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How To Use Faceless In A Sentence

  • It's different now, there are a few more pundits and a lot of faceless people out there on social media who all have an opinion. The Sun
  • Perhaps it comes straight out of that party line dictionary that was written in a smoke-filled room in Sevastapol Street by the same faceless Provo apparatchik who a few years back advocated the practically endless use of the term 'securocrat'. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Faceless, unqualified reviewers define our work, remove our colleagues from panels and routinely breach confidentiality.
  • What we do have here is a rather queer looking creature with a faceless Charlie Brown head, duck legs, two jointless yet pliable arms, and tentacles.
  • The fate of rival bids for NatWest rest in the hands of the faceless large investors.
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  • Also striking was a realistic portrait from around 1970 of a woman with upswept hair seated in an ornate chair and another more painterly portrait of a faceless male figure against a background of abstract gestures.
  • In the studio David Gower, Mike Atherton and Ian Botham lurked around an unusually small cardboard coffee table looking oddly bleached-out, a sense of ghostliness accentuated by the ever-present World Cup logo with its backdrop of faceless, baying cartoon figures set against a glaring firestorm of a sky, like a Soviet-era depiction of some future cricketing apocalypse. India's future is so bright they gotta wear shades | Barney Ronay
  • Midland City Central was in the business district end of the city centre, full of faceless anonymous buildings and equally bland people.
  • While the Canadian government, for all its faceless fumbling bureaucracy, isn't infallible, we've also never had an iron-fisted strongman declare every Monday a holiday to honour his dog.
  • Speaking to a faceless audience who they believed was listening to them somewhere, made them come out with their innermost feelings and fears.
  • The film places them in a situation where they are attacked with relentless vehemence by a faceless enemy they know very little of.
  • There are no pictures of exhausted flight attendants in faceless hotel rooms in nameless cities.
  • Parents, patients and citizens will no longer have to accept what faceless bureaucrats dish out in schools and hospitals. The Sun
  • More often the delicate simplicity of a blue question mark posits the faceless face beautiful in enigma, the shadowy mysterious introvert edging to the boundary of a looks obsessed society.
  • With dozens of blogging sites to pick from, a teen could choose to be faceless, anonymous and almost untraceable by the people closest to them.
  • It's just another case of someone deciding that it's easier and more profitable to blame his problems on some faceless company instead of actually taking some responsibility.
  • The crude faceless void left by the erasure of his portrait on the Berlin tondo, for example, shows signs of having been smeared with excrement.66 Caesars’ Wives
  • On the other hand, although e-mail messages are faceless, they are by no means characterless.
  • Behind her, a faceless figure was just visible, only really visible because of his prominent top-hat.
  • The traffic came to a screeching halt and the faceless multitudes shuffling along the pavements actually paused to turn and look at the cause of it all.
  • I always grow concerned when news networks break out their extra spiffy graphics during War Game time: showing Navy snipers shooting faceless bad guys, troop deployments in a "theoretic" ground invasion of Somalia, etc. Allison Kilkenny: Blowback Amnesia
  • Our competitors have nameless, faceless management teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • To see a faceless figure or person in your dream, indicates that you are still searching for your own identity and finding out who you are.
  • Only that a number of faceless pursuers were now on the beach—and had spotted the small boat scudding through the mirrorlike water toward the mouth of the cave. Shameless
  • They retain an eerie, anthropomorphic sense of presentness; faceless, eyeless, even, bodyless—Smith plays havoc with familiar proportions and divisions—they nonetheless seem to confront us and fix us with their invisible gaze. The Artist in All His Dimensions
  • She delivered the key sentence: ‘It's for every nameless, faceless woman of colour, who now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened.’
  • He was just another faceless bureaucrat.
  • And we couldn't have stopped faceless bankers and bureaucrats meddling in our fight against inflation. The Sun
  • never matures as a dimensional character; he is pasty, bland, faceless
  • Without harassment, without secret police, faceless bureaucrats, permits and papers, forms, prohibitions, repressions.
  • We've sold more records than a lot of much higher profile artists but we've always been faceless. The Sun
  • Crowds of faceless people pour into the city each day.
  • There is no point in pretending a faceless individual in Brussels sent a habitats directive to Ireland through perversity.
  • These aren't faceless nobodies with big guns ready to blow everybody up… these are people who want to feed their families.
