
How To Use Eyed In A Sentence

  • The method enhances data recoverability in keyed database records.
  • He eyed the coming tide with an absorbed attention.
  • Although Jameson is clear-eyed about the corrosive effects of modernity, his methodology nevertheless seemed to require his allegiance to secularization and to convergence theories of modernization; moreover, the acuity and insight of the readings produced by this methodology served to justify that faith a posteriori. Introduction
  • They were energetic, bright eyed, and cheerful.
  • Hassan in frequently going to sleep in one town, to awake in another far distant, but without the benighted Oriental's surprise at the transfer, the afrit who performed this prodigy being a steam-engine, and the magician it obeyed the human mind. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
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  • Mao was your typical twentieth century despot, and only moon-eyed Communists would beg to differ. Chairman Mao in a Dress Not Funny?
  • In the following year they surveyed the perpendicular to the meridian east of Paris, triangulating the area between Paris and Strasbourg.
  • Such a cynosure, at least in aspect, and something such too in nature, though with important variations made apparent as the story proceeds, was welkin-eyed Billy Budd, or Baby Budd, as more familiarly under circumstances hereafter to be given he at last came to be called, aged twenty-one, a foretopman of the British fleet toward the close of the last decade of the eighteenth century. Billy Budd
  • A frown creased his face and he surveyed me with a look.
  • The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the king.
  • ‘Don't worry, babe,’ he reassured his wife though he wasn't as confident as his tone conveyed.
  • Call me a moon-eyed dreamer: I still believe the work of the serious writer will be recognized for what it is, whether it takes place examples chosen only for clarity and expediency in Ambergris, or 351 West 52 St New York City Apt # D RIGHT NOW, dammit. Evil Monkey on Fantasy
  • A man who preyed on the elderly by burgling residential care homes in his own village faces a jail term.
  • The city emerged from trusteeship under a new mayor, but he too cooked the books and monkeyed with zoning for his own ends.
  • It was being pulleyed by several cords of thick rope overhead.
  • This was especially worrying given that three quarters of those surveyed claimed to have experienced rudeness in the preceding year. Times, Sunday Times
  • In ten years it would be run into the ground, full of bug-eyed meth freaks. Shortcut Man
  • Fancy an heir that a father had seen born well-featured and fair, turning suddenly wry-nosed, club-footed, squint-eyed, hair-lipped, wapper-jawed, carrot-haired, from a pride become an aversion, -- my case was yet worse. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • Which one do you want, the spaniel with the crown or the bug-eyed chihuahua?
  • Instead of the grim faces of commuters on their way into work, people were bleary-eyed but smiling for no particular reason.
  • Disguised first as a horse dealer and later as a holy man, he successfully blarneyed his way through regions, which were not a part of British-held India at the time.
  • The king eyed Hagen sternly, for his word irked him. The Fall of the Niebelungs
  • Intendants and servitors were giving orders on all sides, frequently contradictory, and gardeners were furbishing up the alleyed walks and flower beds in readiness for _Sa Majesté Louis Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • It was seldom spectacular, lacking the Van Gogh-like, wild-eyed artistry of Cunningham, but it worked.
  • The Sub – Prior readily obeyed the first part of the Abbot’s injunction, but paused upon the second — “It is Friday, most reverend,” he said in Latin, desirous that the hint should escape, if possible, the ears of the stranger. The Monastery
  • From the seed feeders on the deck come the euphonious calls of chickadees, the bell-like trill of the dark-eyed juncos, the down-slurred whistle of the titmice, the “ank-ank” of the nuthatches, the “zree” of the house finches, and the coo of doves; from the nectar feeders and flowers, the whirr of hummingbird wings. Birdology
  • The touch of ice wine lends the drink the slightest honeyed, apricot sort of nose, but doesn't interfere with the brisk essence of the classic martini, which is, above all, dry.
  • Energy is more readily conveyed to the various parts of the smaller mass, and hence the lesser organisms will more actively functionate; and this, as being the urging dynamic attitude, as well as that most generally favourable in the struggle, will multiply and favour such forms of life. The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
  • I think that most of us would rather be called lynx-eyed than gluttonous, and certainly a lynx is a much handsomer beast than a glutton. Peeps at Many Lands: Norway
  • Analysts had expected it to earn 36 cents a share, the average estimate of four analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research.
