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How To Use Eyesore In A Sentence

  • It is a still a point of hot debate with skiers as to whether Les Arcs is a work of architectural genius, or simply a hideous alpine eyesore.
  • Was it an eyesore or an artwork of international repute? Times, Sunday Times
  • It worries them that many vintage structures, both vernacular and colonial, are being changed unsympathetically, resulting in eyesores, even on King Street.
  • One of these was, that he called Aegina "the eyesore of the Peiraeus," and that "he saw war coming upon Athens from Peloponnesus. Plutarch's Lives, Volume I
  • Surely, for £10 million, we could build the new police station with quality stone features instead of a boring square that will look a dirty, streaky eyesore within three years.
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  • In the early nineties the quarry was an ugly eyesore on the local landscape with plant equipment visible for miles around and emissions of white dust across the local countryside commonplace.
  • Officers have recommended the scheme should be refused on the grounds it would be unneighbourly and an eyesore.
  • On the other hand, a patch of open land can also become a problem and an eyesore, taken over by the local yobs as their hang-out or used as a dumping ground by people who can't be bothered to dispose of their rubbish properly.
  • Director: Martin Ginestie An investigation into the debate surrounding the fate of Robin Hood Gardens, controversial East London housing estate described as a dilapidated concrete eyesore by some and a masterpiece in Brutalist architecture by others. IndieWIRE News
  • Council bosses have branded the garden of his six-bed semi an eyesore and have ordered him to clean it up.
  • Neighbors complained that it was an eyesore, covered by weeds and debris, and that the owner was unfairly avoiding taxes.
  • If the site becomes a harbor for the worst excesses of postmodernism of a kind that have now been proposed, the city's skyline may become little more than an eyesore and a joke.
  • Mayor Charles Smith called the existing site, to the north of Swans Green Close junction, an ‘eyesore’ and said action had to be taken.
  • The bridge will not be an eyesore as suggested because careful thought has been given to its design and position.
  • Litter, rubbish, filth and grime - eyesores like these are a common sight in Bolton.
  • Officers also requested business operators who place their signboards in the public areas to ensure that the signs do not become an eyesore or obstruct pedestrian walkways.
  • An investigation into the debate surrounding the fate of Robin Hood Gardens, controversial East London housing estate described as a dilapidated concrete eyesore by some and a masterpiece in Brutalist architecture by others. Cinematical
  • Today only the church remains.020-7836 5221The classic, half-timbered style that launched a thousand 20th-century "Tudorbethan" eyesores rarely reached Moreton's levels of artistry back in the day, but this fairy-tale edifice testifies to the continuous prosperity and experimentation of the era. The Renaissance in Britain: examples from the era
  • We are also paying attention to the Henley Regatta Course; and are providing a new Island in place of this eyesore with its decayed cribwork (indicating near Hanlan's Point) to protect the new watercourse so that there will no longer be any delays on account of eastern winds. Some Aspects of Commercial Value to the City of Toronto of the Proposed Harbour Improvements
  • With scarcely any natural life save for a multitude of rock formations and thin brush, the flat, dusty wasteland was more of an eyesore than an eyeful.
  • The real eyesore was the derelict building we took over, which was covered in vandalism.
  • However, not everyone in the community is enamoured by the lavishness of the monument and some describe it as an eyesore.
  • Longitudinal Slum, according to J.B. Jackson, is “an intermittent eyesore of drive-ins, diners, souvenir stands, purulent amusement parks, cheap-jack restaurants, and the kind of cabins my companion describes as mailboxes.” Archive 2007-05-01
  • For years Blackburn's Church Street Pavilions have been allowed to crumble and decay so that the Grade ll listed buildings have become nothing more than an eyesore.
  • It is a monstrous eyesore quite out of keeping with the surrounding area.
  • Last week he took out a full-page ad on the back of The Villager blaming local politicians for the looming "eyesore" of P.S. Archive 2006-09-01
  • By the 1970s, this area had become a neglected eyesore, ripe for development.
  • If the house becomes a long-term eyesore, it could negatively affect neighborhood property values. What does foreclosure mess mean to buyers and sellers?
  • It also renewed attention on the Bowker Overpass, a 1960s relic that some neighbors and officials call an eyesore that should be removed. Top Stories
  • In addition, weeds tend to grow on open sand bioreactors which can become an eyesore, and provide a protected, moist place for animals to inhabit.
  • A new row has erupted over controversial plans to build ‘eyesore’ wind turbines at a Yorkshire beauty spot.
  • The old tannery could be demolished, it is empty and an eyesore, and the materials used to create an environmentally improved site approach.
  • Mr Haw's collection of tattered banners covers 60 feet, and is an eyesore.
  • ‘It's obviously now a huge eyesore and I would hope the building is demolished to make it safe for residents living nearby,’ he said.