  • So if you are bored with crunching numbers for a faceless corporation and fancy getting your shirt off and working with thatch, then get in touch. Times, Sunday Times
  • I fire against dark silhouettes in black pajamas, faceless ghosts. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • To Malcolm, they're just the faceless employees of a foreign newspaper.
  • Her thoughtless words had already angered her faceless master greatly, and an ominous feeling of dread consumed her the longer she thought of it.
  • In a breathless race through Paris, London, and beyond, Langdon and Neveu match wits with a faceless powerbroker who seems to anticipate their every move.
  • His personal testimony let them sympathize with otherwise faceless, storyless soldiers.
  • Now the new faceless system which involves much ringing, waiting and a certain amount of pot luck has worried doctors so much they have decided to opt out of the system.
  • Then she met the Lord of the mountains, bewitcher of the spirits, supreme and faceless healer, riding on his white horse.
  • Unfortunatly we are the visible and contactable part of that system so we end up getting the flack unlike the faceless ones who reside in offices out of reach. on February 21, 2009 at 2: 58 pm | Reply Von Spreuth The Revolving Door System. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • “The Democrats would be much better off in that case with a blander, more faceless, less exciting Kerry, Gephardt or even Lieberman” Matthew Yglesias » The Case for a Feisty Left
  • In and out of those communes drifted many of the nameless and faceless, joined in their search for ‘where it was all at’ before moving on.
  • It's not like you're a civil servant in the faceless halls of bureaucracy, unable to change your job description or influence your bosses.
  • Another unknown but dedicated government employee is Pius Bannis, a man even the most jaundiced would find hard to describe as a faceless bureaucrat. Max Stier: Support Your Local Federal Worker
  • Homesongs, the solo debut from ex-Fridge bassist Adem Ilhan, gives his lonely heart its own club band, but unfortunately, these dragging, faceless roots-tinged dirges fail.
  • But who would want to visit a place of flyovers, viaducts and faceless retail parks?
  • They've got it into their minds that the euro is being attacked by these faceless people and they must be stopped. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need that sense of kinship if we are to see each other as members of a shared society - not representatives of a faceless enemy.
  • They are not a faceless, amorphous mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is fast becoming the biggest prod to change is the faceless mass of investors pumping billions of dollars into companies.
  • The cinema dates back to a time when suburbs had independent cinemas not located in faceless shopping malls.
  • In Nanxuzhou Pearl came close to taking the conventional missionary view that pictured Chinese people not as individuals but as a menacing, faceless horde, morally obnoxious and numerically overwhelming: “hard-featured, envious, curious, unsympathetic and ungracious,” as the head of U.S. Presbyterian Missions put it on a tour of the Yangtse basin, “they flock to a foreigner and close him in, like ants to a piece of bread.” PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • I couldn't stop thinking about the mystery of why the faceless boy had risked so much so that I could get to the target.
  • But how can you remain calm when some faceless administrator is giving you the runaround?
  • That night, when sleep did come, I dreamed of the faceless man who loved me.
  • Unmarried, the pracharaks live sparely, inspiring hundreds of workers while trying to remain faceless, in an effort to eliminate their own egos. India’s New Face
  • The SDLP's Mark Durkin denounced one quango as "faceless. toothless and spineless". Sketch: Quangos scorched as Buck Passing Council goes up in flames
  • It's almost hard to imagine that Hypnotized (aka, Faceless Beauty) was helmed by the same person that gave us Road Movie, for this film is almost the antipode of the other.
  • Its individuality and its links with York, which is not a faceless city but has its own special character and heritage, are swept away.
  • We worry that the faceless enemy is still lurking nearby.
  • Instead of being the occasional, dismissible, faceless patient, they will be faced with their friends, neighbors, stockbroker, or banker, even relatives.
  • He is definitely a tonic in this depressing age of faceless conductors.
