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How To Use Fable In A Sentence

  • The fable is plainly implex, formed rather from the "Odyssey" than the "Iliad;" and many artifices of diversification are employed, with the skill of a man acquainted with the beet models. Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
  • It is an inverted fable, filled with "animalized" humans. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Yeah, he's a pop genius, but his cool, affable swagger and clever repartee are the perfect complement to the more extroverted, outgoing personalities of Dahle and Ms. Case.
  • Elroy is surprised to learn that the gardens are not fables but space stations that orbit the Earth and are run by a much-feared Lord, who seeks out Wiggles for taking the forbidden fruit - an apple, natch. 4/06 UPDATE: My New Year's Resolution
  • I remember spending as much time reading the contents of the books in Deus Ex and Fable, and reading the pads in Doom 3, as I ever spent actually trying to beat combatants. Some Thoughts, Part Seven – Games « The Graveyard
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  • an affable smile
  • In particular, it can be demonstrated that the choliambs, mixed with iambs, of the Hellenistic fable are comparable to those of a work with very very pronounced Cynic features, the choliambic ‘Life of Alexander’.
  • But Fable Coin Golf is a miniature triumph, brilliantly mixing the dynamics of pinball and shove ha'penny with cunningly compelling results. The 25 best smartphone games of 2011 (so far) – part one
  • Long after the kingdoms of southern Arabia disappeared, the fabled riches of the region live on in the popular imagination.
  • Forrest was normally mild-mannered, affable, and untalkative.
  • Given the combination of ineffable beauty and extremely unpleasant sensations in my stomach and head, I would be quite content to die here.
  • The ineffable in poetry is almost always the unreadable. Times, Sunday Times
  • But others of the Muscovite band were fond of congregating at this spot and hour for their lustral summer rites -- white-skinned lads and lasses, matrons and reverent elders, all in a state of Adamitic nudity, splashing about the water of this sunny cover, devouring raw fish and crabs after the manner of the fabled Ichthyophagi, laughing, kissing, saying nice things about God, and combing out each other's long tow-coloured hair. South Wind
  • During a major swell, surfable waves might break beyond the ends of the rocks.
  • Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, and from time to time squinting sideways, as usual, in the ever-renewed expectation that he might catch a glimpse of his stiff, retroussé moustache. The Younger Set
  • Indeed, he is something of an affable version of our outgoing governor - not as bright, not as driven, but equally without agenda and equally without a base.
  • Achates, and the tender Nisus, were all genuine friends and great heroes; but, alas, existent only in fable: A Philosophical Dictionary
  • When I stood on my native hills, and saw plain and mountain stretch out to the utmost limits of my vision, speckled by the dwellings of my countrymen, and subdued to fertility by their labours, the earth's very centre was fixed for me in that spot, and the rest of her orb was as a fable, to have forgotten which would have cost neither my imagination nor understanding an effort. Introduction, I.1
  • It would be a shame if he lost his affable, easy-going nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, liking her a lot after spending an evening alternating between trying to save her life, kill her, and turn her mind over to an evil demigoddess, is Prince Tarvek, descendant of the fabled Storm King. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Perhaps it's a little too oversimplified - but isn't that the heart of fable and myth… a simple story with a deeper message?
  • The logical progression of all of this is make-up for blokes — much-fabled manscara and guyliner. The Sun
  • In the 6th century BCE the Greek author Aesop wrote his timeless fables - short narratives in which animals are the central characters and the aim is to convey a moral message.
  • And now I'm reading John Green's marvelous An Abundance of Katherines, and am pleased to have found another child for whom fables were not all that: "if only he'd known that the story of the tortoise and the hare is about more than a tortoise and a hare, he might have saved himself considerable trouble. Whither Jackie Paper?
  • This darkly comic fable tells how the revenge plans for a New Year's Eve party go horribly wrong, as two wicked sisters plan the downfall of the third and most successful one.
  • 'Tut, tut, Buonesperado,' laughed he, 'you shall forget that Tyburn is not a fable if you care to have doubloons reminted at the Queen's mint. Michel and Angele — Volume 3
  • Others are fables, with morals attached. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only British actress to be nominated for an Oscar this year is luminous and touching in Jim Sheridan's immigrant fable.
