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How To Use Eyeball In A Sentence

  • Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.
  • Now, as she started to talk about these things, I was eyeballing her from a distance.
  • The Army officer in tactical command of coalition forces in Iraq says out loud that the war isn't going precisely as planned, and the media works itself into a mouth-breathing, eyeball-popping swivet.
  • I feel their eyeballs gawking/ I look better with my high heels on", sings Danny Todd, perhaps referring to a working girl or a crossdresser. F&M playlist
  • In some cases a scleral buckle, a tiny synthetic band, is attached to the outside of the eyeball to gently push the wall of the eye against the detached retina.
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  • The surgeon uses a wire speculum to retract the eyelids to expose the eyeball.
  • But even if one allows for the gradual introduction of minimal, or totally unmetered phone charges, one has to question how many more eyeballs are there to be captured.
  • Conclusion The implantation of iris diaphragm IOL in aphakic eye with iris defect could rebuild the eyeball and correct the vision.
  • Although generally quite a touchy-feely person, I never back away from physical interaction, unless, particularly, that physical interaction should be focused on the eyeball.
  • As pressure in the brain increased it began pressing on their eyeballs, distorting their shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the first Hostel, the movie eventually revealed that its real interest was purely in shock value and the scopophiliac pleasures of dangling eyeballs. Movie Recommendations
  • This image is an important one to keep around, because it makes eyeballing UV placement easy.
  • I got it for a song 2 years ago and it shoots very well as far as I can tell with the semi-buckhorn sight with these old eyeballs. I recently read an article that was basically worshiping the fast "quarter-bore" rifle cartridges.
  • _He's_ been coppin 'where they race your eyeballs off. Blister Jones
  • His eyeballs were an unhealthy yellow.
  • He was a full-grown and rather large negro, as black as charcoal, with a splendid tier of "ivories;" and with eyeballs, pupil and irides excepted, as white as his teeth. The Quadroon Adventures in the Far West
  • She was in pain, despite being drugged up to the eyeballs.
  • Borrow the network, borrow the contaminative and mass sense organs, borrow to rape the mass eyeball but become famous, to us the inequity of absoluteness.
  • If it weren't for paedobaptism, I could put up with Presbyterian ecclesiology--but my eyeballs still pop when someone starts talkin' 'bout sprinkin'. The grace of forgetfulness - BatesLine
  • Of course, they may have to compete with purely domestic companies that are eyeballing the same markets.
  • Instead it was a mixture of lips, eyelids, eyeballs, nostrils, udders, spare skin, throat, larynx and so forth.
  • The opposition should be allowed to go eyeball to eyeball if they so wish. Times, Sunday Times
  • More anteriorly, the optic nerve is surrounded only by the smooth meningeal or inner layer of the dura, which blends with the sclera of the eyeball.
  • The various civil actions that must follow will enmesh BA up to their eyeballs in pooh for ages to come. perhaps they might like to try competing with the likes of Ryanair and Easyjet for a change instead of using their preferential position at Heathrow to cheat their customers. The World's Least Favourite Airline
  • Ah the satisfaction of meeting a would be filcher, eyes gummed shut while they stumble around trying to dig their eyeballs loose with a tire lever... The Pinch Test: Indignities of Spring
  • Objective To investigate the effect of implantation of spherical allogeneic biological material implant after eyeball enucleation.
  • Apparently pugs so overbred not only can they not breathe but their eyeballs pop out all the time. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • A small incision is made in the side of your eyeball to allow for removal of your cornea's inner layer without hurting the outer layers.
  • Blepharitis is inflammation of the edges of the eyelids; conjunctivitis is inflammation of the membrane that lines the eyelids and connects to the eyeball; iritis is inflammation of the iris; scleritis is inflammation of the white part of the eyeball, uveitis is inflammation of the pigmented inner parts of the eye; a sty is an inflammation of an oil-secreting gland on or near the edge of an eyelid; a chalazion is a small, hard tumor that forms on the edge of an eyelid. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • I recall... the shocking distension and protrusion of the eyeballs of dead men and dead horses.
