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How To Use Exuberance In A Sentence

  • 'The first principles of commercial activity have retreated to earth's maziest penetralia, where no tides are! is it not so, Skepsey?' said Mr. Fenellan, whose initiative and exuberance in loquency had been restrained by a slight oppression, known to guests; especially to the guest in the earlier process of his magnification and illumination by virtue of a grand old wine; and also when the news he has to communicate may be a stir to unpleasant heaps. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • The exuberance with which he engages every topic attests to the wonders he can accomplish with his prose.
  • Recovering slowly, with agony, from each of these recurrent blows, his unquenchable exuberance had lived.
  • The valley is quiet and serene, and right now is bursting with the energy and exuberance of spring - the trees are budding, the daffodils bobbing, the birds are busy, the lambs are bleating and there are calves suckling.
  • Where's the line between irrational exuberance and fraud? 21 DOG YEARS
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  • His youthful exuberance was making it hard for anyone to catch up with him.
  • While monetary policy is relatively easy to understand, with macroprudential policy no one knows how big these capital surcharges will have to be to restrain "overexuberance". - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • While she has a broad repertoire, her infectious exuberance and natural athleticism give her a distinctive edge in leotard ballets and soubrette parts.
  • This season, bold geometric shapes are omnipresent, with various lines in particular adding rhythm and exuberance to the fabrics.
  • To the long-running, uncomfortable faux lovers 'quarrels with Simon Cowell and his equally embarrassing interviews with the singers, he has now added an arsenal of odd behaviors, ranging from petulant snits to flighty overexuberance. It's time for producers to fix 'American Idol,' and here's how
  • In a letter to the industry last month, Mr. Stevens warned against "activities that reflect an overexuberance in the marketplace" and that seek to increase loan revenue by exploiting the agency's underwriting systems. Red-Ink Fears Prompt Mortgage Backer to Raise Fees
  • The jokes are corny, the language is salty but the exuberance and costumes make it hugely enjoyable. The Sun
  • It's just the exuberance of puppydom, and it's charming to watch, if you manage not to get run over in the process. Actual Knitting Content
  • There wasn't much epicurean exuberance or bonhomous hospitality. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's been a lot of overhype and wild exuberance about multibillion-dollar markets waiting to be taken, but this is the real deal here at Kodak.
  • It's like you're trying to go about your life, and make dinner...but the roof is off of your house, and the walls are falling down." would thank her daughter -- she called six-year-old Matilda's "bravery and exuberance is the example that I take with me in my work and in my life" -- is a major development, though one that, presumably, did not come without a tinge of sadness. The Full Feed from
  • But it's not just the music that had the audience in raptures - it's the sheer exuberance of their stage performance.
  • A herd of wild horses galloped across the pampas, tossing their heads in a display of wild exuberance, against a backdrop of snow covered mountains.
  • Twain strung it out beyond reason, carried away by the exuberance of his own burlesque; but it is a vital and integral part of the story. Untagged book meme
  • Was it pure youthful exuberance, as his Harlem, N.Y., coaches insisted, or an in-your-face lapse in sportsmanship? - They're dancing in Williamsport
  • Even if you never see them in the elements of their renown, even in a mere courtesy-handshake between friends of friends in a parking lot, you cannot help but feel an immortal vibrancy, a comic-book kind of costumed exuberance like that parking lot is host to a historic summit or a scene in ten thousand movies we're living right now. Bookslut
  • Intensity, anger, exuberance, easygoingness -- the fact that it all kind of happens together is a little weird, frankly. Hillary's Announcement Video — Promises Online Video Chats
  • The word exuberance has appeared in 250 New York Times articles in the past year, including on Oct. 9 in the Bats blog post "Cardinals Take On the Beast" by Pat Borzi: NYT > Home Page
  • I was totally secure in a blanket of love and youthful exuberance and confidence.
  • Sights such as Flintoff's spell on the fifth morning at Lord's, or Broad's at The Oval, or Strauss 'sangfroid in both innings on the turning pitch which was conveniently provided for that game, or Graeme Swann's exuberance whether batting or bowling spin, are seeds which have to be sown if the sport is to prosper. - Latest News Headlines
  • The film has flaws, but its sheer exuberance deserves viewing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other goals such as dampening unnecessary exuberance and over-leveraging, and avoiding asset price bubbles can also be added to the objectives of macroprudential policies. Raj Nallari: New Thinking on Macroprudential Regulations
  • However, for all the ludic exuberance of this game, we should also be concerned that, as in any game, we are also likely to see winners and losers.
