
How To Use Exude In A Sentence

  • The endotoxins exuded are cell - wall constituents that are sort of like pheromones or germ sweat. T.S. Wiley: Can Sleep Loss Destroy Your Immune System?
  • It appeared to be opaque glass, but it exuded the pungent fetor of magick. Sparks
  • Dressed in a silver-patterned silk shirt and tailored trousers, he exudes self-confidence.
  • After a cut on the face or an exudation into the lungs, the loose tissues and multiple vessels allow the proliferating cells to obtain rich nourishment; absorption can take place readily, and the part regains its normal condition entirely, while a bruise at the heel or at the withers finds a dense, inextensible tissue where the multiplying elements and exuded fluids choke up all communication, and the parts die Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • ‘Rock gardens should look untended and exude a careless beauty’, he says.
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  • Success has come so naturally that the young Italian exudes an innate, unquestioned belief in his own talents.
  • He exudes a sense of self-possession and hauteur that leads critics in the media and among his party to label him arrogant.
  • Silk moth cocoons are made of a layer of silk that the caterpillar exudes from glands in its mouth.
  • The city of Bordeaux exudes wealth: its enormous, elegant squares easily rival the Place de Vosges in Paris or Piazza Navona in Rome.
  • You're graceful, poised, tactful and exude quite a refined, princess-like presence.
  • Some people exude outright disinterest and apathy towards their country's films.
  • Caoutchouc, as it exudes from the trees, is a milk-like emulsion, wherein globules of caoutchouc proper are suspended in a gummy solution.
  • Her Connie exudes calm confidence one second and is helplessly expressive the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet none of them exudes a sense of power or particular privilege. Times, Sunday Times
  • The familial warmth she exudes on stage is not just acted but actual. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her first feature, La Ciénaga, or The Swamp, exuded a fetid, toxic atmosphere: a film on the verge of swooning, overcome by its own unwholesomely sensual fumes.
  • The larval insects insert their proboscides into the bark of young shoots of certain lac-bearing trees, varieties of Ficus, draw out the sap for nutriment, and at once exude a resinous secretion which entirely covers their bodies and the twigs, often to the thickness of one-half inch. Handwork in Wood
  • When skiing is over for the day, the town exudes music from every pore.
  • He was a bluff, domineering character who exuded confidence though politically he often showed signs of naivety.
  • The leaves are larger and more elliptical than hemp dogbane and all plant parts exude a milky substance when broken.
  • He's a natural salesman, whose secret weapon is the sheer confidence and optimism that he exudes rather than backslapping bonhomie.
  • Michael Pennington invests the Don's medical sidekick with exactly the right air of terrified loyalty, Oliver Cotton exudes white-suited arrogance as a dictatorial master baker, and Gavin Fowler lends his maltreated son a simmering, murderous resentment. The Syndicate – review | Michael Billington
  • I was 9 and learning the game from my father and grandfather; I pinwheeled my bat in imitation, and exuded joy every time I picked up my mitt.
  • Tatiana exuded a porous, evanescent, yet everlasting warmth; her very presence, her satin face in his palm made his back hurt less. THE BRONZE HORSEMAN
  • It helps that their eternally optimistic manager exudes a permanent air of calm and conviction and has no trouble sleeping. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can you exude charm when spitting out yoghurt? Times, Sunday Times
  • Sweat exudes through the pores.
  • Dressed in a beige cardigan sweater, corduroys and rimless glasses, he exudes a polite, professorial air.
  • I imagined she'd smell of fresh plastic-wrapped computer components for some weird reason and was surprised by the clean, human smell she exuded.
  • Niamh has a voice of undisputed international quality and she also exudes charismatic quality, which guarantees a vibrant live performance.
  • Like a rising sun, the city exudes energy and brilliant colour.
  • Meditative and soft, his blurred landscapes exude a sense of atmosphere.
  • The film has its visually muddy scenes, but it still exudes a stylish elegance from the exquisite bleached-out imagery of the opening credit sequence to the loungey soundtrack.
  • The Japanese have had moss gardens for centuries because of the aesthetic beauty, minimalist style and calm they exude. Times, Sunday Times
  • She exuded warmth and was always smiling and giggling. Times, Sunday Times
  • She exudes an unmistakable air of confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sun made him exude sweat.
  • For what he knew, she was level-headed and exuded confidence on a regular basis.
  • Sitting alone on the stage with only his trademark flask of tea and his pipe for company, the old boy positively exudes optimism.