  • Looks like YouTube got their caca together and fixed itself right on time; if it had been otherwise, I could never have brought you the following unique treasure, this retsina for your retinas, this Everclear for your eyeballs, this sulphuric acid for your synapses. 2007 January 14 « raincoaster
  • The paralysing effect of a tiger's roar is said by some to come from its infrasonic content (around 18Hz, the resonant frequency of the human eyeball, alarmingly).
  • An electroencephalograph was used to measure the subjects' brainwaves, while researchers eyeballed the herd for visible signs of joy.
  • Away from the soccer field, European smokers are eyeballing Norway with a wary eye.
  • Skin is slowly shed or rubbed away and replaced, but the lens is confined within the fixed volume of the eyeball.
  • It's important to many companies to keep competitors from gaining those eyeballs.
  • The trend now is to wear your shirt buttoned up to the eyeballs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Glaucoma, which often leads to partial or total blindness, is caused by an increase of fluid pressure within the eyeball.
  • The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.
  • As your balance and coordination improve, set goals like eyeballing a tree 100 yards downslope and making 20 turns on the way to it.
  • Each was "nosed", then eyeballed through Mr MacLean's red-rimmed monocle for its colour, and finally sipped by all, before scores out of ten were noted. Top stories from Times Online
  • In Old French oeiller was to fill a cask to its eye or bunghole - to the eyeballs, as you might say.
  • The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.
  • The lights began fading slowly until all that lit the darkness were bright red rings within bloodshot eyeballs.
  • He was also up to his eyeballs in debt to the bank. Christianity Today
  • Allen's eyeballs looked fit to pop out of his head on several occasions as he exhorted his players.
  • A liny round opening is left through which light can enter the eyeball, and this opening is the jmpil ( "doll" L, because of the tiny image of oneself one can see reflected there). The Human Brain
  • Her eyeballs had shriveled further, and the sockets were oozing a thick pus. DO NO HARM
  • Eyeballs can blister and eyelids seal up, and life expectancy can be significantly reduced.
  • The site, which averages 4.7 million users a month, plans to monetize those eyeballs by delivering them to advertisers.
  • Up to their eyeballs in debt, they resort to inept armed robbery to pay the bills. The Sun
  • I suspect what happened here, Catherine, is that they were sitting in Shooney's and maybe she was giving them what we call the hairy eyeball and they thought they would have some fun with her by talking about September 11 and September 13. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2002
  • Then, with the mask still on, use an X-acto blade or sharp knife to cut away the mask around your eyeballs. Five Expert Halloween Tips (Part 1) | myFiveBest
  • The platform is there; at the cost of a few extra staff he can attract new eyeballs around the country and the world.
  • The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.
  • In an open-necked pink shirt Howard shook hands and eyeballed his enthusiasts as he moved swiftly to the podium and almost immediately began speaking.
  • We are dipped in turpentine, the film is wiped from our eyeballs, we really see what we are looking at (why do we rarely see?). Excerpts, Quotes, etc.
  • What I worry about the most is the competition for young eyeballs.
  • My eyeballs just rolled on the floor like some dice of fate like some dice from a poker game being played in a sand castle Global Voices in English » Iraq: Reflecting on Iran
  • It's amusing/nauseous/eyeballbleed-causing that the highly tarnished "pots" (the Cable, Telco and Wireless monopolies) are calling the ideologically disadvantaged "kettles" black. Multichannel News: Business News
  • The second pair are the optic nerves, which, under the name of the _optic tracts_, run down to the base of the brain, from which an optic nerve passes to each eyeball. A Practical Physiology
  • The advertisers get better quality eyeballs and the networks can charge more money.
  • Guinness says this woman in Chicago has the poppiest eyeballs, this man in L.A. the stretchiest skin. CNN Transcript Jul 25, 2007
  • She was rushed to hospital with a scratched eyeball, cuts and bruises. The Sun
  • Something that smelled like rotting flesh on burned toast was shuffling toward them, fungoid arms extended, eyeballs dangling from the ends of raw, frayed strings. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • The tremendous moral power of this solitary work lies in the fact that it is a series of terrific and fascinating tableaux, embodying the idea of inflexible poetic justice impartially administered upon king and varlet, pope and beggar, oppressor and victim, projected amidst the unalterable necessities of eternity, and moving athwart the lurid abyss and the azure cope with an intense distinctness that sears the gazer's eyeballs. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • “She has a boxful of eyeballs,” Brook whispered to me. Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
  • As pressure in the brain increased it began pressing on their eyeballs, distorting their shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • German consumers are not up to their eyeballs in debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • He or she also views the inside of your eye using an instrument called an ophthalmoscope and, using a painless procedure called tonometry, measures the pressure inside your eyeball.