  • Today the Fed has not only lost that touch but, given the way our political and financial system currently operates, its own policies exacerbate the cycle of overexuberance and incautious lending that will bring on the next major crisis (and presumably another severe recession). The Fed, Innovation And The Next Recession
  • There is no exuberance or shouts of joy in any of these photographs.
  • In the Central Valley, blazingly hot but well irrigated, gardens grow with tropical exuberance.
  • Dickens's relatively healthful exuberance
  • But he sees only a slight risk from what he calls "capacity exuberance" in the current upswing. Michelin Steps on the Gas
  • Scattered glitter at the sides adds a touch of exuberance and bedazzlement.
  • The club takes its name from the Spanish cry of exuberance and exultation.
  • At times of irrational exuberance stock valuations become stretched. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's such a vibrant, up-beat character and you get drawn into his exuberance and sunny personality.
  • I can't help but wonder if the humor and exuberance for life, that permeates the Aussie culture, finds some of its roots in this convict past where "mateship" meant everything. Deborah Swiss: The First Female Flash Mob
  • Feisty and suitably boyish, Toyah's exuberance would have shamed performers half her age.
  • And yet I was entertained, due to the sheer exuberance of the production.
  • Nike broadcasts a message that equates its famous swoosh with freedom, revolution and personal exuberance.
  • Jaw - boning irrational exuberance has not worked well against asset or product price inflation.
  • Yet there's an overall irrepressible exuberance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something along the lines of a combination the enthusiasm and exuberance of the "fannish" reviews and the esoteric critical dissection we find in the scholarly journals and reference books. Archive 2003-12-01
  • A boxer's exuberance can sometimes be exasperating.
  • And once the band start to realise that the Foum is theirs for the taking, there's no stopping the emotional exuberance overriding the technical side and becoming the overarching feature of the night.
  • We may gather from the rich abundance of motives which the Apostle suggests before he comes to present his exhortation, that he suspected the existence of some tendencies in the opposite direction in Philippi, and possibly the same conclusion may be drawn from the exuberance of the exhortation itself, and from its preceding the dehortation which follows. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Learn more about the word "exuberance" and see usage examples across a range of subjects on the dictionary. NYT > Home Page
  • To his fans, though, he is a beacon of irrepressible exuberance. Times, Sunday Times
  • And exuberance is surely sometimes entirely unobjectionable, not least in a book that praises it.
  • But RCTs were developed to forestall irrational medical exuberance and "cast doubt on clinical enthusiasms about new treatments," he argues, not to demonstrate "treatment effects of dubious significance," the inverse use for which the pharmaceutical industry has "commandeered" RCTs. Is A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis the Latest Mania?
  • I yelled, hoping my exuberance would break the language barrier.
  • Investors need to tread carefully, as irrational exuberance has a habit of eclipsing common sense in the world of tech. Times, Sunday Times
  • He prefaces them with introductory essays that paint a vivid picture of an assertive faith characterized by ‘emotionalism, ecstasy, rigorousness, exuberance, and evangelism.’
  • Her first number, in which she marvels at her own on-screen transformation from schlepper to star, is sheer exuberance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Larger than life, he accompanied each step of my journey with moods to match - allegro, penseroso, adagio, furioso: his exuberance alternated with expressions of harshness and nervous fury at life's intransigent thwarting of his will.
  • At times of irrational exuberance stock valuations become stretched. Times, Sunday Times
  • Countering Cupid's exuberance is Paulson's rigid, almost ridiculously down-to-earth Dr. Claire McCrae. Second-shot 'Cupid' slings too many arrows
  • The exuberance of her vitality had something almost insultant in the presence of these two rigid forms, from whose faces the colour had fled for ever. Maurice Guest
  • Perhaps it is this level of virtuosity and contagious exuberance that inspired Bradbury's description of music of this type as "wild and soul-stirring."
  • A mercurial character, she was confined to her box lest her exuberance should prompt her to indulge her domineering streak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aughness was once a busy village full of youthful exuberance, where the menfolk would return from England for the summer months to fish its rich waters.
  • If there's another geezer out there to challenge this passage for sheer exuberance, he or she is a person I long to meet.
  • A large bulk of the city's inhabitants still spend their afternoon chinwagging over coffee and cake cocooned in an atmosphere of rococo exuberance.
  • Perhaps it's not just him that seems indifferent to such youthful exuberance.
  • The neurotic quality that Brooks brings to his characters is well suited to Marlin, constantly fretting over Nemo's safety and youthful exuberance.
