work time spent at the location of or in the presence of other people
instead of working on the problem at home he devoted face time to it at the office
How To Use face time In A Sentence
- However, as in a Greek tragedy, their faults are bound to resurface time after time and bring about their ultimate doom.
- This got me thinking—in an era when patients and doctors have less face time and "high tech" often means "low touch," what other simple steps might help rehumanize health care? How radiologists react to patient photos
- Here we reward performance, not face time.
- instead of working on the problem at home he devoted face time to it at the office
- Or did it signal that face time was being given credit over productivity?
- One man's face time in the television segment had to be cut down because he came off as much more insincere on screen than on the radio.
- In a town where "" face time '' is everything, Rubin, a quietly self-confident investment banker, does the unthinkable: he routinely gives back his al-lotted 15 minutes a day with the president if he has nothing to say. 'This Thing Is A Turkey'
- This got me thinking — in an era when patients and doctors have less face time and "high tech" often means "low touch," what other simple steps might help rehumanize health care? How radiologists react to patient photos
- It doesn't hurt that he gets plenty of face time on the highlights with home runs that exit ballparks in the blink of an eye.
- Use this face time to find out about their professional goals and to determine if their style will jive with yours.