  • That privilege was held by a hierarchy of faceless bureaucrats who wielded more power than ministers. Times, Sunday Times
  • What was it like shifting gears from pulpier fare like Black Forest, Wicked West, and Faceless to this relatively subdued, more mainstreamish brand of horror? Archive 2009-02-22
  • Perhaps the availability of this remedy is the reason those responsible for the website have taken steps to remain faceless. The Volokh Conspiracy » Virginia Circuit Court Opinion Issues Preliminary Injunction Shutting Down a Web Site, Reverses Itself the Next Day
  • In both Ted Kosmatka’s “N-Words” and Mark Budz’s “Faceless in Gethsemane,” the defeat of a new social prejudice born out of bioengineering begins, and only one person appreciates that it will be total. John Joseph Adams » 2008 » August
  • The small traders will oppose any scheme to transform the town centre into a conglomeration of faceless shops selling the same products.
  • They're all nameless, faceless, jobless, unidentified people.
  • Within its tomb-like confines stood four faceless forms shrouded in the folds of richly woven and cowled black robes.
  • She is far more deserving than faceless bureaucrats. The Sun
  • The next time I see her I fully expect to be held at arms length by a series of heavies and faceless people who will deny me access to this divinity.
  • At the heart of each party are a handful of faceless people.
  • Anthony shrugged his shoulders in his very indifferent way, looking about as if he was looking at a sea of faceless people.
  • She is far more deserving than faceless bureaucrats. The Sun
  • a faceless apparition
  • The Iraqi dead have been relegated out of the category of human beings and are classified as faceless, inherently evil "insurgents. Peace, order and good government, eh?: August 2007 Archives
  • They grew tall and anonymous, faceless obsidian columns studding the curved horizon.
  • The faceless, inanimate riot police are far more imposing and formidable than the passionate workers.
  • His father is a faceless figure: a retired brigadier, reserved and taciturn.
  • Below them stand a group of grey figures: faceless, sexless, mutely seeking release from their agony.
  • They are nameless and faceless, but have inspired the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because network criminal is faceless existence on net, trace their true trail very hard.
  • I'm referring to a non-human employee - a robot, or some kind of faceless software running on a server. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Not all of the faceless residents of the "anthill" are as lucky as Huang. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • And he had warned both Thick and the faceless servant who gripped him that they should be wary of `that stinking, traitorous dog. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Rows of polystyrene heads, faceless but exuberantly bewigged, stare eyelessly down from shelves. Times, Sunday Times
  • I agree and this seems particularly true of a city like Detroit where derelict buildings stand beside a host of faceless skyscrapers.
  • A sheet of paper - the texts of new drafts soon to be debated by faceless bureaucrats - were pored over.
  • Ordinary people are at the mercy of faceless bureaucrats.
  • She said: 'The nameless and faceless say the most disgusting things. The Sun
  • That privilege was held by a hierarchy of faceless bureaucrats who wielded more power than ministers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The faceless presence, thrashing and twisting like a hooked shark, was drawn to its doom.
  • This history of conflict subsists in the environmental devastation caused by oil exploitation and Delta peoples' fight against faceless European and American oil corporations.
  • His whole body was covered now, and all the priest could make out was a faceless, male humanoid form.
  • To even imply that is to insult the mind-set and values of those faceless multitudes who flock to the cinema halls every other day and make or mar the fortunes of many a film.
  • the faceless accusers of the police state
  • Those responsible for its destruction are not faceless outsiders, but the very people entrusted with the moral guardianship of this historic club: its directors.
  • Despite the introduction of minor female characters, they remain faceless.
  • It's nondescript, faceless - yet bristling with hubris.
  • The next time someone uses the expression "faceless government bureaucrat" in my presence, they'll have to explain to me why Katie - who knew my parents for all of three months - became such an integral and affectionate member of our family that she was at Dad's funeral to console me and Mom. - Home Page
  • And those faceless multitudes, often unlettered, usually uneducated, have been able to guess it right.
  • He develops organic correspondences in the locomotion of faceless crowds by editing them into a new context while maintaining the interpenetration of time and space into one continuous form.
  • Some vast, faceless, fascistic organisation designed to, well, hydrate people. Times, Sunday Times
  • It ` s like what they call the nameless, faceless people on the other end of the phone that you ` re more likely to lose your temper with, than someone you have to face again. CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2008
  • I fire against dark silhouettes in black pajamas, faceless ghosts. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Wedding Night depicts an old-fashioned corner bridal shop, display windows lit; the mannequins are faceless, heads turned or occluded by the awning.
  • You could stay in one of the big, faceless chain hotels, but wouldn't you rather treat yourself to a little luxury?
