How To Use Facial expression In A Sentence
There is already an affective disconnect with texting, facebooking and other social networking, and kids now are loosing their ability to read body language, facial expressions and other nonverbal cues and truly "egging" each other on with malicious behaviors through the use of texting, myspace and other social media.
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Evidence is now mounting that the ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion is subserved by specialized neural circuitry.
Smiling, frowning, squinting and other habitual facial expressions cause these wrinkles to become more prominent.
Not only are our activities and movements controlled, but now our very facial expressions have been deemed dangerous.
The only way to distinguish them is by their subtly different signature walks and facial expressions.
Whereas Costello was short and tubby, Woodley was tall and stick thin, but he was nonetheless hilariously adept at comedic facial expressions and body language.
There are typical MacDonald observations and descriptions, like this one: "Three lean women in bathing suits sat at one tabel, complete with beach bags, tall drinks, and that special porcelainized facial expression of middle forties trying, with monied success, to look like middle thirties.
Archive 2009-04-05
Their gestures, facial expressions, and vocal intonations render them stereotypically gay or epicene.
The vast majority of this movie is told in near pantomime: gestures, facial expressions, and stage direction.
There's Actroid, a mannequinesque gynoid who wows corporate guests with her dynamic facial expressions and cheeky conversation skills (ask her how much she weighs, and she'll tell you what she can bench-press).
Why Should We Be Friends?
The earliest laughter did not arise from what we call the ludicrous, but from something apparently physical -- such as touch -- though it does not follow that it would never otherwise have existed at all, for, as the mind more fully developed itself, facial expressions would flow from superior and more numerous causes.
History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
They identified three brain regions in which grey matter density was greatest in those with the most Facebook friends, but was not linked to the number of real-world friends they had: the superior temporal sulcus and the middle temporal gyrus, which have previously been associated with the ability to perceive social cues from facial expressions, and the entorhinal cortex, which is linked to memory for things like faces and names.
Facebook friend tally is associated with differences in brain structure
The portfolio mostly held unfinished charcoals or watercolors, some activities to work on flowing lines and facial expressions, and a few sketches and watercolors of different types of flowers.
When we lose our humor, our whole demeanor changes - our tone of voice, how we move and carry ourselves, our facial expressions.
The children's facial expressions range from defiant to aggressive, from stoical to shy.
Will our communication with each other be stiffly mechanical, ungreased by the social lubrication of facial expressions?
Globe and Mail
His facial expression never changed from its goofy, surreal state.
If it is face down he indicates to his partner by a facial expression whether it is a valuable card or not.
The camera panned in for a better view of the actress' facial expression.
My facial expression and a wink says it all for me.
If you told her that her entire family had been bludgeoned to death by a psychopath, she would smile. A smile is her default facial expression.
Through a blend of facial expression, voice inflection, and halting speech, Hagman handles it with authority and believability.
Certainly, I was struck by the combination of her screeching voice and deranged facial expression, her general state of undress being more disturbing than arousing.
This was followed by a unique gesture and facial expression combe that said, "Am I right?
Quick Movie Review
It was common for painters at that time to make use of photographs as aide-memoire to capture specific gestures, postures, and facial expressions.
Emotional tears resolve ambiguity and add meaning to the neuromuscular instrument of facial expression, what we term the tear effect.
A friendly look with the wrong facial expression can turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understood as unfriendliness.
Real conversation is a series of starts and stops, with doubling back to respond to the words and facial expressions of the hearers.
There was only a faint hardness—or maybe it was tension—in her facial expression attesting to her years of disillusionment.
Smoke, Mirrors, and Murder
All cultures register the primary emotions with the same facial expressions.
Dissociable Neural Pathways Are Involved in the Recognition of Emotion in Static and Dynamic Facial Expressions.
At moments the Republicans would break into cheers or laughter at a phrase or facial expression of one of the two candidates, to the bewilderment of the Democrats.
A sculptor-roboticist from the U of Texas @ Dallas, late of Disney Imagineering, has demoed K-Bot, a 2kg robot head that mimics facial expressions of nearby humans with 1 sec's latency.
Boing Boing: February 16, 2003 - February 22, 2003 Archives
In each trial (negative, positive and neutral), the actress used facial expressions and vocal emotional signals while talking about the toy to convey fear, happiness or neutrality.
Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change.
His kooky gestures, facial expressions, attitude, and delivery were all perfect.
If a customer lingers over a product, the cameras zoom in to record facial expressions.
She looked at Dylan who was wearing a slight unfamiliar facial expression.