  • Here your backdrop is an ultimately idyllic secondary world reconstructed from our myth, folklore and fable (childhood and the past idealised). Of Genres and Sub-Genres
  • He is an affable man who could enhance Ireland's habit of producing major winners. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the ancillary reasons, Hall decided to visit Assam was because he wanted to see if he could find the fabled graveyard of elephants - the final resting place these behemoths head towards when they sense the end was near.
  • Annie Wagner in the Stranger: As a movie, Diggers is affable and lazy - its purpose obscured by a swarm of clichés. GreenCine Daily: Diggers.
  • They filled huge haliotis shells with pearls and laid them there beside her, they brought her emeralds which she set to flash among the tresses of her long black hair, they brought her threaded sapphires for her cloak: all this the princes of fable did and the elves and the gnomes of myth. The Book of Wonder
  • Even the untrained eye can easily spot that Greig has officially achieved that fabled goal of ‘making it’ in London.
  • I was pretty affable myself, just then, and pretended not to hear one or two of the more jealous remarks that were dropped - about how odd it was that Her Majesty hadn't chosen one of the purple brigade to squire her young cousin, not so much as Guardee even, but a plain Mr - and who the deuce were the Flashmans anyway? The Sky Writer
  • People are talking differently about the man that they thought of as an affable neighbour, pleasant cabbie, reliable friend and dutiful father. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let us imagine him to be gifted with the powers of the fabled basilisk, "to monarchise, be feared, and kill with looks. Thoughts on Man: His Nature, Productions, and Discoveries
  • Engle makes Sherry adorably effective as an effable, devoted (brings his lunch to work) wife who deals reasonably well with that pesky little transgression and is funny as hell when she learns while drunk that Joe's old flame is married to the renegade preacher. James Scarborough: Bail Me Out, the Hudson Guild Theatre
  • Johnny had a warm and affable personality and was renowned as a hard worker.
  • In this fable peopled with a fantastic cast of royalty, servants and talking rodents, Despereaux falls in love with a human princess and sets out to save her from danger.
  • J'y constatais d'abord, qu'une inquiètude nous attendait à tout spectacle auquel nous assistions et qu'une déception à peu près ineffable accompagnait toujours la chute du rideau. Pélléas and Mélisande
  • Fairies as commonly understood in fables and fairy tales are not of that sort. Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
  • Ultimately, the moralism of Veber's fable becomes slightly cloying, as the film suggests that a simple change in perspective from time to time is enough to make that stultifying job at the plant more bearable.
  • Both places were full of titled guests invited (or commanded, rather) by Kralta, and we drove in sleighs and skated and tobogganed and revelled by evening and pleasured by night, and it was Vienna in the Arctic, with the Prince always on hand, bland and affable as ever with his popsies around him (one of 'em a new bird, an Italian, who'd replaced the garrulous blonde, no doubt on Kralta's orders) and it was all such enormous fun that I was heartily sick of it. Watershed
  • This fable is serve accentuated by a actuality which a single of Coach Troppmanns teenage football players attended all those camps in Booneville, California as great as expected was sleeping in a nearby cabin when Bryant as great as McKay were figuring out how to change a world. Excerpt from PIGSKIN WARRIORS: 140 YEARS OF THE GAMES GREATEST ...
  • Green hills and gregarious people await you in this fabled land of poets and playwrights.
  • Everywhere a sullen look, -- everywhere that ineffable aspect of crestfallenness! What Will He Do with It? — Complete
  • Everyone seemed very pleasant and affable and there wasn't too much in the way of pontificating.
  • De Bary proved that the old idea of the farmer, that the rust is very apt to appear on wheat growing in the neighborhood of berberry bushes, was no fable; but on the contrary, that the yellow _Æcidium_ on the berberry is a phase in the life history of the fungus causing the wheat rust. Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888
  • Pleasant and affable in his dealings with people, he commanded great regard throughout the community.
  • The small apparent quantity of matter that exists in the universe compared to that of spirit, and the short time in which the recrements of animal or vegetable bodies become again vivified in the forms of vegetable mucor or microscopic insects, seems to have given rise to another curious fable of antiquity. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • He is not a great intellectual but he is a practical and affable man who gets on with things and will get the job done. Times, Sunday Times
  • His comfortable upbringing and magic carpet ride to the top have left him with a charming, affable manner. The Sun
  • Although a group led by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) started combing the woods around Marquette on Thursday for signs of Sasquatch, they may be looking at the wrong end of Michigan for the fabled hairy hominoid. Archive 2007-07-15
  • Wherefore, hereditary succession in the early ages of monarchy could not take place as a matter of claim, but as something casual or complemental; but as few or no records were extant in those days, the traditionary history stuff'd with fables, it was very easy, after the lapse of a few generations, to trump up some superstitious tale conveniently timed, Mahomet-like, to cram hereditary right down the throats of the vulgar. Common Sense
  • In the quarter century since that evening of enlightenment, what Russell, one of the most popular and affable members of the professional fraternity, has done with his life has varied.
