How To Use Exudate In A Sentence
The openings permit solid and semi-solid bodily exudates to pass through the top sheet to the absorbent core as the diaper is worn.
The second material is a fiber composed of viscose / rayon that absorbs and wicks exudate laterally.
In 2007, R B Berry wrote: That a high cohesive gel implant could have suffered such a massive failure only three years after implantation is very worrying and, in this case, not only had silicone migrated to a regional lymph node, but the exposed silicone gel appears to have provoked an inflammatory response with the production of a significant quantity of serous exudate.
The PIP breast implant scandal shows the real cost of private health | Richard Horton
Symptoms of strep throat may include pharyngeal erythema and swelling, tonsillar exudate, edematous uvula, palatine petechiae, and anterior cervical lymphadenopathy.
Alternatively, serum antibody may be transuded into tracheal secretion or reach mucosal surface in inflammatory exudates.

Mucous membranes should be evaluated for dryness, leukoplakia and exudate.
However, chasing the elusive state that cyclists refer to as "fitness" is as dangerous as chasing the exudate of the poppy or the creamy filling of the Oreo.
Pedal Stroke of Genius: Nonplussed 2.0
Because they contain up to 95% water, hydrogels cannot absorb much exudate and should be reserved for dry wounds or wounds with minimal to moderate drainage.
Microscopically, a neutrophilic exudate is seen involving the meninges at the left, with prominent dilated vessels.
To be included in the analysis, patients had to have at least three of the following conditions concomitantly: fever, tonsillar exudate, tender anterior cervical lymph nodes and absence of cough.
On the fourth he was cast, and the discharge -- partly inflammatory exudate, and partly a sanious foetid pus -- liberated.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
BOA alone is not likely to account for all of the phytotoxicity of crude rye root exudates.
The gum exudate is collected from incisions or spontaneous cracks in the bark of the bdellium tree.
In view of all the atypical features, it was sensible to aspirate pleural fluid to see if it was a transudate or an exudate.
Pleural fluid LDH is the most accurate overall criterion for classifying pleural effusions into exudates and transudates.
First, dichotomizing effusions into exudates and transudates by using a single cutoff point loses much of the information contained in pleural fluid tests, which generate continuous numeric results.
This design provides decisive benefits: Placed on the wound, the argentiferous ointment dressing releases silver ions from its surface on contact with the exudate.
On exam his throat is red without exudates or tonsillar hypertrophy; no cervical adenopathy no "swollen glands"; strep test negative.
Archive 2007-01-01
Hashish is the resinous exudate of the cannabis or hemp plant (Cannabis sativa).
Notes and Definitions
Mastic gum is a resinous exudate obtained from the stem and leaves of the mastic tree, an evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean Basin.
Such counterirritation makes possible the absorption of the inflammatory exudates by changing the chronic inflammation to the acute form.
Common Diseases of Farm Animals
The anvil chorus of the gnathonic media and their coprophagic gossip columnists soi-disant "journalists" whose conservative exudates have imbrued the age with their mephitic poison, one that might yet prove fatal to us all—may just this once be muted, there being little further to be gained from their unguinous ministrations.
Black day in July
Many metals are more soluble in the low pH conditions induced by natural organic acids and root exudates.
These insects produce a sugary exudate (honey dew) which is an important food source for a number of native birds like the kaka (Nestor meridionalis VU).
Richmond temperate forests
[1] The term exudation is used to designate the passing of cells and fluid from the vessels in inflammation; the material is the exudate.
Disease and Its Causes
Cytokinins were analysed in leaf extracts, leaf phloem exudate and in the shoot apical meristem at different times during floral transition.
The anvil chorus of the gnathonic media and their coprophagic gossip columnists soi-disant "journalists" whose conservative exudates have imbrued the age with their mephitic poison, one that might yet prove fatal to us all—may just this once be muted, there being little further to be gained from their unguinous ministrations.
Black day in July
Histologically, no cardial brain abscesses show purulent exudate surrounded by variable amounts of fibrosis.
The chemical properties of plant litter and exudates strongly influence many chemical properties of soils that are critical to ecosystem functioning.
The dried exudate of certain plants, as that of the Mediterranean ash tree, formerly used as a laxative.
In this case a puslike exudate is found between the membranes covering the brain.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
The surgical incision was evaluated for serous exudate, erythema, purulent exudate, and separation of deep tissues.
The effect of glandular trichomes may depend on the nature of the exudate.
[20] Grade 1 consisted of 'mild' generalized retinal arteriolar narrowing; Grade 2 consisted of 'more severe' generalized narrowing, focal areas of arteriolar narrowing and arteriovenous nicking; Grade 3 consisted of grades 1 and 2 signs plus the presence of retinal haemorrhages, microaneurysms, hard exudates and cotton-wool spots;
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Independently, root pressure xylem exudate from detopped stem bases was also collected at the time of harvest.
The anvil chorus of the gnathonic media and their coprophagic gossip columnists soi-disant "journalists" whose conservative exudates have imbrued the age with their mephitic poison, one that might yet prove fatal to us all—may just this once be muted, there being little further to be gained from their unguinous ministrations.
