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How To Use Extol In A Sentence

  • A series of enervating campus visits is marked by interchangeably chirpy undergraduate tour guides united by their ability to walk backward while extolling the school's a capella groups and reassuring parents about the high priority placed on security. A Craving for Acceptance
  • Wilkins is now extolling the virtues of organic farming.
  • Rather than a traditional neoliberal who tries to extol the virtues of trade, he prefers to just ignore its impact entirely. Matthew Yglesias » The Case for Ever-Bigger Government
  • Supported by an angelic chorus and lush orchestration, Gibb extolled the virtues of "fingering foreign dirty holes," arguing that while love may be grand, he'd rather "let 'coupledom' die Spinner
  • There are times of praise, adoration, extolment, when thankfulness is more exuberant, runs over into bursting joy, and times when longing desire carries us into the very bosom of God. The Right Knock A Story
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  • He'd seen this face dozens of times, smiling out from the TV screen, extolling the virtues of shampoo. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • But, in the verity of extolment, I take him to be a soul of great article, and his infusion of such dearth and rareness as, to make true diction of him, his semblable is his mirror, and who else would trace him, his umbrage, nothing more. Hamlet
  • Beginning with Kidder (1924), archeologists have extolled the exceptional whiteness of its surface slip, the variety and the perfection of its hachured designs, the blackness of its paint. The Architecture of Pueblo Bonito :
  • Eastern senators extolled the peace while Senor Villa descended on the tents & adobes of the 13th Cavalry, Columbus, New Mexico
  • But the Yates case revealed a deep gender divide about the isolation and stress of family and motherhood in a society that extols self-sufficiency as its premiere human value.
  • Mr Bolton is eager to extol the virtues of geographical studies.
  • Instead of writing in opposition to your nemesis, write in favor of your cause; instead of calling the boneheaded author's integrity into question, extol the virtues of those who oppose that person; instead of pointing out flaws in the author's logic, create a flawless argument of your own. Edward Muzio: The Power of Shutting Up in the Internet Age
  • Today's Republicans extol the virtues of freedom, as they simultaneously and occasionally promote "there ought to be a law"-ism. Robert Eisinger: Redefining Conservative Consistency
  • There is something playfully provocative about a man extolling the virtues of privacy while surrounded by a cabal of at least 20 people. Times, Sunday Times
  • If an Italian or French director had shot such a sequence, it would have been extolled as neo-realism at its best.
  • Long an object of fervent Gnostic and Hermetic speculations, it was now extolled as the ideal type of the human being, and celebrated accordingly in literature and art, especially among the Symbolists and the Decadents.
  • Tea Party Express lost favor with many activists when its outspoken chairman, talk-radio host Mark Williams, wrote a "satirical" letter from the "colored people" of America to Abraham Lincoln, in which he extolled slavery. November elections will be big test of tea party's staying power
  • Wood's extolling of "lifeness" and character as key to "how fiction works" has resulted in much red-flagged response from those who favour avant garde experimentalism. Archive 2008-12-01
  • In poetic words of dazzling imagery, the bards extolled the tribal virtues of honour, courage, generosity, fidelity and revenge.
  • Throughout the ages, many great civilizations have extolled and benefited from the use of colour as a powerful healing agent. Alternative Health Care for Children
  • At a time when so many carpet-makers are turning to artificial dyes, he extols the virtues of the old ways.
  • It will soon be well known that the surest way to inflict pain upon you is to extol the excellences or to dwell on the happiness of others, and your failings will be considered an amusing subject for jesting observation to experimentalize upon. The Young Lady's Mentor A Guide to the Formation of Character. In a Series of Letters to Her Unknown Friends
  • Vicky is a great extoller of the Aga and also loves to cook.