  • The gorgeousness is in the imagery not in the language; the words are weak while the sense, as in the classical Scandinavian books, is strong; and here the Arabic differs diametrically from the florid exuberance and turgid amplifications of the Persian story-teller, which sound so hollow and unreal by the side of a chaster model. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He objects, with some justification, to the raggedness of Shakespeare’s plays, the irrelevancies, the incredible plots, the exaggerated language: but what at bottom he probably most dislikes is a sort of exuberance, a tendency to takenot so much a pleasure as simply an interest in the actual process of life. Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool
  • Cheerful Skewering. By contrast, their early music had exuberance and an occasional oasis of unexpected harmony, but otherwise blended monotonously into the parched badlands of rock.
  • It was a big to-do in San Francisco's opera house back then, with Sam Donaldson and Alan Cumming as emcees… but it was also the dying days of the dotcom exuberance.
  • The crash had a period of exuberance followed by an alarmingly rapid tumble.
  • Above all, one with youthful exuberance and a smile on its face. The Sun
  • His exuberance, gaiety and intelligence made him many friends and his irrepressible high spirits and disregard for authority sometimes strained the patience of his tolerant and long suffering housemaster.
  • A burst of irrational exuberance at the end of last month resulted in a significant bounce for share prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its humour and its pathos are both heavy-handed, but its exuberance carries it along. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plot deals with a German shepherd named Diggs (voiced by James Marsden), whose overexuberance costs him his job on the San Francisco police force. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore
  • I felt the exuberance of people who were leaving behind a life of no future for one of limitless possibilities.
  • While Ageha, with her exuberance and excitability, is more than character enough to carry the romantic tension, it’s nice to see Hidaka reveal that Yukari is almost as complicated and not just a love object. Quick comic comments
  • Above all, one with youthful exuberance and a smile on its face. The Sun
  • The wildest and most gorgeous thing ever!" he recorded with typical London exuberance on this early stage of the trip upcoast. JACK LONDON'S WAR
  • Jamie, 30, can be forgiven his exuberance: he came to the campaign straight from a Catholic seminary.
  • The lesson of the financial crisis is that regulators must be prepared to follow up their warnings with action when they spot signs of overexuberance in individual asset classes. Bubble Trouble in France
  • By its nature, the music was more an occasion for violinistic exuberance than musical enthrallment. Globe and Mail
  • The movie contains many of the staples - physical pratfalls, moments of gross-out exuberance, and extreme expressions of political incorrectness - but the energy is missing.
  • Jaw - boning irrational exuberance has not worked well against asset or product price inflation.
  • No: there are sound reasons for these deals beyond irrational exuberance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trine between Jupiter and Pluto produces a powerful exuberance in your nature that allows you to inspire others to their potential, as you likewise are able to achieve your own.
  • A gazebo, garden seats, the grottoes and the waterside plantings and eventually the bedding schemes will convey the exuberance of the Victorian garden - to be again enjoyed in Tramore.
  • Extravagant names, colourful excess, intoxicating variety - sweets are a model of human inventiveness and exuberance.
  • But there can be clarity, something that Grace Hartigan and Frank O'Hara demonstrate with exuberance and alacritous poignancy. Daniel J. Kushner: "Text Painting": Grace Hartigan and Frank O'Hara at Tibor de Nagy Gallery
  • Irrational economic exuberance brought other luxury touches, including hydraulic hinges that seemed to allow trunk lids end engine hoods to float up and remain aloft when open, as if by magic. The Volkswagen Jetta's graceful ride back down to earth
  • I want it to be a result of an exuberance, an uncontainable joy that's so effervescent within that there is no way I could contain it.
  • Despite his exuberance, historians at the NASA symposium said the golfing exhibition fueled skepticism about the costliness of the space program during the 1970s. NASA celebrates astronaut Shepard's historic first flight
  • uninhibited exuberance
  • Its creative and artistic audacity is paralleled only by the sheer exuberance with which creators Kevin and Kerry Conran spin their tale. Blog De Ganz | Archive | January
  • However, the lack of experience was no match for the exuberance of youth.
  • The exuberance of the carving, attributed to Rhodian sculptors, and the dramatic, illusionistic setting are characteristic of the Hellenistic baroque.
  • Naked, fresh-scrubbed, practically incandescing with exuberance, she looks like she's posing for a vitamin ad.
  • So bewitching is this exuberance that public opinion occasionally overshadows artistic instinct.
  • We were among the first to share with you what's going on with the exuberance around the country with early voting.
