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How To Use Facile In A Sentence

  • able to dazzle with his facile tongue
  • Est in unoquoque nostrum seminarium aliquod stultitiae, quod si quando excitetur, in infinitum facile excrescit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The rubbish esthetic was so ubiquitous in messy piles of wallboard and carpet that it began to seem a too-facile solution.
  • Before his facile perils and ready laugh, life was no longer an affair of serious effort and restraint, but a toy, to be played with and turned topsy-turvy, carelessly to be lived and pleasured in, and carelessly to be flung aside. Chapter 2
  • True, in the august presence of rhombohedral crystals, retinasphaltic resins, gehlenites, Fassaites, molybdenites, tungstates of manganese, and titanite of zirconium, why, the most facile of tongues may make a slip now and then. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
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  • He responded testily to questions about WikiLeaks's opaque finances, Private Manning's fate and WikiLeaks's apparent lack of accountability to anybody but himself, calling the questions "cretinous," "facile" and reminiscent of "kindergarten. NYT > Home Page
  • too facile a solution for so complex a problem
  • Ac fuere qui tum Albinum haud ignarum consili regis existumarent, neque ex tanta properantia tam facile tractum bellum socordia magis quam dolo crederent. A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • Sed ab hoc incepto me non solum deterruerunt sordidi colores virides et violacei, qui ex mistionibus illis prodibant, sed et imprimis illud, quod, ob differentes pigmentorun grauitates specificas et inaequalem cum aqua cohaesionem, et ab artis perito magni errores facile committi poterant. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • If you want Swift to be a dark ironist rather than a facile pamphleteer, you might examine the premises that make his fable so easy to digest.
  • Quisve aut qualis sit humor aut quae istius differentiae, et quomodo gignantur in corpore, scrutandum, hac enim re multi veterum laboraverunt, nec facile accipere ex Galeno sententiam ob loquendi varietatem. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • By Design industriale: la presa elettrica con anello facile da scollegare (DA VEDERE!!!) | 3 sul Blog - Tech, Fun e Web 2.0 on January 14, 2009 at 8: 38 am Sculptural Water Stopping Water Sink Plug
  • It offers facile encouragement to youths wishing to rebel against cliquish conformity and be true to themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • At that point Baltinglass were leading by 0-8 to 0-1 and well on their way to this facile victory.
  • What is unacceptable is thus that which undermines the totalizing vision; and totalizing visions are inevitably comprised from a facile distinction between truth/falsity, good/evil.
  • Even as they immerse themselves in facile debates about the Boy King's "A-list", it could have a material effect on their electoral prospects. Talking about them… talking about themselves
  • In contrast with the facile legibility of the older tower's brickwork, the metal cladding is apparently casually crumpled.
  • Maynard Dixon presented a slender, almost angular appearance with deep blue eyes, straight dark hair cascading toward one eye, a rakish mustache, slightly hooked nose, and long, facile hands.
  • Qui de die jejunant, et nocte vigilant, facile cadunt in melancholiam; et qui naturae modum excedunt, c. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • O'Toole's emerged with a facile victor to take the team honours, from Tinryland in second place.
  • The instinct born of generations of tradition compels a facile reacceptance. The Mountebank
  • Some may wonder at her somewhat facile distinction between apophatic and cataphatic prayer, as well as her surprising omissions.
  • He is knwon for being ideologically opportunistic more than a stiff left wing ideologue “il a les guillemets faciles”, but I figure at least some policies he advocates would make Obama look like a fascist in comparison. The Volokh Conspiracy » “When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?” Update:
  • However, Cusick's irregularities both shift English language toward Iroquois grammar and protect Iroquois knowledge from facile interpretation.
  • * Deum quilibet opifex Christianus et invenit, et ostendit, et exinde totum quod in deum quaeritur re quoque adsignat, licet Plato adfirmet factitatorem universitatis neque inveniri facilem et inventum enarrari in omnes difficilem: [1595] 1 The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • Love to God as the ground-virtue unfolds itself into the four cardinal virtues: TEMPERANTIA, amor integrum se pracbens ei, quod amatur; FORTITUDO, amor facile tolerans omnia propter quod amartur; JUSTITIA, amor soli amato serviens et propterea recte dominans; PRUDENTIA, amor ea, quibus adjuvatur, ab eis, quibus impeditur, sagaciter seligens. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • He followed up a facile victory at Hexham, with a brave success in testing conditions at Chepstow, and is one that can gallop rewardingly all through the season.