  • Visigothic and Vandal productions were for a certain time extolled, panegyrized, and admired in the journals, especially as they came out under the protection of a certain lady of distinction, who knew nothing at all about the subject. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • He wrote heartfelt petrarchan sonnets extolling his employers, and in 1551 wrote awestruck from the reconquered Pisa, while painting the ducal children: "I am continually with these most saintly sovereigns, and I rejoice in the blessed sweetness of so good and benign a prince. Bronzino's Medici portraits – review
  • He was a strong opponent of the rationalistic tendencies which had infected some dialecticians of his times, and often warned his pupils against such as extol their dialectics above the teachings of the Church and the testimony of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • When Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul took the stage at a recent GOP event here, he extolled the virtues of capitalism, worried about deflation and urged people to check out the national debt clock online. In Kentucky race, Rand Paul and Jack Conway divided on strategy
  • Mr. Carter is not a defender of the medium he’s covered for so long; nor an extoller, like some, of its innumerable virtues. The Boob Tube Respected��� Television Without the Villains
  • The appraiser went on for some time, extolling the virtues of the scholarship.
  • The announcement follows a speech in which Spelman extolled the benefits of filling cities with trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The music itself feels like it could be an extolment of the "day," but the words push the mood into a darker meditation on isolation - though not necessarily an autobiographical one. NPR Topics: News
  • He was extolling the virtues of the Internet.
  • All of them share in their belief in God, turn to Him and extol His praises.
  • In writing this particular song, did Archie have in mind such extollers of memory as I, who find in memory-however painful certain of the events that are recalled-the desire for unity and oneness that defines the soul?
  • Up to 140,000 homes in Belgium and a further 140,000 in Holland have been targeted by mailshots extolling the beauties of York as a tourist destination.
  • Now experts are extolling the virtues of the humble potato.
  • At times he came close to farce as he extolled its endless wonders as report after report detailed its woeful failures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throughout the ages, many great civilizations have extolled and benefited from the use of colour as a powerful healing agent. Alternative Health Care for Children
  • First, a piece of paper landed on my desk extolling the virtues of good old-fashioned baking.
  • She praised me when my grades were good, and extolled me to do better when they weren't.
  • Ichthyol internally, and external applications of the same drug, and of resorcin, chrysarobin, and pyrogallic acid, have been extolled. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • What need is there to display the praises of industry, and to extol its advantages, in the acquisition of power and riches, or in raising what we call a fortune in the world? An Enquiry into the Principles of Morals
  • Rankin leans back in his seat in the club canteen after training and extols the team spirit at his new home.
  • Otherwise, Republicans can pontificate, as in the Pledge to America, about how "joblessness is the single most important challenge facing America today" and extol the "pride and dignity that comes with an honest day's work and a steady paycheck. Republicans guilty of mass murder on job creation
  • But, in the verity of extolment, I take him to be a soul of great article, and his infusion of such dearth and rareness as, to make true diction of him, his semblable is his mirror, and who else would trace him, his umbrage, nothing more. Hamlet
  • Much to the chagrin of my room-mates, come election time I will roam around extolling the necessity of voting with the zeal of a religious fanatic.
  • We of the younger generation extol the wisdom of the great leader and educator.
  • Throughout the ages, many great civilizations have extolled and benefited from the use of colour as a powerful healing agent. Alternative Health Care for Children
  • The plans are often extolled, rightly, for improving employee morale and loyalty.
  • Paraguay's President Fernando Lugo, whose lymphoma was treated at the privately run Sirio-Libanes facility, spoke with Mr. Chávez by phone earlier this week and extolled the capabilities of the Brazilian hospital, a spokesman for Mr. Lugo said. Chávez to Return to Cuba
  • More widely in Italy, he became known for fronting a series of commercials for an electronics chain in which he extolled the virtue of optimism. Times, Sunday Times
  • I being a Scholasticall panion, obtestate your sublimitie, to extoll mine infirmitie. The English Is Coming!
  • The announcement follows a speech in which Spelman extolled the benefits of filling cities with trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The teacher was extolling her work to the skies.
  • As it happens, I am a Southern Baptist, and we Baptists can extol the Scriptures with the best of them.
  • Neither finalist is comfortable extolling his own virtues but both are clear on why there is an elite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bourbon glories, so extolled by him, glorifies, apropos of the coronation of Charles X., the Napoleon whom in 1814 he called disdainfully "Buonaparte," loading him with the most cutting insults: -- The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X
  • At times he came close to farce as he extolled its endless wonders as report after report detailed its woeful failures. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, in the verity of extolment, I take him to be a soul of great article; 25 and his infusion of such dearth and rareness, as, to make true diction of him, his semblable26 is his mirror; and who else would trace him, his umbrage, 27 nothing more. Act V. Scene II
  • Fragrances; an extoller of the banner of love and harmony; a promoter of the greatest peace among all nations and tribes; a kindler of the fire of the love of God in the hearts of the people; a runner to the place of martyrdom in the Cause of God; a yearner for every calamity in the love of Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
  • However, Alfred was not just appropriated by those wishing to extol racial destiny and/or imperial manhood in justification of the conduct of the war in South Africa.
