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How To Use Eyre In A Sentence

  • If theyre taking money from ACORN, then why is Blackwater, and other thieving, lying companies funded by my tax dollars still receiving monies from the government. ACORN files lawsuit over loss of federal funding
  • Jan. 22/PRNewswire-USNewswire/-- With a generous donation from Eyre Bus, Tour & medical professionals and volunteers from the D.C. and New - Articles related to Where America Gives Its Money
  • zone_info": "huffpost. entertainment/blog; entertainment = 1; featured-posts = 1; nickname = jenna-busch; entry_id = 286704; antonio-banderas = 1; interview = 1; laura-linney = 1; movies = 1; richard-eyre = 1; the-other-man = 1", Jenna Busch: Antonio Banderas and Laura Linney Talk The Other Man
  • “if a man slea the chancellor, treasurer, or the King†™ s justices of the one bench or the other, justices in eyre, or justices of assise, and all other justices assigned to hear and determine, being in their places, doing their offices”. Think Progress » Bush’s Iraq PR Campaign Falling Flat
  • 'Jane Eyre' is Bronte's classic novel of courage in the face of despair.
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  • At subsequent Forest Eyres in other counties the judges were clearly determined to raise large sums by fining the forest landowners.
  • To Brystowe dheie wylle tourne yeyre fhuyrie dyre; The Rowley Poems
  • Charlotte is the author of the classic novel Jane Eyre, one of the top 20 most popular reads in the country.
  • HELL NO I AINT ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'when theyre gettin chased by the indians. Greatest movie line ever
  • As already said, the next eyre (i.e. Circuit of judges for trials in the various counties), and a very general eyre it was, took place in the winter of 1218-9. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Having worked on a few films myself, you really do learn how little control a director can have - of course they have an overall say but what about the producer, lighting dir, sfx director and the editor - theyre all to blame for the T2 mess .... Michael Bay Reveals TRANSFORMERS 3 Features Big Action Sequences in Chicago and Moscow –
  • Jane Eyre (Ch. 12) "Shirley" is a powerful indictment of the position of women in nineteenth-century England. The Better Part
  • This is supposed to be a ghibli movie not a cyrus/jonas vehicle even though thats what theyre using it for. evilmonkeyg1 Movie Review: Ponyo on the Cliff - Miyazaki Revives the Hand-Drawn Animated Epic | /Film
  • Australia: lowest point: Lake Eyre -15 m highest point: Mount Kosciuszko 2,229 m The 2001 CIA World Factbook
  • Theyre myghte ys knopped [14] ynne the froste of fere. The Rowley Poems
  • Dovegreyreader scribbles all kept my brain ticking along while the rest of me plodded back to fitness, and what an exciting year it's been since. ON BEING ILL by Virginia Woolf
  • As Sheyrena had gradually come to understand, the distinction between the bower and the harem was that the bower was a harem of one. Elvenblood
  • Lord was compelled to take out a _Pone_ to have the matter tried before the Court of Common Pleas or the Justices in Eyre, that is, the assizes. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 5, 1920
  • Mrs, Reed, having had a stroke as a result,(sentence dictionary) asks to see Jane Eyre.
  • The sheriffs performed much the same duties as their English counterparts, while judicial eyres administered justice, at least for the English settlers.
  • Nor does it seem to chafe my reviewers that avant-garde types like Gauguin, Degas, and Puvis de Chavannes were political reactionaries or that pompiers like Gleyre, Delaroche, and Couture held progressive views at various stages in their careers. 'The Unhappy Medium': An Exchange
  • In 1664, Dr. Luke Barber, a Maryland physician, who faced a heavy suit for damages, transferred all of his property to two men “in trust to the only use and behoofe” of his “most deare … Wife Elizabeth … and her heyres for ever.” A History of American Law
  • Still, the main effect of Richard Eyre's intricate and absorbing production is not to recreate the enamelled snobbery of the Simpson entourage. The Last of the Duchess; 13; The Village Social – review
  • And six new centres are planned to be built before 2012 - Wilkinson Eyre's tree house, which goes on site in Oxford next year, is my favourite: leafily escapist. The Guardian World News
  • De Gaulle's notes to Peyrefitte, mentioned above, indicate dissatisfaction with the implementation of the state broadcasting policy.
