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[ UK /ˈa‍ɪstɹe‍ɪn/ ]
[ US /ˈaɪˌstɹeɪn/ ]
  1. a tiredness of the eyes caused by prolonged close work by a person with an uncorrected vision problem

How To Use eyestrain In A Sentence

  • I've been submerged with Guide proofreading, a semi-annual communal exercise in eyestrain and Twizzlers and chocolate-fueled mania; yesterday I couldn't stop calling everyone "enthusiasts" after reading the word one too many times. Reviews in a word
  • We have learned that the interface between people and machine (sedentary work) is inherently corrosive, producing cumulative health problems such as eyestrain, fatigue, repetitive stress injuries, chronic low back disorders, constriction of blood flow and breathing, and neck and shoulder strain. PSFK
  • On-screen graphics require special attention, while issues such as eyestrain need to be given serious consideration. Informitv
  • Designer Teo Braun added a light-sensitive frame that illuminates in the dark to reduce eyestrain. 15 Laptop Concepts of the Future | Impact Lab
  • Can’t stand the eyestrain from a fluourescent bulb. WALMART GOES FLUORESCENT | Inhabitat
  • I'm pretty seriously astigmatic, and prone to eyestrain headaches, and I find white text or grey text on black painful and hard to read. Fade to Black, Back in Black, Back to Black... - And She Knits Too!
  • Research shows we blink far less often when staring at a computer, and that's a major contributor to eyestrain.
  • The ergonomics of the new office furniture have reduced eyestrain and back problems among the computer users.
  • Research shows we blink far less often when staring at a computer, and that's a major contributor to eyestrain.
  • Irritated eyes: as the name suggests, it implies dry eyes, burning eyes, light sensitivity, eyestrain are the most pesky and irritative symptoms that trouble the computer user.
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