  • Over the years, a body of research has built up extolling the many benefits of meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wild creator of the "_Robbers_," drunk with liberty, and audacious against all restraint, becomes the champion of "Holy Order," -- the denouncer of the French republic -- the extoller of an Ideal Life, which should entirely separate Genius the Restless from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • Neither finalist is comfortable extolling his own virtues but both are clear on why there is an elite. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a member of the steering group for the inaugural Edinburgh Art Festival, I wrote a panegyric extolling the possibilities of our brave new project.
  • While the national media were busy extolling the virtues of some form of closer relationship with Australia, many young Australians were working in New Zealand wineries during vintage 2004 to gain experience of our viniculture.
  • The suggestion appealed to him and he decided to compose an epic to extol the achievements of Abdullah Khan.
  • He goes on to extol especially the epigrammatic power of the elegiac distich by translating numerous specimens from the elegiac writings of Goethe and Schiller.
  • Without experiment (without what in some ways could be called "progress" in the arts), art would ossify into dead monuments we are to extoll for their putative greatness but that would not provoke the kind of experiential engagement Dewey thinks is art's ultimate validation. John Dewey's *Art as Experience*
  • Throughout Italy, and at Rome, a decoction of fresh Lemons is extolled as a specific against intermittent fever; for which purpose a fresh unpeeled Lemon is cut into thin slices, and put into an earthenware jar with three breakfastcupfuls of cold water, and boiled down to one cupful, which is strained, the lemon being squeezed, and the decoction being given shortly before the access of fever is expected. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • In the 1930's, when devout convert philosopher Dietrich von Hildrebrand wrote a book extolling the unitive power of sex in marriage, it was widely regarded as dangerous and potentially heretical.
  • Both extol the virtues of this new and creative pictography. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But, in the verity of extolment, I take him to be a soul of great article; and his infusion of such dearth and rareness, as, to make true diction of him, his semblable is his mirror; and who else would trace him, his umbrage, nothing more. Act V. Scene II. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
  • The announcement follows a speech in which Spelman extolled the benefits of filling cities with trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the Caliph rejoiced in the acquittance of the youth and his truth and good faith; moreover, he magnified the generosity of Abu Zarr, extolling it over all his companions, and approved the resolve of the two young men for its benevolence, giving them praise with thanks and applying to their case the saying of the poet, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He praised her, therefore, for qualities he wished her to possess, encouraged her to reject general opinions by admiring as the symptoms of a superior understanding, the convenient morality upon which she had occasionally acted; and, calling sternness justice, extolled that for strength of mind, which was only callous insensibility. The Italian
  • Neither finalist is comfortable extolling his own virtues but both are clear on why there is an elite. Times, Sunday Times
  • A woman's chastity is considered as her highest virtue and all Hindu traditional literature extols the greatness of a chaste woman.
  • We regret to find that Mr. Skinner, so well known to the sporting world as the able extoller and defender of the rights of our canine friends, should recommend the cropping of terriers. The Dog
  • For all of you, whom condemn Obama for this display, but extol Bush as a great President, one fact is all that is needed to burst your bubble: Bush took more vacation time as President than any in history. Obama calls Lakers, Penguins coaches
  • She was extolled as a genius.
  • Partaker of influx and efflux I-- extoller of hate and Leaves of Grass [1867]
  • So Gibbs has extolled the virtues of Jeeps and Buicks. Obama: Car salesman in chief
  • I have seen people complain about their jobs for hours, but then extoll the virtues of working outside of the home as soon as they stand before a stay at home wife or mother. Homemaking Without Worry
  • _I_ -- to approach the point in question -- if _I_, writing a poem the end of which is the extolment of what I consider to be Christian truth over the pagan myths shrank even _there_ from naming the name of my The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)
  • From" long live youth" to" cloth gift"and "butterfly "in new era, and to later "season" series, his writing experienced pure extolment, painful division and indignant irony.
