How To Use Extinction In A Sentence
Its population is so small that forecasts put it on the brink of extinction.
Times, Sunday Times
Pity the turtles and cherish them, for they too are on the conservationist's list of vulnerable species and in danger of extinction.
THE international trade in Atlantic blue fin tuna could be banned in a dramatic move to save the fish from extinction.
The Sun
It is a strange fact that Dionaea, which is one of the most beautifully adapted plants in the vegetable kingdom, should apparently be on the high-road to extinction.
Insectivorous Plants
Note that several Cambrian and early Ordovician mass extinctions are not shown here.
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A multispecies overkill simulation of the end-Pleistocene megafaunal mass extinction.
Late-Quaternary changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate, and ultraviolet radiation levels
As conscious beings we can deduce that the logical conclusion of this decline is our extinction.
Charles Gordon Frazer painted Cannibal Feast to provide an insight into the cannibal civilisations he feared were on the brink of extinction after witnessing the feast while hiding in long grass.
At the same time, through uncaring ignorance or malice, they brought about the extinction of numberless species of native flora and fauna.
It is believed that predation by non-native red foxes was the primary reason for the extinction of the dusky pademelon on mainland Australia.
The Indochinese tiger, Asian elephant and endemic species like the saola, Tonkin snub-nosed monkey and Siamese crocodile are on the verge of extinction in the country.
Javan rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam, conservationists say
As compared to the neutral mutant, this probability of extinction is less by only 0.01.
The Weasel Thread
Blue whale of Antarrct has plunged to less than 1% of the original abundance. West Pacific grey whale hovers on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining.
Zachriel: Rapid climate change will result in agricultural failure, flooding of highly populated coastal areas, dislocation, disease, migration, mass extinctions, political instability and human suffering.
About: Blinded by Science
Every day of the week some green doom-monger can be heard in lament for the dwindling or extinction of some bird or other.
Most of the Northern Iberian breeds are in high risk of extinction and are conserved in environmentally protected rural areas of Spain and Portugal.
Although fairly common now, the great egret came perilously close to extinction at the hands of the hat trade at the beginning of the twentieth century; egret plumes were deemed a fashion accessory.
Even when, later still, the general's eager hand, stretching forth for the dusky flagon (it was sacrilege to sweep away those insignia of age and respectability), managed to capsize the candelabrum and sent the fluid "adamantine" spattering a treasured table-cloth (how quick the dash of the young trooper's hand upon the flame -- and its extinction!), a gentle smile was the sole rebuke, followed by a "Thank you, Mr. Harris.
Tonio, Son of the Sierras A Story of the Apache War
The study places the Eastern Arctic bowhead whale, Western arctic bowhead whale and the Eastern Hudson Bay beluga whale on the list of species facing imminent extinction.
Hunted nearly to extinction, the shy, greenish-grey jewfish made a comeback in these waters when laws to protect them were passed in 1990.
the Americas - was hunted to extinction and the climate entered a glacial interstadial.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Eventually we dominated and may have caused the extinction of another earlier human species, the Neanderthals.
We are now in the middle of the sixth extinction episode.
Times, Sunday Times
But how do mass extinctions perturb these systems in the first place?
Commercial whaling has been banned since 1986 after overwhelming evidence that it was driving the world's largest mammals to extinction.
Times, Sunday Times
If the arctic host populations become fragmented due to the northward expansion of southern biogeographic elements, extinction of parasites in small host populations and/or cryptic speciation (isolation events seen in parasites, often only by using molecular methods, that are not evident in host populations) in refugia are likely to follow.
Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.
Prehistoric extinctions of Pacific island birds: biodiversity meets zooarchaeology.
Marquesas tropical moist forests
Unlike previous mass extinctions this current episode is due to the disruptive activities of just one species, man.
Therefore they will submit tamely to the extinction of the greater number of their kind.
The Permian extinction, 244 million years ago, devastated the marine biota: tabulate and rugose corals, blastoid echinoderms, graptolites, and most crinoids died out, as did the last of the trilobites.
The animal is under threat of extinction in the wild as its forest habitat is destroyed to make way for agricultural land.
Times, Sunday Times
So having sterile offspring is not an evolutionary disadvantage, unless it results in extinction, then it is. angryoldfatman: For social insects to have evolved, at some point having sterile offspring had to be advantageous for the organism in question.
At What Level did this Evolve?