  • I loitered in gardens to feast my eyes on the charming grouping of the rhubarb leaves no less than on the exuberance of their flowers, and the leaves of the scorzonera attracted my attention, because they all grew in one plane, but swung about like lances. Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • More intriguing was the unease she detected, the aimlessness his hustling and exuberance did not disguise. O: A Presidential Novel
  • Her rhythms were dead-on crisp and accurate, and she brought out all the color and exuberance the score demands.
  • Preparing for this role has allowed him to relive much of his own youthful exuberance.
  • The Presto vivace Finale, however, finds our conductor in joyous vein throughout, with a strong sense of devilry bringing added exuberance to those key points where Schubert urges his forces in other directions.
  • The trine between Jupiter and Pluto produces a powerful exuberance in your nature that allows you to inspire others to their potential, as you likewise are able to achieve your own.
  • Confined to the fine arts, this clinging to the safe and known was just a brake upon innovation and exuberance.
  • Nasby, comic writers who mined the human comedy of a new chapter in the history of the West, namely, the American story, and wrote in a form that was part journalism and part personal memoir admixed with powers of wild invention, and wilder rhetoric inspired by the bizarre exuberance of a young civilization. Archive 2005-02-20
  • Where was the wingman in the VFL who could match the cheeky exuberance of 'Yaffler' Gaby?
  • What's uncontested is that with Jamaican independence in 1962, ska took over the island, a celebration of youthful exuberance proclaimed by the likes of Prince Buster, Alton Ellis and Jimmy Cliff, and refined into a jazzier sound by the Skatalites, featuring trombone genius Don Drummond, on hits such as Eastern Standard Time. Ska takes over Jamaica
  • I suspect "just out of school" exuberance fueled my mad dash out the door.
  • Ironically, even the author of the famed phrase ‘irrational exuberance’ was snookered into believing that the old laws of economics had somehow been repealed.
  • The speaker's exuberance enlivened a boring conference.
  • The church meeting's tones are of profound sadness and joyful exuberance; the conversazione's atmosphere is marked by deep seriousness and the rhetoric of self-improvement.
  • Despite "the occasional whiff of adjectival overexuberance" The Guardian sniffs, in a contemptible piece of writing which makes me want to headbutt the author, The Tiger's Wife is "vivid and limber; a picaresque romp through the fragments of former Yugoslavia. The Orange Prize Has Let Us Down
  • Their orators grew magniloquent over its tyrannical oppression; the Southern press overflowed with that marvellous exuberance of diatribe of which they are the acknowledged masters -- to all of which the complaisant North gave a ready and subservient concurrence, until the very name reeked in the public mind with infamous associations and degrading ideas. Bricks without Straw A Novel
  • The high-definition TV debacle may partly reflect such technological exuberance.
  • Zack was this elfin TV producer who more than made up in exuberance what he lacked in inches.
  • Apart from the logical connection between a growing economy and building output, Goad's essay makes stylistic links between the two periods in terms of exuberance and attitudes towards embellishment and decoration.
  • Using color in "patch-like juxtapositions, derived from Cezanne's color modulations," her painting "Exploding Cherry Tree" achieves an exuberance tempered by a net-like interlace of dark strokes. John Seed: Mari Lyons: Every Object Rightly Seen
  • The new batch of songs spans all genres and influences, all the while staying faithful to their distinct style, sharp wit, and the infectious and enamoring exuberance of their renowned live shows. The Music Fix
  • That alone is worth saluting, as are the top-shelf graphics, print-like layout and overall spirit of full on music exuberance.
  • His work routinely exhibits a Joycean verbal playfulness and exuberance, and is littered with inventive neologisms and mixed metaphors.
  • For sheer exuberance, it's unmatched. Times, Sunday Times
  • A boxer's exuberance can sometimes be exasperating.
  • Page was able to dodge this trap by sheer exuberance, and the danger seemed to apply much less to Garrett. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is an exuberance of life in the remarkably fertile waters of the Strait of Georgia.
  • However, all the exuberance expressed may just have been to hide from the horrors being witnessed.
  • A gazebo, garden seats, the grottoes and the waterside plantings will convey the exuberance of the Victorian garden.
  • Innocence, in contrast, radiates childlike pleasure and exuberance.
