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How To Use Extort In A Sentence

  • After being faced with the "extortionate" demand, Lee and others at his resort called the Canadian consulate and department of foreign affairs emergency line, only to be told to pay up Toronto Sun
  • His violent menaces had extorted his readmission into the church, against which Cyprian protests with much vehemence: ne pecuniae commissae sibi fraudator, ne stuprator virginum, ne matrimoniorum multorum depopulator et corruptor, ultra adhuc sponsam Christi incorruptam praesentiae suae dedecore, et impudica atque incesta contagione, violaret. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
  • Other than releasing small amounts of oil from the Reserve for very limited short term climatic or pipeline disruptions, extortionist high oil prices that were risking a national economic calamity were never adequate cause to tap the SPR in this administration's reckoning. Raymond J. Learsy: Stop The Energy Department From Hiking Oil Prices By Reinstituting Purchases For The Strategic Petroleum Reserve
  • Now, as for those in our church who contend for the ceremonies, many of them are led by such _argumenta inartificialia_, as wealth, preferment, &c., and if conscience be at all looked to by them, yet they only throw and extort an assent and allowance from it, when worldly respects have made them to propend and incline to an anterior liking of the ceremonies. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • The inscription above the arch, "To a happy and prosperous entrance," seemed a mockery in the old douanier days, when delays and extortions vexed the soul of the visitor, and produced a mood anything but favourable to the enjoyment of the Eternal City. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
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  • And vice associated with prostitution - pimping, extortion and drug abuse - simultaneously diminished.
  • All were accused of drugs and arms trafficking, money laundering, extortion and conspiracy to murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • The acronym stood for “Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion.” The Fiddler in the Subway
  • The Barbary States filled outrageous shopping lists, such as cannon to protect their harbors from the very people they were extorting. William Dietrich: Pirate Parallels
  • Davis, I'd sieze every private pipeline, powerline, and power plant and hold them hostage until the energy industry pays back every dime they extorted from the state. Boing Boing: September 22, 2002 - September 28, 2002 Archives
  • Kerzner has denied breaking the law, and Sun has characterized the episode as commercial extortion.
  • The next year he and 16 others were found guilty of charges including extortion and murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • A drama of labor extortion with the heroines memory as hostage.
  • How do young people have the money to buy these tickets, usually in bulk, and at extortionate prices.
  • Corrupt government officials were extorting money from him.
  • I would like to begin by dismissing the assertion that the AVC is nothing but a gang of toughs who go about setting fire to kittens and extorting cash from other VUWSA funded activity groups.
  • Corruption and extortion are constant themes in the local press.
  • His later attempts to revise tax-assessments and improve the efficiency of their collection soon won him the reputation of an extortioner.
  • In 1992, the violence escalated with the murders of two prominent producers and numerous incidents of extortion and threats.
  • Gibson pursues extortion charges: People magazine reports that controversy-courter Mel Gibson plans to present evidence to detectives proving that Oksana Grigorieva, his ex-girlfriend and mother of his eighth child, is attempting to extort money from him. Celebritology Weekend: Angelina Jolie in D.C.; "Today" show welcomes gay weddings
  • Eastern Division detectives yesterday intensified the hunt for a woman in her mid-20s, who is believed to be part of an extortion ring.
  • NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The trial of two people accused of trying to extort John Travolta following the death of his son in the Bahamas has ended in a mistrial after a lawmaker suggested the still-deliberating jury had acquitted one of the defendants. Undefined
  • At his return, Censorinus impeached him of extortion, for having exacted a vast sum of money from a well-affected and associate kingdom. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • Old-fashioned schoolyard hazing has escalated to instances of extortion, emotional terrorism, and kids toting guns to school.