  • At Mission Bay Park you can rent paddleboats, kayaks and sailboats or take the paved loop and get a great eyeball workout.
  • Get out of my house before I come up and gouge your eyeballs out!
  • As an outspoken industry insider insider meaning when inside my garage I absolutely abhor the New and Improved over Old and Inferior mktg rampantly blazed into out eyeballs. The Irrelevancy of Time: Bicycle Products Don't Spoil
  • Sometimes the tonometer is placed directly against the eyeball and pressure is applied in order for a reading to be taken.
  • Medaka P is strongly expressed in the eyeball of embryos and adults, where melanin is produced in the choroid membrane and retinal pigment epithelium.
  • The eyeball sits in the eye socket (also called the orbit) in a person's skull, where it is surrounded by bone.
  • Then there was President Bush talking about oil, and Hillary Clinton talking about health care, which caused me to realize that if you haven’t lain supine in a claustrophobia-inducing magnetized tunnel while watching Hillary Clinton talk about health care one inch from your eyeballs, well, you just haven’t lived. Re-Thinking Jeffrey Goldberg
  • Four muscles pull each eyeball straight back into the eye socket, shortening the eyeball.
  • It is convenient to start with the conception that glaucoma is increased tension of the eyeball, plus the causes and effects of such increase; although a broad survey of the facts may reveal a clinical entity to be called glaucoma, without increased tension constantly or necessarily present, and cases of increased intra-ocular tension not to be classed as glaucoma. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Or grab his skull firm in your hands until his eyeballs ooze through your fingers.
  • He must be stressed to the eyeballs, and a sitting duck for karoshi (death from overwork). The Sun
  • More anteriorly, the optic nerve is surrounded only by the smooth meningeal or inner layer of the dura, which blends with the sclera of the eyeball.
  • Cornea is a disc - like avascular film in the most anterior of the eyeball.
  • Is it an earnest appreciation of the avant-garde or just eyeballing a freak show?
  • Instead it was a mixture of lips, eyelids, eyeballs, nostrils, udders, spare skin, throat, larynx and so forth.
  • The British food watchdog is asking fast-food restaurants to add calorie-counts to their menus -- and want to adopt a set of "traffic light" labels that indicate dangerously high levels of salt, fat, sugar (or, presumably, eyeball-gnawing maggots, see post below). Boing Boing
  • Why wait two thousand years to see a black blob on the sun - you'll only frazzle your eyeballs in the process - why do you think all those iron age astronomers went blind?
  • Another switch will open a system or door only when its sensor reads the eyeballs of the owner.
  • They're scrunched into nine pages, which means lots of itty-bitty type and eyeball fatigue.
  • It says that the best way to remove a cinder from your eye is to place under your eyelid the eyeball of a lobster. Gene's true calling ... is calling
  • We were undressing the merchandise with their eyeball, all ogle, no cash.
  • Voss wanted to remove his eyeballs and swill them in saline, see the grit sink to the bottom. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • My choice of "eyeballed" spatially representative stations didn't return 1980 as the warmest year in Antarctica as you pointed out. RealClimate
  • As your balance and coordination improve, set goals like eyeballing a tree 100 yards downslope and making 20 turns on the way to it.
  • Levitt said he did not do any statistical analysis of temperatures, but "eyeballed" the numbers and noticed 2005 was hotter than the last couple of years. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The optic nerves give off no branches in passing from their origin in two ganglia situated between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, and their termination in the eyeballs; but, in the middle of their course, they _decussate_, or unite in one mass. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • Face Factory manager Li that eyeball boils aglowly, of the reporter excited arise spontaneously with devoir.