  • Tare owte theyre sable harte bie ryghtefulle breme [101]; The Rowley Poems
  • This video was shot 1 __ and first uploaded around 1/11. payday loan new hampshire state house democratcs concord john lynch lou d'allessandro payday loans frank guinta lending practices usery laws banking financial services institutions bailout regulation ron paul ridleyreport dave ridley report free state project economic crisis jobs unemployment barack obama sarah palin second american revolution jean shaheen john sununu sr. judd gregg carol shea-porter hearing illegal nanny …. Boats and Boating Online Resource Center. Find Boating News, Products and Services. Boating RSS Feed Available.
  • Eyre's down-to-earth style was well suited to the exploration of these recondite matters.
  • A case heard at the Essex Forest Eyre in 1277 illustrates the conflict between municipal privileges and Forest jurisdictions.
  • Dr. Deirdre Orceyre is both a naturopathic physician and Chinese medicine practitioner at the Center for Integrative Medicine.
  • He reached the Neale again, and instituted a survey of the good country he had formerly traversed, occasionally approaching to within sight of what he calls Lake Torrens, but which was in reality Lake Eyre. The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888
  • There was a personal reason why the bishop was unpopular among the citizens, for "he procured that the justices in eyre should sit in London; on which occasion, because the citizens had committed various offences, they were heavily punished by the loss of their liberties, by pecuniary mulcts, and by bodily chastisment, as they deserved. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Exeter A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • Propaganda pumpin punks calling it food I think theyre confused, Killer sweet-treat deceit let-loose abuse For a fast-food attitude mad cow cash-crop mentality Growing instant gratification sewing seeds of slavery Its amping up the pace of the lab rat race The soma coma kamikaze selling pig fat as milkshakes A rorter slaughter trauma sick cows line mass graves - Financial News
  • Jane Eyre was not the first book that Charlotte had sent to a publisher.
  • Under the impetus of the feminist movement and criticism, the image of madwoman in Jane Eyre has come to arouse some interest and attention from people, but not seemingly enough.
  • Near Glen Helen, where the Finke River goes through a gap in the Macdonnell Ranges and heads south towards the Simpson Desert and Lake Eyre, we turned northward upstream and wound along on the rocks and sand of its upper bed, through big river red gums. Wildwood
  • Elevation extremes: lowest point: Lake Eyre -15 m highest point: Mount Kosciuszko 2,229 m Australia
  • The Beatitudes and other teachings in which Jesus exhorts his disciples to put all their trust in God have a special meaning in this context (Neyrey).
  • The Distant Hours, by Kate Morton (Mantle, £16.99) Kate Morton's trick, performed here and in previous bestsellers such as The Forgotten Garden, is to mash together several classic novels likely to have been loved as children by her target readership – I Capture the Castle, The Secret Garden, Jane Eyre, and so on – then force the resulting sludge through a sieve to remove any gristly bits. Thrillers – review
  • Her notebooks still have to be kept in lead bockses because theyre so radiotoxic. Mavis became a - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A:: loop if checkkeyreleased (A_thishotkey); break; presskey ( "z"); return presskey (key, del1 = 999999, del2 = 999999); global delaybetweenfkeys, fkeydowndelay del1: = del1 = 999999? fkeydowndelay: del1; del2: = del2 = 999999? delaybetweenfkeys: del2; sendinput {% key% down}; sleep % del1%; sendinput {% key% up}; sleep % del2%; checkkeyreleased (key, checkdelay = 2) AutoHotkey Community
  • Which one are they really going to pay for since theyre is not enough rich people to pay for everything? Raising taxes at center of health care reform debate
  • Knowe yee, that hereupon we greatly tendring the wealth of our people and the encouragement of them and other our louing subiects in their good enterprises for the aduancement of lawfull traffike to the benefite of our common wealth, haue of our speciall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion giuen and graunted, and by these presents for vs, our heyres, and successours, doe giue and graunt vnto our sayd trustie and welbeloued subiectes Edwarde The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Charlotte Bronte was a year in writing "Jane Eyre," spurred on to new effort by the recent rejection of "The Professor," but to write such a book in a year cannot be called overhasty production when one considers how much of "Jane Eyre" was drawn from Charlotte Bronte's own life, and also how she and her sisters had been experimenting with literature from their earliest childhood. Imperishable Fiction: An Inquiry into the Short Life of the 'Best Sellers' Reveals the Methods Which Brought into Being the Novels that Endure
  • De Gaulle's notes to Peyrefitte, mentioned above, indicate dissatisfaction with the implementation of the state broadcasting policy.