  • So, when the mainstream media or a public figure extoll the virtues of Twitter, it can gain more credibility. Twitter goes mainstream
  • Proposition 36 will not heal the hypocritical heart of a nation that extols the empty pleasures of consumerism while excoriating the unsanctioned ecstasies of illegal drugs.
  • Anabaptists encouraged themselves mainly with hortatory texts and liturgical hymns extolling martyrs and martyrdom.
  • Throughout the ages, many great civilizations have extolled and benefited from the use of colour as a powerful healing agent. Alternative Health Care for Children
  • Its benefits have been so incontestable that in the five millennia since the advent of the written word numerous poets and writers have extolled its virtues.
  • Meanwhile, Ms. Horyn extolled the simple, chic, everywoman style Sarah Palin exhibited pre-RNC-bankrolled shopping spree. Rosalyn Hoffman: We're All Barbie Now?
  • The second group, mainly a distempered and impassioned crew that just so happens to include myself, extols 10,000 Hz Legend as the band's true high-water mark.
  • At times he came close to farce as he extolled its endless wonders as report after report detailed its woeful failures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Likewise, critics would have persisted in faulting the Chinese for their backwardness while extolling the virtues of the progressive Japanese. The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • I can still picture this hard-ass character extolling the virtues of exotic music.
  • More widely in Italy, he became known for fronting a series of commercials for an electronics chain in which he extolled the virtue of optimism. Times, Sunday Times
  • An extoller of the simple, rooted life, he nevertheless accumulated a sizable fortune and lived very well indeed.
  • The caricature was accompanied by doggerel verse which used Mr Tolley's name and extolled the virtues of the chocolate.
  • But, however much the public may appreciate the works of a man of genius, whether they be written to instruct or to amuse, certain it is that a literary man requires, in his wife, either a mind congenial to his own, or that pride in her husband's talents which induces her to sacrifice much of her own domestic enjoyment to the satisfaction of having his name extolled abroad. Mr. Midshipman Easy
  • National Congress, and so forth; upon which, being now perfectly reassured and at my ease, I discoursed with facundity, and did loudly extol the intellectual capacity of the Bengalis, as evinced by marvellous success in passing most difficult exams., and denouncing it as a crying injustice and beastly shame that fullest political powers should not be conceded to them, and that they should not be eligible for all civil appointments _pari passu_, or even in priority to Englishmen. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • Mr Derbyshire refers to Bolton street lights being powered by Welsh wind farms, and thereby extols their virtues.
  • Speeches extolled national unity, imperial loyalty, remembrance of the dead, and the need for young men to volunteer.
  • He extolled the virtues of Aranda belief, and disdained the modern world that had replaced traditional sanctities.
  • The survey has been conducted in conjunction with the Daily Telegraph, which has been in the town taking pictures to extol Skipton's virtues.
  • Throughout the ages, many great civilizations have extolled and benefited from the use of colour as a powerful healing agent. Alternative Health Care for Children
  • I could extol the virtues of this lady and her approach to life unendingly but I suggest instead you read it for yourself.
  • The priest was summoned to give Paddy a dressing down about some mischief he had been getting into and to extol the virtues and benefits of living a good life.
  • He thinks it would have been more "moral" if Mme. de Clèves had actually succumbed as a punishment for her self-reliance (certainly one of the most remarkable topsyturvifications of morality ever crotcheted); is, of course, infinitely shocked at being asked and induced to "interest himself in a prostitute and a card-sharper" by _Manon Lescaut_; and, equally of course, extols Richardson, though it is fair to say that he speaks well of _Tom Jones_. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Their very foe would extol the Teucrians with highest praises, and boasted himself a branch [626-661] of the ancient Teucrian stem. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • If you did have shade in the garden, you certainly did not extol it, you just quietly covered the area with ivy or pachysandra.
  • She is familiar on these shores as a daytime television regular where she extols the virtues of expat life under the Mediterranean sun to more than a million viewers a day.
  • These running gags are pretty funny, but the really standout moments are the longer strips, especially the "What a Witch" strip, in which two witches standing over a cauldron extol the virtues of Kiddee Flakes, which are much more convenient for kidnapped-child-fattening than candy-houses. Grimmer Tales: twisted fairy tale comics Boing Boing
  • I am sick of the amassed forces of TV punditry extolling the virtues of the Brazilian style of football.