  • Sources say that McLaughlin, 41, and Peter Tagliavia, 40, who are identified in court papers as "CW-1" and "CW-2," engaged numerous wiseguys and mob associates in criminal conversations involving gambling, loansharking extortion, bribery, home invasions, assaults - and murder. Jerry Capeci: Nephew of Top Mobster Aids in Colombo Family Takedown
  • Jon Summers, a spokesman for Mr. Reid, said the senator had long been concerned over “rampant” levels of crime in polygamous communities, including the abuse of women and children, financial crimes like welfare fraud and tax evasion, kidnapping and extortion. Polygamous Sect to Defend 6 Members in Court and Its Practices on Capitol Hill
  • Undocumented refugees are very vulnerable to harassment and extortion by the police, threatening arbitrary arrest or refoulement.
  • We would urge everyone living in Lyneham or travelling through on August 13 to boycott the station and make a stand against the extortionate prices we are being charged for petrol.
  • The scoundrel was on his way to the fazenda with the idea of consummating a vile scheme of extortion which he had been preparing for a long time. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • In response, the author proposes a new crime of "extortionate destruction."
  • Extortion, blackmail, protection money are part of the daily life of the slums.
  • Although confession has the unique and important probative value to prove the fact of law cases, it is obvious mistake to extort confession by torture.
  • This would bring an end to his many attempts to extort money from organisations on the flimsiest of pretexts.
  • Officials usually avoid even the term "drug cartels," and instead refer to them as "organized crime," perhaps more accurate now that much of the gangs' income comes from extortion and kidnapping. Front Page
  • A nifty tear-jerker featuring extortionists, some fine Robin solo work, the backfiring of Bruce's playboy pose, and (I have to admit) some questionable family-law procedure. Happy anniversary, you old bat | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • There was beer, there was music and there was undercooked greasy food at extortionate prices.
  • Her wit and intelligence extorted their admiration.
  • The advertisement showed no recognition that immediate gratification usually presents a bill, with extortionate interest.
  • They were paid little by the state and acquired a reputation for charging extortionate fees and for drunkenness.
  • Her kidnapper successfully extorted a £175,000 ransom for her release.
  • The gang extorted money from over 30 local businesses.
  • Bitch Slap" follows three badass women -- described in the synopsis as "a down-and-out stripper, a drug-running killer and a corporate powerbroker" -- who venture into the desert with the intention of extorting hundreds of millions of dollars from a gang kingpin. EXCLUSIVE: The Ladies Of ‘Bitch Slap’ Get Down And Dirty In These Stills » MTV Movies Blog
  • It's not gang turf warfare over drugs, prostitution, extortion or anything like that.
  • `So Rakewell would extort the money from Rebecca, and then leave for the plantations with Sarah. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss
  • A fifth person was questioned by investigators in connection with the alleged extortion case.
  • A kite, a glead, a puttock; alfo a greedy extortioner; a kind of flying fiflj. Archaeologia Britannica, giving some account additional to what has been hitherto publish'd, of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain: : from collections and observations in travels through Wales, Cornwal, B
  • The prices in this shop are extortionate.
  • Travellers cite 'extortionate' demands from resorts after Conquest collapse Toronto Sun
  • The terrorist groups have been extorting hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • I've managed to catch the last 3 travelling shows, and almost not minded the extortionate ticket prices.
  • As a card-carrying Shakespearean, I have called attention to the tiny detail of the temple-haunting martlet, but specialized knowledge is hardly required: in Goold's Macbeth we quickly sense the atmosphere of Stalinist Russia, with its pervasive paranoia, its inner circles of nervous, vulpine flatterers, its interrogation chambers and extorted confessions, its public rituals of adulation braided together with opportunism, fear, and hatred. In the Night Kitchen
  • Bad enough that they charge you an arm and a leg for a few brief moments of rumpo but then they try to extort even more though the services of some roustabout who's even bigger than you. 31 Screams: Uta Levka
  • The owner of the Valle Grande Country House, Ernano Barretta, 63, is in jail in Italy; his accomplice, gigolo par excellence Helg Sgarbi, 41, was arrested in Austria and is in prison in Germany facing trial for extortion. RNB QuickLinks: Heidi Klum, a noisy church burglar, and ‘Christian’ gossip
  • More systematic than previous repressions, the example did much to ensure that revolts did not recur, even during the infinitely harsher and more extortionate later years of the reign.