  • This isn't what ‘ineffable’ means: she's using it as a fancy periphrasis for ‘unspeakable’, but its orientation is exactly the opposite.
  • The translation of story collections from other cultures reinforced the popularity of the fairy story: the Fables of Bidpai had reached England from the Arabic in North's version of 1570, and were republished in French in 1697.
  • Among numerous accomplishments, he ushered in the Jazz Age and heralded the fabled Harlem Renaissance.
  • Listen to their concerns, Mr President, and be your affable, charming self.
  • Her eye was like that of the fabled serpent, called the basilisk, and in her anger she ever struck terror. Roger Trewinion
  • If you want Swift to be a dark ironist rather than a facile pamphleteer, you might examine the premises that make his fable so easy to digest.
  • For the first week he never actually saw the fabled Jack.
  • But, as of old, his smooth face fairly shone with affable ease.
  • Perhaps that's why, behind the affable front, he seems edgy.
  • It may be a long time before Westerners reach the fabled city again. The Sun
  • And other odds and ends: a new Space In-vader shirt, a shirt to make you a Sackboy, a glitch-pop chiptune afterparty, Fable and Mario 64 in paper, and Super Smash Bros. meets Team Fortress 2. rushkoff on May 15, 2009 7: 39 AM Boing Boing
  • Nonetheless, it is impossible to escape the sense that this fable is indeed about something weighty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vera Wilde is a fable about the way society eats its heroes, "Shotgun Players founder Patrick Dooley quoted director Maya Gurantz's anthropophagic line when introducing Chris Jeffries 'heady musical on opening night. The Berkeley Daily Planet, The East Bay's Independent Newspaper
  • Greece's affable, easy-going ways have long made it a favourite with families.
  • She sighed a sigh of ineffable satisfaction, as if her cup of happiness were now full.
  • Later works, like The Croquet Player, are fables or political allegories.
  • They can get other jobs - perhaps those fabled high added value jobs that I hear about every time a cheese factory closes in Goole. April 03, 2005
  • There had been a mutiny on board, and the mutineers had taken the ship off in search of a fabled lost civilization.
  • The novel could be a kind of myth or fable of the afterlife for the 20th century.
  • The fable is figure of speech, including noumenon and implication. Zhuangzi's fables are no ( exception ).
  • If truth is ineffable, beyond words, we can't determine whether it can be intuited.
  • Weep then, my word ineffable!" cried Malcolm, and laid himself again at her feet, kissed them, and was silent. The Marquis of Lossie
  • I peered over the rock which me and Sara were heroically hiding behind to get a good look at the fabled creatures.
  • 1795: These anticke fables, nor these Fairy toyes, A Midsummer Night's Dream (1623 First Folio Edition)
  • Publicly affable, his home life seems to have taken the brunt of his drive and ambition.
  • Reuchlin claimed that Cabalistic manipulation of the Hebrew letters of the ineffable name of God, IHVH, produced a five-letter name, IHSVH, or Jesus, which was the true name of God and conferred on its user powers that were divine in origin, far above the power of nature. Loss of Faith
  • This is not a Hollywood rag to riches fable; it's a real story about a real man.
  • He wrote a letter on the subject to the _Chanticleer_, a newspaper in Troy, Ill., of which he was a correspondent, and it was copied, with zinco-type illustrations, into all the journals of the habitable globe, and came back to England like the fabled boomerang. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 104, January 14, 1893
  • Let the one in books that speak the truth edify religious men, and the other in lying fables delight impure demons.
  • FRANKFURT — Two German merchant ships have traversed the fabled Northeast Passage after global warming and melting ice opened a route from South Korea along ... Jennifer Schwab: Renewable Energy -- Not in My Backyard!
  • In one of the untitled drawings, a characteristically inverted robed figure, skirts ornamented with ink arabesques, topped with a hat, recalls the painted fables of Chagall.