  • The scenes between Pattinson and de Ravin exude genuine charm. Twilight Lexicon » Remember Me: Early Reviews Are In
  • The winner is a contestant which best exudes the qualities of today's modern rural woman.
  • The hot sun made her exude sweat.
  • The roast Peking duck exuded a delicious aroma.
  • When breeding, some Scutiger males exude nuptial excrescences on their venters.
  • The splitting of the rostellum, curiously enough, never happens without insect aid; but if a bristle or needle be passed over it ever so lightly, a stream of sticky, milky fluid exudes, hardens, and the boat-shaped disk, with pollen masses attached, may be withdrawn on the bristle just as the bee removes them with her tongue. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • Yet in his dark glasses and overcoat he exuded menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • He exuded class, confidence and style and for a heavily-built man was very agile and nimble.
  • A waspy waist and a flippy knee-length skirt were central to a show that exuded casual elegance. Times, Sunday Times
  • A mixture of bunker and shed, the centre exudes a taut, functional elegance.
  • The bifurcation between the working poor and the middle class in a capitalist society means that by following the chain of hierarchy to which we have become accustomed translates into those that are most able to exude power being over represented. A Review: Feminism and Pop Culture
  • His friend and fifth-grade classmate at Stuart Hall School for Boys, Garren Mitchell, exuded confidence as he correctly spelled the word "taj," not even waiting to hear the judge's response before walking back to his spot upstage. Undefined
  • Under phosphorus-deficient conditions, plants generally exude a greater quantity of organic acids such as citrate, malate, and succinate from roots to the rhizosphere.
  • Some trees exude from their bark a sap that repels insect parasites.
  • We're reminded that the confidence she exuded at the end was hard-won.
  • In his quieter moments, too, he exuded control and composure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Judy Fox's figurative ceramic sculptures exude an aggregate energy that is built up over time.
  • He exudes humility and forthrightness, as befits a melodrama Hero. James Scarborough: Snooty and the Beast, All American Melodrama Theatre & Music Hall/Screaming Mimi!, Act Out Mystery Theatre
  • He hardly exudes confidence, but there is something steely and assured behind his quiet, shy manner.
  • Me, I prefer the "Desparate Poli Sci Blogger" persona I exude, which is disturbingly close to my own personality (except it's a lot less strident in person-SEL is a lot closer to my real personality). La Profesora Abstraida
  • Though he could still switch on the charm, he exuded the air of a man wronged. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
  • The bell-shaped, chalk-white flowers appear in late spring and exude a wonderful honey scent.
  • Pine resin exudes from cuts in the needles or stem of the tree.
  • It is typical of a certain sort of domestic architecture which exudes an air of virtue and solidity.
  • Impossible to change because of their clawlike rigidity, the gauze had begun to exude the cloying reek of infection. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • She exudes an unmistakable air of confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet he exudes a sense of calm and control, mainly because he has strict rules for how he operates.
  • This is no mother's milk, however, but a latex exuded by specialized structures, called laticifers, that are found throughout the plant.
  • Psychology: The War Altar exudes raw power which banishes all thought of fear or panic.
  • Like a little plumped up raisin, he exudes vanity, smugness and frailty and desolation in equal measure.
  • The creatures exude a noxious substance as a byproduct of their metabolic processes, one that prevents fouling of its exterior and discourages predators.
  • The room exuded an air of order, of warmth, of privilege.
  • A production that exudes class from the cast to the slick set changes, Cinderella is this year's thinking kid's pantomime.
  • To attract male wasps to pollinate them, the orchids not only look like an insect Marilyn Monroe, they exude a fragrance even more bewitching than the real sexual attractant of the females they're mimicking. Kenny Ausubel: The Sting: Social Biomimicry and The Role of Fraud in Nature
  • Some few exude, by incision, odoriferous gums, as benzoin, olibanum, myrrh, &c.; others give, by the same act, what are called balsams, which appear to be mixtures of an odorous oil and an inodorous gum. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • I suppose it has something to do with the nice, regular guy quality he exudes on screen, but he's not really a very good actor.
  • The 300-year-old inn exudes bohemian bonhomie and is one of the best loved in Puerto Rico.
  • An awful smell exuded from the creature's body.
  • The male singer and guitar player exude emotion.
  • The two friendly moustached officers trundling along also exuded an archaic air with their starched white cotton shirts and trousers.
  • Perhaps it's because leather jackets have, for as long as I can remember, been associated with guys with a bad-boy image - mobsters, celebrity badasses and motorcycle enthusiasts alike exude such personas.
  • Unlike other floral species, the Rafflesia exudes a smell of rotting flesh!
  • He exudes a strong sexual magnetism.