  • Kerzner has denied breaking the law, and Sun has characterized the episode as commercial extortion.
  • They all charge such extortionate admission charges they must make a fortune.
  • Her kidnapper extorted a £175,000 ransom for her release.
  • Despite our unremitting efforts to modernize our country, there are always people who, dissatisfied with their current living conditions, are willing to be exploited by extortionists who live on human trafficking.
  • Tax collectors had a reputation of extorting more money than required and pocketing the excess.
  • To be sure, force may no longer take the form of plunder and extortion, and fraud may no longer appear as deliberate imposture and chicanery.
  • In addition to denying the allegations, Las Vegas Sands filed a counterclaim last month accusing Mr. Jacobs of extortion. Wynn Isn't Worried About Regulators Despite Sands Probe
  • She is said to have made a roaring business out of extortion and prostitution.
  • Politics here is completely conditioned by an armed band that wants to impose its criteria through extortion and killing.
  • What seems to have been the concoction was this suggestion that his role was the explanation for this extortion by the field officers, which the Tribunal treats as not a rational explanation for what had happened.
  • Lawyers are extorting money from audit firms on the principle that auditors are economically rational and settlements are cheaper than defences.
  • Their gang, The Firm, established a Mafia-style grip on the city's criminal underworld in the 1960s, specialising in protection and extortion rackets.
  • In addition to the two mob hits, Marino, whose alleged crime family ties go back 50 years, is charged with labor racketeering as far back as 1980, as well as more recent schemes involving extortion, loansharking and gambling. Jerry Capeci: Feds Plea Offer in Mob Sex Case Seems Rather Unseemly
  • The VCTF is a joint FBI and Houston Police Department task force responsible for the investigation of, among other violent crimes, kidnaping, bank robbery, extortion, serial murder, and Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution. Michael McMannus
  • Firms who experience such extortion threats should contact the police, Barrett advises.
  • That case hinged on an interpretation of the Hobbs act, a 1946 law aimed at thwarting gangsters from extorting interstate truckers.
  • On the contrary, It is written: “If thou lend money to any of myb people that is poor, that dwelleth with thee, thou shalt not be hard upon them as an extortioner, nor oppress them with usuries.” The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • When my children say they will leave me in peace if I let them go to the pictures, it is little short of extortion.
  • The film, set in the bleak and grim coal mines of northern China, tells about two robbers' schemes to extort compensation money by murdering innocent miners.
  • Militants assaulted business managers and extorted money they claimed was compensation for unfair dismissals.
  • This was an economy of licence fees, backhanders and extortion.
  • The corporate media outlets now routinely treat entertainment cartel statements as though they’re credible, counterfeiting is ‘piracy, sharing has become ‘thieving’ and a ‘crime,’ young children are labelled as ‘criminals’ and pilloried in public, extortion is OK, lying, disinformation, misinformation, the distortion of facts, and creative accounting are now absolutely integral to all entertainment cartel information packages. Big Music: scaring children
  • Despite the many heinous acts of extortion, revenge and intimidation that Keshari had seen in action over the years, it never ceased to dumbfound her the kinds of things that Ricky and those he employed could pull off and get away with. Larger Than Lyfe
  • A man of family, partly from indiscretion, and from various other causes, becomes embarrassed; the clamours of his creditors soon magnify his luxuries, but not a word is said about their innumerable extortions, in the shape of commissions, percentages, and other licensed modifications of cheatery, nor are they reckoned to the advantage of the debtor. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 277, October 13, 1827
  • Furthermore, these syndicates employing rogue anti-malware programs have turned from mining personal financial data with these crimeware programs to an extortion model whereby the attackers demand ransom for unlocking a PC that has been infected with so-called ransomware code masquerading as anti-virus software. Help Net Security - News
  • This sale is really a stellionate and an extortion; but by the legal fiction of the right of property, this same sale, severely punished, we know not why, in other cases, is a source of profit and value to the proprietor. What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government.