Facial expressions certainly offer clues to who we are, but clothes tell the rest of the nonverbal story in vivid color, strident patterns or conservative silhouettes.
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Studded belts, leather dresses and rigid white shirts were worn by models with trance-like facial expressions and severe angular wigs.
His true fascination was with the exploration of human character through facial expression.
He also turned up here, sporting the dippiest costume/facial hair/facial expression combination ever seen on a supervillain, and again in this issue, which revealed that the Kamandi/Great Disaster timeline was different from the then-standard pre-Crisis DCU timeline.
Archive 2006-11-01
The temperature was 100. 2°; the facial expression more natural; the tongue remained somewhat swollen and sore; she was no longer restless; she took tea, beef-tea, milk, etc., well; the functions of the secreting organs were being restored; she perspired freely; had micturated; the mucous membrane of the mouth was moist, and there was a tendency to tears without corresponding mental depression.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
The body movement that has to be related to the camera movement, and is determined by the latter, separates itself, during the repetition of the scene, from the facial expression.
In the same timeframe, handsets will be able to scan for changes in a caller's facial expression.
Like the third, this fourth sonata is more of a 'bardic' rhapsody on the subject than an attempt at actual presentation of it, although I have made use of all the suggestion of tone-painting in my power, ” just as the bard would have reinforced his speech with gesture and facial expression.”
Edward MacDowell
His facial expressions and ad libs were enough to get his co-stars to break character and audiences to bust a gut.
Without the facial expressions and tone of voice that play so great a part in human communication, comments may become at best ambiguous, at worst offensive.
The pose and the facial expression impart a spiritual intensity to the scene that I have found particularly memorable, perhaps partly from nostalgia.
Insight: Legacy of Medieval Serbia
The head is in proportion to the body, carried confidently with monkey - like facial expression.
Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change.
I would rather have an informed, but boring show instead of watching michelle bachmann or michelle malkin tell lies and do weird stuff with their facial expressions.
Think Progress » Beck loses 103 sponsors as his UK television broadcast runs for five days straight without any ads.
Kiara's back was towards him, so he could not see her facial expression, but he did get a wonderful view of her delectable derrière that had fit perfectly in his lap.
The action of the facial muscles, as well as the facial expression engendered by this action, was widely different from like phenomena when the dog showed his teeth in anger. [
The Dawn of Reason or, Mental Traits in the Lower Animals
A girl, who donned the dress of Radha, was the cynosure of all eyes for her elegant movements and facial expressions.
Both extroverts and self-centered people displayed self-assured body movements and friendly facial expressions and made original self-introductions.
Who Is Popular at First Sight?
A grimace was the closest he could come to changing his facial expression, since his species wasn't exactly geared for smiling, frowning, and other human-like actions.
Fire on High
In what may have been a public relations tactic, Alam wore a hangdog facial expression throughout, in contrast with her confident appearance in newspaper pictures during the week.
Visually, the artist has thought through every nuance of scenes and characters, from anatomy and posture, to foreshortening and facial expression.
The Virtual Bookmark:
She watches the dance of the center couple with a bitter facial expression, her hands folded in withdrawn.
But he discovered that the paint allowed him to hide the forbidden thoughts in his mind that his facial expressions would otherwise betray.
There are, though, pointers to be found in minuscule changes of facial expression that may last as little as one twenty-fifth of a second, in speech and tone of voice and perhaps most of all in unconscious gestures.
The drooped heads and lost facial expressions on Sunday evening last told its own story.
It has to do with attitude or spirit, which is reflected in speech patterns and facial expressions, hand gestures and overall body movement.
It's in the way we engage in small talk and mobilize our facial expressions to convey interest and sympathetic sentiments.
Patients are given exercises to re-establish a range of facial expressions as the nerve very slowly regrows or heals.
These people make eye contact with us or look away, often assuming poses and facial expressions found in earlier traditions of portraiture.
His facial expression never changed when I touched those terrible marks, and put my fingertips to his disfigured, discoloured, swollen ears.
Your facial expressions can help to emphasize parts of your speech too: try smiling, scowling, or raising your eyebrows.
Upon meeting them you instantly see what they look like, and quickly observe their facial expressions, gestures and body language.
The camera panned in for a better view of the actress' facial expression.
During her trial, Selena was reported to have made odd facial expressions at the jury several times.
