How To Use Facet In A Sentence

  • This sort of enamel work on a faceted metal body was copied from the enamelled European watches.
  • It highlights key facets of presidential policies and priorities, difficulties and conflicts, while charting the developing nature of the office.
  • According to the advocates of the holistic system, an integrative health care package would include facets from allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Yoga, Siddha and naturopathy.
  • A number of photographs, in colour and black and white, show the various facets of the process in great detail.
  • To attract holidayers to the State during the Southwest monsoon, brochures detailing the various facets of the monsoon have been brought as in previous years.
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  • The paper proposed a new digitized faceted classification model based on dynamic weight value which is originated from classify faceted classification model.
  • He pictured the dim room with the revolving spheres, and the orb in the centre, its many facets coruscating with vanishing light. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • One commonly observed facet of the gay scene is that people often seek to define their very identities by the fact that they go to certain venues.
  • Nevertheless, at the point of writing, their perception of their readership is an important facet of their ability as writers.
  • They have been expected to start at the lowest rank and have been trained in all facets of the business.
  • Single crystals of two or more different colours are not uncommon, making unusual multicoloured faceted stones.
  • Similarly, the facetting pattern masks inclusions sufficiently that, anecdotally, lay-persons are unable to see certain inclusions (even down to SI2 or EVEN P1) even with a 10x loupe.
  • As many facets of the automobile industry have recently declined or grown modestly over the past year, the sales of luxury cars have risen 5.5 percent.
  • It proposes a new search algorithm namely "reusable component search algorithm with information of UML design model". Combined with facet search algorithm, it is used in a practical system.
  • To get around conventional limitations, the researchers sculpted an array of sub-wavelength-wide grooves (dubbed a metamaterial) directly on the facet of quantum cascade lasers. The Engineer - News
  • I'm not being facetious - the reason I'm sure of this is because I've received so much feedback this year.
  • Accuracy and consistency, largely a facet of pump design, are the key requirements for these dispensers.
  • He developed the idea facetiously, whilst John regarded him as he might have watched a performing monkey. New Grub Street
  • I realize he was likely being facetious with discussing how he's perfect, but it still amazes me that he'd say it.
  • And likewise, the multifaceted nature of people's social networks could be directly supported in this way.
  • The bottom line for all of this is the multifaceted observation that atoms join spontaneously to form molecules, consistent with energy relationships. Attached to Strings
  • We don't go to the opera; we overspend on the simplest facets of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • It includes mainly five facets: technological advance, respecting nature, the whole life period's analysis, ecological and economic benefit, and sustainable development.
  • To map that joining, we must explore emerging technologies, not merely because they are new, but because they have some bearing on a facet of sound and music that is meaningful to us.
  • Then, after sawing, a diamond goes through bruting—which is rounding—faceting, and finally polishing. Crystal Death
  • Radiofrequency neurotomy is where an injection is used to burn nerves in the facet joint in order to stop the body from sending pain signals to the brain. Spine-Health - Back Pain, Neck Pain, Lower Back Pain
  • Moreover, membrane proteins can interact with lipid bilayers in complex, multifaceted ways.
  • It follows that Islam in Indonesia has been always complex and multifaceted.
  • I meant it facetiously
  • She smiled her way through "facetious" and didn't hesitate as she worked her way through "hemerocallis" - another word for a day lily. ABC News: Top Stories
  • But this was only one facet of his work. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inferior has eight distinct ridges none of which reach the apex; these divide this strongly convex face into nine slightly concave facets, of which those adjacent to the carinae are the widest, (Fig. 36, A.) side view, natural size, (Fig. 37,) viewed from the point, showing the division into parts and its polygonal form. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • You have to study the many facets of clowning. The Sun
  • Our target is to win the tournament by dominating all opponents in every facet of the game.
  • A few specimens from the Red Dwarf deposit have recently been cut into cabochons, but none have yet been faceted.
  • The size of the culet let the small facets produce a fire. THE DIAMOND
  • A number of photographs, in colour and black and white, show the various facets of the process in great detail.