  • That way we won't be couch potatoes or controlled by some faceless automata. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can be faceless entities and people can feel like units being processed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Democracy might be a flawed process but it was better than handing over control to faceless big business who are not answerable to the voters.
  • This suggests that therapeutic venting on the internet to a faceless audience in an unreciprocated bid for attention and emotional support is unlikely to help, and may well make things worse.
  • No one knew that the victims they imagined as faceless bogeymen with unpronounceable names, I imagined as my mother.
  • They are not a faceless, amorphous mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • The disease rotted away his flesh till he died, limbless or faceless in fearful shipwreck, and unhouselled. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln A Short Story of One of the Makers of Mediaeval England
  • As I was saying, if our mothers can't browbeat us into getting married, what hope has a faceless government bureaucracy?
  • It's totally shaken my belief in the benevolence of faceless multinational corporations. The Sun
  • The Orsay picture is the more finished of the two, showing five faceless men rowing their boat through a choppy sea towards a waiting ship on the horizon.
  • And a figure in steel helmet and leather hauberk—faceless behind a bent nose guard, ageless within the armor of war—had delivered the death blow. Earl of Durkness
  • I went along for an interview in London, and a particularly grey, faceless person interviewed me.
  • Tubin shuns big gestures in favour of reasoned argument, and the result is faceless music in which the craftsmanship is admirable but the final effect unmemorable.
  • They've have been demoted to faceless, nagging bandmates leaving phone messages about an upcoming tour.
  • Think about someone convicted by a kangaroo court with faceless judges moving to the UK to escape further persecution.
  • He could see no clear end to the seats, nor the faceless people inside them.
  • Congratulations belong to a multitude of faceless individuals.
  • Faceless corporate executives with money and power stepping on the lives of the little people. BETTER THAN THIS
  • How does a hotelier differentiate itself in this time of nameless, faceless hotel rooms?
  • The small traders will oppose any scheme to transform the town centre into a conglomeration of faceless shops selling the same products.
  • The main character, Solace, is a vampire, but I wouldn't really classify it as a vampire novel, seeing as how she's not preoccupied with biting people so much as figuring out who the faceless man following her is, making friends with a group of Rare, drinking nepenthe and, just occasionally, surviving. Kateelliott: Not As Bad As I Feared
  • The Four Walls speaks in faceless clichés, the kind of rotund wordiness that bares itself in how little you gain.
  • It was like a virtual, faceless, multitudinary Seinfeld´s 2 hour show. Think Progress » Dana Priest: Washington Post Avoids ‘Civil War’ Language Because Iraqi Gov’t Does Not Use It
  • Don't let this beautiful historical village turn into a faceless urban sprawl.
  • Meanwhile, NFL fans have come to expect trades featuring faceless draft picks.
  • Faceless, unqualified reviewers define our work, remove our colleagues from panels and routinely breach confidentiality.
  • They are not a faceless, amorphous mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • And we couldn't have stopped faceless bankers and bureaucrats meddling in our fight against inflation. The Sun
  • The costume also reflects how those who commit horrific acts of destruction are nameless, faceless people.
  • Dirty rotten unionists will be revealed as the faceless powerbrokers of Labor.
  • We're developing a visual presentation that isn't simply the standard four faceless dullards banging through their barely discernible repertoire.
  • I dislike cities' building sports arenas and faceless downtowns, because these often end up kicking people out of their homes and businesses through the eminent domain, and regardless, tend to be a waste of tax money.
  • A certain pub or restaurant or art gallery was not something faceless, or without secret personality.
  • Business is an easy target because much of it seems faceless and anonymous. Times, Sunday Times
  • And we couldn't have stopped faceless bankers and bureaucrats meddling in our fight against inflation. The Sun
  • The planning committee had its own concerns - a faceless official who blocked their decisions.
  • They retain an eerie, anthropomorphic sense of presentness; faceless, eyeless, even, bodyless—Smith plays havoc with familiar proportions and divisions—they nonetheless seem to confront us and fix us with their invisible gaze. The Artist in All His Dimensions
  • She is far more deserving than faceless bureaucrats. The Sun
  • Swindon must stop expanding or risk becoming a faceless town, she has warned.
  • I am amazed at the amount of hatred people spew when they can remain faceless behind their computer or mobile device. Man found guilty in Palin e-mail case
  • Nobody wants or wishes to perish in an anonymous, faceless, globally uniform civilisation.