  • We'll be going eyeball to eyeball and I want to beat them. The Sun
  • The sheer scale of the desert scenes leaves you gasping and the electric blue and orange landscapes sear your eyeballs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr. Zinn was honored for both his passions, with a flower named zinnia and a part of the human eyeball forever since known as ‘Zinn's zonule.’
  • But it's refreshing to see that right now LA has a gloriously expansive new magazine whose existence has nothing to do with distant ownership, multinucleated management, dotted-line org-charts, focus groups, sticky eyeballs or five-year budget projections. Michael Sigman: Can Slake Quench LA's Media Thirst?
  • What makes me so incensed my eyeballs are twitching is that, for the past few days, I have been forced to do just that: wait. Archive 2006-05-01
  • But this is an unashamed visual feast that will leave your eyeballs begging for mercy. The Sun
  • The retina lines the inner face of the back of the eyeball and contains light-sensitive cells that transmit images to the brain.
  • As an infant, he came down with some kind of pox that savaged even his eyeballs.
  • “Fuck,” Sergeant Seth Roussey says from behind the wheel as he swings the van around the corner, slowing to eyeball a group of young black men in hooded sweatshirts hanging out on the West Baltimore street. On Baltimore's Mean Streets
  • Working high up a mast on the end of a yardarm isolated in the expanse of the southern ocean, it was an uncanny experience to eyeball one of these creatures.
  • The trend now is to wear your shirt buttoned up to the eyeballs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let these valuable tips help you solidify your social media impact to attract new eyeballs and use the power of your content to turn them into lifelong customers.
  • The author analyzed the theory of medical ultrasound image and put forward an algorithm based on eyeball character to locate the eyeball in the ultrasound image.
  • Her eyes rolled back in their sockets, showing the milky-white underside of her eyeballs.
  • Long-sightedness occurs when the eyeball is too short in relation to the focusing power of the cornea and lens.
  • The conclusion of spontaneity is not drawn from looking at the video or eyeballing the fly but by analysing the graphed traces. Bunny and a Book
  • I had an immensely complicated pattern to imitate them, carved out of spun marabou with knotted black eyeballs of ostrich herl.
  • I recall rolling my eyeballs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ashiness and the moisture on the brow, and the film over the eyeballs -- what man can look upon the sight, and not feel his heart awed within him? Complete Prose Works Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy
  • There were sharp pains pulsing behind his eyeballs.
  • Inflammation of this membrane is more commonly limited to that portion covering the inner surfaces of the lids, but may extend to the eyeball when the eye becomes "bloodshot" and the condition more serious. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
  • ObjectiveTo discuss choroidal structural changes and extent of damage in the patients with eyeball contused wound.
  • The part where it gets really over the top for me, the part that makes it memorable is when Ack-Ack's father says to the youths that they will have to push the luxated eyeballs back into the eye sockets with a stick .. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • But in some burn patients, the limbus is destroyed and the cornea instead develops from cells that cover the white of the eyeball, known as the bulbar conjunctiva. Reuters: Top News
  • In fact, it took me quite a while to bring myself to eat one and I recall screeching in disgust and saying ‘No, mum, it looks like slimy eyeballs!’
  • The sheer scale of the desert scenes leaves you gasping and the electric blue and orange landscapes sear your eyeballs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very complex disease known as exophthalmic goitre, and shown by irregular and rapid action of the heart, protruding eyeballs and a variety of mental symptoms, is also associated with this gland, and occasioned not by a deficiency but by an excess or perversion of its secretion. Disease and Its Causes
  • It appeared he also liked to skin the bodies of his victims and had a capability to swallow eyeballs.
  • The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.
  • Because the orbit (eye socket) is made of bone it cannot expand to accommodate the protruding eyeball.
  • It is surely a grim coincidence that this series, portraying footballers as filthy-rich hedonistic schemers, began a new run in the very week that Scottish football eyeballed a financial abyss.
  • Eyeballs, whiskers, blood and even tiger nose are among the parts used for their perceived curative properties.
  • Tracing along the lower waterline and around the inner corners of my eyes, I applied the pencil as close to my eyeball as possible.
  • Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are all caused by an imperfectly shaped eyeball, cornea, or lens.
  • In some reported instances, it forms a muscular funnel around the optic nerve and is inserted onto the back of the eyeball.
  • The ¼-ounce size 4 in chartreuse works well for perch, and even betterwhen one of the hook points is tipped with a fresh perch eyeball (yes, really). John Merwin Picks the 50 Best Lures of All Time
  • Monitor color and actuality eyeball color can be seen differently.
  • After hours and hours of making dough, decorating sugar cookies, washing pans, guarding the cooling cookies from the dog, we were up to our eyeballs in cookies! Christmas Cookie Caper '08: #1 - World Peace Cookies
  • To understand this theory you need to know a little of the economics of commercial TV, whose job is to deliver eyeballs to advertisers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I apologize for any pinwheeling of eyeballs the post may have provoked.
  • My overactive imagination conjured up images of me opening the curtains to see a face pressed against the glass, eyeballing me.
  • The opposition should be allowed to go eyeball to eyeball if they so wish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eyeballing your portfolio feels like a mental checkmark in the personal finance column.
  • In his office, he takes out some stored buds, and I look at them under a microscope: The surfaces are covered in minute crystalline structures, like the stalked eyeballs of snails, but glasslike. Boutique buds: What underground mom-and-pop growers did while we debated legalization
  • He is out of a job and up to his eyeballs in debt.
  • The Germans were rolling their eyeballs and tutting in amazement.
  • Voss wanted to remove his eyeballs and swill them in saline, see the grit sink to the bottom. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • It was called jello shots, now they're doing eyeball shots. TOP STORIES - YNN, Your News Now
  • Documentaries have limited runs in theatres, and are subject to limited eyeballs and competition from feature films.
  • The lynx's pupils were wide open, and the golden-yellow tapeta in the backs of her eyeballs were glowing like incandescent lamps. Forest Neighbors Life Stories of Wild Animals
  • Of course, we did have to estimate Michael Moore and Paris Hilton ` s weight for the purposes of this example, so it ` s only accurate if the estimates are correct, which I ` m pretty sure they are, even though we just kind of eyeballed both of them. CNN Transcript Oct 26, 2006
  • When he measured the infrasound in the laboratory, the showing was 18.98 hertz - the exact frequency at which a human eyeball starts resonating.
  • Everyone's snuffling, everyone's hot, everyone wants nothing more than to repose on the sofa and have prepackaged entertainment piped down our eyeballs.
  • Cycling through the swamp paths and eyeballing an alligator, a creature so suited to its environment that it hasn't changed in 50 million years, is a humbling experience.
  • But this is an unashamed visual feast that will leave your eyeballs begging for mercy. The Sun
  • I have had acupuncture, homoeopathy, even iridology, where they look in your eyeballs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been eyeballing cans too --- I think using them as a centerpiece is a lovely idea! Italian centre piece - made of trash cans!
  • At this time the condition of the patient was as follows: The face presented the appearance known as facies hippocratica: the eyeballs were prominent, the corneæ glassy, the pupils widely dilated, not acting to light, and there was no reflex action of the conjunctivæ; the lips were livid, the tongue tumefied, but pallid, the skin ashy pale, the cutaneous tissues apparently devoid of elasticity. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • Other symptoms include thickening of the skin, fat in the abdomen, fat under the eyeballs and neck, and apparent laziness.
  • The horse shoved his muzzle malevolently against the spaniel's face, eyeball to eyeball.
  • If cinematic spectacle grabs eyeballs, then gameplay grabs minds.
  • I kind of eyeballed the measurements, so it's not exactly as that, but I tried my best to remember the measurements for the instructions. Ikea hacker
  • The sharing aspect is really powerful because it brings so many more eyeballs to the event.
  • After we ordered our brightly coloured drinks, the waitress lingered, drunkenly putting her arm around me and stroking my shoulder while she eyeballed Clay.
  • His fine sword swiped across at a stalk, and a crab eyeball dropped to the tunnel floor. The Woods Out Back
  • It took him six terms to get an elite suite, and other members already are eyeballing it.