  • One technique, called "fabula," or "fable," allowed Mr. Sundberg to apply commercially sold decals to a sub-layer of glass, which he then covered with irregular layers of transparent glass; the result was an accretion of odd, watery images that referenced everything from flowers to sexuality. Per B Sundberg
  • He portrayed visions of animal menageries, fairies, and devils, derived from fables and mythology.
  • Turkish blue and emerald green, and every jewel of every land, lie amassed in gorgeous profusion in the adjoining cases, and seemed to realize the fabled treasures of the preadamite Sultans. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 394, October 17, 1829
  • Then last year, he made a comeback starring as the affable-yet-clueless dad of two teen babes and a pesky son.
  • The thought, previously unconsidered, brings a laugh from the big, affable Sixmilebridgeman.
  • Affable, intelligent, and a talented general, the regent was also a libertine and a rake who had fallen foul of the starchy atmosphere of Versailles during Louis XIV's twilight years.
  • He is not a great intellectual but he is a practical and affable man who gets on with things and will get the job done. Times, Sunday Times
  • Earp was fond of using the word affable when describing his friend to others. The Always Affable Obama
  • Even on a cloudy day the light beaming through the top of the dome seems to represent the ineffable visitation of divine beauty.
  • No, not for those reasons, though he was certain she'd be fabled in those areas as well, but for something even greater about her.
  • Dryden; but the fact is, _I did not know that Dryden's version existed_; for having undertaken to complete those of the Canterbury Tales which were wanting in Ogle's collection, and the tale in question _not being in that collection_, I proceeded to supply it, having never till very lately, strange as it may seem, _seen the volume of Dryden's Fables in which it may be found_!! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845
  • While I think the book has an intriguing premise, calling it a fable is a stretch. Whither Jackie Paper?
  • May there not in both fables lie a dim forefeeling of the time when Justice shall transfer her seat from the skies, so that whatever her ministers bind on earth may be bound in heaven? Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala
  • He and I had one or two big fights -- and I was younger, far nastier and angrier and shot to kill, back then -- but, no matter what names I called him, the next time I spoke to him he was always equanimous, forgiving and affable. ... Is there no one who does not cheer new DC editor-in-chief BOB HARRAS?
  • The whole sequence ends with two sonnets allegorizing the poet's love by means of fables about Cupid.
  • If ‘the world’ is something beyond all description, an ineffable thing-in-itself, no real answer to the question has been given.
  • Why the hell are we conditioned into the smooth strawberry-and-cream Mother-Goose-world, Alice-in-Wonderland fable, only to be broken on the wheel as we grow older and become aware of ourselves as individuals with a dull responsibility in life? Sylvia Plath 
  • Orwell adapts the literary forms of the allegory and beast fable for his own purposes.
  • Usually Eddington is the most affable of colleagues, friendly and very approachable.
  • They also appear, imbued with human attributes, in myths and fables, making them key agents in the teaching of indigenous manners and codes of behavior.
  • Inventions, handy fables, and propaganda wormed away at the story for decades, institutionalizing falsehoods and calcifying legends, many of which then became part of the narrative in the West, where further repetition hardened and certified official Soviet accounts. The Gun
  • These aspects are: 1. mystical experience consists of pre-rational immediate consciousness or feeling; 2. mystical experience removes the distinction between subject and object; 3. mystical experience is prior to language and is therefore ineffable; and 4. mystical experience dissolves or annihilates the self; 5. mystical experience cannot be sustained, and is therefore transient; 6. mystical experience is nevertheless noetic, that is, it imparts insights about the nature of Reality. About religious experience (William James, Schleiermacher etc)
  • You may give them all they need of food and drink and make the conditions of their existence as favorable as possible, and they may grow and bloom, but there is a certain ineffable something that will be missing if you do not love them, a delicate glory too spiritual to be caught and put into words. An Island Garden
  • She wants to fable up this narrative into a fiction.
  • Lastly, for the errors brought in from false or uncertain history, what is all the legend of fictitious miracles in the lives of the saints; and all the histories of apparitions and ghosts alleged by the doctors of the Roman Church, to make good their doctrines of hell and purgatory, the power of exorcism, and other doctrines which have no warrant, neither in reason nor Scripture; as also all those traditions which they call the unwritten word of God; but old wives 'fables? Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill
  • Bill is puffing and blowing, but there is a look of ineffable peace and growing content on his rose-pink features.
