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How To Use Face value In A Sentence

  • Price is 30/ticket (which is 20 off face value) o.b.o. cash only. Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in boston
  • Or you could buy a zero-coupon bond with a face value of 100 for 85. Times, Sunday Times
  • At closing, a fee of one percent (1.0%) of the face value of the instrument, and one percent (1.0%) of the gross proceeds of any indebtedness drawn down over the course of the engagement.
  • I took the offer at face value. I didn't think they might be trying to trick me.
  • Public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken at face value.
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  • [A] ccepting at face value documents without a verifiable provenance that come from the hand of a known partisan zealot is not typical journalistic behavior. Election 2004
  • At one point in The Banker, young protagonist Heartwell is stuck in arrears with uncurrent paper money worth a fraction of its face value as his only available funds. Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • In bezique there was no requirement to follow suit in this early part of the game; face value was all that mattered. City of Glory
  • Meanwhile, someone untrained in music or drama or whatever can enjoy a performance and take it at face value.
  • There's the simple, straightforward, credulous voice of the listener, who takes bands, songs and packages at face value.
  • A Courage card's courage is represented by its face value (i.e. a seven of hearts has a courage of seven) or fifteen if it is a face card.
  • Here is a perfect example of why you should never accept at face value how the work of scientists is reported in the non-scientific media.
  • The coins could, in uncirculated condition, be bought for face value, while in proof condition one had to pay double face value.
  • But it is simpleminded to take the outrageousness at face value. Times, Sunday Times
  • Enter the details of your card and the site will produce a suggested selling price, discounted from the face value. CardNap Lets You Sell Unwanted Gift Cards | Lifehacker Australia
  • That left scalpers who had expected to sell seats for many times their face value scrambling to offload them at knock-down prices.
  • Taken at face value the words found sinister and can convey a false impression like some sort of second-rate horror movie.
  • And until six years ago, when the NFL began offering them tickets at face value, they had to hunt for tickets, occasionally resorting to purchasing them from scalpers.
  • Public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken at face value.
  • Individuals that do qualify for purchasing these savings bonds are restricted to a yearly limit of $30,000 face value, but the purchase of one series does not affect subsequent purchases of the other.
  • Yet Boettger, taking his statements at face value, thinks it's enough to note - aha!
  • The aim is to keep adding cards with a face value one higher or lower than those displayed on the foundation pile. Times, Sunday Times
  • That makes it more valuable than the face value of £1, 000, only a little bit more valuable because there are only two more coupon payments to come, but more valuable all the same.
  • Taken at face value, the most natural meaning of this slogan is that the body has nothing to do with sin.
  • They had tried to take official hypocrisy about democracy at face value. Times, Sunday Times
  • The savings projected by the office come from the fact coins and bills cost less than their face value to make, so the government gains value, known as seigniorage, with each one produced. The Seattle Times
  • To meet the consequent deficit he issued a new coin, the antoninianus, with a face value of two denarii but a weight of only one and two-thirds. F. The Third Century
  • When you buy a gilt below its face value you will get back more capital than you put in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't stop at the face value of the word.
  • At face value, the story is deceptively simple - a young girl, Charlotte, goes missing in the woods, and her mother, Dessa, enlists the help of a pilot, Maxine, to aid in the search.
  • At yesterday's auction an old coin sold for many times more than its face value of 20 pence.
  • But now, a hundred years on, certain factions persist in taking it at face value.
  • Even if they did, we should not be justified in taking situationally specific invective at face value. The Times Literary Supplement
  • After all, just how likely is it that some amateur could detect and disprove the so-called hoax in a mere six minutes, when trained professionals had taken it at face value?
  • Probably because she had a tendency to take everything and everyone at face value, and every time Aubri went into his "senile old featherhead" act, she fell for it. The Silver Gryphon
  • Certainly, at face value you could argue that there is nothing astounding about the findings of this comparison between display advertising and inserts.
  • Nothing political here … … just a josh between these two, and the one who got "joshed" took it at face value and didn't go on and try to make something more of it - unlike some other politicians. News
  • Taken at face value, these results suggest, but do not prove, that extra-cellular ROS release induced in PMNs by opsonized merozoites, may be a key effector function for protection against blood stage PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • She seems friendly enough but I shouldn't take her at face value.
  • However, at face value, it's a lot to pay for a three-button, corded mouse.
  • I took the offer at face value. I didn't think they might be trying to trick me.
  • It appears that millions had begun to internalize the language of the regime, to take at face value its claims to be building socialism.
  • The aim is to keep adding cards with a face value one higher or lower than those displayed on the foundation pile. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hysterics' observable disorders, such as catalepsy, as well as their visual experiences, including hallucination and delirium, were deemed manifest content and, as such, not to be taken at face value.
