How To Use Eyespot In A Sentence
Further, close observations of agonistic interactions revealed that individuals who were the first to display the eyespot were almost invariably the winners and ultimate social dominants.
However, this eyespot probably cannot form an acute image but merely acts as a light sensor.
Among her other eyespot studies, snipping 20 feather tips out of males' trains ruined courtship success.
How did we go from no eyespot to an eyespot while following the rules we know?
Kicking the Legs Out From Under the Willfully Ignorant « Whatever
And here were pairs of brown butterflies called, I believe, the small heath, with a distinctive eyespot on the wing, observed when they came to rest, wings always closed.
Country diary: Wasdale, Lake District

The percentage of stems affected by damaging lesions of eyespot at 22.1pc was the highest on record.
Its wings are mottled brown, small eyespots dotting the scalloped edges here and there, small circles with tails on them.
The eyespot fungus survives in the residue of infected plants for 3 or more years and is most severe under cool, wet conditions.
Fleas show a transformation of the multifaceted eyes and ommatidia of most insects, replaced instead with heavily sclerotized, atypical ocelli, or ‘eyespots,’ or in some cases, a complete absence of any eye at all.
For a second or two, the whale is so close that I can see its white eyespot, and then it dives.
However, pigmented eyespots are visible in wild-type larvae and late-stage embryos.
The male's head is blue and brown, and both sexes have bold, black eyespots at the napes of their necks.
With the session out of time the last namecheck of the DIY media phenomenon went to eyespot, an online video remixing community.
January « 2007 « Innovation Cloud
Globin isoforms with variant properties and functions have been found in the pseudocoel, body wall and cuticle of various nematode species and even in the eyespots of the insect-parasite Mermis nigrescens.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
The beautiful eyespots on butterfly wings are thought to rely on the principles described above, although involving more morphogens.
Carrying this thought further, how could Lamarckism create a complicated organ like the eye, or even a simple eyespot?
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The pathogen survives on corn debris, so reduced tillage and continuous corn create a high-risk environment for development of eyespot, especially if there is heavy residue and a history of it in that location.
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They do not have image-forming eyes, but many species have pigment cells and photoreceptors concentrated into eyespots.
Scyphozoan polyps and medusae exhibit no cephalization and contain no brain, but in some species, light-sensitive eyespots are located along the bell margin of the medusa.
Down La Canebière I stroll, heading for the glinting, faraway turquoise eyespot of the Old Port, following women dressed in ankle-length raincoats and Islamic head scarves, long-faced men in frayed djellabas and knit skullcaps, gangly youths with scruffy beards.
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The colorful eyespots on butterfly wings may be patterned by a mechanism similar to that used to organize the proximo-distal axis of the insect leg.
Where eyespot is over threshold the preferred fungicide would be cyprodinil although Punch and Landmark both have some activity against eyespot and can give useful control.
There have been reports of Physoderma brown spot, anthracnose, and eyespot developing in Illinois cornfields.
Butterfly eyespots have become a popular model system for the study of evolution and development.
European butterfly having reddish - brown wings each marked with a purple eyespot.
A relationship between eyespot phenotype and N and Dll expression is demonstrated in a loss-of-eyespot mutant in which N and Dll expression is reduced at missing eyespot sites.
But ‘partial’ eyes turn out to be common in nature, and biologists can trace eye evolution from the lensless flatworm eyespot to the complex geometry of vertebrate eyes.
Blue - and - white eyespots adorn the velvety black wings of a butterfly on a Polynesian island.
Organism with no eyespot experiences a random mutation due to natural forces, which produces some minutely incremental change which happens to move the organism towards an eyespot, and which is somehow promotable by natural selection.
Kicking the Legs Out From Under the Willfully Ignorant « Whatever
However, when the pigmented eyespot is absent, the light penetrates the body and the front-to - back contrast is reduced.
Scyphozoan polyps and medusae exhibit no cephalization and contain no brain, but in some species, light-sensitive eyespots are located along the bell margin of the medusa.
The bodies are light and ill-defended, except for the armored face, which is designed to draw attacks to it, like the eyespots on butterfly wings.
No stigmata, no eyespot for her infamy, no language yet for lies when Lester and Josephine Jukes come to take her away.
Its eyespots, located at the ends of the arms, sense light.
Pupae with low ecdysteroid levels develop into adults with small eyespots on their wings.
And since there are so many different kinds of eyes, there might well be multiple modes of development, many different kinds of eyespots, rather than a single eyespot ancestor that led to human eyes and squid eyes and fish eyes and so on.
Kicking the Legs Out From Under the Willfully Ignorant « Whatever