  • CARVILLE: Well, I think that the -- the House leadership -- I think the House leadership, I think that Cantor comes across as a kind of affable guy. CNN Transcript May 8, 2009
  • The text makes reference to the Shem haM' phoras, the ineffable, unspeakable Name of God.
  • Pioneers to this region must have been astounded to find massive tree falls that had literally been turned to stone, as if it were an eccentric display of some fabled deity.
  • Why the hell are we conditioned into the smooth strawberry-and-cream Mother-Goose-world, Alice-in-Wonderland fable, only to be broken on the wheel as we grow older and become aware of ourselves as individuals with a dull responsibility in life? Sylvia Plath 
  • In fables, Uncle Coyote is constantly outwitted by the jokester and trickster Uncle Rabbit.
  • His stories were enigmatic fables set in the past, and could be understood as veiled political criticism.
  • On-line customers will be able to fully interact with the affable Alex as if talking to another person.
  • It was a fabled street, but for him it had been forbidden territory.
  • The club's rulers had to act, but I suspect the fabled wisdom of King Solomon would be pressed to drag City out of their present slump.
  • There is nothing, indeed, that makes the judicious grieve more than maladroit flattery, which is as embarrassing to the victim as the clumsy caresses of the horse in the fable who tried to emulate the dog's gambols about his master.
  • Who can blame that fabled celebrity connoisseur of ecdysiasts for wearing a mask when he dropped in for a spot of ale at his favorite London strip club?
  • * Elder Joy – This fabled treat coveted by the dark deities is a sinister cousin to a popular human confection -- an ambrosial amalgam of Coconut, white-chocolate Ganache, and Rum, enrobed in the darkest Chocolate and topped with a crisp, whole Almond. Places You Haunt
  • Wings Of Desire, his poetic 1987 fable about guardian angels watching over Berlin, remains one of the most successful European productions in cinema history.
  • I was never very good at this sort of thing - this being pleasant, affable, agreeable.
  • Attractive, easygoing, affable, with their own ritualized jargon, the argot of the well-born Atlanta male among his peers. DOWNTOWN
  • You come across as effortlessly affable and friendly at all times. The Sun
  • Ask anyone in the press about Henry and they'll tell you how affable, friendly, approachable and humble Henry is.
  • Christmastide is something special to me, something sacred that has nothing to do with mythology and fable. December 2005
  • The July issue of Jack of Fables has a guest story from me, featuring the story of how the title character once assayed the role of Lord of the Jungle, and this fall the first issue of a miniseries spinning out of Bill Willingham's Fables will hit comic shops, Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love. INTERVIEW: Chris Roberson
  • Forget that the sense of it being a fable is bowdlerized by the fact that almost none of the character action is fully motivated.
  • Behind the affable exterior and easy smile is an iron will and sense of purpose. The Sun
  • He rewinds the tape to replay a passage about a girl he was courting at the time, and the ineffable sadness that creeps over his face is heartbreaking.
  • The Smithsonian American Art Museum is now hosting the first major Rockman retrospective, entitled -- with a nod to Rachel Carson's Silent Spring -- "Alexis Rockman: A Fable Tomorrow".
  • There is something ineffable about the experience of being on a high mountaintop.
  • His affable and effervescent nature made him an outstanding teacher with a style that was simultaneously demanding and kind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather than impose a strict chronology, the book jumps entertainingly between eras and features all the great names of this fabled rivalry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Darren Yeadon has spent the past two years in Italy working with marble from Carrara, which has gained a fabled reputation among sculptors across the globe.
  • He has the same hardness, the same grit beneath an affable and empathetic nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, in those days, there were "chairmen" -- affable gentlemen, who would drink anything at anybody's expense, and drink any quantity of it, and never seem to get any fuller. John Ingerfield and Other Stories
  • That it is a special but effable sort of strongly-self-modelling computational process.
  • A candid appraisal of these fables is given by Delmer Darrah in his History and Evolution of Freemasonry: Masons have believed the things concerning the origin of the institution that they wanted to believe and have gone forth and told them as facts. Bizarre
  • People are talking differently about the man that they thought of as an affable neighbour, pleasant cabbie, reliable friend and dutiful father. Times, Sunday Times
  • In person he was affable and charming. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film's sometimes dreamy quality is underscored by a refrain of spirituality blended with myth mixed with fable.