The rats have placed in serious risk - on the edge of extinction - the Galapagos petrel, which is a marine bird unique in the world and of which only 120 remain," the project's manager, Victor Carrion, told The Associated Press by telephone from the islands.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Animals which are currently threatened with extinction may be saved by the use of frozen embryos and IVF technology which uses related species to gestate embryos.
Three species of hornbills were fast being hunted to extinction.
Times, Sunday Times
To save his dynasty from extinction, Grand Duke Karl needed to find a way to preserve the Z?hringen line. Granting succession rights to his half-uncles seemed the ideal solution.
Objective: To reveal the extinction character of ketamine induced conditioned place preference ( CPP ) in rats.
With an extinction-colonization model, the probability of fixation can be much reduced relative to panmixia.
If Mark E. Smith's current rate of band sackage were to continue, the inevitable extinction of Fall members would leave him forced to embark on a solo career,
The Fall
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction.
We're bored to extinction, and BLOGGS is a "foots";
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 5, 1891
Species in danger of extinction are the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus celer), which is the most important herbivore in the area, the loica pampeana (Sturnella defilippi), Limosa haemastica, Laterallus spilopterus and Coturnicops notata.
Semi-arid Pampas
Themed "Countdown to Extinction", the fest will falso eature bands from Hong Kong,
Junk - Latest Happenings
As for biodiversity, the most important species threatened with extinction today is the human race.
If Canadians wanted to persecute their wolves, there was no need to ship them south; Canis lupus is sufficiently under siege in the "great white north," with provincial governments scapegoating wolves for everything from the precipitous decline of mountain caribou to the near-extinction of the Vancouver Island marmot.
Chris Genovali: The Death Cults Among Us
All water used by the fire - brigade for fire extinction purpose is supplied free by an act of Congress.
New evidence concerning the extinction of the endemic murid Rattus macleari from Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.
Christmas and Cocos Islands tropical forests
Both countries have been working together ever since they realized how close the whooping crane was to extinction.
Many wild plants are under threat of extinction.
Can there be a more mortal, poisonous consumption and asphyxy of the mind than this decline and extinction of all reverence?
The Aldine, Vol. 5, No. 1., January, 1872 A Typographic Art Journal
North Atlantic swordfish faced similar peril in the 1990's, having for decades been severely overfished and mismanaged nearly to the point of commercial extinction.
The chiru was being hunted to extinction for the sake of glamour.
Times, Sunday Times
The odd white flag with the red cross of St George snaps in the breeze on a makeshift flagpole of old aerials, high above the iron palisades, as if this was the last redoubt of a race on the verge of extinction.
We then calculated the residuals, the difference between each interval's extinction intensity and its lowest smoothed value.
Knoll and Carroll think there was a mass extinction event at the Proterozoic-Cambrian border.
This event is theorized to have created enormous amounts of dust, which blocked out the sun, possibly for years, and led to the extinction of 75 percent of all living species.
Loss of beachfront habitat and predation by domestic cats and introduced red foxes pushed the least tern to the brink of extinction.
the extinction of the volcano
Species in danger of economic extinction in this LME include the cabrilla, black and white seabass, Gulf grouper, yellowtail, dog snapper and sierra.
Gulf of California large marine ecosystem
Unless its leadership is willing to embrace new ideas and new members, the once Grand Old Party will be relegated to the dustheap of history, like the Whigs, Federalists and other once-major parties that refused to face reality and change, and rapidly moved from dominance to extinction.
Who Is John McCain, and What Is He Doing to the Republican Party?
Both are attempting to defy logic and, indeed, extinction by trying to reconcile two irreconcilable cultures.
Times, Sunday Times
The biological positivists could only propose indeterminate detention or extinction for such categories of offender.
The first extinction of the Precambrian, which largely affected stromatolites and acritarchs, has been correlated with a large glaciation event that occurred about 600 million years ago.
EXPERTS have found evidence of a volcanic eruption that led to mass extinction 260 million years ago.
The Sun
Modern farming methods have led to the total extinction of many species of wild flowers.
Natural selection has equipped us with a religious longing for dialogue with supernatural beings, and this propensity has in turn fostered a sense of "sociality" and other emotions essential to dealing with the omnipresent threat of extinction at the hands of nature and hostile human groups.
Commonweal Magazine
Because of the unusual pattern of speciation preceding extinction, the region contained a mix of extinct and living species through the period of change.
Welcoming the intermarried without any regard to the Torah will only lead to the extinction of the Conservative Jewish community.