  • Demand for topquality programmers exceeds supply, leading to extortionate salaries.
  • He is a merchant; In his hand are balances of deceit ; He loves to extort.
  • The administration proceeded to extort large sums of money, ostensibly to repay this cost, and the states ended up following suit.
  • Under its regulations three rents are enumerated -- namely, the _rack rent_ to be extorted from one of a strange tribe; the _fair_ rent from one of the same tribe; and the _stipulated_ rent to be paid equally to either. The Story of Ireland
  • They give occasion, it is pretended, to much extortion in the officers of the farmers-general who collect the tax, which is in a great measure arbitrary and uncertain. II. Book V. Of the Sources of the General or Public Revenue of the Society
  • `So Rakewell would extort the money from Rebecca, and then leave for the plantations with Sarah. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Locals often advise visitors to show their empty palms to monkeys if they are in the preserve and want to avoid their importunate extortion of food.
  • For more than two decades the MQM has collected extortion money, known as bata, from businesses and homes across the city. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • A seventh Army drill sergeant at Aberdeen was charged Tuesday with rape, extortion, obstruction of justice and other offenses.
  • The terms extorted from King Ferdinand by the Landgrave's victorious campaign, were also in their favour. Life of Luther
  • Unsurprisingly, given the risk of arbitrary expropriation and extortion, the ordinary people responded by living in studied indigence.
  • Those who can, take to the boats where they become prey to extortion and murder by human traffickers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where is the financial benefit in facing extortionate price increases without an even greater rise in income?
  • Federal forces routinely extort money from detainees' relatives as a condition for release.
  • August at the convention of treason he took the material where and as he found we see him trying hard to bring the money power of the union into his service, we find him extorting large sums for his political campaigns from the so-called despisable trusts, since then we became accustomed to look upon every man of wealth and the great industrials corporations who have been and are today of incalculable value and benefit to our national welfare, as nothing more or less than contemptible criminals, whom he offended in the most profane language during his crusade against them, if they refused to become a part of his machine. The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
  • Entire villages convoyed north, on tractors, in minibuses, crammed into taxis charging extortionate rates to ferry the poor. A Privilege to Die
  • The priorities of the teams will be identifying existing losses and requiring their immediate recognition (the regulatory authorities have the authority to "classify" assets that can trump the accounting scams that Congress extorted from FASB). William K. Black: Foreclose on the Foreclosure Fraudsters, Part 1: Put Bank of America in Receivership
  • Their threats extort facilities and subsidies from the regimes that increase their strength and influence.
  • For most, imprisonment at home would equate to unspeakable living conditions, physical torture, and false confessions extorted by threats.
  • These extortionists of the high seas represented the Islamic nations of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers—collectively referred to as the Barbary Coast—and presented a dangerous and unprovoked threat to the new American republic. The Last Patriot
  • The rest of the work and advice, like this, he bills us for at his usual extortionate hourly rate, so I got straight to the point. KICK BACK
  • The only alternative was for the whole wedding party to stand around in the nasty battered reception, paying extortionate prices for bottles of beer from the check-in guys.
  • The crowd was dismayed, because tax collectors were stereotyped as ‘rapacious extortioners.’
  • They were, one observer reported, "reputable Clean drest Women Some of them with Silk gownes on," and they were angry about Boylston's extortionate wartime prices. Maria Rodale: The Freezer Saves the Day
  • Soon enough, this partnership produced a vipers ' nest writhing with snakes practicing bribery, extortion, drug dealing, and murder.
  • Rather, he is keen to defend football from the usual allegations that ticket prices are extortionate.
  • One hackney cab driver, who asked not to be named, said: ‘I know the prices are extortionate - but I have no option.’
  • She brings a buck into our bedroom, and extortionary let this goat live in.
  • He's been charged with extorting protection money from the shopkeepers.
  • Elderly people were targeted by doorstep tricksters and cowboys charging extortionate sums for gardening work.