  • There is also the accent of his irresponsible courtiership, the facile and unashamed flattery he paid to such a woman as Princess Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 22, January, 1873
  • The objection that commentators of the right make about him is, generally, that his arguments are facile.
  • The reaction is so facile that it would be surprising if it didn't occur given the presence of these molecules (cyanimide, cyanoacetylene, glycolaldehyde, glyceraldehyde, and inorganic phosphate). Slashdot
  • Doesn't the church's about-face on the death penalty make threats to politicians who favor it seem facile?
  • It is facile to attribute the increase in violent crime during this period to the moratorium on executions.
  • J'aime bien : “Je me suis rendu compte tout dernièrement à quel point il est facile de répondre à une question sans l'avoir lue en entier,” qui est le reflet moderne des vidéo discutions, la pertinence prend des reflet inférieur à la minute, alors que je suis encore entre 5 et 10 mn pour présenter une proposition. LIFT’08: David Brown Workshop — Teenagers and Generation Y — Climb to the Stars
  • So that class of women known as facile is unknown to me, or if I allow myself to be taken with them, it is without knowing it, and through innate simplicity. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • The learned and ingenious John Schweighaeuser (a name facile to spell and mellifluous to pronounce) hath been pleased, in that Appendix continens particulam doctrinae de mente humana, which closeth the volume of his "Opuscula Academica," to observe (we translate from memory) that, Paul Clifford — Complete
  • In a recent column about political correctness, I touched on the dangers of facile stereotyping, citing the Germans' reputation for monopolising sunbeds.
  • The learned and ingenious John Schweighaeuser (a name facile to spell and mellifluous to pronounce) hath been pleased, in that _Appendix continens particulam doctrinae de mente humana_, which closeth the volume of his Paul Clifford — Volume 02
  • Livré à plat, très facile et rapide à monter et extrêmement solide (supporte jusqu´à 200 kg!), il peut servir de tabouret, de chevet, ou de table d´appoint. Archive 2009-02-01
  • There's nothing pretentious or facile about them-there's conviction and true wisdom at their heart, and they're always rooted in particulars.
  • It is facile to employ cost of living indices or indices of neo-natal mortality without knowing how the figures are calculated.
  • He has what is called a facile pen, though it sometimes runs away with him. "Marse Henry" : an autobiography,
  • Oh, and, raises hand, I think I've had a crush on Recusant for weeks but only now just realized it with aliquod pro facile vitae. A reply
  • It's also an utterly facile argument that successful competition is somehow linked to the freedom to use foul language, as you suggest.
  • Some tragedy consoles, after all, and it is arguable that some of its consolations are facile and false.
  • It seems too facile to blame everything on his mishandling of the crisis.
  • a facile hand
  • Most of all, the show's universe was flimsy and under-developed, the result of too much attention paid to thin allegory and facile real-world parallels, and not enough energy diverted to making Galactica's universe its own living creation. MIND MELD: If We Ran Battlestar Galactica
  • De Bottan's comparison between Aristocracies and meritocracies does indeed seem facile if you look at it as the be-all and end-all of happiness - but its not if you remember its context.
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • The Italian prima donna sweeps a curtsy of careless pity to the over-facile pit which unsexes her with the bravo! innocently meant to show a familiarity with foreign usage. On a Certain Condescension in Foreigners
  • Aubanus and Sabellicus commend Portugal beef to be the most savoury, best and easiest of digestion; we commend ours: but all is rejected, and unfit for such as lead a resty life, any ways inclined to melancholy, or dry of complexion: Tales (Galen thinks) de facile melancholicis aegritudinibus capiuntur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Quanquam enim de pluribus abusibus dici poterat, tamen, ut fugeremus prolixitatem, praecipua complexi sumus, ex quibus coetera facile judicari possunt. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • The subject of racism is admittedly too complex for facile summarization.
  • Ballinrobe Community School registered a facile victory over Ballyhaunis Community School in the opening round of the football league at Ballinrobe on Thursday.