  • the wild farcical exuberance of a clown
  • But will this youthful exuberance last? The Sun
  • The verve and exuberance that could border on trance was utilized well in songs like Teri mahafil mein kismat aazamaa kar ham bhi dekhenge, Ghadii bhar ko tere nazadiik aakar ham bhI dekhenge (by Shakeel from Mughal-e-azam). NAACHGAANA
  • Yet for all the exuberance of such songs, Porter also writes poignantly about his great theme: the evanescence of human attachments and the dreams they embody. Cole Porter in the Summer, When It Sizzles — If They Say That These Lyrics Heinous, Kick Them Right in the Coriolanus « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Although Greenspan's use of the term "irrational exuberance" has been referred to quite often since the global financial meltdown of 2008, if you really want to see what "irrational exuberance" looks like you should start with this clip from Busby Berkeley's 1933 movie musical, 42nd Street in which Ginger Rogers sings one verse of "We're In The Money" in pig latin: George Heymont: Follow The Money: Playwrights Tackle The Global Financial Crisis
  • There was an exuberance or prodigality of sweetness about the mere act of living which our race finds it difficult not to associate with forbidden and extravagant actions.
  • The valley is quiet and serene, and right now is bursting with the energy and exuberance of spring - the trees are budding, the daffodils bobbing, the birds are busy, the lambs are bleating and there are calves suckling.
  • Charlemagne vouched for him, Charlemagne who was their oracle as grown-up brothers so often are, and they could let loose the exuberance of their puppydom without a fear that a sudden cuff would teach their youth that wild delights find an end in sorrow. The Justice of the King
  • And his exuberance was almost uncontainable when it came to the notion of pitching to the networks the thin sliver of a sitcom non-idea concocted by myself and my screenwriting partners.
  • Ten-year yields set a record low this week as investors snapped up Treasuries on signs of slowing growth and a widening debt crisis in Europe, undeterred by Standard & Poor's decision to downgrade the U.S. Bill Gross at Pacific Investment Management Co. said in a Twitter posting that investors should "be leery" of what he called "exuberance" that sent stocks up and bonds down yesterday. -- Top News
  • That youthful exuberance, that energy and that desire. Times, Sunday Times
  • The minimal nature of the centre is an appropriate contrast to the exuberance of the main church.
  • But when mad waves spring, braceletted with foam, towards us in the angriness of love crying a strange name, tossing as they come repeated invitations in the gay exuberance of unexplained desire, we can forget the sad splendour and play at wilfulness until the gods require renewed inevitable hopeless calm and the foam dies and we again subside into our catalepsy, dreaming foam, while the dry shore awaits another tide. Experience, Figuration, the Avant-Garde, My Grouse : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Where's the line between irrational exuberance and fraud? 21 DOG YEARS
  • This exuberance is reflected in some other films I like, including Ed Wood, Boogie Nights, American Movie, and Day for Night -- all of which are about people who just plain love to make movies. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Showing or characterized by exuberance or mirthful excitement; merry; cheerful; jolly.
  • Everyone who reads Paul Muldoon will be dazzled by his linguistic exuberance.
  • China now is showing the most exuberance, growing as one of the world's leading manufacturing powers.
  • Barua is an avid tennis player who still takes the game with the exuberance of a youngster, consequently overdoing things at times.
  • The 30 comedies that he composed after his return to Paris reveal an art capable of admitting serious and even tragic experience without sacrificing the laughter, gaiety, and exuberance proper to comedy.
  • She was laughing from the sheer exuberance of the performance.
  • She ran over to Lannis and flung her arms about his body, nearly upturning his chair with her exuberance.
  • About her was the clothy exuberance of a Blodgett College room: cretonne-covered window-seat, photographs of girls, a carbon print of the Coliseum, Main Street
  • In her maiden film, ‘Roman Holiday’, she projected youthful charm and exuberance.
  • Packed with rapid-fire jokes, visual gags and an infectious exuberance, the character's big-screen debut is film comedy at its silliest and most inspired.
  • A little irrational exuberance is good for the soul from time to time. I'd Rather Let The Flowers Keep Doing What They Do Best
  • Spunk leaped up onto her bed and nosed his way up to Amy's face, licking with such exuberance that was seen only in a puppy.
  • He has irrational exuberance under his very skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea that the colour and exuberance of the churches added something to devotion or piety faded'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • We can excuse his behaviour as youthful exuberance.
  • We cannot forget that, persecuted by conquer-ing Brahmans, and expelled from India, it found, at last, a shelter in Ceylon where it still flourishes like the legendary aloe, which is said to blossom once in its lifetime and then to die, as the root is killed by the exuberance of blossom, and the seeds cannot produce anything but weeds. From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan
  • But when the guy finally came and he just removed some pins there was a flicker of light and I felt this surge of exuberance.
