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  1. a residential area outside of a city and beyond suburbia

How To Use exurbia In A Sentence

  • Accordingly, Buell's purpose in the new book is to ‘put ‘green’ and ‘brown’ landscapes, the landscapes of exurbia and industrialization, in conversation with one another.’
  • This once small town is being increasingly populated by white Americans looking for ‘stability and safety’ in the ever-expanding subdivisions of exurbia.
  • Living in Italy for extended periods was the great geographical adventure of Cheever's life and a foil to his obsession with American exurbia. John Cheever's Cruel Paradoxes
  • What it DOES do is penalize folks who live in exurbia, where housing prices have already plummeted. Matthew Yglesias » Doubts About a Vehicle-Miles Traveled Tax
  • That is leading to exurbia, a two-pronged movement.
  • So yes our housing choices matter – a lot - but there is plenty of room for densification between the extremes of exurbia and Manhattan. bigTom Says: Matthew Yglesias » Subsidizing Homeownership
  • Virtually in the countryside with breathtaking green hills and valleys, it's a very short drive - and even a pleasant walk - away from the urban communities of Hillsborough, Walkley, Crookes, and Broomhill, with a scattering of tiny subtopias and exurbias along the way.
  • No, we're paving over the prime farmland as Americans flee out into exurbia, trying to flee the overcrowded housing stock in Miami, New York, Los Angeles, etcetera.
  • Representative Trent Franks must say good-bye to his district of desert and exurbia and go back to Colorado. Martin Nolan: Arizona for Arizonans, Now!
  • That we should have to make a hue and cry to save community gardens again strikes me as terribly ironic considering we've already done this, and, in the larger context, absolutely know what happens when the sprawl wins, whether it is out there on the edge of exurbia or down the block. Matthew Wills: Brooklyn Farms, Then and Now
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