  • If it's wrong to extol virtue, it should be wrong to condemn a vice like hypocrisy.
  • The biggest hypocrites in the country are the phony religious who extoll their virtues which they do not adhere to. gary davis Harbor Oregon SC Lt. Gov. to ask for Sanford's resignation
  • Their mantra was echoed in the glowing reports of the critics and guidebooks, all of which unanimously extolled the place's virtues in worryingly breathless prose.
  • Libyan commentators extolled the disclosure, and indirectly the Libyan leader, although it was not a prominent news story.
  • However when asked to elaborate what the real issues were, he declined to comment, and instead extolled the virtues of his new buffalo.
  • We also welcome Libby Purves to the pages of the magazine. Her first column extols the virtues of joining in - be it World Cup fervour or Jubilee joy.
  • On my first day of work, he extolled the virtues of the café, and interrogated me about my lunch when I returned.
  • He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school.
  • The clubs thrived and mushroomed, many with new purpose-built premises extolling their popularity and prosperity.
  • Over the years, a body of research has built up extolling the many benefits of meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It glorifies celebrities, extols riches and promotes glamour.
  • The teacher was extolling her work to the skies.
  • Hence the term quack-salver was commonly used in the seventeenth century, signifying an ignorant person, who was wont to extol the curative virtues of his salves. Primitive Psycho-Therapy and Quackery
  • Proposition 36 will not heal the hypocritical heart of a nation that extols the empty pleasures of consumerism while excoriating the unsanctioned ecstasies of illegal drugs.
  • Each time a song sounds an alarm, another style comes drifting in, sometimes extolling the moonlight or the joys of a ‘sugar coated rhyme’ or the simple pleasures of fishing for bullheads.
  • They are curious why the body and its exudations are denied to them as a map, why if men write about the body they are extolled, why when women write sex they are accused of being obscene.
  • In its enthusiasm to extol farm-to-tableism, the series tends to talk down to its audience, as during a rave over Indian produce with names like Cherokee Red: "Before America was colonized, these tribes were using organic methods before organic was even a buzzword. Tough Chick, Tender Chickens
  • Doctors often extol the virtues of eating less fat.
  • Both were extolling the merits of the scooter - its pocket-friendly price, two-tone colour combination, and of course, a mobile-phone charger.
  • The liberal "civility" extended to conservatives is baffling considering liberals extol tolerance as one of their virtue! Liz Cheney open to running for office
  • No religions either preaches or extols evil or tolerates evil.
  • Upon occasion, Mill extolled all four of his inductive schemata as rules of proof of causal connection.
  • He smoked while the walker extolled his cloths, slipping his head between the rails of ready-mades and his palter inside his patter. At Swim, Two Boys
  • He wrote heartfelt petrarchan sonnets extolling his employers, and in 1551 wrote awestruck from the reconquered Pisa, while painting the ducal children: "I am continually with these most saintly sovereigns, and I rejoice in the blessed sweetness of so good and benign a prince. Bronzino's Medici portraits – review
  • It's like extolling the noble sacrifice of Nicaragua's Samoza when he and 3,000 of his friends took in 90% of the country's wealth and earnings and munificently "shouldered" 60% of the taxes that the 4 million Nicaraguans had to caught up. <a href="" title="Obama's message is just too depressing
  • But, in the verity of extolment, I take him to be a soul of great article; and his infusion of such dearth and rareness, as, to make true diction of him, his semblable is his mirror; and who else would trace him, his umbrage, nothing more. Act V. Scene II. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
  • Like, when one of the characters extolls Beowulf's deeds and says how his story will live on forever, and you think, yeah, until a millenia and a bit later when it'll get dug up, rewired into a monstrously misshapen thing, painted in gauche muticolour, and made to dance like a monkey-puppet in a Follywood Spectacular. I Am Beowulf! You're Going Daaaaahn!
  • Members of the GAP party made sure to repeatedly extend their "heartfelt acclaim", however; effusively and endlessly adding their exaggerated extolment. DUBIOUS, the WMD SUIT
  • It is wearingly self-indulgent in the way its author recounts every strategy, replays every achievement, extols every ally.