  • The majority of the zircon crystals from the three samples are light yellow, well-faceted, acicular crystals with few to no signs of mechanical abrasion.
  • In these films, Naruse repeatedly found beautiful, economical, and multifaceted ways of exploring his favorite topic - the futility of hope (despite the admirability and beauty of the hopeful) - that forms his overarching pessimism. GreenCine Daily: Shorts, 4/4.
  • The Eastern mace is well known to English collectors, it is always of metal, and mostly of steel, with a short handle like our facetiously called life-preterver The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Well, I dunno," said Grandpa Walker, facetiously, balancing a good-sized morsel of food carefully on the blade of his knife, "that depen's on wuther ye're willin 'to take pot-luck with us or not. The Flag
  • In the beginning, multi-faceted objects were machined from solid aluminum and hand-polished by sculptor John Noestheden.
  • That may be pushing it, but several facets have changed dramatically for the better.
  • It is a multi-faceted story and I want to tell it today, briefly, from six different perspectives.
  • Another facet is the continual proliferation of attempts at phishing and identity theft. June « 2010 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • ` ` White, '' called a facetious member, but White did not notice. Old Creole Days
  • The circumference of the facet gives attachment to the articular capsule of the tibiofibular articulation.
  • In all facets of its being, the monster instantiates the limits of the thinkable.
  • In these films, Naruse repeatedly found beautiful, economical, and multifaceted ways of exploring his favorite topic - the futility of hope (despite the admirability and beauty of the hopeful) - that forms his overarching pessimism. GreenCine Daily
  • Placing pleasing photographs from the past on a website and encouraging the independent preservation of borough buildings, while enjoyable, is largely passive and only one facet of what we think is possible both through the Beachwood Historical Alliance and the borough at large. Beachwood Downtown Revitalization and Community Involvement « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • Some other facets of life in 1857 seem eerily familiar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Safe and hygienic food handling procedures and facets pertaining to personal hygiene were also discussed.
  • Place: -- the temporal mood of the Oversoul, playing through that particular facet of the dodecahedron, which is Greece. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Co-op Atlantic actually began life in 1927 as the Maritime Livestock Board, which evolved over time into a multi-faceted, federated co-op.
  • The large faceted structure at the top, known as the capsid or head, contains the virus's genetic material. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Woodward ended the questioning session with facetious conjectures for the outcome of the upcoming election.
  • It's not only multi-facetted, but it refers to several different and unique things, none of which has been "concisely" defined. 14 Important Science Questions
  • For a certain portion of the passengers had the unmistakable excursion air: the half-jocular manner towards each other, the local facetiousness which is so offensive to uninterested fellow-travelers, that male obsequiousness about ladies 'shawls and reticules, the clumsy pretense of gallantry with each other's wives, the anxiety about the company luggage and the company health. Baddeck, and That Sort of Thing
  • A multi-faceted approach that works for people, with less of the obsessive-compulsive headlighting on money. David McWilliams
  • I almost blush when I think of myself as describing the eight several facets on two slender processes of the palate bone, or the seven little twigs that branch off from the minute tympanic nerve, and I wonder whether my excellent colleague feels in the same way when he pictures himself as giving the constitution of neurin, which as he and I know very well is that of the hydrate of trimethyle-oxethyle-ammonium, or the formula for the production of alloxan, which, though none but the Professors and older students can be expected to remember it, is C10 H4 N4 O6+ 2HO, NO5 = C8 H4 N2 Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • a multifaceted undertaking
  • The Hurt Locker, the senses are stretched to a point of acute tension and wary, analytical alertness; but one facet of Bigelow's greatness is the way that this sort of subjective state, as well, can be seen, heard, and felt to overflow as a kind of nonsubjective sensorial immersion. Warren Ellis
  • Can any book do full justice to his multifaceted career? Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd recommend the Paint or Pixel book for anyone who wants to explore this dialogue in multifaceted detail. MIND MELD: Art in a Digital World
  • There are two important facets of this definition. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Women are not simply one dimensional; we have many different facets to our characters.
  • Obviously I was being facetious in quantifying the scope. Low confidence
  • She laughingly adds that working with the star was not such a terrible facet of making this move.
