
How To Use Extinguisher In A Sentence

  • The workers had also complained about the unit's single non-functional fire extinguisher, which was replaced by two new ones.
  • This training is best when it provides hands-on practice of the use of fire extinguishers.
  • Staff at a beauty salon used a fire extinguisher and fire blanket to put out the flames and called an ambulance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Compare this to the roughly 16, 000 murders, 89,000 rapes, 441,000 robberies, and 834,000 assaults and tell me whether a gun or a fire extinguisher is more paranoid. The Volokh Conspiracy » Major legal win for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
  • I want us to become like a fire extinguisher, putting out fires where they emerge. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Architectural fittings such as switches, extinguishers and signage can take on as much significance as the main exhibits.
  • He had recovered his balance quickly, grabbed a fire extinguisher and hurried back towards the fire. Bomber
  • The transatlantic flight from Heathrow carried on to Miami after cabin crew grabbed a fire extinguisher to douse the blazing oven. The Sun
  • I find it highly improbable, almost impossible, that poor minions who were duped into planting explosive fire extinguishers which ended up in mass murder of their fellow citizens would remain silent all these years for fear of their own, guilt-ridden lives. 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • The extinguisher label The extinguisher label gives operating  instructions and identifies the class, or classes, of fire on which the extinguisher may be used safely. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • There is also a variety of equipment to use including med-kits, fire extinguishers, blood-test hypos, and flares.
  • The main material it sells includes: fire hydraulic giant, fire hose, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, fire box 1211 and 302 fire extinguisher, etc.
  • Two doused him with a fire extinguisher and others smothered the flames. The Sun
  • They unveiled banners and one threw a fire extinguisher into the crowd below. Times, Sunday Times
  • A channel had obtained footage of the fire extinguisher being thrown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The National Fire Protection Association recommends having dry extinguishers inspected every six years, even if the gauge indicates correct pressure.
  • They would either use the extinguisher as they felt necessary or if they were in the process of testing it they would wish to see powder being ejected from the extinguisher
  • Should Mr Andrade be found guilty of murdering Angie Zapata – of bludgeoning her to death with a fire extinguisher and leaving her for dead on the floor of her own apartment – then I hope the court will reach a verdict which adequately reflects that fact. Angie Zapata murder trial: accused faces habitual offender tag
  • He also procured over $1,000 worth of safety equipment for shop personnel (fire extinguishers, face shields, ear plugs, eyewash solution, and other housekeeping items).
  • Class C extinguishers are used on fires that involve an electrical supply.
  • Mr. Carney explained that on most ships equipment such as fire hoses and extinguishers, fuel oil pump stop buttons, intake fan shut-downs, fire dampers etc are all accessible.
  • Fire extinguisher in hand, Airman Beckett swiftly moved to combat the raging inferno; keeping the flames away from the main entry hatch until the flight crew had safely egressed the aircraft.
  • Horrified bystanders tried in vain to drive the berserk animal away until a policeman grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed it. The Sun
  • A source at the hotel said: 'An extinguisher was let off in a corridor causing a lot of damage. The Sun
  • You know this because every time a fire inspection is done, you get threatening emails from the poor sod who had to accompany the fire officer around the station, kicking the fire extinguishers away from the fire doors that they prop open for the rest of the year. Policing Pledge Response Times – The Ugly Truth! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The laboratory staff should understand the hazards of using liquid extinguishers on instruments or when live electrical connections are exposed.
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  • Firefighters used a foam extinguisher to put out the fire and used a fan to blow out the smoke.
  • Gas cylinders contain flammable material - the fire extinguishers put out fires.
  • The players rushed off and somebody put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • What people often fail to do when they buy a caravan or motorhome is check there is a smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm and fire extinguisher. The Sun
  • Shutting down the generators would mean we wouldn't secure the engines via the T-handles or fight any engine fire with the extinguishers.
  • Video footage apparently shows him tearing down displays and hurling phones and keyboards around and setting off a fire extinguisher. The Sun
  • Not only must hill rally vehicles adhere to basic road legislation, they must befitted with a valid fire extinguisher, safety engine cut-off device, roll-cage and adequate silencer.