  • The announcement follows a speech in which Spelman extolled the benefits of filling cities with trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now he is the subject of lengthy panegyrics in the press, extolled as the city's savior.
  • Among the “future-piercing suggestions” extolled by Mr. Shaw we may be sure that the author of “Man and Superman” was pleased to acknowledge Butler’s prediscovery that woman is the pursuer. Samuel Butler: Diogenes of the Victorians
  • But, however much the public may appreciate the works of a man of genius, whether they be written to instruct or to amuse, certain it is that a literary man requires in his wife either a mind congenial to his own, or that pride in her husband's talents which induces her to sacrifice much of her own domestic enjoyment to the satisfaction of having his name extolled abroad. Mr. Midshipman Easy
  • Great thinkers throughout history have extolled the virtues of doubt.
  • Last October, a "traveling blog" featuring a couple extolling the virtues of Wal-Mart during a pilgrimage through its stores turned out to be a fake blog (or "flog"), produced by the retail giant's media corporation, the international Edelman firm. Van Jones: Wal-Mart's Well-Timed Spin Cycle
  • There was also a small handwritten paper extolling the value of purdah - wearing the veil.
  • She also extols the virtues of fried onions in a can, precooked bacon and ready-made cheese sauce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throughout classical literature, the virtues of peace were extolled, and the evils of war denounced.
  • Koraysh were in the habit of reciting certain Persian fabliaux and of extolling them as superior to the silly and equally fictitious stories of the “Glorious Koran.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Both Sashinka and a friend at work have recently extolled the virtues of a wheat- and dairy-free diet in terms of improved energy levels and weight loss.
  • It may seem wrong to extol the virtues of the English but with such a large Lions touring party, it is always likely to be skewed towards the biggest nation with strength in depth.
  • Another legislator, a young gentleman from Uvalde, so eloquently extolled the virtues of the cactus, noting the hardy durability of the plant and the orchidlike beauty of its flowers, that he earned the nickname "Cactus Jack. The Daily News - News
  • Both were extolling the merits of the scooter - its pocket-friendly price, two-tone colour combination, and of course, a mobile-phone charger.
  • My companion made no reply; his face ceased to shine, and as he sat whizzing past his dinner, I mentally compared his recent exultation with that of those who in the present day extol much of its spirit, use many of its arguments, and partake in most of its triumphs, in utter ignorance as to whitherwards it is all tending as surely as the Great Western rails run into Paddington. Obiter Dicta
  • From the Ministry of Defence, where he closeted himself for much of the time, there issued a steady flow of handouts extolling his sagacity and leadership.
  • Did the 60s 'underground' kids get bored to tears reading pie-eyed nostalgia extolling the virtues of the 1910s? Spirit of the underground: the 60s rebel
  • She extols conventions that make civilized society possible.
  • And he still extols the virtues of his central defensive partner but is more self-reliant.
  • Many of the food blogs I read were extolling the delights of Risotto and then the final straw - I was in the supermarket in the grains aisle, my handbag had slipped off my shoulder, I bent down to pick it up and when I stood up I was at eye-level with a row of Arborio rice, one of the main short-grained rice used to make Risotto. Stabroek News
  • If you extol dawn, then ask you to embrace night too?
  • But they have added a modern twist to new Nordic cuisine: While that movement extols the unique pleasures of Scandinavian soil, Mr. Sohlberg's farm uses a 3,000-square-foot hydroponic greenhouse that he and some farmhands built themselves; inside grow herbs, lettuces, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers in nutrient-saturated, computer-controlled water. Taste of Scandinavia, via Catskills
  • Norm Rubenstein stated that it transcended genre in his extolment for the novel, and I think that's an apt appraisal. Rabid Reads: "Ouroboros" by Michael Kelly and Carol Weekes
  • At times he came close to farce as he extolled its endless wonders as report after report detailed its woeful failures. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it means that I grow a little too fervid, or perhaps even hyperbolical, in extolling my native land, I admit the full justice of the remark. Nicholas Nickleby
  • As in America, the citizens' militia was an integral part of a patriot ideology that extolled the right of a free people to bear arms in defence of liberty.