  • You can dress up a wolf in a bonnet and cape and pretend it's your granny, but - as another fable should have taught us long ago - it will still behave according to its nature.
  • It operates with all the cravenness of the fabled Mexican jail. Stephen Herrington: Goldman Sachs Robbed the EU By Way of Greece
  • I must have told the boys stories out of my Goldsmith's Greece and Rome, or it would not have been known that I had read them, but I have no recollection now of doing so, while I distinctly remember rehearsing the allegories and fables of the 'Gesta Romanorum', a book which seems to have been in my hands about the same time or a little later. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • There it stands, high above them all, and remote from them all, in its air of great antiquity, in its unaccountableness, in its serene truthfulness, in its unapproachable sublimity, in that impress of divine majesty and ineffable holiness which even the unbelieving neologist has been compelled to acknowledge, and by which every devout reader feels that the first page in Genesis is forever distinguished from any mere human production. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • The performers were not intolerable, and the piece, which was what they call a proverb (a fable constructed so as to give a ludicrous verification or contradiction to an old saying), was amusing. Travels through the South of France and the Interior of Provinces of Provence and Languedoc in the Years 1807 and 1808
  • He is not a great intellectual but he is a practical and affable man who gets on with things and will get the job done. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peter Molyneux confirms a whole new continent called Arora for the next instalment in Lionhead's Fable series ...
  • Wherever you go in Western France you follow in the footsteps of history, shadowed by myth and legend, with fable and fairy tale snapping at your heels.
  • By the time we reach the Snow Queen episode near the end of the film, the retelling of the famous fable so accurately mirrors what is happening between the characters that it seems like Hollywood crafted kismet.
  • Another "fabula" descendant that continues to tell tales in English is "fable. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • As a man he is high-spirited and energetic, always ready to fight for his Sultan, his country and, especially, his Faith: courteous and affable, rarely failing in temperance of mind and self-respect, self-control and self-command: hospitable to the stranger, attached to his fellow citizens, submissive to superiors and kindly to inferiors — if such classes exist: Eastern despotisms have arrived nearer the idea of equality and fraternity than any republic yet invented. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Bresson's most sublime and devastating vision, "Au hasard Balthazar" 1966, is a modern-day fable about a long-suffering donkey victimized by his owners' pride, greed, lust and sadism. Salvation at the Forum
  • For the fables that are storied and related about the discerption of Bacchus, and the attempts of the Titans upon him, and of their tasting of his slain body, and of their several punishments and fulminations afterwards, are but a representation of the regeneration.
  • He has remained the affable rustic who enjoyed the company of old friends.
  • Many legends have spoke on its great and fabled powers, saying that it has the ability to drop gold and prolong life, so on.
  • The fabled Collyer brothers were recluses whose bodies were found in 1947 amid the tons of debris in their Manhattan brownstone.
  • We see this in her mythological and fable-like prose poem ‘The Flood,’ which portrays and condemns the effects of the eradication of undomesticated wildness.
  • IT is perhaps the world's most evocative place name, conjuring up hazy images of a fabled land at the ends of the earth. The Sun
  • When supernatural artifacts from the Homelands begin surfacing in the modern world, it falls to Cinderella, Fabletown†™ s best kept (and best dressed) secret agent to stop the illegal trafficking. MSP#150: Yeah, we can't believe it either... | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Affable by nature, Wallace moves from the stage to the bar and back again, using words of thanks and admiration to chat up everyone within his orbit.
  • For him, and those who know the real version, The Adventures of Pinocchio is not an amusing, light-hearted fantasy, but a serious fable about art and life. I’ve Got No Strings « So Many Books
  • The answer, at least in part, is because he is Cuban — so not only does he come from a fabled baseball tradition, but he is also a defector, which is a popular political story. Cuba's Major-League Cachet
  • His comfortable upbringing and magic carpet ride to the top have left him with a charming, affable manner. The Sun
  • When supernatural artifacts from the Homelands begin surfacing in the modern world, it falls to Cinderella, Fabletown†™ s best kept (and best dressed) secret agent to stop the illegal trafficking. MSP#150: Yeah, we can't believe it either... | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • It has obtained such reputation as it possesses, partly because of its invention or improvement of the fable of "Surrey and Geraldine"; more, and more justly, because it does work up a certain amount of historical material -- the wars of Henry VIII. in French Flanders -- into something premonitory (with a little kindness on the part of the premonished) of the great and long missed historical novel; still more for something else. The English Novel
  • Since I read the cards and runes too, maybe divination, thought experiment and fable-telling can all flow together for me.