  • Theyre's a band called anodyne that sounds pretty interesting playing tomorrow, and I talked to Big Jim about going. .but the Nor'easter has put those plans in jeopardy. Mesocyclone Diary Entry
  • Mr Justice Donal O'Donnell found arbitrator Geoffrey F. Hawker had "misconducted" the arbitration in the technical sense and this required the setting aside of his October 2007 award on the dispute between the Council and Samuel Kingston Construction Company (SKC) arising from a contract of April 5th 2004 for the redevelopment of Eyre Square. Breaking News
  • It also accepts pre Euro coins and both can be left at the Pet Proud shop in Eyre Street, Newbridge.
  • Its not listed first its about three down after jane eyre kinda funky-bad karma shaman guy has cursed us! Regretsy – Lost in Space
  • Everything, including the perimeter car parking bays, is subtly brought together by Livingston Eyre's landscaping that knits into the bosky suburban setting.
  • (Soundbite of song, "Tango Square") EYRE: The bandoneon, with its unique timbre and expressiveness, was created in Germany, but it soon became inseparable from the sexy new dance music emerging from the bars and bordellos of Buenos Aires. Gotan Project: An International Spin On Argentina's Tango
  • Think about it, many will say that they wouldnt kill off Ben so soon because theyre is ALOT of answers to come out of him, but he is getting a flashback episode that charts from him as a young boy to him as a man, so I’d say he might just be fair game as one of the OTHER casualties! The Tail Section » Lost Finale Spoilers From USAToday
  • And in this yere Edwarde the kynges sone was wounded of a Saresyn at Acres, whiche broughte hym lettres fro the Sowdone, the whiche Sowdone menynge tresone hadde sent the same Sarasyn with the lettres unto the said kynges sone Edward, whiche for hete of the contrey eyre satt on a bedde in his doublet, and opened them. A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Written in the Fifteenth Century, and for the First Time Printed from MSS. in the British Museum
  • Lord Sandwich emerges so far as to be chief justice in eyre. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
  • He had risen very rapidly, but from very dirty beginnings; being first a "nark" or informer, and then a money-lender: but as solicitor to the Eyres he had the sense, as I say, to keep technically straight until he was ready to deal the final blow. The Wisdom of Father Brown
  • To get the ball rolling, I implemented some of the more basic kinds of virtual DOM events, such as parameterized remain-in-state events like mouseRemainDown, keyRemainDown, remainFocused, etc.
  • Australia lowest point: Lake Eyre -15 m highest point: Mount Kosciuszko 2,229 m The 2007 CIA World Factbook
  • Driven to desperation by lack of water for his men and small flocks of sheep and cattle, Eyre had followed Aboriginal tracks to the foot of the sand dunes, where he noticed damp patches.
  • The only sources perused systematically were the English eyre rolls, which gives, not surprisingly, a distinctly English flavor to his analysis.
  • Liberty On Tour is a dynamic project of two friends, Pete Eyre and Adam Mueller, who are touring 13 cities in 13 weeks in their RV dubbed MARV while advancing a message of voluntaryism. Rational Review
  • Australialowest point: Lake Eyre -15 m highest point: Mount Kosciuszko 2,229 m Elevation extremes
  • Too bad theyre on opposite ends of the political spectrum … Think Progress » DC Media Scoff At President Obama’s Substantive And Detailed Answer To Health Care Question
  • Eyre Square was originally bequeathed to the people of the city in 1710 by Mayor Edward Eyre.
  • There was a fell feck o 'hostin', an 'ow-ayin', an 'so on; so I cam' my wa's hame afore aucht o'clock, for I was juist sittin 'on heckle-pins thinkin' ilka meenit Sandy wud be comin 'thrash in on's, roarin' he'd set the parafin cask afeyre. My Man Sandy
  • The winner in the seven to 12 age group was Lea Eyre, with a picture of a witch on a broomstick.
  • However, its interest to scholars - who, following the manuscript's purchase by La Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits in Paris, will be able to study the work - is not proportionate to its size. 's 19 pages is a vivid tale of murder and madness entitled "A Letter from Lord Charles Wellesley", which includes an episode prefiguring one of the most famous scenes in fiction: when Jane Eyre's Bertha - the so-called "madwoman in the attic" - sets fire to her husband Mr Rochester's bed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Coronata_, I am not aware that any of Munday's ballads are extant -- unless indeed the "ditties" in _The Banquet of daintie Conceits_ may be regarded as such; but there is no doubt that they were numerous, and hence, in the present passage, he is termed the "immediate heyre" of Kemps Nine Daies Wonder Performed in a Daunce from London to Norwich
  • If her friends tease her about it then that means she either likes u back, and in saying your name theyre also teasing her, or she doesnt like you that way and her friends know this but they like teasing her about how much you like her and how everybody knows! Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The enforcement of the possessory assizes and measures against crime was now entrusted to royal justices, sent out on eyre (from Latin iter, a journey) to act as the king's agents.