  • When I try to add a Folder widget, the browse button is greyed out and I can't edit the preset chrome URL, which doesn't lead me anywhere. Four Experimental Firefox Extensions Worth An Extra Click | Lifehacker Australia
  • Real estate, the title to which is conveyed by deed, as distinguished from other estates in land, is called an _estate of inheritance_. The Government Class Book Designed for the Instruction of Youth in the Principles of Constitutional Government and the Rights and Duties of Citizens.
  • The ci-devant banker, then a widower with an only daughter, Esther, had journeyed to England.
  • Festival organizers seem to have keyed into the public anxiety over their use of the park and are offering plenty of reassurances.
  • She never disobeyed laws or rules for her own ill-gotten gains, it was just that she was good at it, and it was fun.
  • They keyed a piano up to concert pitch.
  • They parleyed and left us with an imperfect independence.
  • It is I, who am to be first obeyed," said he in haughty tones. Hauff's Fairy Tales, Translated and Adapted
  • De Havilland's poised, elegant Miriam is the perfect foil for haggard, wild-eyed Charlotte.
  • Some days she was listless, propped up facing the window, watching sunlight clock across the valleyed bedclothes. Spin
  • Weare clear - eyed about the challenge of mobilizing collective action, and shortfalls of our international system.
  • They seem like grizzled, wild-eyed children delighted with today's adventure.
  • In addition, the teams surveyed the numbers of other plants and animals including endangered golden monkeys, elephants, and forest buffalo.
  • I sat in the buggy, holding the reins over the trembling, wild-eyed bay, while William descended and, with great dignity, tied up the disabled swingletree. A Circuit Rider's Wife
  • I was generally a starry-eyed romantic teen rather than a lusty one.
  • The two groups have jockeyed for position ever since, with Sistani's forces in the ascendancy recently.
  • The feeling was that the picture conveyed a joyful and momentous moment in their lives in a way that was arresting and memorable. Times, Sunday Times
  • As she pulled on a tan leather blouson, she eyed me warily, and I returned the compliment.
  • There came a collective protest from the students, but they obeyed.
  • It is thought that the attacker preyed on him because he thought he was an easy target.
  • When you come to the world of weblogs for the first time you will probably find to your horror that they are written by foul-mouthed illiterates, self-obsessed juveniles (of all ages), assorted bigots and swivel-eyed fruitcakes.
  • Different-shaped handles, square for hot and round for cold, would permit the soapy-eyed bather to adjust water temperature without alternately scalding or freezing himself.
  • Quiet folks ... the woman who should have been the 44th President of the United States is handling our starry-eyed mainstream media with the ease that comes with being a part of the most successful Democratic presidential legacy since FDR (see Bill Clinton). Clinton: 'I broke my elbow, not my larynx'
  • That famous voice is never more honeyed than when it's saying - in a courteous, roundabout way - ‘No.’
  • According to veterinarians surveyed, more than half of the nation's cats and dogs are overfed, which can lead to health problems.
  • Zurich surveyed firms to see if they carry out risk assessments of employees before letting them drive on business.
  • The baggage was properly roped up and conveyed to the airport.
  • Your dismissal will be conveyed to the Traders 'Council, and to all the clanless traders as well, along with the reasons for my action. Scion of Cyador
  • In the Weber system, one of the weights is keyed solid with constant pitch while the other weight is allowed to move 180 in pitch.
  • The soldier disobeyed an order.
  • At the same time one must not miss the subtilty of the context, nor the unpleasant messages that can be conveyed in the humblest of fashions. Not only are they better capitalists, but better peacemakers too? « Blog
  • ‘He and my brother started in journalism together as two little wide eyed cadets,’ she said.
  • The idea that attending opera today is only for the elite and moneyed is absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's been 33 years since humans have set foot on the moon or journeyed beyond the close orbit of the Earth.
  • My - dear - Count!" says I, astonished, and everyone stopped talking; the Queen looked pop-eyed, and even Albert left off prosing to the noble corpse beside him. Fiancée
  • When one entered the city, the metalled roads and high-rise buildings conveyed the feeling of universal city.
  • Preyed upon by hawks, foxes, and weasels, they may also fall victim to domestic cats.