  • Ceux qui ont créés ce service ajoute continuellement des fonctions et ça reste très facile. Hosted Blog Platform Test Write-Up — Climb to the Stars
  • As they entered, the orchestra were sounding the preliminary whimpers to a maxixe, a tune full of castanets and facile faintly languorous violin harmonies, appropriate to the crowded winter grill teeming with an excited college crowd, high-spirited at the approach of the holidays. The Beautiful and Damned
  • I’m torn between not wanting to speak ill of a fellow Guinness drinker and pointing out how utterly facile is your view of the connection between lobbyists and government. Newt Gingrich Answers Your Questions - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Mendicorum, et eorum qui ad hos proxim� accedunt, omnia cibaria recensere aut examinare haud facile est, nec quod illos edere, aut edisse, extrema aliquando coegit necessitas, reliqu� genti cibariorum genera aut numerum pr鎠cribere fas est. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The secretary is very facile with definitions.
  • She has a facile tongue.
  • And more often than one might stop to think, the frictional resistance of phonemic apprehension keeps the semiotic basis of representation itself from facile stabilities. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Facile d'accès: on sort de l'avion à Genève, on saute dans le train 200m de la douane et 30-40 minutes plus tard, on est à Lausanne. Picking a City for an Event: Lausanne — Climb to the Stars
  • They had a facile victory over Breaffy with the team turning in a fine performance and they totally dominated in almost every sector of the field to regain the winning thread after some narrow defeats in their previous matches.
  • Fréret, from within the Académie, begins as a euhemerist but by his death in 1749 is an important voice against a priori mythicizing: he argues against mere fact-finding, facile reductions, and pleads instead for recognition of the enormous historical problems involved in studying myth. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • That is why Dali's importance as an artist confounds all those facile publicity stunts, his dubious political allegiances and his avaricious pursuit of wealth.
  • But, of course, writing a 4,000 word flam from “pure” imagination is a facile wank. Cheeseburger Gothic » Friday Writing Blog: Preparation, planning and where ideas come from.
  • Sed ab hoc incepto me non solum deterruerunt sordidi colores virides et violacei, qui ex mistionibus illis prodibant, sed et imprimis illud, quod, ob differentes pigmentorun grauitates specificas et inaequalem cum aqua cohaesionem, et ab artis perito magni errores facile committi poterant. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Facile exprtmere Voluc |: unt« in G, ODfiIiis pro ikhite ct fcltci reipublicae fhitu omniama - turanda cfre» co fcnfu, quo matu* rarae explicant grammatici vetcres apud Gellium No&. Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm et praecipve Graecorvm ac Romanorvm cvm observationibvs antiqvariis geographicis chronologicis historicis criticis et passim cvm explicatione monogrammatvm edidit Io. Christophorvs Rasche
  • England's victory was facile and saved minimal face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kevin Myers and James Weldon added late points for the losers but it was Templenoe who cruised to a facile victory in a contest that was too onesided to be entertaining.
  • It would be facile to suggest Arsenal had it easy because they were playing a promoted team. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was an air about the place that seemed to scorn the facile awe it woke in the breasts of the beholders and that fleered at the human banalities upon their lips. The Palace of Darkened Windows
  • If I have altered him anywhere for the better, I must at the same time acknowledge that I could have done nothing without him: _Facile est inventis addere_, is no great commendation; and I am not so vain to think I have deserved a greater. English literary criticism
  • The temptation to intromit is frequent and strong; so strong and so frequent, as to require the utmost activity of justice, and vigilance of caution, to withstand its prevalence; and the method by which a man may entitle himself to legal intromission, is so open and so facile, that to neglect it is a proof of fraudulent intention: for why should a man omit to do (but for reasons which he will not confess,) that which he can do so easily, and that which he knows to be required by the law? Life Of Johnson
  • Livré à plat, très facile et rapide à monter et extrêmement solide (supporte jusqu´à 200 kg!), il peut servir de tabouret, de chevet, ou de table d´appoint. 1001 uses for a book #79 - stool
  • A crude or facile narrative technique will inevitably fail to achieve the desired ideological objective.
  • In the end it was simplicity itself as Cork toyed with our fast faltering challenge and virtually romped to the most facile of victories.
  • That might suggest a facile victory for the favourites, but nothing could be further from the truth.
