western myth, epic, and writer before him makes Faulkner look like a pre-schooler using slight of hand to hide a coin), his passion, his facility with language (that is, if you ignore the occasional "puissance"), his psychological insight.
Telecommuter Talk
The archive offers a central facility for cataloguing and indexing data.
Three years of hard work and dedication by a committed group of locals have gone into providing the area with a beautiful new facility.
Before the decommissioning and construction of a maintenance facility can occur, however, the Navy must complete an environmental assessment report.
This facility is producing fabrics with luxurious finishes in a range of worsted and synthetic fabrics for the moderate to better markets.
The American scientist was to be prized not just for intellectual prowess, but technical facility.
The reptile, which looks like an alligator, will be kept at the Dangerous Wild Animal Rescue Facility in Great Wakering where more than 400 exotic animals are homed.
The new facility is seen as fitting in with the government's attempts to attract high-value projects, rather than low-level production line jobs.
Any abuse of the Flexible Working Hours facility can result in its withdrawal, in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken.
The Stonyfield multipack cups are not compostable and not recyclable yet, because only one U.S. facility that recycles PLA.
Stonyfield Organic Yogurt Unveils New Packaging Made From Corn
The archive offers a central facility for cataloguing and indexing data.
Iranian officials say the tour would include a visit to the country's uranium enrichment site at Natanz as well as its heavy water facility at Arak.
Iran Confirms Invitations to Tour Nuclear Sites
A range of stringent health and safety considerations underpins the design and construction of the modern childcare facility.
However, the subjects in this study had a mean age of approximately 83 years and lived in an assisted living facility where there is a decreased likeliness that they would regularly interact with dogs.
Video of the Dallas Cowboys training facility coll ...
Archive 2009-05-01
'Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study.
Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
However, the appellate court ruled the zoning board initially denied the permit because Orange Stones wanted to operate a hospital, even though the company insisted the rehabilitation center was a nonhospital facility.
Berks county news
Where the guillotine improved on the Halifax design was the inbuilt facility to position the victim accurately and quickly in the machine.
While some restaurants charge extra for parcelling, the rest provide parcel facility as an add-on service.
The hard rock, which yields a shining black surface with copper-coloured spots when polished, transformed the poor villages with no irrigation facility to speak of, into a hub of economic activity.
They plan to hold their first workout in their new practice facility in downtown Oakland the next day....
(b) From packing and crating facility to quarters, when a portion of the property, after being packed and crated, is to be joined with the remainder of the property.
Al Raffah Hospital's ENT department announces latest facility on audiometry Latest News
This week, Pastor Justin, uncle Tak and Pastor Ching would be on vacation and our facility is still undergoing some electrical, air-conditioning and IT fine tuning.
In the USA, a new US $5million production line was commissioned at the New Century Kansas facility.
A facility such as this is always going to arouse strong emotional feelings regarding its location.
Online collaboration systems are designed to link the facility staff with architects, engineers, contractors and other members of the building team.
Each tower facility receives incoming traffic, boosts the signal strength, and sends thethe next station.
Both types of facility are likely to be more difficult to site than a citywide facility designed to serve the electroplating industry.
Trevor Dean, a director of mortuary services at the Dover facility, voluntarily accepted a reduction in pay and a nonmanagement job.
Military Lost Troops' Remains
To extend the benefit of technological developments in the banking industry to rural India, the existing Kisan Credit Card will hereafter be modified, upon individual request, for use on ATM machines, wherever such facility exists.
The development of this orbital facility has been called the largest international scientific and technological endeavor ever undertaken.
The tour will include their greenhouse, fields, washing facility, and roadside market.
It is the acoustician's job to establish and implement acoustic goals for the facility - goals that support the function, aesthetics and budget.
Then early in the Obama administration, regulators threw the real estate industry a bone, expanding a financial rescue program, the term asset-backed securities loan facility (TALF), to commercial-mortgage-backed securities, thereby muffling calls for a broader industry rescue.