  • Not as exciting as past work but still exudes vibrancy and innovation. The Sun
  • The glib expectation that all his siblings will exude similar star quality is inevitably flawed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Liked, if not adored by fans, Mozegetar has proved both a marvel to listen to and watch in live shows where he exudes a certain passion for what he does.
  • Dido talked incessantly about herself and all I had to do, as I listened to the catalogue of her infirmities, was to exude sympathy. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • To hand to a rival the third most senior job in government would appear to exude confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stolid brick houses with bay windows and big gardens exude an air of decorousness and prosperity.
  • The values she exuded are still a definition of success for women in business today. The Sun
  • Americans today crave the confidence, certainty and reckless aplomb he exuded but are at the same time uneasily aware that his approach would be inappropriate now.
  • A lot of these athletes saying it allows them to kind of exude something more than the athletic, I guess, demeanor they have. CNN Transcript Oct 11, 2009
  • The smells of hot wax and carbon mingled with pine and the sickly sweet fetor which old people exude when they are almost ready to go over. THE BROKEN GOD
  • She exuded warmth and was always smiling and giggling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The enchanting vivaciousness his women exude could send any man into ecstasy.
  • The culprit, according to a 2006 study, is having to exude what they called fake happiness. Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us
  • The tubules exude fluid when cut and contain living cells, as well as nerves.
  • She took up the sport in 2009 and during her climb to the summit she has exuded modesty and charm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her Connie exudes calm confidence one second and is helplessly expressive the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • The eth (ð Ð), thorn (þ Þ), and aesc (“ash”—Æ æ) survive in modern Icelandic almost as artifacts, and exude medievalism (they make me wonder if this blog should be called “Knitting Letters, A to Þ?” A to Z: L is for Lopi
  • These timid little creatures exude a pungent smell when threatened.
  • The plant exudes a sticky fluid.
  • Even on a hot day, with the large car parks full of coaches testifying that there must be hundreds of people there, the entire camp exuded an awesome silence.
  • The Australian ‘Nilagiris’ owe their name to a vaporous blue haze exuded by the eucalyptus gum.
  • He exudes an air of shyness, mystery and slight menace - not to be confused, say colleagues, with sophistication.
  • He exudes a contagious enthusiasm when he discusses what drives him to write.
  • On television, he exudes confidence and authoritative judgment.
  • In a few minutes the gastric reagent, an acid solution of the gastric protein ferment, begins to exude from the walls of the stomach. Ivan Pavlov - Nobel Lecture
  • When the system becomes too warm, the blood vessels on the surface expand, the blood fills them, the fluid exudes into the perspiratory glands, pours out upon the exterior, and by evaporation cools the body. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • When we meet, she exudes a natural, earthy sexiness.
  • The whole place exudes old-fashioned charm and timeless style.
  • Vorm and Given exude assurance and physical confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Silk moth cocoons are made of a layer of silk that the caterpillar exudes from glands in its mouth.
  • Their humble attire did little to detract from the air of imperious authority they exuded, however.
  • While emphasising the need for discipline, she exuded a caustic anti-establishment manner which at the time I found particularly refreshing.
  • Clad in a tight-fitting suit that seems one size too short, and clutching his briefcase as if it contained the Holy Grail, he exudes an almost saintly goodness.
  • Blue mountain crests soar above dark realms of virgin forest, where the sombre conifers exude the precious _damar_, which glues itself to the red trunks in shining lumps often of twenty pounds 'weight, or sinks deeply into the soft soil, from whence the solidified gum needs excavation. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • Despite the high ceilings and generous proportions the house exudes comfort and homeliness.
  • The glib expectation that all his siblings will exude similar star quality is inevitably flawed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole composition exudes a bold, reckless and extravagant self-confidence.
  • Brendan Barrington exudes vibrant enthusiasm, he is intense, thoughtful and passionate about his creation.
  • It does not exude the tacky, plasticky feel of the compacts and is the sort of camera it would be a joy to roll some film through.
  • Legs become scaly, swollen, and exude lymph fluid.
  • The garbanzo plants exuded a flavorful, acidic dew which made for a wonderful sun tea when the leaves were steeped in a jar of water.
  • It is typical of a certain sort of domestic architecture which exudes an air of virtue and solidity.
  • Styling is not too flashy, yet exudes class and a quiet confidence.
  • This lush, warm red exudes a warm, heathery nose, that evokes the other worldly burned soil and lavender of the north-east Languedoc.
  • Perhaps it's the flash git image he exudes as he turns up at yet another film premiere with a beautiful blonde on his arm.