  • Poor Sundry Buyers continually pressed his abdomen as he toiled around the deck-capstans; and never was Nancy's face quite so forlorn as when he obeyed the Maltese Cockney's command and went up to loose the mizzen-skysail. CHAPTER L
  • And, he's come to more than one Christmas program all in brown, covered in diesel dust, and bleary eyed from the craziness that is holiday delivery season. Why Does It Feel So Different? - SpouseBUZZ
  • The anchor sergeant is shot against a blue screen, and chromakeyed in post over the virtual set, which we created in Strata 3DPro.
  • While next Tuesday's Safety Scissors gig is certified bananas, last Tuesday over at Blizzarts it was a teary eyed rager as the Flexout crew bid a fond farewell to their regular night.
  • Do you gaze glassy-eyed at the television, and find yourself yawning at the radio news? Times, Sunday Times
  • He has a steely-eyed seriousness about comedy, and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • A native, popeyed with terror, had dropped to his knees in front of the weird - looking "spaceman. Golden State
  • Instead, credit-card companies hunker down in well-traveled paths just off campus; 73% of students surveyed by Prof. Cards Return to School
  • Caithe and Zojja were not starry-eyed about the prospects, either. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • Your eye doctor usually uses special eyedrops to dilate your pupils, opening them wider so he or she can see the back part of your eye.
  • Jacob stared, cross-eyed, at the end of his nose.
  • They are alert, hawk-eyed, sharp-witted, with lightning reaction times. Times, Sunday Times
  • You get a sense of shared solitude, conveyed subtly but precisely, with masterly delicacy and without ostentatious ‘acting’.
  • An underground current in the U.S. military's officer corps believes that their legally elected civilian leaders can be disobeyed if an officer believes their orders to be "immoral. Robert Mackey: Politicizing the "Managers of Violence"
  • He was long-limbed and dark-eyed, with a mop of tight, dark curls.
  • He made friends, had adventures, found ways to fight the boredom with his cluster of rat-eyed Latin Bowery Boys.
  • The next morning we surveyed the damage caused by the fire.
  • Although the child squints, it must not be called squint-eyed, but love-eyed, and even a wart must be thought to become it. Epistle Sermons, Vol. II Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost
  • And out of the house came Tehei's vahine, a slender mite of a woman, kindly eyed and Mongolian of feature -- when she was not North American Indian. Chapter 12
  • Actually, to say that Carlos Slim "jockeyed" for the title overstates the case. Ventura County Star Stories
  • Ah, well, you've made me smart enough now, you boss-eyed old cow, you! Stage-Land
  • The sample size was limited, the range of treatments surveyed perhaps too wide for the small numbers involved.
  • In the new study, the researchers surveyed more than 2,000 proteins expressed on synergid cells to clinch the exact molecules luring pollen tubes to the embryo sac. Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews
  • She remained dry-eyed throughout the trial.
  • I'll make sure there isn't any young-eyed cherubin business about David. The Iron Woman
  • It's where I am reminded that I no longer have to sit next to a goggle-eyed 4th grader with a milk mustache while opening my Gilligan's Island lunchbox and staring with disbelief at yet another soggy braunschweiger sandwich.
  • When I open a beer, I do not want to be reminded of grey-suited, gimlet-eyed executives bludgeoning satire into an early grave.
  • Among sunfishes, gobies, and darters, 8 of 122 nests surveyed were probable takeovers.
  • To send mail to you in the future, they need to jot down your keyed address or save it in their contacts list.
  • You have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered to you, v. 17. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • For the most part the audience obeyed, dancing as much as space would allow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Half of those surveyed said that they were members of the middle class, a social status that was once considered far more rarefied. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in this cradle is a nice, fat, bright-eyed little baby. Little Miss Peggy: Only a Nursery Story
  • Among the Catholic institutions surveyed (including congregations of religious women and men, healthcare systems, and archdioceses and dioceses), the archdiocesan and diocesan responses were the weakest.
  • Just then, her bleary eyed, pajamaed husband Wilford Brimley walks in with a plate of pie. Y’all need backup? | clusterflock
  • a sleepy-eyed child with drooping eyelids
  • With its wildly outsized fender flares, saucer-eyed round headlamps, squat fuselage, tapering roofline and curiously latent, not-quite-formed rear contours, the Juke looks like a Nissan Murano at the larval stage. Nissan's Jazzy Juke, Imperfect on Purpose
  • The Carter team feared that the remark and the attitude it conveyed would be an open invitation to execute Kim.