  • The nabobs, as they were called -- the company's servants and directors who survived the appalling climate and who returned to England after a few years with immense fortunes wrung by extortion and peculation from the Indian princes and the Indian trade. Some Aspects of the Public Service
  • They know the terrain, they invest in construction and have highly efficient companies which allow them to launder money from extortion and drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • She peeled a length of skin off a slice of chouriço, Wilshere's presence close, unmistakably extortionate. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • In order to detect the fallacy, the proposition thus silently assumed must be supplied; but the reasoner, most likely, has never really asked himself what he was assuming; his confuter, unless permitted to extort it from him by the Socratic mode of interrogation, must himself judge what the suppressed premise ought to be in order to support the conclusion. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • Instead the District Attorney's Office and the newspapers focused on allegations that Scalise had extorted vast sums of money from New York's employers.
  • The harassment charge was reduced from extortion, a felony, to the misdemeanor of harassment in exchange for the plea.
  • Constantius soon experienced the truth of the prediction which honest indignation had extorted from his injured lieutenant, that as long as such maxims of government were suffered to prevail, the emperor himself would find it is no easy task to defend his eastern dominions from the invasion of a foreign enemy. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • This confession of the divine omniscience is here extorted from these idolaters, to the honour of God and their own condemnation, who though they knew there is a God in heaven, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secret is hid, yet offered up their prayers and praises to dumb idols, that have eyes and see not, ears and hear not. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Wallace refused to resume the dignity he had resigned, the reinvestment of which had been extorted from the lords in the citadel. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Unscrupulous use of one's position to derive profit or advantages; extortion.
  • You may inflict this harm because you bear a grudge or, more likely, to extort some money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such conduct would violate a federal extortion statute.
  • No : SPECTRE . Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.
  • Williams, 26, pleaded guilty to extortion on Jan. 28 and agreed to cooperate with the government.
  • But Jean-Philippe Chauzy, a spokesman for the IOM, said interviews with 14 Libyan migrants reaching Lampedusa on three vessels over the weekend confirmed a pattern of payments to officials, which he characterized as extortion. Libyan Officials Profit From Migrants
  • The thought of her honor, so carefully guarded, and so unhappily lost, was torture to her; but the worst was her fear that her lover had broken his word to her, which she did not believe he could ever have done unless he loved some fairer lady, and in doting fondness had suffered her to extort the secret from him. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • 4 Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab; be thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler: for the extortioner is at an end, the spoiler ceaseth, the oppressors are consumed out of the land. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Police charged former Senator Pleasant Bridgewater on Friday with abetment to extort and conspiracy to extort money from the Travoltas after the death of their son. Details in plot to extort money from John Travolta revealed
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  • Discontent with the laws, and the extortions and petty tyranny of forest officials, ensured that the forest became a major political issue in John's reign.
  • They are offering loans at extortionate rates of interest.
  • He claimed he was just trying to extort money. The Sun
  • I have omitted to state that this was the second time I had run away from him; while I was gone thefirst time, he extorted from my wife the fact that I had been in the habit of running away, beforewe left Kentucky; that I had been to Canada, and that I was trying to learn the art of reading and writing. Narrative of the life and adventures of Henry Bibb
  • Two "business agents" who have been charged with blackmailing and extortionate practices will be ousted from office by the Upholsterers' Union if the present plans of the leaders are carried out.
  • Everybody knows that it is the place where chancers come to launder their reputation - if they have enough money to pay the extortionate lawyers' fees, that is.
  • Pardon me for dunning you, for extorting information from you as if with forceps -- suppose I were to ask you a really personal question -- this faculty of incubacy ...? Là-bas
  • Brute force, extortion, and bribery are not a policy, they are the last refuge of a mafioso.
  • The rebels systematically practiced torture in order to extort money, punish non-cooperation, and intimidate others, the special rapporteur said.
  • All the unions did was form cartels and use the threat of violence to keep competitors at bay and extort some wealth from the capitalists.
  • As well as being able to impose military discipline on members, the organisation can raise millions of pounds through robberies, smuggling, extortion, blackmail.