The Other Shoe
No one was hurt in a 6: 30 p. m. disturbance at the East Facility, she added.
DAMMAM: Customs officials seized 550 bottles of alcoholic drinks hidden in the inner layers of the wall of a container at a customs facility in the King Abdul Aziz Port in Dammam recently. required (email will never be displayed)
Arabnews - frontpage
Ultimately, he wants to find bigger premises and set up a chandlery, a facility lacking on the reopened Rochdale Canal.
Glassed swale, which is widely used in urban stormwater management is an ecological facility of rainwater collection, convey and purification.
Horticulturists at the facility have repeatedly failed to propagate the plant by cuttings or grafts.
Morgan City is also home to "Mr. Charlie," a once cutting-edge offshore drilling rig that is now a training facility for would be roustabouts.
Georgianne Nienaber: Why Should Anyone Care About Louisiana?
He is currently being held at Salem County Correctional Facility in lieu of $1.8-million bail.
Once a request has been made by the office of a federal lawmaker on behalf of a citizen wanting to visit the facility, it must be cleared by higher authorities.
I couldn't think of a comparable traditional "weapon" that we might use in the US to successfully shut down an oil facility for 10 days unarmed.
In addition, the automated check-in facility will alert readers to current issues of periodicals as soon as they are processed.
Labor representatives in France are worried that jobs will be transferred to Airbus 'facility in Hamburg, Germany when the company shifts production of the fast-selling A320 there.
Airbus Aims to Break Even in 2010
Some counter-terrorism experts have raised questions about the significance of the Pentagon's figures, noting that the number of so-called "recidivist" detainees represents only a small portion, about 12 percent, of the approximately 520 detainees who have been released from Guantanamo since the detention facility was opened in January 2002.
Safe To Release?
The move follows an unsuccessful bid by Mr Foster to get the board to reinstate the facility Teesdale farmers regard as essential.
Looking to be good people and hoping in some vague way to fulfill themselves, its upper-middle-class couple adopts, not a child, but an elderly man and wife formerly ensconced in a nursing facility.
This facility will be used to record the progress of each problem and to assign responsibility for solving the problem.
OPEN HOUSE, for parents, new participants, community members and those interested in participating with the Teen Council, view the facility, learn about after-school activities and special events, meet the staff, complete the required registration form, discuss issues and concerns or sign up to be an adult volunteer. 5-6: 30 p.m.,
Fairfax County community calendar, Oct. 7 to 14, 2010
The scholastic records of this college student with callosal agenesis were fair to good for courses that involved language and verbal facility, but contrastingly poor for subjects such as geometry and geography that involved spatial and related nonverbal faculties which we now commonly associate with the right hemisphere.
Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
A new environment, in which patients will not hesitate to come forward for diagnosis and treatment at any health facility, must be created.
The mountain theme is incorporated throughout the facility - from its curved parapets and sculptured stone fountain to the grassy park with tree-covered walking trails.
This facility will be demonstrating how the research and skills base of the city's university can be tapped to produce real business returns.
This includes a minute minder facility and provides full automatic control of the main oven.
Consider incorporating a storage facility within your kitchen seating - banquettes, for example, can lift up to reveal a cavernous space underneath; hinge small sections for ease of access.
Security personnel should conduct searches routinely for any person entering a large facility — a business or apartment complex, a suq or shopping mall, a sports arena, etc.
The Right Way
Whenever the Department of Conservation translocates birds and other species, whenever it opens a new facility, there are karakia from tohunga and ministers.
It comes hot on the heels of a £1.5 million investment at the hotel to provide a leisure facility, including swimming pool, whirlpool, large gym and sauna.
It will be difficult for any bank to provide an overdraft facility with your lack of trading history.
Times, Sunday Times
Even the contact made with local government was inadequate to plan appropriately for operation and maintenance of the facility.
The main distribution facility houses main termination patch panels and supports ‘core’ technology equipment, such as the main data network router and switch.