  • We've got tix for tomorrow night; while the Dome is an eyesore, at least we'll see a game.
  • Few argue with the need to improve the shabby eyesore which blights much of Piccadilly.
  • While an air conditioner is typically 100 Watts, OTTO is only 45 Watts, helping you save money on energy without cluttering space with the eyesore of the typical box fan. Otto Sofa
  • In most cases, the rules are in place to ensure everyone can appreciate their homes and surroundings without the detrimental impact of unlawful buildings, developments or eyesores.
  • To be perfectly honest, the place is an eyesore, an abomination.
  • A tourist spot covered with trash is a real eyesore.
  • Adding a 15m telephone mast and all its associated equipment would further make this waste area even more of an eyesore.
  • He added: ‘It's been an eyesore and blot on the centre of Earby town centre for far too many years.’
  • And hide every eyesore in sight - a rusty toolshed, a dog kennel, the neighbor's dying juniper hedge.
  • The jail is a huge eyesore and a risk to the general public as has been demonstrated in the very recent past.
  • An environmental hazard and an eyesore at a park off Swindon's Cricklade Road.
  • It prevents foreclosures from becoming eyesores and hazards for neighborhoods as abandoned properties go unmaintained and possibly become drug houses or havens for other criminal activities. Dean Baker: Home Economics 101: George Will and Niall Ferguson Flunk
  • Even if you bid me good riddance and send me packing; if you wish I was dead as a doornail; if you think I am an eyesore, a laughing stock, the devil incarnate, a stony-hearted villain, bloody-minded, or a blinking idiot, Then -- by jove! Ken Adelman: Bard Blog: Strange WordFellows -- Sarah Palin & William Shakespeare
  • I would suggest that they move out of their cosy offices and tour the area to see for themselves what is not only an eyesore but a health hazard.
  • That new shopping centre is a real eyesore.
  • At present, a series of derelict agricultural buildings and concrete hardstanding represent an eyesore in an otherwise picturesque setting.
  • It's an eyesore and looks like a dog's dinner of cheapo construction.
  • It's inevitable that these eyesores will eventually become dangerous.
  • For example, a dead tree is not an eyesore, it's a home - there's more life in a dead tree than a live tree.
  • This has left Sheffield with a largely vacant eyesore or architectural gem, depending on your outlook. Times, Sunday Times
  • But some of the park's neighbours have claimed the tower ride, which is visible from several miles away, is an eyesore and have called for its removal.
  • The piles of dumped rubbish and abandoned cars have long been an eyesore and a hazard to health.
  • An eyesore building on the corner of St Denys' Road and next to the site is a listed structure and will become part of the block of flats.
  • He told of his fears the site would become an eyesore - like one he put up with next to his farm for 30 years. The Sun
  • The real eyesore was the derelict building we took over, which was covered in vandalism.
  • BBC News has been asking its readers to nominate Britain's worst buildings, the eyesores that they would like to see demolished.
  • Toxic eyesores disfigure black neighborhoods, degrade property values, and discourage public and private investment there.
  • Its energy policy makes us build lines of eyesore windmills which cost a bomb. The Sun
  • Few argue with the need to improve the shabby eyesore which blights much of Piccadilly.
  • Residents fear increased congestion, more noise and rides creating an eyesore.
  • A yacht club spokesman said the barge had been demolished because it was dangerous and an eyesore.
  • That old block of flats is a real eyesore!
  • Poverty leads to slums, which are an eyesore and a health hazard.
  • I'd much rather see one big eyesore than a bunch of little eyesores jumping out at me wherever I look - on poles, on construction-site temporary fences, etc.
  • This eyesore is just plain stupid, and sullies the surrounding environment. Lady in the Lake | My[confined]Space
  • Variety called it 'an eyesore for anyone above the age of ten '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officers also requested business operators who place their signboards in the public areas to ensure that the signs do not become an eyesore or obstruct pedestrian walkways.
  • This has left Sheffield with a largely vacant eyesore or architectural gem, depending on your outlook. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have become stagnant bog holes and an incredible eyesore and health risk.
  • I have a picture where you can see a pile of old mattresses in one corner; the whole thing had become an eyesore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today only the church remains.020-7836 5221The classic, half-timbered style that launched a thousand 20th-century "Tudorbethan" eyesores rarely reached Moreton's levels of artistry back in the day, but this fairy-tale edifice testifies to the continuous prosperity and experimentation of the era. The Renaissance in Britain: examples from the era
  • The place is an eyesore, dingy and dark - not the sort of place that seemed safe to park.
  • Large amounts of rubbish and litter are strewn about from the entrance by the North Lodge for at least the first 500 yards into the estate and makes this walk an eyesore.