  • I think he's right about that - but the interesting thing is that he seems quite content to take this, the creators' stated intent, at face value, never bothering to question the wisdom of their undertaking, or to problematize their terms.
  • The savings projected by the office come from the fact that coins and bills cost less than their face value to make, so the government gains value, known as seigniorage, with each one produced. NYT > Home Page
  • He also warned against taking the company's bad debt provisions at face value.
  • One must simply accept these performances at face value and forget about problems of piano versus harpsichord versus clavichord.
  • In this game kings, queens and jacks are worth half a point each, and the numeral cards are worth their face value.
  • Some old coins are now worth a great deal more than their face value.
  • At face value, the typical metrosexual is a straight man who has homosexual or effeminate characteristics.
  • Biddle actively pursued a policy of pressing state banks to redeem their outstanding banknotes at promised par or face value in specie.
  • As a result of this unorthodox approach, I was unable to take any statement contained within the factum at its face value, but was required to go back to source to verify each assertion.
  • It is a measure of how servile the media have become that, from the tabloids to the broadsheets, the results of a survey based on asking teenagers to report their participation in a range of illicit activities are taken at face value.
  • And it's a story that expects us to take the superhero at face value; this boy-spider is not an allegory for anything, not a symbol for a class of people or culture.
  • On the death of the insured, term insurance pays the face value of the policy to the named beneficiary.
  • Major news media took the videos at face value back then, too, and broadcast, published, posted, and all-around trumpeted this "courageous" and--added bonus--salacious "reporting. Brian Palmer: O'Keefe vs. NPR: Round One Goes to the Kid
  • However, differences in sampling and taphonomy preclude taking those results at face value; thus, we discuss methods of standardizing comparisons and calculating species accumulation curves for fossil data.
  • In Japan, counterfeiters are circulating fake bills that cost more to make than their face value.
  • After the invasion, she took the minister's word at face value, when a 30-second search on the internet could have told her it was bunkum.
  • At their face value, these estimates indicate little evidence for directional selection.
  • He said: ‘I travelled from Castleford and took my pot luck along with everyone else but it makes my blood boil when I see tickets now on sale for up to four times their face value.’
  • So, at face value, the proposal I have made is worrying.
  • When you buy a gilt below its face value you will get back more capital than you put in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tickets were changing hands at three times their face value.
  • Public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken at face value.
  • Taken at face value it might seem quite a silly idea but in fact it was based on some fundamental truths.
  • If we take it at face value, the whole episode was a terrible accident, but the way the police have handled the aftermath has perhaps done them more harm than good.
  • But they say they take the group's claim at face value and see it as another example of the "twisted ideology" of the militant Islamic group.
  • At the heart of this problem lies the vexed question for the judiciary of separating policy issues from legal issues, and this is well illustrated by the impossibility of accepting the orthodox view of judicial independence at face value.
  • But he almost never treats it at face value, preferring to allow interpretive openings into this method of interpretation.
  • At yesterday's auction an old coin sold for many times more than its face value of 20 pence.
  • But they say they take the group's claim at face value and see it as another example of the "twisted ideology" of the militant Islamic group.
  • It is one of the most commonly collected artefacts, where its market worth is arbitrarily unhinged from its clearly marked original face value, in the philatelist's eye.
  • Artists look with great concentration, but they don't take what they see at face value. Improve Your Landscape Painting
  • On the other hand, accepting at face value documents without a verifiable provenance that come from the hand of a known partisan zealot is not typical journalistic behavior. Election 2004
  • Is there any risk that the two euro coin will be mistaken for the Thai 10 baht piece, whose face value is eight times less?
  • By burden sharing, the government probably means some form of buy-back from investors, under which it would cancel the debts at a significant discount to their face value. Ireland Surely Can't Betray its History
  • In the same way nobody who reads a press-release accepts the face value, so can the Chinese learn how to use newspeak to get their message across.
  • One voucher can be redeemed for every £20 spent on food and drink and each voucher, whatever its face value, entitles the customer to a discount of £8.
  • Every phrase had to be understood allusively rather than at face value, based on the assumption that all readers had read and memorized the same 30-volume library. WRITTEN VERNACULARS IN ASIA.
  • It is a condition of sale that tickets are not sold on for more than their face value.