She said that the decision to deny entry to members of the public was due to issues of ‘public liability insurance’ and a general need for tight security at any facility.
The same materials are expected to be used in the larger extension, which will have a conveyor link to the existing facility to ease the transfer of airfreight.
To sum up, Kitzbuhel is a major year round sporting and leisure centre and as such offers every facility.
After landing in Japan, the seven-year-old bay was transported by van to Shiroi Quarantine Facility.
The driver will escort you from your apartment door into the ambulette and then into the medical facility or the day care.
It has the right to obtain reimbursement from him for any amount paid out on bills drawn under the facility.
The Grand Hall has its own kitchen and bar facility and can accommodate up to 160 guests.sentence dictionary
This includes a minute minder facility and provides full automatic control of the main oven.
“The holodeck is a facility on our ship,” the doctor explained.
One researcher at the facility is pursuing a study of cannabidiol.
On his return he opened a local hall and undertook to create a place where locals could gather and meet, a facility that wasn't available at the time.
IEEE Institute of electrical and electronics engineers IEPC ISDN exchange power controller IF Intermediate frequency IFAC Integrated digital carrier unit facility IFRB International frecuency registration board IFRPS Intercity facility relief planning system IFS (switzerland) integrated telecom service IGS Idenitfy graphic subrepertoire (teletex)
Tricks of the Trade Issue #6 by Hype (Christmas Edition)
Finally, female clients were more likely to be released from the facility outright, either after completing a detainer sentence or posting bond.
This has upset many who argue pay phones are an essential local facility and a lifeline in times of emergency.
The sale of the Ocala Jai-Alai fronton and off-track wagering facility to a subsidiary of the Ocala Breeders' Sales Co. was completed on Wednesday.
This is where it all went wrong in the first place - in what was known as MDF, the site's Mox fuel demonstration facility.
Whitehaven News headlines
Many surgeons perform both partial and complete abdominoplasties in an outpatient surgical center or an office-based facility.
Only one facility, the White Sands Missile Testing Range in New Mexico, experienced a modest decline in civilian payroll costs.
The university is set to invest a further €16 million in a new biosciences and electronic engineering facility.
You come away from the recording of these two complete suites with great respect for the young Frenchman's musicality and technical facility.
Set within a trendy facility, the interior boasts modern furnishings and minimalist, stylish furniture - absolutely no clutter.
In response, the army launched a military assault on the facility in which the men were being held, demolishing parts of the building.
Athletics is moving ahead with expansions to Columbia Icefields recreation facility.
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Only after the client has gained reasonable facility and confidence in coping with the situation are more difficult or conflictful elements introduced into the antagonist’s role.
Planned Short-Term Treatment
As the prime contractor, Raytheon will integrate new electronics, computer hardware and mission software to upgrade the existing two-faced, phased-array antenna facility at the remote site.
The talks follow negotiations last month in which eurozone ministers agreed to extend the country's loan facility.
Times, Sunday Times
Hastings' five-furlong racing oval has not proved attractive to horsemen, and there is no room to expand the facility.
I have found the point, as I say, finely balanced. ‘Facility’ is a slippery word.
He owed his success largely to the votes of the Anglican clergy, who came in droves to support him, but his ‘colloquial facility’ was an asset in his canvass of the residents.
Desert terrain, boscage and fields in Normandy, destroyed urban centers, a naval facility in Norway, and other locations will be presented to the player throughout the course of the game.
As a result, there is no guarantee that any particular kw will actually reach a given facility's busbar.
These little tiny innocent mice were bred at my facility for generation studies in some experiments.
Later, we will fence the lake area, develop the bund, make jogging tracks, construct an auditorium, and provide boating facility, but of course, all this will be done in stages.
The new national theatre will need two auditoriums, a rehearsal space, a restaurant/bar, an education facility and an archive.
I was concerned that the standard garage door was not secure enough and wanted to give him extra locking facility for the cycle - so I screwed a padlock type hasp into the wall inside the garage - then provided a steel 'hawser' type rope (from a cycle shop) for him to lock the bike up to, which threaded through the large hasp.