  • Intellectual women can also be cynical, overanalytical, and judgmental if theyre not carefultheyre accustomed to trusting their heads, not their hearts. Become Your Own Matchmaker
  • Some day, said Latz, he would like to raft right down the Finke River in flood, from its beginnings south of the Tanami Desert, all the way to the Simpson Desert, and on down the Macumba River into the vastness of Lake Eyre. Wildwood
  • The Brontës were fond of flowers and mentioned them in their books, and Charlotte, who wrote Jane Eyre, corresponded with her friend Ellen Nussey in March 1844, seeking advice on behalf of Emily.
  • I detailed Kelly Eyre to Quimperlé with orders for ten thousand crimson hand-bills; I sent McCadger, with Dawley, the bass-drummer, and Irwin, the cornettist, to plaster our posters from Pont Aven to The Maids of Paradise
  • EYRE: Whether this counts as tact, diplomacy or making the best of a hopeless situation, Ade's approach to piracy echoes his musical philosophy, which he calls his synchro system. King Sunny Ade: True Juju Royalty
  • Gentle upwarping has caused the western Queensland Mitchell Grass Downs to form the divide between northern drainage to the Gulf of Carpentaria via the Flinders River and southwestern drainage via the Diamantina River and Channel Country into Lake Eyre. Mitchell grass downs
  • Most of these cases are from the records of the Eyre Court of Oxfordshire in 1241.
  • If they all decided to stick together and not sell or solicit or publish until the managers agreed to improve their conditions their companies would be fucked, and by any meaningful definition theyre working class. What's Going On
  • The theological certainties he found in others intrigued, but never convinced Eyre.
  • Theyre myghte ys _knopped_ ynne the froste of fere. The Rowley Poems
  • Im not sure spitting in theyre face was a great idea. Has anyone ever been yelled or cussed at by animal rights activists
  • Here Mr. Eyre had collected 69 natives, who were about to go out kangarooing when he arrived. Expedition into Central Australia
  • Apparently, having the Freedom of the City of Galway means that you can graze your cattle anywhere in the city, even in Eyre Square.
  • She was to stay overnight in the hospital and was expected to be released Thursday morning, hospital spokesman Brice Peyre said.
  • It was a fitting reward for the family from the Eyre Peninsula, whose property at Greenpatch was devastated during recent fires.
  • Eyre thought he was hemmed in by a circular or horse-shoe-shaped salt depression, which he called Lake Torrens; because, wherever he tried to push northwards, north-westwards, eastwards, or north-eastwards, he invariably came upon the shores of one of these objectionable and impassable features. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • Bella, as for you, I think youve been taking showers in bong water, listening to the beatles 24-7 (theyre later music, the earlier stuff was good) and putting crack in your coffee. Friendly religious questions for Christians and other monotheists
  • And Morris compares himself to Charlotte BrontE's Jane Eyre -- and Clinton to her mysterious inamorato, Rochester. See Dick Run The Country
  • Richard Eyre summed it up well recently: cinema and television are mediums of similitude, and radio and the stage mediums of metaphor.
  • I have, for example, read “Jane Eyre” at least fifteen times, first at the age of twelve, and in varying intervals for the past twenty-five years since then. Learning From Stories « Tales from the Reading Room
  • In the midst of a massive drought, two storms—thunder and dust—appeared and painted an apocalyptic portrait over Australia's Lake Eyre.
  • The premises had also formerly operated as a guesthouse, and it faces on to Eyre Square.