  • Mountjoy says, "It is simply the oldest faceted gemstone in the world, predating gem faceting in Europe by at least 2,000 years. Secrets hidden in the Mexican sierra
  • He was sitting with his back to the window, sunlight behind his shoulder haloing his fur in a nimbus of white light, being shattered into a hundred pieces by the facets of the cut crystal goblet in his hand.
  • There are now many facets to police work and numerous officers not on patrol.
  • Teaching-track positions are one way this facet is being addressed, although too few institutions are embracing this, so far. William E. J. Doane PhD › Thoughts on Being Contingent
  • Instead of opening up new possibilities for rich and multi-faceted interaction with events once distant from the purview of most individuals, the abolition of distance tended to generate a “uniform distanceless” in which fundamentally distinct objects became part of a bland homogeneous experiential mass (Heidegger, 1971 [1950]: Globalization
  • And this worked out only if such an owner put his heart and soul into all facets of the business.
  • The apartment block is marginally less austere, stepping back as it rises over 10 storeys with faceted bay windows like concertinas animating the wall plane.
  • It was first proposed by Lord Sandwich, to raise a laugh against the facetious Lord North, who happened to sit next to a Mr. Mellagen, a name deemed incapable of a rhyme. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • The primary fracture is usually longitudinal, passing through the facets for the talus and cuboid, and from this various secondary fissures radiate; the cancellated tissue is much crushed, so that the whole bone is flattened out. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Don't you have many facets to your personality? Times, Sunday Times
  • Since 2008 and the first Iron Man, Marvel has been meticulously laying the groundwork for its mammoth team-up pic The Avengers, due to hit theaters next summer, and with each new franchise, the've also expanded the realms of possibility for their fictional universe, mirroring the many facets of imagination in their four-color kin. Zaki Hasan: Zaki's Review: Captain America: The First Avengers
  • The lenticular process is substantially longer than the arm of the manubrium which connects the tympanum to the articular facet.
  • As a matter of fact, this condensed expression condenses a series of positive features, rising above the controversial and dark facets of migration, beginning with the observation that "the passage from monocultural to multicultural societies can be a sign of the living presence of God in history and in the community of mankind, for it offers a providential opportunity for the fulfillment of God’s plan for a universal communion" n. Archive 2008-07-27
  • It also refers to the number of facets, or flat surfaces, on a diamond.
  • Drawing on an exhaustive and tangled corpus of material, Kinney examines the many facets of these enterprises.
  • Then, after sawing, a diamond goes through bruting—which is rounding—faceting, and finally polishing. Crystal Death
  • Turn-of-the-century jewelry both here and abroad was dominated by faceted precious stones, with diamonds predominant.
  • But that doesn't mean her father hasn't been closely involved in her already multifaceted career. Times, Sunday Times
  • I, Madame Zoe, chiromancer, lifelong student of the moldings and markings of the human hand; I, Madame Zoe, to whom no facet of your character or destiny is not readily revealed, I am prepared to ... Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • And I don't think many people know of another trait of this many-faceted genius: that he could whistle beautifully.
  • Another facet of your system's vulnerability would relate to the communications protocol being used and what security mechanisms it supports.
  • Performing the early-morning prayer actually gave me a burst of energy during the day and, gradually, the prayers that I had initially perceived as cumbersome became an essential facet of my routine. Daliah Merzaban: Becoming Spiritually Punctual
  • Whatever ghosts and poltergeists may be, it is increasingly apparent that they are facets of the same phenomenon.
  • Soloists find them as multifaceted as the album title, a phrase conveying at least four different meanings - delighted, face-painted, improvised, differences settled. Evening Standard - Home
  • It tractive off a faceted that mistranslation a maigre of fired fugue vividly the fumigation and synaesthetic avalokitesvara dictamnus from shoreward hausmannite on two purdah platonism. Rational Review
  • He was quite his ordinary self, his facetiousness the cause of much laughter to Miss CHAPTER XXIX
  • He uses a metal pen with a faceted diamond point on one end to etch into the datolite's surface, tracing over his original pencil drawing.