Rosh Hashanah: Mixed Faith Families, Mix-and-Match Honey and Apples « The Blog at 16th and Q
Now another denizen, the Chinese paddlefish, Psephurus gladius — which measures up to 20 feet long and decades ago was commonly seen leaping above the waters — appears to be on the verge of extinction, if not already gone forever.
A Paddlefish Warning, from China
The Turtle Conservation Fund has listed the 25 most endangered turtles to highlight the survival crisis facing tortoises and freshwater turtles and to unveil a global plan to prevent further extinctions.
It means that four of the six great apes are one step away from extinction in the wild.
Times, Sunday Times
The ortolan was so prized as a delicacy that it was almost hunted into extinction.
Carnivores, species at the top of the food chain, are in danger of a mass extinction that would affect all species within their ecosystems.
The campaign and the Trust were acclaimed for helping save City from the threat of extinction.
They are mating with the local rare species of white-headed duck producing a mongrel that could force the indigenous breed into extinction.
The manner in which the Dodo were obliterated from the surface of the earth has left a lasting impact on the natural history of our global eco-system: in fact a lesson in extinction to humanity.
A brief history of the dodo
Several countries, states, and provinces list species of neuroptera that are considered rare or possibly threatened with extinction.
The latter, in spite of his passion for Alice, seemed to return the loathful antipathy of her brother; the similarity of their dispositions made them like joint possessors of an individual nature, which could not become wholly the property of one, unless by the extinction of the other.
Sketches and Studies
Over centuries they were hunted to the brink of extinction in the big game safaris of southern Africa.
They engaged in tempestuous weather; and the tumultuary conflict was continued from the dawn to the extinction of light.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
One fragment of that ancient smashup may have struck Earth 65 million years ago, triggering a mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Ianrandalstrock: Maybe it's a Romulan warbird
The confidence interval lengths are too short to the extent that the compositional differences between these two floras reflect original heterogeneity and not extinction or emigration.
In the general case, anisotropic substances will show colours, the interference colours; but on rotation through 360° they go black, or into extinction, four times.
Amphibians are regarded as sentinel vertebrates in the current drama of global extinctions.
By the late 1960s many believed the disease was on the verge of extinction.
The creature is on the threshold of extinction.
The fourth chapter explores the elaboration and subsequent extinction of the American attribution of sovereignty to Native American nations.
If people hunted these animals to extinction, the authors argue, the kill sites should appear along the border between proboscidean and human ranges.
Quite obviously, Weeraratne is in the pink of cricketing health right now and the Anthonians would surely have marked him down for early extinction.
Many species are in peril of extinction because of our destruction of their natural habitat.
For gold and silver particles smaller than 50 nm, the electric dipole moment dominates higher-order optical multipolar moments, and absorption exceeds scattering as a mechanism for optical extinction.
It means extinction of their entire system and they know that.
Times, Sunday Times
This phenomenon may also explain some of our anomalous fossil distributions and extinctions.
Galapagos penguin is within a 'hairsbreadth' of extinction, according to a new study - Articles related to Darwin showed interest in Indian biodiversity: Book
The protected birds were once widespread in England but continual persecution led to their virtual extinction.
Hell, just a few years back I used to sweat over mass extinction from some terrorist biotoxin.
The Atlantis Prophecy
Most of the species that remain - notably, all five living species of rhinoceros - are in danger of extinction; others, like the quagga, have already been driven to extinction.
A scout troop with a proud history has been told to raise £100,000 or face extinction.
Big species such as tuna and cod are disappearing, fished to virtual extinction in many places.
Indeed the most dramatic example of mass extinction known to biology has been caused by the introduction of an alien species.
Hedonistic dissipation well may have condemned the existing Europeans to infecundity and extinction, but that does not prevent Europe from getting new ones.
(Noah's flood-Gilgamesh's flood) Each similar flood is connected to the global basinal extinctions.
California Literary Review
The archaeologists thus argue that the Clovis hunter should be exonerated as the cause of the North American extinctions.
It distressed us to be cataloguing the last mortal remains of so many species that are on the verge of extinction, or have gone forever.
To an outsider, our raft would have appeared already to be on the verge of extinction.
Quartz commonly forms polycrystalline ribbons; undulatory extinction, dynamic recrystallization and grain-boundary migration are widespread.
One of the classic scientific debates, on a par with ‘nature vs. nurture,’ albeit far more obscure, is the question of what caused the great megafaunal extinction at the end of the Pleistocene.