Environment news, comment and analysis from the Guardian |
It will be the first such municipal facility in the county.
You can save your customer extra shipping charges by drop-shipping the ammo from the factory to the training facility.
Chao's proposal for a new downtown parking facility was carried at yesterday's council meeting.
A refining facility to turn uranium yellowcake into uranium oxide and uranium hexafluoride
Times, Sunday Times
Patient confidence in medical procedures was shown to increase after the medical facility was remodeled.
They have established a ' helpdesk ' facility to ensure businesses get advice and support quickly and easily.
Any abuse of the Flexible Working Hours facility can result in its withdrawal, in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken.
Romney is known as a devotee of arcane details, and that facility with information may prove useful in governing, but now might be the time to sell a more focused campaign theme.
Fred Bauer: An Affirmative, Pro-Growth Message Could Restore Romney's Momentum
After saving the life of the President, two Secret Service agents find themselves abruptly transferred to Warehouse 13 – a massive, top-secret storage facility in windswept South Dakota that houses every strange artifact, mysterious relic, fantastical object and supernatural souvenir ever collected by the U.S. government.
Sci-fi TV Preview: Warehouse 13 « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
Construct a new off- site practice field and training facility.
The facility began humbly with a small room and two pieces of equipment, and has evolved into a spacious laboratory packed with equipment.
She has an amazing facility for languages.
It also has the facility to produce compound reports.
In return, the federal government would fund two-thirds of the cost of installing fuel bowsers at the community - a basic facility that all settlements should have in any case.
This premier facility celebrates one of nature's most majestic creatures - in equine art and history museums, galleries, theaters, and equestrian events.
It is important that a dancer have a good facility, but they need to be able convey dramatic ideas, use dramatic gestures, and communicate feelings on stage.
As a computational facility, Undo has no merit.
It is a fine example of Stoddard Mercia Contract's Custom facility, where a special design can be woven.
Incidentally, they play bridge against one another now, in the maximum-security wing of Vacaville State Correctional Facility.
Many questions need to be answered before a plan can be tailored to a facility.
The crease-resistant qualities and their "drip dry" washing facility, made many rave about synthetic fabrics.
This will be a round-the-clock “prayer vigil at an abortion facility,” she says, encouraging her audience to sign up for a time slot once a week.
American Grace
That with the increased productiveness of labour there is increased facility for the reproduction of machinery required for the production of water, light, fuel, and food; and that this diminution in the cost _of reproduction_ is attended with a constant diminution in the value of all such machinery previously accumulated, and diminution in the proportion of the product of labour that can be demanded as rent for their use; and thus, while labour steadily increases in its power to yield commodities of every kind required by man, capital as steadily diminishes in its power over the labourer.
The slave trade, domestic and foreign Why It Exists, and How It May Be Extinguished
Last week, about 200 non-essential workers were evacuated from an oil facility near Port Harcourt, the flashpoint of recent unrest and the hub of Nigeria's oil production and exports.
Another snack bar serves the fifth floor fitness facility.
The diestocks you mention appear to have a built in facility for adjustment - I never have had the privilege of using such refined equipment.
Protection Channel ( PC ) is standby, fully operational facility, providing diversity for one or several similar channels.
The move follows an unsuccessful bid by Mr Foster to get the board to reinstate the facility Teesdale farmers regard as essential.
I wasn't obviously able to contact some directly because their websites didn't offer an email facility or had a disclaimer saying that they wouldn't forward on fanmail.
The vibration standard system puts into the use may enhance vibrates the sensor the examination, the test precision and the turbine wheel electric power facility reliability.
Four subjects had a history of asthma, but the condition antedated their employment in the facility.
The facility had to be large enough to accommodate a tractor-trailer tank truck of the type used to haul milk to commercial dairies processing 10-million gallons a day.
Our Richmond based warehouse facility is looking for quick and efficient order pickers.