  • But art history with its Hegelian roots has long been multifaceted and tensive; its dissonance is its strength.
  • Vertebrae or facet joints can present subluxation or dislocate.
  • The second specimen sustained a comminuted vertical sustentaculum tali fracture of the calcaneus involving the posterior and middle facets.
  • Eddie navigates a vividly imagined landscape whose every facet is steeped in the author's remarkably detailed color scheme. Shades of Grey: Summary and book reviews of Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde.
  • Thus, the child can develop into a multi-faceted personality eager and ready to face the world.
  • I have touched on many facets of social cognition as I have gone along. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • I had posted this link facetiously but see that some commenters, both pro and con, are taking it more seriously.
  • While the underlying cause of the riots was multi-faceted deprivation some of the incidents were sparked off by police action.
  • Debilitating self-loathing has been an all-too-prevalent facet of Scottish life and culture.
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  • The first time I ever heard the word facetious was on a Simpsons episode. Dailycomic Diary Entry
  • Parents' role in multifaceted and we should learn to enjoy it.
  • Eclectic learning, pungent black humour sometimes degenerating into facetiousness, a stately but singular style, distinguish all his writing.
  • One facet of this tragedy is the absence of visionary leadership capable of leading humanity out of its quagmire.
  • Despite this initial facetiousness, Aaronovitch acclaimed a book he found "technically accomplished, brilliantly written, full of wit and virtuosity". Critical eye: book reviews roundup
  • Black calfskin purse with a motif evoking the facets of Swarovski cut crystal.
  • I am not trying to be facetious, but would alternatives be more productive?
  • The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life.
  • And this new show sets out to capture a sense of the multifaceted variety of the subject it tackles. Times, Sunday Times
  • This construction might best be described as a crystalline field, a field formed of facets, each facet an ossification of one instant or angle of displacement.
  • In every facet of life, promotion to a position of responsibility assumes certain pre-requisites.
  • The stones may be faceted or cut in cabochon and set either in bezel mountings or with prongs.
  • When you're looking for great pretenders, splurge a little for high-end pieces with multifaceted crystal, semiprecious stones and sharp styling. Rebuilding a Jewelry Collection
  • The pendant is a whimsical sterling silver angel wing and next to it is a wire wrapped faceted amethyst briolette. Kdlb feed
  • The color may also be deepened by giving to the stone a rounded contour, both above and below the girdle, and facetting it in steps instead of in the brilliant form. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • He - despite being left-handed in all other facets of life - was going to shoot basketballs right handed and spurn potential ambidextrousness. Daily News-Record
  • The watch face itself has a carved bezel that resembles a brilliant-cut whopper, each facet refracting the light like a piece of fine jewellery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five vowels in the right order occurred in the word ` facetious ". A DEAD LIBERTY
  • Their compound eyes have up to 30,000 facets, each of which is a separate light-sensing organ or ommatidium, arranged to give nearly a 360° field of vision, important for taking prey on the wing, as has done the female shown above. Michigan in Pictures
  • What we have to have is what I call multifaceted modern entertainment. The Seattle Times
  • He called Mrs. Bolton Mrs. B., and was very intimate, familiar, and facetious with that lady, quite different from that “aughty, artless beast,” as Mrs. Bolton now denominated a certain young gentleman of our acquaintance, and whom she now vowed she never could abear. The History of Pendennis
  • Neil was suspicious of the old pilot's facetious tone, sensing that some elaborate practical joke was about to unfold. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • The individual members of this particular community are by no means all wonderfully multifaceted, but they are at least inconstant, generous and judgmental, visionary and blinkered, capable of extreme kindness and gross inhumanity.
  • GN is not a remnant, rather an antipode of Ptolemaic astrology, an independent multifaceted system, nor digestible by Ptolemaic descendants even under most favorable conditions today.
  • The recognition that both individualism and relatedness can have both positive and negative facets has become more pronounced in recent years.
  • Unfortunately, there's only room to quote the most pertinent, ie least facetious.
  • The visitors were availing themselves of the opportunity to discover the multi-faceted profile of the nation's premier organisation.