  • A bold feminist, Agnes exudes a magnetic, if earthy, sexual attraction, helped no end by her ever-revealing cleavage.
  • The very special ambiance of our traditional, historical house with its snuggeries, angles and homey niches exude an atmosphere of comfort, relaxing and enjoying.
  • Lelord - the 57-year-old writer whose own smile exudes a kind of languorous wisdom - would never have been able to write his bestselling French novel, Hector and the Search for Happiness, at such a tender age. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • From the first moment of this film, Black exudes a comic presence I haven't seen from him, or from anybody for that matter, since his breakout performance in High Fidelity.
  • At first sight his five interlinked billboards, showing a series of outdoor scenes, exude a sense of relaxation and contentment.
  • He was a man who exuded serenity and tranquility, a man at peace with himself, with God and with the world.
  • In a few minutes the gastric reagent, an acid solution of the gastric protein ferment, begins to exude from the walls of the stomach. Ivan Pavlov - Nobel Lecture
  • America exudes an orgulous dynamic, stretching its fatty arms to encompass all potential, all possibilities. 12 & 35
  • Though he could still switch on the charm, he exuded the air of a man wronged. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
  • But whereas other hip-hop stars tend to wear labels as an exercise in brashness and bling, West exudes a sense of refined taste. Kanye West: Mister Perfection is stylishly reinventing the rules of rap
  • Illingworth siblings do not exude that air; certainly Duke has motives for crime, though his alibi seems airtight.
  • A earthy, musky smell exuded from the forest that now surrounded him.
  • Double substitutions exude desperation and rarely turn games on their head. Times, Sunday Times
  • After caterpillars reach their full development they seek depression in the bark and curl up in a web spun from some secretion which they exude.
  • An air of triumph exuded from her.
  • Yet it is never slick or glib; instead, it exudes a guileless, homespun warmth.
  • They exude the warmth of home, albeit an itinerant, impermanent home of temporary balconies.
  • The good nature they exude is infectious and helps the story over some rough patches for sure. Bernal and Luna can’t save “Rudo y Cursi” » Scene-Stealers
  • And here, enveloped in the power and aura that Skybury exuded, Ravenna understood how true that was.
  • In their elephant-cord hipsters, tab-collared shirts and Carnaby Street suede laceups, they exuded an ineffable and hopelessly unattainable cool.
  • A ripe minty, skunky odor exudes from his velvety dappled coat. Houston Chronicle
  • Today just a few families remain and the place exudes a strange mix of film set and living museum.
  • He could be uncompromising but somehow exuded a gentlemanly calm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Claire, for instance, a splendid-looking albino with long, Afro-frizzy, white-blonde hair, large nose and thin lips, exudes a stunning, Elizabethan regality.
  • Some people exude outright disinterest and apathy towards their country's films.
  • In conversation she exudes wit and self - assurance .
  • A lustrous dry wine, the nose exudes tinned apricot, the wash is a blend of nut, lime and very sweet ripe melon.
  • 'Tum Milo ...' exudes scent of goodness, watch it (IANS Movie Review - Rating: **) more images more imagesFilm: "Tum Milo Toh Sahi"; Cast: Nana Patekar, Dimple Kapadia, Suniel Shetty, Vidya Malvade, Rehan Khan, Anjana Sukhani; Director: Kabir Sadanand; Rating: ** Just for the pleasure of watching Nana Patekar and Dimple Kapadia together, this quaint and sincere look at love across three generations is well worth a 'dekko'. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • She took up the sport in 2009 and during her climb to the summit she has exuded modesty and charm. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, when crushed these exude a little weak prussic acid, which has a scent of almonds. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, if one approached them closely so as to talk to them, the face with its smooth skin and delicate contours appeared different and as happens when one examines a vegetable body under a microscope, watery or ensanguined spots exuded. Time Regained
  • Legume roots are known to exude various flavonoid and isoflavonoid molecules that induce expression of nod genes by bacteria in rhizobia.
  • Psychology: The War Altar exudes raw power which banishes all thought of fear or panic.
  • His choreographic language is traditional and a little unadventurous but he has made a ballet which exudes self-confidence and fun.
  • Even without such giveaway settings, the Canadian accent and humour still would exude unmistakeably from a huge proportion of playwriting.