Black day in July
The crypts are distended with yellowish-white plugs, composed of inflammatory exudate, leucocytes, and desquamated epithelium, and these may project from the openings, giving the tonsil
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
The similar pH response of root exudate and sap collected by shoot pressurization suggests that xylem sap of N-deprived Capsicum plants is indeed more alkaline in vivo.
The chemical properties of plant litter and exudates strongly influence many chemical properties of soils that are critical to ecosystem functioning.
They may coalesce to form extensive sheets of exudate.
At any given time interval, the exudate collected from individual plants never contributed to more than one replicate.
Alkaline phosphatase is not at all, or only in small amounts present in root exudates of vascular plants.
Opium is the brown, gummy exudate of the incised, unripe seedpod of the opium poppy.
Notes and Definitions
Drip loss was evaluated after being stored at 4°C; the meat was removed, and the tubes were reweighed with only the exudates at 24 h after initial placement.
The ratio of granulocytes to monocytes in blood and excellular exudate is identical.
The dried exudate of certain plants, as that of the Mediterranean ash tree, formerly used as a laxative.
The papule becomes pustular and ulcerates, producing an ulcer crater with colorless exudate.
The formation of the transudate / exudates and casts in the airway are the result of a number of factors.
Diagnostic accuracy of the serum ascites albumin gradient and previously proposed markers for the separation of ascites into transudate and exudate were compared.
The viscose/rayon fibers help to wick exudate fluid laterally, maximizing the surface area for moisture vapor transfer.
A similar reaction was present in the left ovary surrounding an abscess cavity containing purulent exudate and surrounded by dense fibrosis and chronic inflammation.
I have a cast-iron stomach that can cope admirably with wound exudate conversations whilst eating brie and cranberry sandwiches, but if that's just made you grimace and you are of a delicate and refined disposition you may want to stop reading this blog post right this minute because I know it's not my usual fare.
52 entries from October 2006
They highlight that the indications for tonsillectomy are not just in cases of strep infections but in cases of severe tonsillitis manifested by fever, swollen glands — enlargement of the lymph nodes — and exudate fluid, said Schreibstein.
No surgery for moderate tonsillitis, new guidelines say
The exudate, however, is, as it were, shut in by the dense fibrous layer of the membrane, and the result is that in periostitis it collects between the membrane and the bone, causing swelling and raising of the membrane, and giving rise to excruciating pain from pressure upon the nerves.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
For many doctors, retinopathy—microaneurysms, haemorrhages, "hard" lipid exudates, microinfarcts of the retinal nerve fibre layer (cotton wool spots)—is synonymous with diabetes.
Fibroblasts grow into the exudate from both the visceral and parietal pleural surface to produce an inelastic membrane called the pleural peel.
The anvil chorus of the gnathonic media and their coprophagic gossip columnists soi-disant "journalists" whose conservative exudates have imbrued the age with their mephitic poison, one that might yet prove fatal to us all—may just this once be muted, there being little further to be gained from their unguinous ministrations.
Archive 2007-07-01
This unique gelling action enables the dressings to lock in exudate and its harmful components* (4,5,6).
New In Vitro Study Data Shows Importance of Dressing Conformability to Action of...
The virus is most concentrated in infected blood, serum, and wound exudates.
Hepatitis B
Red beefy throat, enlarged tonsils with exudate mucus-what David's mother would have called "angry throat.
Impetigo is characterized by red macules and vesicles that can rupture with purulent exudates.
Total free amino acids in the leaf extracts and in the phloem exudate were analysed with the ninhydrin reagent.
Moreover, the composition of exudates produced by glandular trichomes may change with leaf age.
Layer of insoluble powder is needed to absorb wound exudate.
The wound bed contains a significant amount of slough, with signs and symptoms of infection, including increased redness and exudate, and pain.
-- Upon the internal surface of the bursal membrane is first noticed a slight inflammatory hyperæmia, accompanied by more or less swelling and tumefaction, owing to its infiltration with inflammatory exudate.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
The first material is acrylate, a highly absorbent material that gels with exudate fluid and is capable of absorbing up to 300 times its own weight.
More severe inflammation of the mucosa is readily evident as erythema, intramucosal hemorrhage, exudate, or ulceration.
Stable isotope analyses have shown that ants can range from 'herbivorous' species, feeding primarily on exudates produced by plants and sap-feeding insects, to 'carnivorous' species feeding primarily on insect prey or scavenged arthropods. - latest science and technology news stories
The oil is hot and dry, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, tonic; makes hair black; good for leucoderma, coryza, epilepsy and other nervous diseases; lessens inflammation; useful in paralysis and superficial pain; oil used externally in gout, leprosy and leucoderma; bark: brownish gum exudate found useful in nervous disorders.
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Moreover, the composition of exudates produced by glandular trichomes may change with leaf age.
Swabs of wound exudate are self-descriptive and are usually taken before cleansing the wound.
Upon review of the slides, we observed a fragment of bladder mucosa with dilated vascular spaces, hemorrhage, acute inflammation, fibrinous exudate, and focal fibrosis in the lamina propria.
All were identified as gamboge, a yellow gum resin that is an exudate from the Garcinia tree found in India, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
This problem could also be caused by the toxic exudates from damaged laticifers that affect the vascular tissues directly.
a serous exudate