  • With a few quick steps, she grasped the extinguisher, and rammed it into the glass door of the vending machine, breaking the glass.
  • Pesticides, weedkillers, fire extinguishers and food additives, also undergo thorough testing.
  • He had the intelligence to put the fire out with a fire extinguisher.
  • Staff at a beauty salon used a fire extinguisher and fire blanket to put out the flames and called an ambulance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several people stood outside the doors of the gompa and were able to contain the fire with fire extinguishers until the fire department arrived. Shambhala SunSpace » 2008 » December
  • Where is the fire extinguisher? Christianity Today
  • The players rushed off and somebody put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • Lee stood by with a fire extinguisher while the trash was burning.
  • He's picked up items ranging from a cloth mailbag to a fire extinguisher to an old newspaper, all in the interest of giving admirers a clearer picture of what life was like in the early 1940s.
  • The building accommodated 88 people in two and three-tiered bunks in small rooms with no fire extinguishers or sprinkler system.
  • Workers reacted quickly, calling the fire brigade, although the fire was quenched using extinguishers, before the fire officers arrived.
  • Lifebuoys, offshore flares, two fire extinguishers, first aid kit.
  • But I do know that if I'm expecting hotness from a book it has to be red "need-freezing-fire-extinguisher-to-cool-down" hot * grin* Angels' Blood Countdown: Jasmine Haynes - The first two Fortune Hunter books
  • Salesmen warning DOOR-TO-DOOR salesmen are posing as Fire Brigade representatives to sell potentially lethal fire extinguishers, it has been disclosed.
  • One scribe will probably make something like an inverted cornucopia, or wiredrawn extinguisher; and one will cross it with a dash, and another with a loop; while another will make Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 460 Volume 18, New Series, October 23, 1852
  • We had a fire incident in late October in the early evening and the assistance we received from the public in extinguishing the flames using fire extinguishers at our building was gratifying.
  • Jack was not exactly popular after the incident with the fire - extinguisher.
  • Carbon dioxide is used to make carbonated beverages, in fire extinguishers, and as a propellant in aerosol products.
  • One of the bartenders grabbed a fire extinguisher and put it out and the fire alarm just went crazy.
  • Halons - used mainly in fire extinguishers - are to be abolished by the year 2000.
  • One of the monks is carrying a fire extinguisher, which is encouraging. Times, Sunday Times
  • If sampling spicy foods like curried goat or beef patties ask about the spice content or you might need a fire extinguisher to cool your scalding tongue.
  • These include fire extinguishers, decontamination showers, eyewash stations, chemical drainage grates and positive-pressure ventilation systems.
  • I was going to show my fire extinguisher to an FRSC officer for the first time…what a thrill,lol! Archive 2008-04-01
  • Edgar then took the extinguisher nozzle and proceeded to discharge Halon into the aircraft fire door, snuffing out the burning fuel inside the engine bay of the vulnerable fighter.
  • Normally he carries the heater, chain saws, a big tool kit, a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, soda, and something for his stomach if the hamburger he eats when he takes a break at gives him a little heartburn.
  • But the next instant stewards with extinguishers appeared and the fire was doused.
  • A fire extinguisher is best bolted to the inside of the cabin, again within easy reach, but not in the way of your movement in and out.
  • Class A extinguishers are used for ordinary combustibles including wood and paper.
  • Simple Modularized L ithium-ion B atteries 2-Stage PHEV Conversion Kits 48V 5 000W DC/DC C onverter Battery C harger B attery M anagement S ystem Fire Extinguisher Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The couple used domestic fire extinguishers to quench the flames in the Georgian house on the Lee Road.
  • Class C extinguishers are used for energized electrical equipment.
  • Yellow Halon fire extinguishers should be removed from homes, farms, boats and caravans.
  • The fire extinguisher directs foam onto the fire.
  • At present, there is an unqualified person, with no uniform, no safety gear of any kind, including fire extinguisher on the truck, trying to satisfy a bunch of boat owners who want their fuel at a minimum of inconvenience to them.
