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eye doctor

  1. a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye

How To Use eye doctor In A Sentence

  • When I needed an emergency trip to the eye doctor because a fleck of metal had gotten caught in my eye, my dad inquired about where to go and took us there. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Dad
  • Cuts that were proposed yet prevented included: • Directly denying low-income parents who work Medi-Cal coverage (resulting in 440,000 uninsured over three years) • Eliminating various benefits for 2.5 million adults on Medi-Cal, such as podiatry, eye doctors, dental and other vital services.
  • You may get frustration on the lids, some of your glands meibomian glands on the lids may not function appropriately and people may use terms that you know if you do go to a eye doctor that maybe the Blepharitis or you have blepharoconjunctivitis and so for the treatment of such diseases you need both an antibiotic as well as an anti-inflammatory agent namely you need something to reduce the swelling. Undefined
  • One you have been diagnosed, your eye doctor will want to examine your eyes regularly, because exophthalmos is a progressive disease.
  • Using an argon laser, eye doctors could focus intense beams of light to spot-weld leaking blood vessels in the retina. NYT > Home Page
  • Reshaping the cornea with contact lenses to improve vision isn't new. Orthokeratology has been practiced by some eye doctors for decades.
  • One of the Captin's I fly with as a reservist is the Wal-Mart eye doctor. Progressive U - The new media voice for students
  • Other factors. Your eye doctor will take into account additional factors. For example, deep-set eyes may make the surgery more difficult and risky.
  • The doctor might recommend you take your child to an otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) or an ophthalmologist (eye doctor).
  • Your eye doctor usually uses special eyedrops to dilate your pupils, opening them wider so he or she can see the back part of your eye.
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