  • Picasso learned from Cezanne that the outlines of landscapes and bodies can be broken up and that the hidden, intuitive facets of perspective objects can be shown.
  • Often later ommatidial cell fates cannot be specified, such as pigment cells that normally function to separate ommatidia into individual facets.
  • Suggesting it as to people whom you do dislike, even if you suggest it facetiously, is mean-spirited.
  • For example, in faceted classification you will probably want to label each facet.
  • The anterior arch may also have facets articulating with projections on the occipital bone.
  • Another facet of Government administration that would strike a businessman is the amount of committee work in the decision-making processes. Business and Government in Relation to our Economy
  • The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable.
  • Including poems and illustrations, it is a beautifully produced book which shows the city in all its facets.
  • ® (sodium sulfacetamide 10% and sulfur 5%) Cleanser, Cleansing Cloths and Cream, News
  • Another facet is that my real name is not as uncommon as my screen name, so I think I have better continuity sticking with my screen name. Scripting News for 5/17/2007 « Scripting News Annex
  • Their unique and facetious yo-heave-ho was so attractive.
  • Atheism for Marxism is not an optional extra or a mere facet but the very essence of it.
  • She kept interrupting our discussion with facetious remarks.
  • A horror of any kind was no sooner past than it was straightway forgotten, and the facetious animal would advance with arched back and glaring eyes in defiance of an incursive hen, or twirl in mad hopeless career after its own miserable tail! Deep Down, a Tale of the Cornish Mines
  • The single fracture was visible as a fine crack spiralling from one facet edge all the way to the centre of the stone.
  • This is perhaps directly related to having this kind of multifaceted heritage. Out of the Darkness
  • A facet neurotomy involves destroying the nerves that relay pain messages from the facet joints.
  • And I think that cleaning up from drugs necessarily entails a revaluation of the spiritual facet of yourself.
  • The patron can call on his clients for active support, a facet which is important in local power struggles.
  • But snobbishness is, in its way, a serious subject, and another, less facetious book could easily be written about it.
  • The many voices of the metropolis only come together like facets of a many-sided prism in the fourth projection, which stands separate from the other three.
  • The most interesting facet is what comes flowing with each moment," she says. Labor of love: the photographs of Edna Vite
  • For both of these reasons, a person can therefore have facets of his or her consciousness at many different levels of morals, worldviews, defenses, pathologies, needs, and so forth which can be mapped on an integral psychograph. Subpersonalities -- An Integral Theoretical Model
  • Autre facette de la démesure: l'indicateur PIB et «l'index de santé sociale», calculé depuis 1959. Archive 2009-04-10
  • Other facets of the budget include, for the second consecutive year, a rejection of the traditional principle of pay parity between military and civilian employees of the federal government.
  • A learned commentator gives us what he facetiously calls a lullaby note on this. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 386, August 22, 1829
  • Finding the facts and authorship of classic offenses, such as the thousands or even millions of petty thefts committed by mankind traditionally, goes almost unnoticed, since these are misdemeanors of "small criminals" that are facetiously and classically pointed out by society as "lowlife" crimes ... Home
  • This multifaceted project will showcase work by American independent filmmakers and international directors.
  • Adverse conditions, such as a small-sized cage, inadequate seating, total facetectomy, a lack of posterior instrumentation and infection, can cause migration of interbody devices.
  • As has been discussed, silence is multifaceted and co-occurs with numbers of other phenomena.
  • Resistance, like power, is multifaceted. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Ok, so we're being a little facetious but seriously: nearly three hundred quid to see her at one of the worst venues in the city?
  • You have to study the many facets of clowning. The Sun
  • I should like to have you opposite me in any mood, whether the facetiously discursive, the metaphysically discursive, the personally confidential, or the jadedly CURSIVE and argumentative -- so that the oyster-shells which enclose my being might slowly turn open on their rigid hinges under the radiation, and the critter within loll out his dried-up gills into the circumfused ichor of life, till they grow so fat as not to know themselves again. Familiar Letters of William James I
  • Again, the more ancient Crocodilia and Lacertilia have vertebrae with the articular facets of their centra flattened or biconcave, while the modern members of the same group have them procoelous. Essays
  • The two types of quartz are distinguished by minor crystal faces, the hemihedral facets, which form a left-handed screw pattern in one set and a right-handed pattern in the other.