  • He exuded a simple charm; there was no arrogance or deceit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can you exude charm when spitting out yoghurt? Times, Sunday Times
  • The way she moved exuded an amazing confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has got to be the best example of a guy that doesn't look exactly THAT hot, but exudes total sexiness and downright charm. * bites lip with pensive look* Rouflaquette Diary Entry
  • Boty's seductively subversive multimedia poet, risqué dancer, radio show host, actress expression exuded the spirit of the androgynous Aquarian archetype that continues to infiltrate the collective consciousness via the antics of tabloid celebrities, even as the authentic rebellion driving this zeitgeist has been institutionally repressed by the art world system. Lisa Paul Streitfeld: Feminist (R)evolution in Brooklyn: Reclaiming Women for Pop
  • Again exuded confidence and calm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Increasingly fashionable among wine enthusiasts, the grape exudes two qualities that will likely prevent it from ever being what I'd call a crowd-pleaser, astringent tannins and sharp acidity. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • With a clean interior that exudes a pure ambient feel, the overall theme of the 181 sqm residence is a mixture of modernism as well as an unsurpassable natural ambient. Kouichi Kimura Architects Stun With Black-White Contrast
  • It might have been different with any other player but he just exudes confidence.
  • In her face, however, she wore the mask of one who exuded authority and quiet power.
  • Above them is a large incense container that has been slowly swinging on a chain and exudes a pungent smell that lingers for the duration.
  • Accustomed to yelling at recalcitrant dogs and pushy hunt followers, Ferry exudes authority and self-possession.
  • No matter where he was, his films exude sophistication, elegance and grace.
  • Olyphant exudes charm and sleaze in about equal proportions, and his edgy performance steals the show.
  • -- This tree produces the tropical fruit called mangosteen, a beautiful fruit, having a thick, succulent rind, which contains an astringent juice, and exudes a gum similar to gamboge. Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
  • He exudes an easy blend of the serious and the frivolous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joos exuded a Rachel Zoe-esque air, partially due to her movements, and partially due to her petite stature and thin frame. Emily Singer: Fetes Natalie Joos And The New 'Tales Of Endearment'
  • Do not place tulips in containers with any flowers in the Narcissus genus (paperwhites, daffodils, etc.) which have just been cut, as the mucilage they exude can adversely affect tulips' vase life.
  • His first wife Vivienne had been prescribed Hoffman's anodyne and paraldehyde to treat her nervous condition, two anesthetics that exude a strong scent of ether.
  • He exudes a strong sexual magnetism.
  • A scamp is a person with a devil may care quality, a charming rogue who exudes positive, charged energy. Seth Greenland: Scamps vs. Dorks: Why Do We Want to Have a Beer with the President?
  • Tatiana exuded a porous, evanescent, yet everlasting warmth; her very presence, her satin face in his palm made his back hurt less. THE BRONZE HORSEMAN
  • Dressed in a silver-patterned silk shirt and tailored trousers, he exudes self-confidence.
  • Nearby was a factory which exuded a pungent smell.
  • I so enjoyed your letter and the warmth and feeling it exuded with each passing word. Rencontre - French Word-A-Day
  • Treatment rooms in the Great Southern literally exude the smell of essential oils - a fragrance that remains on the skin hours after the treatment is over like a pleasant reminder of the treat.
  • People in focus groups say that he exudes depressing vibes. Times, Sunday Times
  • He does one heck of a job on the pitch and exudes an irresistible warmth and humour off it. Times, Sunday Times
  • This change of position is regulated by the male sex hormone testosterone, the secretion of which is stimulated by the hormone called chorionic gonadotropin exuded by the placenta. Undefined
  • It exudes the aroma of flowery vernal Kashmir landscape.
  • The mat of bacteria in your gut exudes endotoxins that control your physiology. T.S. Wiley: Can Sleep Loss Destroy Your Immune System?
  • The values she exuded are still a definition of success for women in business today. The Sun
  • Your photographs exude a certain quietness, beauty and intensity which makes them outstanding in my opinion. Liliana Rodrigues: Behind the Lens of Dutch Photographer Anton Corbijn
  • I use gulp with a lot of success here in WI I like the gulp alive for bass and other fish like that and use the gulp twister tails for walleye. another brand I like to use for walleye is Mister Twister exude, it's the same concept as gulp but is a longer tail and narrower body. What is the best type of rubber bait - Yum!, Gulp!, Powerbait, or Gary Yamamoto?
  • They welcomed us in, lighting tapers laced with damar gum that exuded a wonderful smell and were attached to the walls, giving their house the feel of a baronial hall.
  • Under these conditions three of the transformants grew slowly and were observed to guttate, i.e. to exude droplets of liquid at the leaf margins.
  • The priest exuded doublethink like a fog. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some British politicians exude confidence that rational economic self-interest will prevail. Times, Sunday Times

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