  • But taking your comment instead at face value, what you term promotion I see as learning. Post-paper and after the tears « BuzzMachine
  • The heirs of the policyholder who died received the face value but no dividends. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • An alternative, dialetheic account of motion, which takes at face value the aforementioned Hegelian idea that “Something moves, not because at one moment it is here and another there, but because at one and the same moment it is here and not here, because in this ˜here™, it at once is and is not”, is exposed in Priest, 1987, Ch. 12. Dialetheism
  • For purpose the picture cards count 12 and 11 and the pip cards have their face value.
  • Nothing dished out by the corporate-controlled media can be accepted at face value, especially under conditions of a concentrated campaign to stampede the public into a war frenzy.
  • She seems friendly enough but I shouldn't take her at face value.
  • Fifty thousand of the silver legal tender are being made available at their face value price. The Sun
  • Taken at face value these commitments are broadly welcomed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I refuse to take at face value your claim that “most of the refugee/asylee influx is fraudulent.” Wonk Room » Nativist Mark Krikorian Warns That ‘Saddam Hussein’s BFFs Are Coming To Town Near You’
  • Conventional questionnaire studies in economic geography tend to take what people say at face value.
  • At face value, replacing high-interest debt with a low-interest mortgage is a good idea.
  • In this game kings, queens and jacks are worth half a point each, and the numeral cards are worth their face value.
  • Tickets were selling at twice their face value.
  • Experience has taught us not to take the labels the European Union chooses to place on its many and various "pacts" at face value. Odds Stacked Against Latest EU Pact
  • I do not know if the great interest was because of the low mintage, the interesting face value, hopes that the coin would increase in value or the appreciation of the Constitution.
  • Taken at face value the words found sinister and can convey a false impression like some sort of second-rate horror movie.
  • I would have taken it at face value and been very flattered if it weren't for that suspicious name of his and my overanalytical mentality which gave me the hasty impression that this was some sort of joke at my expense similar to what Language Hat's peanut-gallery commenters were doing to me recently. Never judge a book by its nom de plume
  • In truth, he was a remote, inaccessible figure to most tribal people, and his traditionalist pretensions were rarely accepted at face value.
  • I took the offer at face value. I didn't think they might be trying to trick me.
  • At TicketsNow, consumer found tickets that were being "resold" at prices from twice to as high as four-times their face value. US Government Info
  • Taken at face value, the figures look very encouraging.
  • Forced to take the "uncurrent bank notes" or not receive payment at all, working men consistently lost a portion of their weekly earnings because they could not redeem the bills for their face value. 26 Every week, one could be paid in notes supposedly worth $8.25 that could only be redeemed on the street for $7 or $7.50. Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • Super Bowl tickets with a face value of $300 are being sold for $2,000.
  • But even a casual student of Arab history can quote too many examples of Bedouin fickleness for one to credit the legends with their face value. The Lesson of Iraq
  • We bought two tickets from an English tout - at face value because he couldn't get rid of them, and found ourselves neatly positioned near the halfway line, but up amongst the clouds.
  • And are we supposed to accept this bluff at face value, im-pudent puppy? Elvenborn
  • At yesterday's auction an old coin sold for many times more than its face value of 20 pence.
  • Most of the pip card are worth their face value, which is added to the value of the pile.
  • Some people have doubted its veracity, but I'm willing to take it at face value.
  • Hence, the three dice all have the same total face value.
  • At maturity the Discount House will collect the face value of the bill from the acceptor.
  • Without arguing this matter of my general reputation, accepting it at its current face value, let me add that I have indeed lived life in a very rough school and have seen more than the average man's share of inhumanity and cruelty, from the forecastle and the prison, the slum and the desert, the execution-chamber and the lazar-house, to the battlefield and the military hospital. FOREWORD
  • Originally the face value of the coin equaled the market value of gold in it. News
  • Regularly, those who seriously criticised it have had their opinions trashed, their lives, and their activities traduced, and we have learned bitterly not to accept anything about it at face value.
  • I don't know why people sell perfectly good stamps below face value when you can always use them to mail letters.
  • The nominal face value of the derivatives is almost entirely irrelevant. Matthew Yglesias » Belated Treasury Meeting Blogging
  • Try to develop a more critical attitude, instead of accepting everything at face value.
  • Customers were able to buy vouchers from the credit company, which had a face value printed on them and a statement authorising retailers to charge the face value to the company's account.
  • The bonds for $175 million were issued at a face value of $100 with a coupon rate of 2.5 per cent per annum payable every six months.
  • I promise not to hold it at face value... but those puppets are joining my nightmares along with that scene in the shining, that smokey the bear commercial and gooby. Weekend Weirdness: The Rock-afire Explosion Explores Showbiz Pizza. Plus, White Fang, Alligator, “Michael Draper” Returns, and Dracula’s Music Cabinet | /Film
  • In a country whose history is so littered with real conspiracies, it is second nature to accept anything at face value with extreme reluctance. BLOOD AGAINST THE SNOWS: The Tragic Story of Nepal's Royal Dynasty
  • Stanley takes the statement at face value as self-explanatory.