  • Richard Kay, like Nigel Dempster before him, is paid to write a diary about moneyed toffs like David and Sam so that humbler tube-travelling folk can goggle a bit and scowl at their youngers and betters. Tory press defenders of Middle England rail against the toffs
  • He behaves as if high rank automatically confers the right to be obeyed.
  • She was an emaciated, hollow-eyed ghost of a figure who approached me on the road one day, saying she had heard that I ‘helped people,’ and would I help her.
  • Oh … and David Wilcox was there, standing beside the burly, cold-eyed man with the expensive suit and brilliantined hair. DIAMOND RUBY
  • I turned up a slightly cynical, badly-dressed student and left three days later, after a short spell in Southampton nick, as the blazing-eyed, still badly-dressed eco-bore I am today.
  • I sat there watching the chat screen zapping up past me, just about going crosseyed trying to read it all.
  • Walking around the cemetery yielded a handful of red-wings, phoebes, doves, and Song Sparrows and nice looks at a Field Sparrow and a White-eyed Vireo.
  • Nestling next to the ladies of the night were several mustached, glazed-eyed Afghan men who occasionally took unsteady steps onto a makeshift dance floor to bust some surprisingly graceful traditional moves. The Longest War
  • He preyed on female job-seekers whom he lured to secluded spots by promising them jobs.
  • More than 750 miles of the southern part of the West Coast route has to be surveyed to record design positions.
  • On the homeless front, 71 percent of the cities surveyed reported increases in requests for emergency shelter.
  • Most cultures had legends of vampires or shape-shifters who preyed on the living.
  • They are more similar to dried beans than either crowder or black-eyed peas, and make a clear liquor when cooked.
  • `You can get me a drink in the interval,' said Vic, giving her a sloe-eyed grin. JUST BETWEEN US
  • To label products on a conveyor, a target area for a given product conveyed on the conveyor is determined relative to a frame of reference.
  • For the most part the audience obeyed, dancing as much as space would allow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ignoring the shivery thrill that raced down her spine, she hurriedly obeyed. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • Ninety percent of the people surveyed were in favour.
  • The Banksy Effect, the term coined by journalist Max Foster several years ago, speaks to an awakening of interest in the (often illegal) interventions that artists use to call attention to the way we complacently live under larger-than-life infrastructures built (often) by one-eyed men. Dylan Kendall: Street Art: A Window to a City's Soul
  • A world before which one has to relearn how to look, with the large wide-eyed gaze of a wonderstruck child.
  • The periwinkle in turn is preyed upon by blue crabs and diamondback terrapins.
  • But he insists on painting a picture with the same old hackneyed images and rancid cliches about salt-of-the-earth heartlanders and morally vacant or cowardly coastal cosmopolitans.
  • They keyed a piano up to concert pitch.
  • Stock villains tend to be swarthy, towel-headed terrorists or slit-eyed, buck-toothed guerrillas.
  • Some fields surveyed had orange leaf rust pustules on the lower leaves.
  • Thus, anciently, the invading horde in Jehoshaphat's time had marched as far north as En-gedi, before intelligence of their advance was conveyed to the court. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Pathfinder_ and T.oreau; the scent of the soil, once again, in rain and in shine, is it not conveyed to us with an astonishing distinctness, that is the product of a literary endowment of the rarest order, by such writers as Izaak Walton and Robert Burns, and among recent writers in varying degrees by Richard Jefferies and by Barnes, by T. E. Isopel Berners The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825
  • The baggage was properly roped up and conveyed to the airport.
  • Look, here is an instruction. " Sharp-eyed Monkey Congcong is the first to find the instruction. Everyone comes around him.
  • They journeyed back to Bombay for their wedding and later settled in Bridgewater, NJ.
  • Parents or guardians were surveyed using a standardized self-administered questionnaire to obtain data on crowding in the household, parents' educational level and the child's health status.