  • The players rushed off and somebody put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • Few pupils cannot use a fire extinguisher and all schools have such life-saving equipment. Times, Sunday Times
  • I grabbed a fire extinguisher and managed to stop the fire spreading. Times, Sunday Times
  • The players rushed off and somebody put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • One popular extinguisher material is pure carbon dioxide.
  • All the tried-and-tested gripes about it being a waste of taxpayers' money and not being any more artful than, say, the fire extinguisher or the plug socket resounded around the room.
  • Class A Extinguishers can be used on ordinary combustibles such as wood, cloth, and paper.
  • The players rushed off and somebody put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • The first fire extinguishers were of the "annihilator" pattern, so arranged in a building that when a fire occurred carbonic acid gas was evolved, and, if the conditions were right (as the mediums say), the fire was put out. Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
  • I got in trouble for doing on the job research - no dictionaries in the classroom and I needed to spell the word extinguisher - so I found the nearest fire extinguisher and copied down the spelling. Bookending
  • Fire extinguishers are sturdy metal cylinders filled with water or a smothering material.
  • Too busy suckin' on the consumer teat or chuckin' fire extinguishers abaht now a days ain they? Spirit of the underground: the 60s rebel
  • The abuse of halon-containing fire extinguishers and correcting fluids containing 1,1, 1 - trichloroethane is now almost unheard of in the UK.
  • Within seconds, the Fireguard recognized that the JFS could not blow out the fire and used the fire extinguisher to quickly extinguish the blaze.
  • During the siege he set off a fire extinguisher and told the police he had accelerants.
  • It is an elaborate, extravagant and bloated undertaking that not only throws in the kitchen sink but the fire extinguisher, too.
  • Because it was Sunday they were having trouble getting the final items for the repairs—a fire extinguisher cartridge and something called the annular. A Lincoln Rhyme eBook Boxed Set
  • Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames
  • The copilot shut down the burning engine and got the fire out with the built-in extinguisher.
  • Throwing a fire extinguisher from a tall building on to a courtyard full of people was worse than reckless. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the airfield, chaos reigned as rescue crews equipped with fire extinguishers doused the flames emanating from the downed fighter.
  • Trading Standards Officers in West Sussex warned consumers to beware of buying the second-hand domestic fire extinguishers.
  • Cease Fire . -- On a fire extinguisher in Calcutta, India.
  • Where is the fire extinguisher? Christianity Today
  • He smashed the back window with a fire extinguisher, while others hacked at the roof.
  • Trading Standards Officers in West Sussex warned consumers to beware of buying the second-hand domestic fire extinguishers.
  • One of the monks is carrying a fire extinguisher, which is encouraging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Video footage apparently shows him tearing down displays and hurling phones and keyboards around and setting off a fire extinguisher. The Sun
  • Pockets hosed down the liquid crystal engines with an extinguisher, trying to lower the temperature before the system parts fused.
  • Police patrols in Lhasa routinely include one member with a fire extinguisher. Times, Sunday Times
  • A petrol attendant and a builder from a nearby construction site doused the flames with about a dozen fire extinguishers that were hastily gathered by people from around the area.
  • You've probably heard that fire needs oxygen to burn (indeed, the principle behind CO2 fire extinguisher is to use the heavier carbon dioxide to displace the oxygen needed by the flame). Top 10 Mad Science-Worthy Chemistry Experiments
  • Mr Yates, who has been caretaker at the school for ten years, managed to get the fire under control with an extinguisher while Mr Hopkins set off alarms and began the evacuation process.
  • The gang used a fire extinguisher to batter a massive hole in the wall of the Toy Town store. The Sun
  • The phone calls were also laden with derogatory remarks towards homosexuals, and he stated that people in jail are scared of him because of his reputation for wielding a fire extinguisher, which is the suspected murder weapon. Angie Zapata trial – preliminary hearing
  • A garage owner used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a completely insane scene, Michelle starts whomping one of the attackers with a fire extinguisher.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the pedagogue replied, Verily I was at that time fashed and absent-minded and, seeing the extinguisher wrapped up in the quilt, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Mr. Dunne said anyone who runs a guest house or bed and breakfast is obliged to comply with the regulations and install emergency lighting, fire alarms and have extinguishers.