  • In 1545, Dr. Browne writes: "Here reigneth insatiable ambition; here reigneth continually coigne and livery, and callid extortion. An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
  • The offence of blackmail broadens the current offence of extortion by certain threats.
  • He also runs a number of extortion rackets and has been convicted for damaging bars in and around Belfast.
  • There was no extortion or threat that J.D. could avoid charges if he acted in some manner.
  • The police used torture to extort a confession from him.
  • They have remained out of the public eye since, but their lawyers flew to the Bahamas to notify police of the extortion attempt. The Sun
  • In a society with no laws, then a mafia that extorts me (of their own free will) restricts my freedom and any systematic attempt to curtail them becomes a de facto law.
  • So there were in the country two knights that were brethren, and they were called two perilous knights, the one knight hight Sir Edward of the Red Castle, and the other Sir Hue of the Red Castle; and these two brethren had disherited the Lady of the Rock of a barony of lands by their extortion. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Yet his mind still fluctuated between the counsels of clemency and of revenge; the zeal of the bishops had almost extorted from the reluctant emperor the promise of a general pardon; his passion was again inflamed by the flattering suggestions of his minister Rufinus; and, after Theodosius had despatched the messengers of death, he attempted, when it was too late, to prevent the execution of his orders. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • He's 43, been a copper for 25 years and has a pedigree of detective work, having covered ganglands, drug trafficking and extortion.
  • Police have not so far been able to extort a confession from the people accused of the bombing.
  • They are involved in extortion, kidnapping, robberies, etc.etc. -- and many of their crimes are against normal citizens (tianguis vendors, small business owners) not just the wealthy. Safety in Michoacan
  • They do, however, insist that if we can't afford the extortionate asking price, then not to worry.
  • They could do themselves and the public some good by taking on the practice of footloose corporations extorting tax subsidies from state and local governments.
  • A firm from Inverness brought a score of portable loos for an extortionate fee. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Read in studio A bogus policeman has tried to abduct two children and to extort an on-the-spot fine from a driver.
  • Corrupt government officials were extorting money from him.
  • Another, a "parcel of fellows armed with cutlasses like a pressgang," appeared at Dublin in 1743, where they boldly entered public-houses on pretence of looking for sailors, and there extorted money and drink. The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor, that dwelleth with thee, thou shalt not be hard upon them as an extortioner, nor oppress them with usuries. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • The York City Baths Club is pulling out of swimming lessons at the Barbican due to another extortionate price hike, this time at the council-run pools.
  • The organisation also stands accused of extorting money from other organisations worldwide in order to maintain the registries.
  • Extortion may particularly go along with insecurity concerning when the next payment is due.
  • A seventh Army drill sergeant at Aberdeen was charged Tuesday with rape, extortion, obstruction of justice and other offenses.
  • It also allows people access to loans without resorting to the extortionate rates charged by some legitimate credit companies.
  • Certain Israelite money-lenders, who hated him because he would not wink at their sweating and extortions, saw in this an opportunity to overthrow him; so they reported to some leading Jews in England that he had tortured the boys, whom he had not, in point of fact, punished in any way beyond reproving them. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • He affirmed that he had performed a magical ceremony, termed tine egan, by which he evoked a fiend, from whom he extorted a confession that Conachar, now called Eachin, or Hector, MacIan, was the only man in the approaching combat between the two hostile clans who should come off without blood or blemish. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Organized crime is involved in extortion, kidnaping, murder, fixing bids for public works, and gunrunning.
  • The French missionaries had, in fact, a narrow escape of expulsion through the hostility of the Russian Government, which even proceeded to the length of extorting a firman from the late Shah prohibiting Christians from changing their religion. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • This technology is just too well suited to industry extortion for that not to be a significant driving force behind it.
  • The protection money and ransoms governments or insurgents extort from oil companies do not prolong the violence.