  • Outside of the eyeball, in the loose, fatty tissue of the orbit, in the upper and outer corner is the lacrymal or tear gland. A Practical Physiology
  • One minute you'll be finning alongside a sea turtle or in the midst of a shoal of jacks, the next, eyeballing a curious French angelfish. Discover an extraordinary underwater world in the Cayman Islands
  • The games attract legions of fans, millions of eyeballs and the nation's best recruits.
  • If you find that the foreign object is embedded in the eyeball, cover the person's eye with a sterile pad or a clean cloth.
  • She's up to her eyeballs in debt.
  • She pulled her cloak around herself tighter as she stared around, and men eyeballed her.
  • She not only openly flaunts her unearned wealth, but also uses her assets to seize eyeballs from her less fortunate sisters.
  • It's frying my eyeballs out and that bozo 's not going anywhere. CORMORANT
  • He eyeballed me across the bar.
  • We must discuss the situation eyeball to eyeball.
  • The band would have brought in teenage eyeballs.
  • The orbit is a socket for the eyeball, muscles, nerves, and vessels that are necessary for proper functioning of the eye.
  • We'll be going eyeball to eyeball and I want to beat them. The Sun
  • Turning round I saw a young teen hooker drugged to her eyeballs working the street at three in the afternoon.
  • The micro-payments that people were talking about when Shirky wrote this eventually came in the form of "eyeballs," supposedly enraptured by online advertising. Archive 2009-04-01
  • KO was probably eyeballs deep in geeky sports stats books, but he probably would have noticed something like that. Think Progress » Coulter Derides Call For New Iraq Strategy, Endorses Lieberman Approach
  • He remembered being out in the boonies with nothing better than a Mark-1 eyeball. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Visual formation needs to have complete visual analyzer, include eyeball and pallium pillow part of a historical period, and both the system looking a way between.
  • Kirby was up to his old tricks against his former county, running down the pitch and eyeballing the batsman as well as passing on a few choice words.
  • What gives these epidermal exhibitionists the right to force everyone else in the Republic to eyeball their blubbery thighs and ratty chest hair? Hey, Buddy, Keep Your Shirt On!
  • I recall rolling my eyeballs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am up to my eyeballs in socialistic insurance policies. now, The insurance industry says that insurance is just a way to spread the risk. U.S. Socialist Programs That Must Be Stopped At All Costs | myFiveBest
  • This meaning of the word humor as a bodily fluid is now preserved in the aqueous and vitreous humors of the eyeball. No Uncertain Terms
  • Are you so anxious to know what it feels like to have both eyeballs gouged out, one at a time?
  • Sand gritted in your teeth with every bite of food and rasped the eyeballs each time you blinked your eyes.
  • The little whosis peering with one eyeball out the slit marking the divisions between posts should be rolling said eyeball at the links, particularly Noah at Gideon. Links about Marriage Equality
  • The eyeball is moved to the side and the optic nerve sheath is exposed.
  • The next day I woke to eyeballs that felt like they'd been baking under a desert sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • The face relaxed, the lids half closed on the eyeballs, leaving only the white of the conjunctiva visible, exactly as in the dying whom we have occasion to see every day in the exercise of our profession, or as in those just dead. Boing Boing
  • Each blink brings liquid secreted by the tear glands into contact with the surface of the eyeball. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was rushed to hospital with a scratched eyeball, cuts and bruises. The Sun
  • It goes beyond merely shitty, hops the fence into atrocious, and strikes out for eyeball-bleedingly terrible. Dead Silence
  • Every day you are in excruciating pain and every day the doctors come along and dose you up to the eyeballs in morphine, so much so that you don't know what is going on around you.
  • His face motionless, Altobelli reached up and uncorked his left eyeball from its socket, placing it on the table.
  • Congenital orbital adherens syndrome was suspected, and MRI of orbits revealed retraction of the right eyeball with shortening of the right medial rectus and left deviation of the nasal septum.
  • Inside, we find the fabric facia covering and round eyeball vents necessary for the Smart identity, plus an optional, removable bag where you would normally expect to find a glovebox.
  • We finished with a leisurely swim back to the Scuba Park, eyeballing the marine life on the way.

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