  • The West, from Rome to Britain, was called into action; the kings of Poland and Bohemia obeyed the summons of Conrad; and it is affirmed by the Greeks and Latins, that, in the passage of a strait or river, the Byzantine agents, after a tale of nine hundred thousand, desisted from the endless and formidable computation. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Blue-eyed men may have unconsciously learned to value a physical trait that can facilitate recognition of own kin," the scientists said in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
  • `He's got long hairs on the back of his hands like a gorilla," he informed his goggle-eyed companions later. THE BOOK LADY
  • Thus they tourneyed together, one with an axe and the other with a sword, a long season, and no man to let them. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • It is true that had I packed all my belongings in one huge box the same company would have conveyed them to the steamer for one and eightpence, which is the regular charge per package. America To-day, Observations and Reflections
  • They rank neither with mortals nor with immortals: long indeed do they live, eating heavenly food and treading the lovely dance among the immortals, and with them the Sileni and the sharp-eyed Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • The entry "More fine Olympics values -- Spanish team poses as slant-eyed Chinee RELIGION Blog |
  • In this test, the time required for an individual to place 25 grooved pegs in a keyed pegboard is recorded.
  • Tadpoles and froglets can be preyed on by other frogs, crayfish, fish, turtles, and dragonfly larvae.
  • Innocent blondes, corrupted by wolfish brunettes with mannish haircuts and tight, tight sweaters, stare wide-eyed at the reader.
  • The director keyed his radio and announced that this segment was a wrap and that John and Shawn should get themselves to the set.
  • Austria who eyed the battle of Austerlitz from the heights whilst Buonaparte was active in the thickest of the fight Contents of _Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley_
  • A married woman may bar her Release of right of dower in land conveyed by her husband or by operation dower° of law by joining in, the deed conveying the land or by releasing the land by a subsequent deed executed either separately or jointly with her husband. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The edge colour of a chromakeyed composition can be altered to that of a complementary or selected colour, and mattes can be created by pulling a key from any colour background.
  • After a romantic daydream (not of love but of adventure) and blinking, the doe-eyed girl hugged her books to her bosom and proceeded to him with a pale face.
  • I was an eleven-year-old, wide-eyed gremmie and being at the event was like being in surf puppy heaven. Transworld Surf» | Transworld Surf
  • A wide-eyed innocent, he longs to captain his own vessel and wed his true love, Mercedes.
  • Let's not give the impression that we are entering into this with dewy-eyed naivety.
  • The man was dark-eyed and smooth-shaven all except his mustache, which was so iced up as to hide his mouth. A DAY'S LODGING
  • The curious red-eyed female headed straight to the well ripe banana we had been given on our arrival to tempt the furry creature.
  • Rose of Ireland and the White Rose of Devon, a noted Society phrasemonger had dubbed them, seeing them together on the lawn one Ascot Cup Day, their light draperies and delicate ribbons whip-whipping in the pleasant June breeze, ivory-skinned, jetty-locked Celtic beauty and blue-eyed, flaxen-locked Saxon fairness in charming, confidential juxtaposition under one lace sunshade, lined with what has been the last new fashionable colour under twenty names, since then; only that year they called it _Rose fané_. The Dop Doctor
  • Many eyed Fred hopefully; for the word had gone around that upon him Riverport must depend to wrest victory from the grasp of that tall runner, Boggs, who was said to be a tremendous "stayer," and as speedy almost as Colon himself. Fred Fenton on the Track or, The Athletes of Riverport School
  • A surreal, oddly sinister classic, this expertly mixes a cruel and satiric sense of humour with wide-eyed wonder.
  • The thin, sad-eyed girl later let out a thrilled laugh as she danced with one of the green-uniformed soldiers. Maria Jose Martinez Gets Treatment For Leukemia In Nicaraguan Hospital
  • Honesty and sincerity, especially the fake variety, are conveyed by steady eye contact and leaning towards the audience. Times, Sunday Times
  • It consists of bronze gongs, keyed metallophones (like xylophones), drums, a flute, a rebab fiddle, and a celempung zither.
  • Jamie ordered fillet of beef wrapped in pancetta with port, shallot and foie gras ravioli, while I chose the loin of venison with fresh sage and honeyed Armagnac sweetbreads.