  • Yes, it is now time for the Fiver to emerge from its cobwebbed crawl-space and head off for its early-summer "special" at Madame She-She's Kings Cross bathing parlour, there to enjoy its annual intensive ablution regime involving a 20-minute industrial hose-down, the descaling of physical extremities, laundering and re-stitching of Kevlar undergarments and finally an assisted constitutional massage overseen by a group of faceless, asbestos-suited individuals armed with tongs. Football news, match reports and fixtures |
  • But it also unshrinkingly shows the viciousness of terrorism and the three-dimensional reality of victims who might otherwise recede into facelessness.
  • I fall asleep almost immediately, fading into a grayness where faceless people surround me.
  • Who are the faceless idiots who dream up such meaningless titles for our well established institutions?
  • Faceless in Gethsemane" sounds a bit like the premise of a Ted Chiang story -- "Liking What You See: A Documentary". REVIEW: Seeds of Change edited by John Joseph Adams
  • The "market" is a de-territorialized space where faceless corporations do business, including buying and selling "futures. Arundhati Roy: What Have We Done to Democracy?
  • Many expats will be more comfortable with this full-service brokerage than with the more faceless online trading firms.
  • Apparently this symbolises jobs done by women, but with its leaden literalism it misses the point of memorials and just reminds you of housework and faceless drudgery.
  • We've sold more records than a lot of much higher profile artists but we've always been faceless. The Sun
  • That teenage boy is going to do his best to identify the nameless, faceless tormentors, and draw them into a public reckoning.
  • I went along for an interview in London, and a particularly grey, faceless person interviewed me.
  • So you do have the atmosphere of secrecy, of secret activity, of heavily-built, faceless men observing from the shadows.
  • A figure moved slowly through the uncertain light towards him, as faceless and monumental as Death in an old engraving.
  • The problem is that a society like autocratic 19th century St. Petersburg - like our monolithic and faceless corporate culture - doesn't work like that.
  • It seemed like Shobha's perfect man had been snatched from her by destiny and faceless international criminals.
  • But shoppers are now more loyal to their local shops than to faceless behemoths like Philip Morris.
  • But do we really partake of life if we remain faceless beings behind a screen? Emerson's Impersonality & Why I Dislike It
  • Therefore, of course, the book reviewed is by Henning Mankell, in this case Faceless Killers. The hieroglyphic streets
  • Players are cast as nameless, faceless drivers looking to establish a name in the underground realm of street racing.
  • In the dream I had Friday night, I stopped short when I spotted her just as she stepped up to some sort of customer service window in some nameless, faceless department store.
  • It is astrict caste system that is protected by the faceless yet ever-present Social Police. Blade of Tyshalle by Matthew Stover – review
  • It goes beyond the fact that ‘fighting crime’ principally means beating up faceless gangs of men, clad in an unvarying uniform of black pants, sweaters and hats, who are assaulting innocent people in the street for no apparent reason.
  • I used to have a great deal of respect for the way they operated their business, but now they seem to be just another faceless corporation, bulldozing their way through the law and common decency in pursuit of money.
  • Perhaps the availability of this remedy is the reason those responsible for the website have taken steps to remain faceless. The Volokh Conspiracy » Virginia Circuit Court Opinion Issues Preliminary Injunction Shutting Down a Web Site, Reverses Itself the Next Day
  • Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward and freedom will be defended.
  • Except what you can't see in the picture are the faceless council estates all around, and you can't smell the pigs grunting on the city farm over the road.
  • The facelessness and impersonality of much that went on in the multiversity was, accordingly, all the more galling. The University of the Seventies
  • The new grey faceless maps were just one aspect of a new kind of war. Bomber
  • Crowds of faceless people pour into the city each day.
  • For a change this documentary did not have faceless people talking shyly with their faces blurred digitally.
  • At the same time faceless bureaucrats were actively working to block the prospects of future British success in the global chess arena. Times, Sunday Times
  • That privilege was held by a hierarchy of faceless bureaucrats who wielded more power than ministers. Times, Sunday Times
  • So my image of that is then, people are living in what you might call fairly faceless suburbs with no community focus.
  • Real heroes are elsewhere and they are often faceless and anonymous. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also say the the plans would turn Bolton into a faceless shopping centre.

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