  • Beijing says these troops are helping repair the fabled Karakoram Highway (KKH), the only land link between close allies China and Pakistan's Gilgit region. Eric Margolis: Kashmir Could Start a Nuclear War
  • You come across as effortlessly affable and friendly at all times. The Sun
  • After war service he co-directed with Olivier four fabled repertory seasons by the Old Vic Company in the West End: his great Shakespearian creation was Falstaff in both parts of Henry IV.
  • Children were once told fairytales, myths, legends and fables because they had a meaning, a moral or a special psychological relevance.
  • If Sandra for the major part is congenial, affable, it is her sparring partner, Regina King, who plays a perfect foil.
  • He's the open-faced youth during a recreation of Roosevelt's fabled journey.
  • FOR thousands of years the mystery of Atlantis has remained as deep as the ocean covering the fabled city itself. The Sun
  • This collection of Indian folklore, retold for younger readers ‘of all ages’, includes many stories from the Jataka, a Buddhist compilation of fables.
  • It is interesting to note, that while Washington seems increasingly populated by $20-a-head edutainment “museums” and wax-statue celebrity shrines, that San Francisco is welcoming an institution where one can consider “first-things,” the basic questions that art seeks to address and accommodate a range of effable and ineffable responses. Field Trip: The Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • Planudes may have invented some few fables, or have inserted some that were current in his day; but there is an abundance of unanswerable internal evidence to prove that he had an acquaintance with the veritable fables of Aesop, although the versions he had access to were probably corrupt, as contained in the various translations and disquisitional exercises of the rhetoricians and philosophers. Fables
  • Big awards, thankfully, don't always go to big ensembles, but there's a long way to go before a couple of perfect minutes of lapidary precision and ineffable depth can hope to compete on equal terms with a Wagnerian stem-winder. posted by Matthew @ 10: 00 PM Not long for this world
  • Othellos, the Don Juans that illustrate to us that the fable is a game of chess played over and over again, a thousand times with whatever pieces destiny throws up at any given time. Camilo José Cela - Nobel Lecture
  • The tall, lanky boy brushed her off and leaned against one of the legendary, fabled songstones.
  • These ideas are alluded to in this affable portrait by the angelic baby grasping a toy rattle while being tenderly held by its mother.
  • Whatever grand claims spin-doctors make of their fabled and bewitching powers, they can no more teach a dunce to run the Department for Education than make a marquee the most exciting destination of the new millennium.
  • The stereotypical gobbler of romantic novels was the suburban housewife, who used fables on passionate love as an escape from the bored drudgery and emotional pragmatism of real life.
  • But, as of old, his smooth face fairly shone with affable ease.
  • Hawaiians refer to it as mana, the Greeks called it pneuma, the Japanese call it ki, yogis know it as prana, devout Christians might think of it as the Holy Ghost, martial artists know it is energy, and my 10-year-old son insists it the ineffable force that lends atoms awareness of themselves. Arthur Rosenfeld: What Is Qi?
  • Of the seven identified or plausibly identifiable books, not one is a book of histories, myths, or fables by a classical author.
  • Blood suck ghost, other name hemophagia corpse, in fable eternal life not old supernatural not dead biology.
  • This word, when thus pronounced, is called the ineffable word, which cannot be altered as other words are, and the degrees which you have received, are called, on this account, INEFFABLE DEGREES. The Mysteries of Free Masonry Containing All the Degrees of the Order Conferred in a Master's Lodge
  • At first, this may seem as magical as the fabled alchemy that could turn any substance to gold.
  • In her way she was an artist to rival any that could be found in this fabled city of painters, poets and song. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps in London fable and fact have a habit of colluding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very strangeness of the fable set forth perhaps engaged the child's fancy; or the benignant mildness of the countenances, so unlike the eager individual faces of the earlier artist; for he returned again and again to gaze unweariedly on the inhabitants of that tranquil grassy world, studying every inch of the walls and with much awe and fruitless speculation deciphering on the hem of a floating drapery the inscription: Bernardinus Lovinus pinxit. The Valley of Decision
  • The second series in vol. ix., consisting of eight fables, not including ten anecdotes The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He's affable but obnoxious, well-intentioned but downright dorky.

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