  • It is a still a point of hot debate with skiers as to whether Les Arcs is a work of architectural genius, or simply a hideous alpine eyesore.
  • Upgrade the stepping stones if you want a safer crossing, but a bridge will be an eyesore, expensive to maintain, and totally ruin what is a spectacular area of natural beauty.
  • What would be the cost of removing and scrapping the millions of junk automobiles in eyesore heaps on the outskirts of cities and towns all over our country? Improving Our Environment—At What Price?
  • After it ceased operating as a hotel, the building fell into dilapidation, and was subject to vandalism, leaving it something of an eyesore in recent years.
  • He banned coin-operated newspaper boxes on street corners, for the simple reason that he considered them an ‘eyesore.’
  • He fears for the health of children playing on and near the rubbish and, along with other residents, is sick of looking at the eyesore.
  • The new curtains the boss picked are really an eyesore.
  • He adds: "[T] hey are almost invariably decried as 'marring', 'spoiling', 'ruining', and 'intruding on' the otherwise relatively natural landscape, such as desert, open field, mountainside, and … ocean, and for creating an 'eyesore'. Kansas City infoZine Headlines
  • A council report states: ‘Shopping trolleys are, at best, a nuisance and, at worst, eyesores.’
  • This eyesore is in Mississauga near my parents’ house in an otherwise low-rise neighbourhood. 2009 December | Zeeshan Hamid
  • Was it an eyesore or an artwork of international repute? Times, Sunday Times
  • A recent surge of activity on the previously run down premises has turned what was an eyesore into up-market style bars and a pub that has live entertainment nightly.
  • Officials do not believe the new facilities will be a nuisance or an eyesore and say they are clearly needed in Filey.
  • Every time I drive downtown and back I point out eyesores that could be turned into something that spans both blocks and encourages walking from business to business but no, I don't have those "gobs," either. Carolina Bank Update -- A Message From The Architect
  • That building had been an eyesore for years, and was totally superfluous since its function was to raise seedlings for planting the parks around the place with fresh flowers.
  • And they claimed that a high metal fence, which had been erected round the building, was an eyesore.
  • The government says the demolitions are necessary to remove eyesores and to crack down on illegal trading and black market currency exchanges based in the slums.
  • Many of them have been duped into thinking that what they are wearing, though an eyesore, is fashionable. The Glory of the Home
  • No one was in the home, which neighbors called an "eyesore", when the fire broke out, just before 2 a.m. 'Eyesore' burns in Falls Church
  • Amid the characterful pioneer buildings, municipal eyesores have risen.
  • Businesses and shoppers are backing plans to get rid of Laindon Shopping Centre, claiming it is an ‘eyesore’ that is deserted most days.
  • The floodlights are an eyesore, for sure, but since I understand that it's jolly hard to play football in the dark I have not complained.
  • They think the new library building is an eyesore.
  • The eyesore, which has claimed its fair share of bended fenders and caused innumerable headaches to strollers and cyclists, won't be missed.
  • But 'razing fees' are a legal way for taxpayers to protect themselves from the ghost boxe that turn into vandalized eyesores. Al Norman: Towns Fight Back Against "Ghost Box" Scare
  • The site, which backs on to two residential streets, is also worrying residents who say the area is an eyesore and has become a breeding ground for rats.
  • Despite extensive plans by the consortium for landscaping, the conservationists claim the dump would turn into an eyesore.
  • With many of the old eyesores now disappearing from sight more effort will be called for to really get the town looking its best for the spring, summer and autumn.
  • This is part of the latest plans to redevelop the Castle Lane area of Bedford, which has been an eyesore for many years.
  • This building, in the opinion of many, is an eyesore which should be demolished.
  • One of the good things about nondegradable wrappings, however, is that they soon become eyesores.
  • It obstructed the view into the city centre, and became an eyesore and a monstrosity that for the past several years has been closed and obsolete.
  • At a time when Ireland is so wealthy, the excuses for building those eyesores are gone.
  • Don't let your feet become an eyesore. Times, Sunday Times
  • That view is not shared by local residents who objected on the grounds that it was 'an eyesore '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among ideas being considered are landscaping, tree planting, screening of trackside eyesores and a big clean-up campaign.
  • She was also upset about the "eyesore" in his back yard, piled high with rubbish, including a bike and old chairs, and boxes. Archive 2007-04-01
  • In the meantime, bathe in the full horror with our pictures. seen some Swarovski eyesores, but this miscreation takes the cake. Crave at CNET UK
  • If it were not for overzealous councillors, the country would not be worried about the eyesores that pass for townships.
  • Big efforts have been made to keep national names in town and ensure the eyesore of unlet units is kept to a minimum.
  • Now, most of the kampongs have grotesque concrete eyesores fingering the sea, and there are all manner of boats arriving or departing every other hour.

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