  • Armitage, the facile, the adroit, a perfect Mercury and old in experience, called in four linkmen waiting by their ladies 'empty chairs in the street outside. The Ladies A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty
  • Ireland were away to Malta in the initial game and registered a facile victory on a scoreline of 90 points to 51.
  • In quocunque sit a quacunque causa Hypocon. praesertim, semper est longa, morosa, nec facile curari potest. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • This was a facile victory for the girls who stormed into the game from the tip-off and dominated their opponents in every sector to seal a great win.
  • Doesn't the church's about-face on the death penalty make threats to politicians who favor it seem facile?
  • Les supports doubles ont une longueur de 1080 M/M afin de dposer facilement 2 tuiles sur un seul support. 1 support double complet pour tuile recouvrement pse 4,03 kg (non emball); 1 support double complet pour tuile faitire pse 4,8 kg (non emball). Chapter 12
  • Still only a five year old Copernicus, a gelding by Polish Precedent was recording his third win in four runs and following up his facile success at Listowel back at the end of September.
  • A facile intellect is no substitute for a moral compass.
  • I am not happy with this linear story that branches out, this too-facile mapping of narrative over music, mediated by an imaginary structural diagram.
  • As for Jenna, she's annoying one-note and completely facile in her approach.
  • Machiavelli was no facile phrasemonger; the conditions under which he wrote obliged him to weigh every word; his themes were lofty, his substance grave, his manner nobly plain and serious. Niccolo Machiavelli
  • Ex quibus constat nec diversa aeris et aetheris diaphana esse, nec refractiones aliunde quam a crasso aere causari — Non dura aut impervia, sed liquida, subtilis, motuique Planetarium facile cedens. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Will it result in a facile anti-reductionist anfractuosity so skilfully punctuated way back by E.H. Carr in his What is History?
  • The catalogue entry notes that the painting manages to avoid ‘indulging in the facile salaciousness of a Gerome.’
  • This was a facile victory for the girls who stormed into the game from the tip-off and dominated their opponents in every sector to seal a great win.
  • If not, you're likely to find its broad-brush caricaturing as facile and offensive as I did.
  • There are no snap answers, and a style of counselling that is patronising and facile contributes nothing.
  • Nor did I sense any undercurrent of deep emotion beneath the facile stream of notes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The subject of racism is admittedly too complex for facile summarization.
  • Often, they swallow the facile lie that victims of terror are somehow culpable.
  • However, I choked on my breakfast cereal at the facile, almost comical self-indulgent tripe in the second half of the piece.
  • She is often facile, especially when relying on pop psychology.
  • Those were the days when women wept facilely, "swooned," inhaled hartshorn, calmed themselves with sal volatile, and even went into hysterics upon slight provocation. Sleeping Fires: a Novel
  • What they do question is your facile Sunday school narrative. toby Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Strategic Logic of Nonviolence
  • The great cliché of their generation, enshrined in endless articles and now in facile novels, is that they were caught between two cultures.
  • He experimented constantly with rhythms and stresses and verse forms, disliking and avoiding any facile flow.
  • But this is not the same thing as exploiting popular cynicism about politics to mount facile attacks on politicians, which is all too often the principal activity of the media today.
  • There's a bit too much of the aliquod pro facile vitae going on here. A reply
  • At the same time, he couldn't abide facile equations between criminal desperadoes and the legalized murder machinery of a state.
  • It trades on facile ideas about city and country, youth and age, boys and girls.
  • utiliser un balisage HTML propre et sémantique prévoir une architecture de site qui encourage les autres propriétaires de sites à faire des liens vers différentes pages de celui-ci créer suffisamment de liens entre les différentes parties du site pour permettre une navigation facile particulièrement dans le corps du texte lorsque cela est pertinent 2007 August — Climb to the Stars
  • With hindsight it is too easy to pass facile moral judgments regarding decisions made in the past.
  • Many examples and precedents elude or combat this facile notion.
  • The almost facile nature of this victory, allied to their three championships from three previous attempts, suggests that this team should be hurling at a higher level.