We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
A gravely sedate demeanour would have seemed the more fitting facial expression for his age and the generally accepted nature of his calling, -- a kind of deprecatory toleration of the sunshine as part of the universal 'vanity' of mundane things, -- or a condescending consciousness of the bursting apple-blossoms within his reach as a kind of inferior earthy circumstance which could neither be altered nor avoided.
God's Good Man
In the typically anonymous world of cyberspace - where parentheses and colons represent emotions and facial expressions - I'd met my namesake.
A feeling of depression overcame Gaia and her facial expression moved to a frown.
All cultures register the primary emotions with the same facial expressions.
Flowers hammed it up with exaggerated facial expressions (perhaps the effect of seeing too many Vegas lounge acts).
Her eyes tore away, agitation suddenly boiling up in her facial expression.
He could quote dialogue, he could resurrect physical postures and facial expressions.
All the dancers should maintain totally blank facial expressions throughout.
In this paper, we present a C - means and K - nearest neighbor based facial expression classification method.
The artist on the operatic stage or the speaker on the platform, without facial expression begotten of muscular activity, may lessen by half his power over an audience.
Resonance in Singing and Speaking
There may be facial expressions for other emotions such as shame or awe, but these have yet to be identified.
Watch for clues to unexpressed anger, embarrassment, fear, and depression in the patient's facial expression, word choice, and body language.
Its lead author, psychologist Joshua Davis, hasn't seen the new study but says the finding "would suggest that facial expression is an integral component of what we consider our emotional experience.
And there are others also to be pitied; for there are some of an inert, uneloquent nature, who have been denied all the symbols of communication, who have neither a lively play of facial expression, nor speaking gestures, nor a responsive voice, nor yet the gift of frank, explanatory speech: people truly made of clay, people tied for life into a bag which no one can undo.
Virginibus Puerisque and other papers
A smile is her default facial expression.
In a systematic study of more than a dozen cultures, including a preliterate culture in New Guinea, he found a nearly universal language of facial expression for the emotions of anger, sadness, disgust, enjoyment, and surprise.
Miguel saw her happy facial expression falter and knew something was up.
Dorley-Brown asked them to express themselves entirely through facial expression.
Nothing in Jene's facial expression revealed his opinion on Falnec's response.
Her discomfort in her surroundings was evident in her body and facial expressions.
His typical facial expression is to set his mouth in a moue, somewhere between a pucker and a pout.
Terry Krepel: Newsmax Gets Trumped
Facial expressions and puppetlike controls deserve a place in actual games, and we hope developers will be able to integrate them into gameplay in the near future.
Ars Technica
His facial expressions, his shrugs, were professional-quality ridicule.
Their facial expression change from expectancy to delight.
When you had impression of a lily-white , you can allow facial expression above cheer caper.
I would rehash the situation over and over again to see if I had forgotten any minor detail - a gesture, a word, or even a facial expression - that missed my rigorous analysis.
He's photographed in a graceful pose of dance, his facial expression and gesticulations unmistakably feminine.
His facial expression belying the cold stillness in those hard grey eyes.
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New Scientist reports on the research of Princeton University's Alexander Todorov, who finds that snap judgments are based on an 'overgeneralization' of an evolved need to read facial expressions for signs of danger.
Boing Boing
In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking - such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke - may contribute to wrinkles.
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I feel bad, "Boruc has said, holding his head over the toaster to create a" clammy "feeling and adopting a sickly facial expression.
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The amygdala and cerebellum were not activated during processing of emotional facial expressions.
What's erroneous and vigorously ......burning leave wrinkly wrinkly delicate eyebrow, Su destroys the facial expression of snow pale like snow, such of flimsiness.
Trent rolled his eyes but smiled when he saw Ally's puzzled facial expression.
I miss eye contact, facial expressions and seeing the natural world in all its glorious colour and detail.
As much as I'm good at hiding how I feel… and making my facial expressions stay neutral… those that know me well can read my face like a book.
The team has created a number of sensors that can monitor voice tone, facial expressions, perspiration and heart beat.
Evidence for the centrality of food ‘includes the facial expression, which focuses on oral expulsion and closing of the nares, and the physiological concomitants of nausea and gagging.’
Nonverbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, and body positions (known collectively as body language), as well as unspoken understandings and presuppositions, and cultural and environmental conditions that may affect any encounter between people.
Nonverbal communication
Working with UEA colleagues, he recorded video of volunteers performing 30 different facial expressions such as frowning, smiling and looking surprised.
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Mastication, swallowing, phonation, hearing, vision, and facial expression will be animated and seen in three dimensions.
We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
Neither man had time to conceal or alter his facial expression, and Rostov was struck by the disparity.