  • It also is imperative that all members of the laser team know how to use the extinguishers properly if the laser catches fire or there is a drape fire.
  • Today building design and materials, smoke detectors and extinguishers help to make buildings safer.
  • What people often fail to do when they buy a caravan or motorhome is check there is a smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm and fire extinguisher. The Sun
  • This includes smoke detectors, alarms, sprinklers and extinguishers.
  • The players rushed off and somebody put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • He said he believed the fire was discovered in a linen cupboard by children and two male guests put it out with fire extinguishers.
  • It's made from a fire extinguisher, a scuba backpack, and a sixties gold-fleck motorcycle helmet.
  • Witnesses said the singer grabbed a fire extinguisher but it didn't work. The Sun
  • We've installed an extinguisher next to the cooker in case there is ever a fire.
  • If your fire extinguisher is depressurized or broken, replace it. Hints From Heloise
  • Test extinguishers monthly, document the date and note the name of the inspector who performed the test.
  • Many a private chair, too, inclosing some fine lady, monstrously hooped and furbelowed, and preceded by running – footmen bearing flambeaux — for which extinguishers are yet suspended before the doors of a few houses of the better sort — made the way gay and light as it danced along, and darker and more dismal when it had passed. Barnaby Rudge
  • Next day, appropriate sermons in the churches, processions in the afternoon, in which wax figures of Christ and the Virgin Mary were carried by men got up in fancy dresses as soldiers and centurions, and so called penitents, walking covered with black shrouds and veils, with small round holes to look through, or in the yellow dress and extinguisher cap, both with flames and devils painted on them. Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern
  • - Open dumbwaiter and put the fire extinguisher in Archive 2009-12-01
  • At the airfield, chaos reigned as rescue crews equipped with fire extinguishers doused the flames emanating from the downed fighter.
  • I grabbed a fire extinguisher from a steward. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cargo and passenger areas of these vehicles normally are fully stuffed with related equipment, such as camouflage netting, fire extinguishers, and tentage.
  • A water extinguisher can put out things like burning wood, paper or cardboard, but it does not work well on electrical fires or fires involving inflammable liquids.
  • Andrade stated in the calls that people in jail were afraid of him because of his reputation for wielding a fire extinguisher, which is the suspected murder weapon. Doctor storms out of GMC hearing
  • For example, the letter A in a triangle should be plainly marked on a fire extinguisher that can be used for ordinary combustibles.
  • Two doused him with a fire extinguisher and others smothered the flames. The Sun
  • It looks a bit like a fire extinguisher and you spray it and this sticky foam goes all over you and then it hardens and then you're just kind of stuck to the floor.
  • He had not thrown the fire extinguisher deliberately but accepts he was reckless, he said.
  • I directed the extinguisher at the fire without effect.
  • To use the extinguisher, you pull out the safety pin and depress the operating lever.
  • Mr Kavanagh went on to show the meeting a display of fire blankets, extinguishers, smoke alarms and demonstrated their use.
  • With an outward wrench of his elbows he simultaneously squeezes and warps the handle on the extinguisher, locking the valve open, and throws the canister at me.
  • I told him the last one ended in a fire extinguisher fight with a band. The Sun
  • The students were taught how to put out fires in the kitchen and other places using extinguishers.
  • Few pupils cannot use a fire extinguisher and all schools have such life-saving equipment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throwing a fire extinguisher from a tall building on to a courtyard full of people was worse than reckless. Times, Sunday Times
  • The players rushed off and somebody put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • kept a fire extinguisher available
  • Make sure the pin is in place (it has not been damaged) and the extinguisher is at the correct pressure. Hints From Heloise
  • The players rushed off and somebody put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • In the extinguisher, a plastic siphon tube leads from the bottom of the fire-suppressant reservoir to the top of the extinguisher.
  • He added that the fire was brought under control by 10 firefighters using dry powder extinguishers.
  • Too busy suckin' on the consumer teat or chuckin' fire extinguishers abaht now a days ain they? Spirit of the underground: the 60s rebel
  • Two doused him with a fire extinguisher and others smothered the flames. The Sun
  • I wiped the white stuff from my eyes and saw Jason laughing with the extinguisher in his hand.

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