  • In addition to Pappa's murder, Rea is charged with gambling, extortion, and a 1992 murder conspiracy involving a victim identified only as John Doe #1. Jerry Capeci: Bonanno Family Wiseguy Nabbed in 30-Year-Old Mob Rubout
  • Weighed against the local networks of politically-sponsored smugglers, black marketers and extortionists, are the interests of China's major domestic companies.
  • The code also enjoins the rebels and the government to refrain from any provocative acts such as arrests, kidnapping and extortion.
  • The alert follows a flood of complaints about itinerant traders who charge extortionate prices for bitumen coverings for drives.
  • On the one hand it was extorted by the terrible price of the Warsaw Uprising, while on the other by a cold look at the horrors of war.
  • Having represented plaintiffs who've lost good cases because likable defendants can smile while lying and defendants who've spent untold sums defending against frivolous lawsuits that can only be described as legalized extortion, the courthouse takes its toll. Tanya M. Acker: Don't Kill the Lawyers -- Yet
  • He claimed his former employee try to blackmail him and said he paid her what he called extortion money and was afraid to go to authorities. CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2006
  • In addition to drug trafficking, authorities say, the Zetas are involved in extortion, kidnapping, producing pirated CDs and DVDs, sales of alcohol and migrant smuggling. 13 high school and college students killed at a party in Cd. J�arez
  • They came out beating their chests and proclaiming that no matter how much it cost them they were not going to succumb to Bailey's attempt at extorting money from them by the threat of a libel action.
  • It also details the parasitic activities of individual officials who live a relatively privileged existence based on extortion, bribery and other forms of corruption.
  • High pressure sales techniques, extortionate prices and poor quality workmanship await those who agree to free security checks from suspicious firms cold-calling at the door or over the phone, warn police.
  • Police have not so far been able to extort a confession from the people accused of the bombing.
  • He had been extorting money from the old lady for years.
  • An ardent student of the country, he offers depictions of India's cultural achievement that reinforce his horror before a destructive system of plunder, extortion, and corruption.
  • Many of these communities are unplanned, which make them generally inaccessible, but they are close enough to the commercial centres to provide cover for kidnappers and extortionists.
  • This system was subverted by his brother John when he succeeded to the throne in 1199, and extraordinarily repressive measures were set in motion to extort money from them.
  • For instance, extortion threats against online bookmakers have become an increasing problem in recent months.
  • Extortion, blackmail and protection money are part of the daily life of the slums.
  • But the family that thrives on violence and extortion can't lie low for long. The Sun
  • Germany to Christmas via Paris, were forced to pay for an "extortionate" hotel after they were turned away from the station. Evening Standard - Home
  • Ex-policeman Rolando Mendoza took the busload of Hong Kong tourists hostage in Manila in a desperate bid to have himself cleared of extortion charges and get his job back.
  • It is not a stretch to call the prosecutorial excess being engaged by Justice "extortion. Government Is Right to Fight Discrimination in Lending
  • Lee, by the way, had constantly insinuated that Franklin was blamably lax, if not actually untrustworthy, in money matters, though all the while he and his friend Izard had been quite shameless in extorting from the doctor very large sums for their own expenses. Benjamin Franklin
  • The military has also been widely accused of involvement in arms running, people smuggling, drugs, illegal logging and extortion rackets.
  • They have remained out of the public eye since, but their lawyers flew to the Bahamas to notify police of the extortion attempt. The Sun
  • And this time, it ` s Rob Lowe ` s attorney who ` s speaking out for the first time about Lowe ` s allegations that Lowe ` s former nanny, Jessica Gibson, tried to extort the "Brothers and Sisters" star out of some big do-re-mi. CNN Transcript Apr 11, 2008
  • Still he is just part of the problem, as regulation is also called for by the state Quango industry offake charities, that is funded by the state - in short extorted from you by tax: Whilst the economy go's to hell, Labour's best is smaller wine glasses.
  • He was jailed for six years in Munich after admitting fraud, attempted fraud and attempted extortion. The Sun
  • At checkpoints throughout the province, the security forces openly extort bribes.

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