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • Mais en fait j'ai battu le boss final en partie brouillon, ca craint parce que c'etait tellement facile que j'ai cru que c'etait un sous-boss et qu'il allait changer de forme plusieurs fois un peu comme dans les Final Fantasy quoi ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Btw, it may pass notice without an overt mention, but the earlier reference to the "unholy" trinity - of facile contempt, philistine incomprehension and an incurious and willful blindness - is "unholy" vis-a-vis the very best and most rigorous of post-Enlightenment (i.e. rational and transparent) standards, not the pseudo-standards of some strawman, stereotypical, backwards looking fideism. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Objective To analyse the mechanics character of cross action forceps for optic nerve injury, and investigate a facile method to measure the clip force of the forceps.
  • _, 'Ob quod puerili mutato in senatorium cultum et in notitiam Caesaris Neronis facile pervenit et honore vixdum aetati debito dignus iudicatus est. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • L'hiver c mieux ca se cache plus facilement sous une capuche! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Both extremes are naught, Pulchra cito adamatur, foeda facile concupiscit, the one is soon beloved, the other loves: one is hardly kept, because proud and arrogant, the other not worth keeping; what is to be done in this case? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • At the same time, he couldn't abide facile equations between criminal desperadoes and the legalized murder machinery of a state.
  • It would be facile to suggest Arsenal had it easy because they were playing a promoted team. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sort of approach is both facile and wrong, on factual as well as normative grounds.
  • Pefiimi eft ex - cmpli, prsefertim in viris ad aliquam dignitatem cvedtis, quos infetioris fortis homines nimis facile imitantur; quo modo fit ut non folum ipil pec - ccnt, fcd etiam alios ad peccandum adducant ex« emplo, quo nihil eft apud hominum vulgus effi - cacius; quia multo magis id quod faciunt ii, quos fummo honore profequuntur, quam quod dicunt, adtendant. De veritate religionis christianæ
  • It is facile to employ cost of living indices or indices of neo-natal mortality without knowing how the figures are calculated.
  • The truth itself is far more complex than these facile comparisons, which also makes it more durable.
  • However, blaming a multiyear corporate car crash on one person is facile. Times, Sunday Times
  • His writing lacks depth for being facile.
  • By your facile tautology, I could tell you that I am omnipotent God and as such I have chosen to hide from you the evidence of my transcendent almightiness -- Wired Top Stories
  • Gallica bellicosa esset, facile eos ad tale consilium adduci posse. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Mais il sera facile à un chacun, en ajoutant quelque peu de couleur blanche, de produire tous les degrés de clarté, & en ajoutant quelques couches de chaque couleur, de les rendre aussi foncées qu'il lui plaira. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • We must avoid facile recriminations about who was to blame.
  • My own stuff seemed commercial -- plotty, slick, and facile -- by comparison with the best of these. Hotlips writing workshop
  • In Jeffrey's case his soul seems to get ever more shallow and facile.
  • Her comedy is at once over the top and facile - slapdash, violent, vulgar.
  • By keeping 'schtum' the news people are reduced to facile, idle speculation from their fevered imagination. Should Tory Bloggers Be More Aggressive in Defending Themselves?
  • A fifth mistaken approach is the facile assertion that opponents are being inconsistent.
  • Calgary Alberta Hypothèque en ligne - Hypothéca courtier Robert Houle, comptable agréé, un professionnel pour vous aider dans le financement ou refinancement de votre propriété, le tout facile et rapide en ligne. Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • This is kind of facile (and not a little bit peurile), but I used to select the wider blades of grass that I could find, and pinch them between the balls of my hands (paddy part at the bottom of the thumb) and the tips of my thumbs, and when you blow through the resulting gap with the grass blade, it made a very obnoxious, honky kind of sound, in the same general sonic family as listening to Mr. Punch speak through the swazzle. Make A Willow Whistle | Lifehacker Australia
  • Nor is it reducible to facile claims of appeasements.
  • In these circumstances facile and fallacious deductions about the consequences of having abolished the death penalty were bound to be rife.
  • They try to turn our complex and multifaceted planet into the facile contents of a military thriller.
  • It put me in mind of those culinary categories for which the term "fusion" is a little too facile, the ones where the melting pot has been simmering so long that the stew takes on an identity of its own. Archive 2009-07-01
  • A mezzotint plate produced fewer impressions than a line engraving, but the engravers bewailed its invention, as being an easier and more facile process.