  • Certainly, the Golden Rule extolled in the book - ‘what you do not want done to yourself, do not do unto others’ - is cognate with the notions of reciprocity and fair-mindedness.
  • It's a common enough opposition, but rather than trying to break it down, by, say, making a case that "plot-oriented puzzles" have their own kind of substance, especially in pulp fiction, Ed unfortunately adopts it to his own purposes and in extolling the work of Donald Westlake reinforces the notion that "literature" is equivalent to "theme. The Reading Experience
  • You travel the world praising the discreet charm of an ancient university and extolling the virtues of academic freedom.
  • It may seem wrong to extol the virtues of the English but with such a large Lions touring party, it is always likely to be skewed towards the biggest nation with strength in depth.
  • Neither finalist is comfortable extolling his own virtues but both are clear on why there is an elite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blair, whose fictional reporting in 2002 on the Israeli fight against Palestinian terrorist in Jenin, took years to refute - Human Rights International, and even the U.N. issued reports refuting Blair's and the Palestinian bogus claims - extols the "companionate" release of the Libyan terrorist, and praises earlier British governments who ignored large-scale atrocities the world over, because the British national interest was on the side of the aggressors. Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld: Libyan Oil Is Thicker Than American Blood
  • Over the years, a body of research has built up extolling the many benefits of meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • For many years now my bargain-hungry brethren have been extolling the virtues of car boot sales.
  • With heartfelt joy the choir of the patient sufferers God-beseemingly receive from Christ the crowns and cheerfully hymn and extol Him unto the ages. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • Cobbett extolled the Radicalism of Nottingham; Byron sang the praises of the Luddites.
  • That form extolled the virtues of the natural environment that labourist growth was threatening.
  • Baker also writes of my "chilliness" to Google and its leaders, ignoring the numerous times I extoll their idealism, not to mention Page 2 of the preface, which reads, "I came away from two and a half years of reporting on Google believing that its leaders genuinely want to make the world a better place. NYT > Home Page
  • Indeed, the town's official website, while extolling all manner of museums and crumbling cultural artifacts, doesn't mention the nightlife at all.
  • More widely in Italy, he became known for fronting a series of commercials for an electronics chain in which he extolled the virtue of optimism. Times, Sunday Times
  • He began his programme by extolling the virtues of Swindon, and then moved on to a self-written humorous cry about the misuse of the English language.
  • Managing to maintain a serious voice throughout, she extols the virtues of the flea in a spooky monotone.
  • It was now extolled as the ideal type of the human being, and celebrated accordingly in literature and art, especially among the Symbolists and the Decadents.
  • It is an honest, simple pie, and we extol its simplicities.
  • The key to Zweig's own character reveals itself in a passage in which he extols his father and then describes himself.
  • But what Apple also has, which never came up in discussion at the dinner or in any newspaper article that covered it, is its offshore manufacturing relationship with a company in China called Foxconn that makes virtually all of the Apple products which the President and Ms. Jarrett extol as the future of American manufacturing. Leo Hindery, Jr.: Obamanomics: Guess Who Came to Dinner; Guess Who Didn't Even Get Asked?
  • The facts I will extol is that global warming is indeed happening and it isn't a friend of the moose. Moose Decline Threatens Minnesota Hunt
  • More widely in Italy, he became known for fronting a series of commercials for an electronics chain in which he extolled the virtue of optimism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Partaker of influx and efflux I, extoller of hate and conciliation, Leaves of Grass
  • The manager tends to extol his players, but last night the praise was reserved.
  • Attributed to the famous poet Simonides, it extolled the tyrannicides and their liberation of Athens with the words, ‘A marvelous great light shone upon Athens when Aristogeiton and Harmodios slew Hipparchus.’
  • Mrs Egan, of North Lane, York, was even moved to pen an elegant exposition extolling her family's enthusiasm for waste.
  • Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
  • At times he came close to farce as he extolled its endless wonders as report after report detailed its woeful failures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the years, a body of research has built up extolling the many benefits of meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • As in America, the citizens' militia was an integral part of a patriot ideology that extolled the right of a free people to bear arms in defence of liberty.
  • Dozens of Facebook groups extol him as, among other things, a ghazi religious warrior, "the new hero of Pakistan," and "the great soldier of Islam. Confronting the Myth of 'Moderate Pakistan'

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