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[ US /ˈɛzɹə/ ]
  1. a Jewish priest and scribe sent by the Persian king to restore Jewish law and worship in Jerusalem
  2. an Old Testament book telling of a rabbi's efforts in the 5th century BC to reconstitute Jewish law and worship in Jerusalem after the Babylonian Captivity

How To Use Ezra In A Sentence

  • The allusions are swift, the collisions reminiscent of the ‘ply over ply’ technique of Ezra Pound's Cantos, but to more disjunctive ends.
  • Unfortunately I doubt the students know who Ezra Levant is and the vice-principal probably never gave them a chance to defend their shirts. The Volokh Conspiracy » Discourteous to Wear American Flag Images on Cinco de Mayo?
  • Either we must be cleansed from the pollutions of sin or we shall, as polluted, be put from that priesthood, Ezra ii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • This proves, according to Ezra, that conservative and Republican opposition to the current iteration of the individual mandate is just legal pettifoggery and political opportunism. Give me liberty or give me health care
  • Ezra stood on the sidewalk with the river and the mill over his shoulder.
  • Ezra Klein perceives himself as a benevolent and educated individual. In Which Ezra Shows Why He is not Close to Conversion, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Ezra Loomis Pound is a renowned American poet and translator, the pioneer of the poetic movement of "Imagist Movement" in the twentieth century.
  • (Taste, July 9): A bitter debate surrounded the announcement of the Bollingen Prize to the profascist and anti-Semitic Ezra Pound for" The Pisan Cantos, "judged by a panel of highly regarded poets to represent the best poetry of 1948. Art Stands Apart From the Artist
  • Yes, Ezra is a tennis ball, does bounce on, off, along, over everything.
  • Jezrael's body arched languorously; her dream-self believed she was nestling closer to the Magyar.
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