  • Arrived in Cincinnati, where he got employment in the Western Union commercial telegraph department at a wage of $60 per month, Edison made the acquaintance of Milton F. Adams, already referred to as facile princeps the typical telegrapher in all his more sociable and brilliant aspects. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 1
  • To be sure, it is easy to add to any new discovery — inventis aliquid addere facile est; and, therefore, the student, after well mastering the rudiments of his subject, will have to make himself acquainted with the more recent additions to the knowledge of it. The Art of Literature
  • The commentary, from many national, ethnic, and gender perspectives, helps to skillfully cut away facile associations and simplistic modes of naming.
  • Of holding Obama in dubious regard, given his facile demonizing tactics and his Alinskyite praxis and wholesale mendacity in general: The Volokh Conspiracy » Immigrants and Nazis, Communists and Cardinals
  • Sulamani's facile victory was greeted by booing from the Longchamp crowd.
  • The reaction is so facile that it would be surprising if it didn't occur given the presence of these molecules (cyanimide, cyanoacetylene, glycolaldehyde, glyceraldehyde, and inorganic phosphate). Slashdot
  • Clinging to a deterministic view of technology prevents us from exploring such possibilities, and leads us to a quick and facile assessment of the impact of technology on our lives.
  • Antithesis is not a facile device of rhetorical amplification, as the adversaries of Romanticism have contended.
  • It may seem facile, but teams do reflect the traits and characteristics of their coaches.
  • One of the rules of radio: nimble and facile is preferable to ponderous and slow.
  • Brissot became known as a facile and able writer, and was engaged on the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • A crude or facile narrative technique will inevitably fail to achieve the desired ideological objective.
  • Scio equidem quam ob rem me, pater, tu tristem credas nunc tibi: quia istaec est tecum. atque ego quidem hercle ut verum tibi dicam. pater, ea res me male habet; at non eo, quia tibi non cupiam quae velis; verum istam amo. aliam tecum esse equidem facile possum perpeti. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • I do not pretend to be proficient in the modus operandi of the hankey - pankey man, but I know that he has a method, all the same, -- one susceptible, too, of facile explanation. The Beetle
  • The U.12 team from Kiltegan completed the double when they took the title with a facile win over Knockananna at Aughrim.
  • It may seem facile, but teams do reflect the traits and characteristics of their coaches.
  • The senator is known for making facile judgments on current issues.
  • Il se fait que le mot “écu” désignait les pièces d'or ou d'argent qui commencèrent à être utilisées sous le règne de Louis IX, en 1266, de sorte qu'il s'agissait d'une appellation facile à retenir pour les Français, lorsque ceux-ci apprirent qu'ils devraient renoncer à leur cher franc français. Archive 2010-06-01
  • These comedians and pundits will choose the easy laugh or the facile debating point every time - even if it cheapens the discourse of the political campaign.
  • Twelve months ago, in the opening league game at Clane, the Lilywhites had a surprisingly facile win.
  • I'm tired of hearing Labour Ministers arguing that Tories should "apologise" and am sorry to hear Conservatives parroting the same, facile phrases. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Their return to a rigid theory of versification was a reaction against the loose methods of various disciples of Lamartine and Hugo; a deliberate conspiracy (to quote M. Sully Prudhomme, one of their most distinguished poets) ‘against the excessively facile line, the line which is feeble and flabby, fluid as water, and as formless’. Introduction
  • We have shown that our experimental setup permits facile measurements of the angle between two tethers and of the force exerted by one tether during the process of tube elongation until coalescence.
  • Making a judgement based on his outer crust you might assume he could be facile and lightweight in a clever kind of way.
  • The opening-half exchanges gave little indication that Sligo would score such a facile victory.
  • Christi, caput maritis subjicientes, sic facile et satis eritis ornatae: vestite vos serico probitatis, byssino sanctitatis, purpura pudicitiae; taliter pigmentatae deum habebitis amatorem. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Tell me again how Southerners aren't "mouthy" and I'll have them all line up on your porch and demonstrate the virtues of "brazen," one by facile one. HH Com 444
  • : “Deum quilibet opifex Christianus et invenit, et ostendit, et exinde totum quod in deum quaeritur re quoque adsignat, licet Plato adfirmet factitatorem universitatis neque inveniri facilem et inventum enarrari in omnes difficilem” (“There is not a Christian workman who does not find God, and manifest him, and proceed to ascribe to him all the attributes of deity, although Plato declares the maker of the universe is hard to find, and hard, when found, to be expounded to all and sundry”). The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • His ambidexterity and facile handstopped witha face right out of Harry Potter recall a Doonesbury character. Carole Mallory: Tim Lincecum, World Series Champion
  • De plus, le fait que la matire premire soit de l'acier galvanis permet de nettoyer les supports plus facilement que ceux conus en plastique et d'liminer notamment tout rsidu de ciment qui viendrait s'y coller. Chapter 12
  • Richard Johnson's mount has won his last two starts, following up a victory over this course and distance with a facile success at Folkestone last time.