  • Catapulting Jackson into the eye of the maelstrom was his explosively creative pairing with another multi-faceted industry legend, Quincy Jones. Gail Mitchell: Michael Jackson's Unparalleled Musical Legacy
  • This opinion seems the less improbable, as the person to whom Chettle is most apologetic excels in a quality or profession, which is contrasted with, and is not identical with, "his facetious grace in writing" -- a parergon, or "bye-work," in his case. Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Unknown
  • The business that was revealed at the Helms store was a tangly, multifaceted thing, and although the Helms brothers would sell supplies to each of the moonshining groups that showed up at the store, it would be impossible to prove that those moonshiners were all involved in a conspiracy together. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • He leaves listeners entirely convinced that his 18-year-old striker is morphing into a multi-faceted performer possessing the prowess, but none of the pretensions, synonymous with the game's most coveted wunderkinds.
  • Cone cells number four per facet in many compound eyes.
  • Such sequences were nothing new to Jost's films - indeed they constitute a distinct facet of his authorial style in most of the earlier features as well.
  • The genre has since broadened dramatically to include multifaceted historic and contemporary subjects and characters.
  • There will be a long-term impact, but our kids face it down with courage and honour-the very facets that are missing in some of our members of government.
  • It is just another facet of the China story. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Arthur is presented as a multifaceted figure, not one rooted in any particular area or with obvious historical roots.
  • The various facets of the judgment were differentiated yet also interlinked in a way that balanced opposed judgments.
  • The student going to art or drama school will be very enthusiastic about further education. His is not a narrow mind, but one eager to grasp every facet of anything he studies.
  • Golf now requires a multi-faceted approach to fitness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big lie as a cultural facet is very much alive today in the Middle East. The Roots of Our Discontent
  • PrefaceThe developmental dislocation of the hip ( DDH ) is the common disorder in pediatric orthopedics.
  • “The faceted world was like a cosmic abacist, tallying as it marched the errors of the infinite. The Metal Monster
  • Though occasionally the humour degenerates into facetiousness, the verbal dexterity of the verse is superb.
  • The chalk pit itself is potentially a valuable habitat and adds yet one more facet to this lovely stretch of land.
  • The point of this letter is to highlight the fact that the management of our health care system is a complex and multifaceted issue.
  • Multi-faceted, open-ended and provocative, this is a film whose many parallel scenes, recurring motifs and curious ironies offer plenty of fuel for thought.
  • Many of these crystals are of great scientific interest because of the remarkable terminations, oftentimes rivalling the lapidist in the number and brilliancy of the facets presented. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • She frowned at his facetiousness - a pretty, adorable frown that made him put his arm around her kiss it away.
  • [2] Witness his well known pun on the name of his adversary Vigilantius, whom he calls facetiously Dormitantius. The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore Collected by Himself with Explanatory Notes
  • I grew up with prophecy as a normal facet of my life, so I know how you feel about calling, or intended paths.
  • Women's role within the movement is complex and multifaceted.
  • The exhibition is spread over two floors and embraces every facet of Dali's genius as a painter, draughtsman, printmaker and sculptor, with a good number of his most important works on view.
  • His book is an engaging and perspicacious exploration of the many facets, in Britain and abroad, of the old amateur game.
  • Plotina, the consort of Trajan; she wears the imperial diadem, which is here composed of precious stones cut into facets. Rambles of an Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places Being Papers on Art, in Relation to Archaeology, Painting, Art-Decoration, and Art-Manufacture
  • `I `I would never have guessed, "Kolchinsky said facetiously then wagged a finger of warning at him. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • All the facets of the business environment were deliberated, to shed new light on the working of corporates.
  • It goes without saying that he loved “his great namesake,” as he calls him, “Robert Burton, of melancholy and merry, of facete and juvenile memory.” The Life of Sir Richard Burton

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