  • The sensuality so prevalent appears to me to arise rather from indolence of mind and dull senses, than from an exuberance of life, which often fructifies the whole character when the vivacity of youthful spirits begins to subside into strength of mind. Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark
  • Home values have soared to high levels in many countries as irrational exuberance grips the markets.
  • You've just got off your flight to Delhi and, with the innocence and exuberance of a new-born lamb, you bound coltishly out into the street.
  • That's typical of this show 's audacity and exuberance. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for what it lacks in streetscape credibility it more than makes up for in sheer maritime exuberance. Flying Down to Rio
  • After 34 years as a licensed trainer, youthful exuberance remains one of his endearing qualities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Danny, the narrator, his friend Fred and two next door playmates, Nancy and Janet find adventure and exuberance through the days of one particular summer.
  • The nobility, sublimity, depth, pathos and exuberance of his concerts remain esoteric and reveal his scholarship, authority and authenticity.
  • These events become opportunities for parading Renaissance exuberance, burlesquing medieval learning and literature, mocking classical and ecclesiastical authority, and affirming humanist values.
  • The jokes are corny, the language is salty but the exuberance and costumes make it hugely enjoyable. The Sun
  • The performance evoked memories of the exuberance that led to the dot-com crash. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as Regency exuberance yielded to Victorian gentility, his style did not move with public taste, and he began to outlive his popularity.
  • Shields and Jones bring great exuberance to a diverse array of roles, and although there's some crassness in the characterizations, the script has bite.
  • There's no sign of irrational exuberance. Times, Sunday Times
  • That one-two punch is what leads to the exuberance of life that hotel aficionados adore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Imagine if we could have identified this irrational exuberance at the time by means of a rigorous test. Times, Sunday Times
  • He often got chastised by other parents for things like pushing another child off the sandbox ledge in a moment of exuberance, although he did it not from anger but out of boisterousness. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
  • Nothing will curb her natural exuberance.
  • I called the Knot Garden Boundaried Exuberance~The allium foliage was fantastic against the ground covering cerastium. Touring With Friends-Ledbury And Hampton Court Castle, Herefordshire « Fairegarden
  • Nonetheless, there's a compelling exuberance to the music-making, a sense of shared possibilities being discovered.
  • Her burst of exuberance and her brightness overwhelmed me.
  • She spoke all along with that characteristic exuberance on her face.
  • He has irrational exuberance under his very skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • On such a morning, then, when the vast concave of the heavens, expanded in a perfectly spotless azure sky (such as in our foggy isle is never seen); and with the freshness of the bush developing its verdure in the odorous exudations of floriferous plants, and the blithesome exuberance of the songless denizens of nature's nemoral aviary; William took his departure on the mission we have detailed in the last chapter. Fern Vale (Volume 1) or the Queensland Squatter
  • The keynote was messianic fervour and religious exuberance.
  • It was full of delight and exuberance and charm.
  • It was also found that the interaction of the exuberance of internal heat toxin and fu-organ turbidness stagnation enlarged the risk of the onset of dementia after basal ganglia infarction.
  • Without "overwritten" prose, we would have none of the linguistic exuberance of a Dickens or an Angela 10 Rules for Writers: Top 10s from the Guardian's Top 10s
  • His exuberance and unflagging talents were duly noted by West Indies selectors and it wasn't long before he became a member of the West Indies under-19 team.
  • His high jinks, exuberance and grandstanding were the marks of an eccentric, a playboy, a socialite.
  • They make odd squeaky noises and suddenly explode in girlful shouts, screams and hollers of exuberance shattering the perfect calm of a quiet summer night.
  • Terence Morgan's Drake, endowed from the start with an uncanny self-confidence, struck exactly the right balance between poker-faced laconism and Errol Flynn-like exuberance.
  • The mood of his album is dreamy and contemplative, with occasional bursts of childish exuberance.
  • The youngster was not always composed but displayed an exuberance reminiscent of Alex Tudor's match-winning innings as a nightwatchman at Edgbaston last year.
  • I loved the atmosphere, the sheer tacky, gaudy, exuberance of it all.
  • They are professed, as I have already observed, by Christianity, but even the New Testament is not free from the idea that saints are having a bad time now but will hereafter enjoy a triumph, parlously like the exuberance of the wicked in this world. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • My youthful exuberance can get the better of me although, hopefully, not to the extent of hitting my stumps down or anything like that! The Sun
  • He possessed a youthful exuberance. Times, Sunday Times

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