  • [3] The shire-mote became known as the county court, but cases coming before it were tried by the king's _justices in eyre_, or circuit judges, who went about from county to county to preside over the judicial work. Civil Government in the United States Considered with Some Reference to Its Origins
  • HPConfig. blog_id = 0; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. entertainment/blog; entertainment = 1; featured-posts = 1; nickname = jenna-busch; entry_id = 286704; antonio-banderas = 1; interview = 1; laura-linney = 1; movies = 1; richard-eyre = 1; the-other-man = 1"; if (top! Jenna Busch: Antonio Banderas and Laura Linney Talk The Other Man
  • Harry Eyres previews an evening of music inspired by - and played in the presence of - the giant sculpture in Tate Modern's Turbine Hall
  • Theyre small plastic pop-top bottles that hold only about 3 or 4 ounces. ChiRunning
  • The others I don't know, or can't think of. classicrock1818 wrote: none, but now im embarassed i didnt get zep.hahahaha. im just not a metal guy i guess. vilen, you get any of mine? theyre a completely different genre haha [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • Let growe theyre here without cuttinge or scissure. The Ship of Fools, Volume 1
  • Also in this yere upon seynt Lukes day there blew a gret wynd out of the north, whiche caste doune manye houses, steples and torrettes of chirches, and turned up so downe trees in wodes and in orchardes, at whiche tyme fyry dragons and wykkes spirytes grete noumbre were seyn openly fleyng in the eyre. A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Written in the Fifteenth Century, and for the First Time Printed from MSS. in the British Museum
  • Gleyre's best-known picture is the painting in the Louvre, somewhat weak in colouring, but showing much feeling, a Nile subject representing a man sitting on the banks of the river and watching the dreams of his youth, represented as beautiful women, fleeing from him on a decorated dahabeah, which is disappearing. Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • (Soundbite of music) Unidentified People: (Singing in foreign language) EYRE: Bassekou calls this CD "I Speak Fula," but Fula is not his language. Bassekou Kouyate And The African Lute
  • The Skeff Bar, Eyre Square, raised the price of a pint of stout, ale, lager, cider and a measure of whiskey by 10 cents.
  • This was the highest tribunal of the Forests, and the Chief Justice in Eyre, who presided at it, was at the head of this division of the English legislature.
  • In the late twelfth century, however, Cornwall was brought within the English shrieval system; and subsequently the king's justices on eyre operated as effectively in this county as in any other.
  • It just seems really patronizing to treat Muslims like theyre some kind of unschooled savages who don’t have minds of their own. Muslims are The New Jews | Jewschool
  • LYRICS: THE BIG MAC COUNTER ATTACK [sample from Mclibel documentary] This is a Big Mac counter attack Organic fanatics are sick of being stabbed in the back with clown fat So we get phat with beat, not with the meat, And fight back with phat funk against this fast rude junk Propaganda pumpin punks calling it food I think theyre confused, Killer sweet-treat deceit let-loose abuse For a fast-food attitude mad cow cash-crop mentality Growing instant gratification sewing seeds of slavery Its amping up the pace of the lab rat race The soma coma kamikaze selling pig fat as milkshakes A rorter slaughter trauma sick cows line mass graves Serve you up a dead planet on the skin bones of slaves! - Financial News
  • In The Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys drew a haunting portrait of the young Mrs Rochester before she went mad and ended her days in the attic in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre.
  • Yes | No | Report from MIKE DEGEN wrote 1 year 7 weeks ago dat theyre is one yupper of a buck. nice score there AAAAAAAAAH. Way Up in the U.P.
  • British rule in Jamaica was shaken by a rising in 1865, and the governor Edward Eyre recalled in disgrace, but control was reasserted.
  • Under the impetus of the feminist movement and criticism, the image of madwoman in Jane Eyre has come to arouse some interest and attention from people, but not seemingly enough.
  • Lyttleton, who had distinguished himself by the severity of his attacks upon the administration at the opening of this session, and who had been connected with Chatham and Temple, was called to the privy-council, and appointed to the sinecure office of chief-justice in eyre beyond The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • Isabella Blow (1958-2007) certainly risks becoming a fashion footnote, remembered as a social gadabout (she once said that she needed publicity "like Jane Eyre needed Mrs. Rochester") and as the magazine editor who discovered the designer Alexander McQueen and the models Stella Tennant and Sophie Dahl. Photo-Op: The Hat Madder
  • [284] Born probably in Herefordshire, studied at Paris, fulfilled various diplomatic missions, was justice in eyre 1173, canon of St. Paul's 1176, archdeacon of Oxford, 1197. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • At this subbasin scale, the relative importance of different dust source areas varied primarily in response to sediment supply and availability and thus was not related to wind transport, suggesting that the Lake Eyre Basin is a supply-limited system. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • A rare first edition copy of Jane Eyre sold at auction for almost £23,000.
  • 514: This pausingly ensu'de; neither the King, nor's Heyres Henry VIII (1623 First Folio Edition)
  • Eyre Peninsula's natural environment and fertile soil contribute to the beauty of this piece of land from pollution to produce high quality wines.
  • A prologue should not be worldbuilding, and thinking that’s what theyre is for is just a misunderstanding of the convention. On Prologues

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