  • During the negotiations between the Home Government and the Pretoria Executive that followed the Conference, and especially during the period of Mr. Hofmeyr's active intervention, his most necessary and pressing task was to prevent the Salisbury Cabinet from being "jockeyed" by Boer diplomacy out of the advantageous position which he had then taken up on its behalf. Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
  • Just before the '06 election, Florida congressman Mark Foley was alleged to have "preyed" on young male congressional pages via online chats. Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • He eyed me curiously with amusement, ‘For a while there you sounded like a mother hen clucking over her chick.’
  • “Tell me, you green-eyed whelp,” he whispered, leaning down. End of Time
  • Then you can paste the image into photoshop and use the eyedropper to give you the HTML color code for the color you click on with the tool. thats how i take colors from the web that i need to use for projects. jslizzle jslizzle ColorRotate Creates Design Colour Palettes | Lifehacker Australia
  • I was beginning to go a little cross-eyed when quite suddenly the ball was rolling backwards.
  • The solicitor listened with an air of glassy-eyed abstraction.
  • The pressed men looked very sulky and angry, and eyed the shore as if even then they longed to jump overboard and swim for it; but the sentry, with his musket, at the gangway was a strong hint that they would have other dangers besides drowning to contend with should they attempt it. True Blue
  • This show conveyed the haunted profligacy of the artist and his work.
  • The figures in Graham's work often look cockeyed.
  • As it grows in the river from an egg, it's bothered by brown trout, preyed on by goosanders (ducks with serrated bills) and cormorants as well as mergansers (another type of salmon-persecuting duck).
  • At the beginning of 1887, Welch journeyed to Englewood, Illinois, where he and Twachtman has signed on with a group of other artists to paint a cyclorama of the Battle of Gettysburg.
  • All of us were weak and weary as we journeyed home.
  • The religious habit had lost its symbolic value; it no longer conveyed the meaning it was intended to convey.
  • Bright-eyed, Johannes quickly gathered a sackful of colours and brushes, and a large rolled drawing which had been lying in wait. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • They are preyed on by herons, cormorants, kingfishers, goosanders, large trout and eels.
  • It's a trite and hackneyed old platitude - but sometimes, you do just have to stop and look at what's around you.
  • And behold, Sharrkan and his men charged down upon the Infidels and cut off their retreat and wheeled and tourneyed among the ranks; when lo! The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Movement of the pistons is conveyed to the wheels by cranks and connecting rods.
  • I wouldnt trade it: I can intuit things you can't, enjoy things that would bore you crosseyed, exult in solitary pursuits that might derange another man, convince you of things you'd never believe, teach and explain things to you you think youd never understand. Aspergers
  • Last month the judges -- bleary-eyed from reading 130 nominated books each -- attacked publishers for submitting works they called "portentous," "pretentious" and "pompous. Eyes On The Prize
  • But the key to stock market glory isn't contained in some hackneyed phrase.
  • Some describe it as a red-eyed E. look-alike with porcupine quills running down his spine.
  • She was relieved, therefore, when the blue-eyed face broke out in a grin.
  • Then the inevitable and auspicious slice of baklava, flaky and honeyed, which brings to mind ancient pleasures, Biblical decadence.
  • Entrance from the precincts of the palace is by the great ornamental iron gateway known as the Grille Royale, from which an alleyed row of lindens leads to the heart of the forest. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • Nancy must be joking," thought Judith as she tried to decide why the cherubims were "young-eyed. Judy of York Hill
  • Sharp-eyed observers may notice the addition of one tiny syllable to this site overnight.
  • The Son of Anak, otherwise Rufus the Blue-Eyed, and also plebeianly known as Tots, rioted with him from brier-rose path to farthest orchard, scalped him in the haymow with barbaric yells, and once, with pharisaic zeal, was near to crucifying him under the attic roof beams. Local Color
  • Holly and Annmarie surveyed their portion of the kingdom with dismay. JUST BETWEEN US
  • More than 1,700 passengers were surveyed, returning the five habits cruisers find most irksome. The Sun
  • On the lowest lawn twin rows of classical statues eyed each other across a sward dotted with croquet-hoops. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Forget that Culkin is blond and blue eyed, and that Blanket is dark and possibly Latino.
  • Don't go getting too trolleyed please.
  • A passing secretary stopped short, clutching her steno pad to her chest, staring wide-eyed at him.
  • They told me you were stubborn-necked, but I have obeyed commands. Chapter 11
  • Blood is conveyed into the first compartment for centrifugal separation into components.

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