One called her “the sloppy second” and another a not fan asked “If she was a part of the wolf pack?” saying her look and facial expressions were doglike.
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Deshan's facial expression first softened, then turned into one of disgust.
In the photograph he seemed devoid of facial expression .
Just watching their facial expressions is often enough to make you laugh out loud.
Last night it emerged that police may seek to interview the girl even though she can only communicate using blinks and facial expressions.
Facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice are all cues missing in e-mail (and smiley-face emoticons can do only so much to replace them).
We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change.
Victor's facial expression didn't change.
facial expression
But I'm sure my tone of voice and facial expression got my point across.
His understated comedy, often just a subtle facial expression, was deeply funny to millions.
His true fascination was with the exploration of human character through facial expression.
I thought the whole point of an emoticon was to convey an emotion or facial expression.
Upon meeting them you instantly see what they look like, and quickly observe their facial expressions, gestures and body language.
The facial expression becomes comparatively unchanging and masklike; walking becomes stiff, and the arms remain motionless instead of swinging naturally with the stride, This combination of too little movement in arms and face and too much movement in head and hands receives the self-contradictory name of paralysis agitans (aj'ih-tans; "to move" L).
The Human Brain
It tones up the muscles of the face and improves facial expressions.
We're also researching how to interpret facial expressions - smiles and frowns - and how to read eyes.
Her narration was carried within every facial expression as much as through the words themselves.
In the photograph he seemed devoid of facial expression .
Chimps communicate with each other through a complex and subtle system of vocalisations, facial expressions, body postures and gestures.
And just as you gesture and change facial expressions as you talk, dolphins communicate nonverbally through body postures, jaw claps, bubble blowing, and fin caresses.
Like the third, this fourth sonata is more of a 'bardic' rhapsody on the subject than an attempt at actual presentation of it, although I have made use of all the suggestion of tone-painting in my power, -- just as the bard would have reinforced _his_ speech with gesture and facial expression.
Edward MacDowell
De Niro, with his brooding thoughtfulness and fine shadings of facial expression, is much more successful.
Proximity, physical appearance, direction of gaze, and gestures and facial expressions all affect our perceptions of one another.
His facial expressions had us in constant hysterics.
Good listening habits involve not only hearing what someone says, but being sensitive to such nonverbal clues as voice inflection, facial expressions, and gestures.
Although he cannot speak, he is nonetheless able to interpret the moods of others by taking in facial expressions used by the person dealing with him.
The result is minimal body language, vocal styles that are close to a monotone, and a limited range of facial expressions.
With a wide range or regional accents and facial expressions for each joke, Omid really did bring the house down.
His facial expressions and ad libs were enough to get his co-stars to break character and audiences to bust a gut.
According to cross-cultural studies by social psychologist Paul Ekman, the facial expressions are able to read your emotional expressions clearly.
His delivery and facial expressions expose the many sides of his character and even hint at his own hypocrisy.
A lower motor neurone lesion causes weakness of all the muscles of facial expression.
They acted in perfect harmony with each other, in speech, facial expression and body language.
The research used photos which show men and women making a range of facial expressions.
A friendly look with wrong facial expression can then turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understoon as unfriendliness .
Over the course of two months, Feiner shot them on a bluescreen studio in his basement and enhanced them with CGI effects for running, jumping or facial expressions.
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Gestures, facial expressions and body movement compose ninety-three percent of communication--only seven percent of understanding derives from words.
I also saw one elderly couple fondling the power tools and speaking in a language consisting solely of consonants and facial expressions.
Being such a social networking savvy person, you may know what the term emoticon means - it's a textual expression representing the face of a writer's mood or facial expression.
She didn't change her facial expression in a single one; only in the later pictures did she relax a little and allow the photographers to pose her at all differently to that classic, straight on bust.
The painter meticulously drew the facial expression of the figure to reveal his personality.
We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
The appositeness, the sheer attention to detail, of every facial expression, every frame, is consumate, and eminently readable.
His facial expression never changed when I touched those terrible marks, and put my fingertips to his disfigured, discoloured, swollen ears.
If you see him live, every word, every inflection, every facial expression, is perfect.
That said, the most impressive physical aspect of her performance comes in her feral facial expressions and stiff movements, both of which communicate a pervasive sense of unease.
Arbeau's third type of branle required the performer to mime gestures or to add facial expressions to the steps.
They use a wide variety of facial expressions and calls to communicate with one another.
All cultures register the primary emotions with the same facial expressions.