  • Taken at face value, the question seems simple enough but scratch it and the hidden prejudices and stereotypes tumble out of the cupboard like the proverbial skeletons.
  • We've learnt at The Sunday Times never to take manufacturers' claims for top speed and acceleration at face value.
  • The Times article accepts the claims of military intelligence at face value.
  • Each coin is of face value Dram 25 and contains 1 troy ounce (31.1 gr.) of 9990 pure fine silver with diameter 38 mm.
  • Commemorative coins have been struck, but sold for much more than the metal value and often for more than face value.
  • About 1840 he related, at Mlle. Turquet's -- Malaga's -- home, then maintained by Cardot the notary, and in the presence of Bixiou, Lousteau and Nathan, who were invited by the tabellion, the tricks employed by Cerizet to obtain the face value of a note out of Maxime de Trailles. Repertory of the Comedie Humaine Part 1
  • Instead of taking a percentage cut of a bond's face value, some charge a flat fee.
  • He was calling himself "The Puppet Master" (the title CBS gave this episode), and he seems to be justified, because everyone was taking him at face value. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor Samoa: Samoa, Samerrier.
  • It cannot be seen at face value, as merely the making of a valid work of art out of anything that is at hand, its graphic and painterly qualities notwithstanding.
  • Try to develop a more critical attitude, instead of accepting everything at face value.
  • I wonder if readers take these cliches and contrived metaphors at face value, or do they all snigger at the florid prose.
  • Discount note: Note ( i . e . short - or medium - term bond ) issued at a discount from its face value.
  • It was difficult to take Asanov's warning at face value, given the sense of calm on the leafy streets of Jalal-abad, which is situated in the Ferghana Valley not far from the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border. EurasiaNet
  • I refuse to take at face value your claim that “most of the refugee/asylee influx is fraudulent.” Wonk Room » Nativist Mark Krikorian Warns That ‘Saddam Hussein’s BFFs Are Coming To Town Near You’
  • Tickets were changing hands at three times their face value.
  • So, he continues, taking the multiverse theory at face value means ‘there is no reason to expect our world - the one in which you are reading this right now - to be real as opposed to a simulation.’
  • While the characters, at face value, seem simple archetype characters, the shallowness is mostly thwarted by the voice talents of John C. Reilly, Christopher Plummer, Martin Landau, and Jennifer Connolly. Rabid Rewind: 9
  • But accepting the data at face value raises the interesting possibility that hierarchy may be quite labile, that hierarchical saltations may be relatively easy in evolution.
  • They are a good way for conservative investors to hedge against inflation as they guarantee the face value of the investment over a set period of time and provide a small income.
  • It looks for firms whose debts are undervalued and trading at a large discount to their face value.
  • We may define the going rate of interest as the rate at which the market price of the bond is amortized by the stream of interest payments plus the payment of face value at maturity.
  • Tickets were selling at twice their face value.
  • When fans logged on to request tickets at face value, however, Ticketmaster, redirected those requests to TicketsNow, an alternate site owned by Ticketmaster where  those who already have tickets can resell them for whatever the market will bear. ‘Boss’ bummed out by Ticketmaster
  • From 1955 to 1963, he was Chairman of the National Bank, an Irish clearing bank, again confounding those who took his owlish, academic demeanour at face value.
  • If you're an extreme utilitarian, you might just accept the calculation at face value and waste the little guy.
  • Her status as a celebrity will make many undiscriminating or unknowing people buy the book and take her arguments at face value.
  • At Tokyo station before Ireland's game with Germany, I saw touts from Liverpool with brick-sized wads of spares engaging with desperate Irish supporters, who were being asked for three times face value.
  • Some of the editors continued to take his hoax essay at face value even after he had revealed his dupery.
  • As a mark of his noble puissance, shops and restaurants throughout the city unhesitatingly honored his money at full face value. LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • We must take it at face value for there is no torment beyond the exuberant grins, coy smirks or contemplative musings of any of the grandmothers.
  • Perhaps my objection is too literal-minded, taking Massie's talk of self-sufficiency and "winds of the world" at face value as descriptions of our perception of certain kinds of novels rather than metaphorically, approximations of the reading experience -- "it's as if this novel wanted to be self-sufficient, turned inward into language" or "it's as if this one is trying to take stock of historical circumstances. Confusion and Turbulence
  • The face value of a 1 centesimo coin from Panama is 1/100 of a colon, a fraction of a US cent.

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