It disturbed me in my comfort spots, comforted me in my disturbed spots, and, as an erstwhile writer of fiction, I was simultaneously enraptured by her facility with words and timing; and nearly unconsolable and jealous and angry with myself for not working harder at it than I do.
Dear Clusterflock | clusterflock
The Tennessee Valley Authority applied for a license to operate the facility.
The facility, with two concert halls and a dinner club designed by Rafael Viñoly, should shine like a diamond solitaire, even in daylight, giving the center an urban profile it deserves.
Potentially rebellious backbenchers stuck in their constituencies were not offered this facility.
Times, Sunday Times
When I was competing in MMA fighter, my trainer used to set up DDR in the training facility to try and improve our footwork/speed.
Pondering An Effort At Exercise Software
The Obama administration has promised to put a second security fence around the already super max facility.
The clinic's objective is to upgrade the facility and improve the building.
How I am able to type this is unknown, some kind of residual autotype facility located in the fingers.
Firedoglake » Those Who Can’t Win Fairly…Cheat
BOT is applicable to the public facility project, public enterprise project , and transportation project etc.
For example, Senegal began to roll them out in 2007 to its health facilities, scaled up to every health facility within 18 months and saved a quarter of a million courses of ACTs every year.
The military airspace is under the control of a Navy surveillance facility in Virginia Beach, Va.
The radial and ulnar arteries may be exposed and ligatured in any part of their course; but of the two, the radial vessel can be reached with greater facility, owing to its comparatively superficial situation.
Surgical Anatomy
However, the bid that was accepted by the plenary was based upon both car towing and individual nations hiring dedicated trikes so this facility must remain.
They look out at the water, at a shipbuilding facility, at the soaring Route 613 overpass, at the tiny golden McDonald's arches that seem to rise, planetlike, over the tree line on the far shore.
Oil spill sloshes over spirits at waterside Mississippi restaurant
Since the beginning of the plant occupation, workers have threatened to use the 46 tons of carbonic sulfur stocked in the plant to explode the facility.
Total Employee Involvement with responsibility for per Facility Best Safety Practices ( BSPs ) in Employee Accountability.
With two-thirds of the nation's large rocket test stands in a single place, one might guess ‘abnormally small’ is not the forte at Edwards; yet, the facility is a leader in nanotechnology and microtechnology.
The new facility, which will be sited either on the same site or beside the Great Western Hospital, would have single rooms.
Sculpted berms here, geometrically-patterned rows of exhaust stacks there, mastaba-shaped radar facility right over there, chalked footpaths everywhere.
Boullée in North Dakota
And there's many a time that a facility for being able to imitate a certain voice or style has got me out of trouble as a writer.
The facility has started a new type of therapy called equine assisted psychotherapy, where a patient will learn to care for a horse, and in turn, learn to care for him/her self.
CBS 2 - KCAL 9 - Los Angeles - Southern California - LA Breaking News, Weather, Traffic, Sports
The International Committee of the Red Cross documented what it called credible information about U.S. personnel disrespecting or mishandling Korans at the Guantanamo detention facility and pointed it out to the Pentagon in confidential reports during 2002 and early 2003, an ICRC spokesman said Wednesday.
David Corn: Has Pentagon Spokesman Been Caught in a Koran-related Fib?
Ron Staples, the facility manager at Lee Community Center, said any rink with an old ice resurfacer would never be able to meet the proposed threshold of 12.5 parts per million. rss feed
The facility has since rewired the docks and the service is much better, he said.
The team will practice for the first time in its new downtown Oakland facility on Thursday afternoon.
The intact/non-intact distinction was first announced in a July 19, 1999 FSIS policy statement that the meat industry had long pushed as a way of deeming O157 an "adulterant" only in ground beef and other non-intact meat not "further processed" in a federally-inspected facility.
Marler Blog
The cranium of the young male was scanned at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility to create an endocast, a model of the impressions left on the inside of the cranium by the brain.
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