  • Quisve aut qualis sit humor aut quae istius differentiae, et quomodo gignantur in corpore, scrutandum, hac enim re multi veterum laboraverunt, nec facile accipere ex Galeno sententiam ob loquendi varietatem. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Does Tiff's tragic and complex situation lend itself to such a facile analysis?
  • We must avoid facile recriminations about who was to blame.
  • It is true that inventis aliquid addere facile est, therefore a man, after having studied the principles of his subject, will have to make himself acquainted with the more recent information written upon it. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • Ferdy Murphy's gelding has struck form with a vengeance recently, scoring at Sedgefield and Catterick, his latest success being achieved in facile style.
  • The fate of the book's heroes, Chris and Rowland, is so predictable and facile that it undermines what little complexity existed in their relationship throughout the novel.
  • Ideological polarizations on educational issues tend to be facile and premature.
  • Ma nessuno di loro fu ammesso mai a porta della sua amicizia, che egli non era facile a accordare. Life of Lord Byron With His Letters And Journals
  • It seems too facile to blame everything on his mishandling of the crisis.
  • La méthode reste valable et optimisée avec les doigts : en glissant le couteau le long de la crevette sous la carapace une fois la tête arrachée, on parvient à la deshabiller beaucoup plus facilement et à la récupérer en un seul morceau. Décortiquer sa crevette sans douleur — Climb to the Stars
  • Comme j'ai la chance de posséder un abonnement géneral des CFF je pourrais facilement venir à Lausanne. Why I Got Lost in LeWeb3 Videos — Climb to the Stars
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Speaking of dialogue revision, part VI: and then there’s the fine art of doing it right, or, love, agent-style
  • Ceci est facilement une source de tensions lorsque vient le moment fatidique si tous les convives n'ont pas des habitudes de consommation viande, alcool et des budgets similaires. Against Splitting The Bill — Climb to the Stars
  • But this is far too facile an appraisal of a composer whose music is far more human than perhaps even he at times would like to admit and bear in mind that there are cabaret songs in his output as well as serialist string quartets. Milton Babbitt RIP
  • What this week has surely illustrated is how facile that generalisation is in practice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ver鵰 de hinc septem diebus euolutis rex ab Assur exiens, nauem qu� dicitur Buza ascendit, et cum eo Godericus pirata de regno Angli�, ac vexillo hast� pr鎓ixo et elato in a雛e ad radios solis vsque, Iaphet cum paucis nauigauit, vt hoc eius signo ciues Christiani recognito, fiduciam vit� regis haberent, et non facile hostium m韓is pauefacti, turpiter diffugium facerent, aut vrbem reddere cogerentur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • She is often facile, especially when relying on pop psychology.
  • A crude or facile narrative technique will inevitably fail to achieve the desired ideological objective.
  • his playing is facile and unstrained
  • Naas 20s had a facile victory over Navan last Sunday.
  • I do not mean that as a glib and facile question, but as the most important foreign policy debate we have to face in today's world.
  • Was easy to address the mob with Johnnie’s lies, one used the sullen rhetoric of mini-man on verbal stilts, nitrazepam and facile guilt. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The statement issued by the club today said: ‘The unfortunate reality is that the proposals in the document are somewhat facile.’
  • Nutritio corporis, via pristina clausa, qua data porta ruit: in membranam pulmonum, minus firmatam facile fertur, et glandulis per sputum rejicitur. Travels through France and Italy
  • The day got off to a good start for favourite backers when Northern Boy registered a facile success in the opening Balfour Kilpatrick Maiden Stakes, winning at odds of 4-7.
  • One needs here to be wary of too facile generalization.

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