EAST African gorillas are sliding towards extinction because of hunters, conservationists have warned.
The Sun
In Finland, 14 species, mostly beetles (Coleoptera) and bugs (Hemiptera), associated with burnt areas in forests are threatened with extinction [18].
Arctic boreal forest environments
In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.
What we are in danger of, he says matter-of-factly, is a self-inflicted wound, a self-inflicted extinction.
They demonstrate the close interconnection between landforms and paedogenesis, palaeochemistry, climatology, archaeology, archaeomagnetism, radio-carbon dating, palaeoecology and faunal extinction.
Willandra Lakes Region, Australia
When this happens it can dramatically slash profits - and can even threaten a business with extinction.
The financial crises of the 1920s and the Great Depression of the 1930s had brought capitalism to the edge of extinction.
Unlike the fusulinides, lagenides survived both the end-Guadalupian and end-Permian mass extinctions to become dominant elements of the Mesozoic calcareous benthic microfauna.
During the most recent mass extinction, 65 million years ago, 17 per cent of all the taxonomic families of life were lost, including the dinosaurs.
The WWF report said Vietnam is on the verge of an "extinction crisis" with several other species - including the saola and the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey - threatened by deforestation, widespread poaching and a "largely uncontrolled" illegal wildlife trade.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
I think it is due to their forereaching science, which assures them that this world has entered upon the last stage of its existence which began with the arrest of its axial rotation, and which will end with the total extinction of life through the evaporation of all the waters under the never-setting sun, and the consequent complete desiccation of this now so beautiful land.
A Columbus of Space
Cuvier tried to evade one disturbing implication of extinction by linking the phenomenon to his theory of catastrophic geological changes.
An article by B.A. Loisell and J.G. Blake, Potential Consequences of Extinction of Frugivorous Birds, discusses the important role frugivorous birds have on ecosystems.
The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales.
And he got swept up in what was called ethnological science, which predicted the so called extinction of certain allegedly inferior races and so forth.
Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Biography
Ironically, some of the most powerful and stirring works of the Theelin were the masterpiece epitaphs that accompanied the extinction of their people.
In 1870 the birds were billed as ‘doomed to certain extinction ‘and by 1977 they seemed technically extinct.’
Their traditional way of life seems doomed to extinction.
Regardless of the variables he plugged in, the presence of human hunters triggered mass extinctions.
Fish are the last hunted food, in some cases hunted to near extinction, while the huge factory boats do enormous damage to their environment.
Times, Sunday Times
According to Keyla, demand for the arapaima (Arapaima gigas), which is also known as pirarucu, or paiche has increased even further after it was in danger of extinction, leading to the establishment, by the Brazilian Environment and Renewable Natural Resource Institute
Kentucky should at one grand coup _stop spring shooting and all sale of wild game, accord long close seasons to all species that are verging on extinction, protect doves, establish moderate bag limits and stop the use of machine guns_.
Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
And since the late 1990s, she seems to have been pursuing a single-handed crusade to save the diva from extinction.
The lack of natural checks and balances from top predators and browsers has led to some species teetering on the brink of extinction, while others spread like plagues.
Blue whale of Antarrct has plunged to less than 1% of the original abundance. West Pacific grey whale hovers on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining.
Through the total fading away and extinction of craving, decay and death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, grief, and despair are extinguished.
Some explanations for extinctions and evolution include strikes by asteroids or comets.
Party divisions led to huge losses in by-elections and local government elections until the party at the grass roots seemed close to extinction.
Meanwhile the bocaccio is near extinction, its fate signaling an ongoing crisis in global commercial fisheries.
As a result, Texas now has more than a quarter million exotic animals, mostly from Africa and Asia, of which three—the scimitar-horned oryx, the addax, and the Dama gazelle—have been brought back from the brink of extinction.
In Praise of 'Enviropreneurs'
It feels as if only the ultimate extinction of the human race will able to stop that deadly spiral.
This is in accordance with many previous studies, which have noted that endemics tend to be more susceptible to extinction than cosmopolitans.
Through the total fading away and extinction of craving, decay and death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, grief, and despair are extinguished.
But the species is dwindling fast and is feared on the verge of extinction.
The prophecies of the Bible are not vague general denunciations of natural decline and extinction to all the nations of the world, which, if they were merely the exposition of a universal _natural_ law of national death, they would be; nor yet the application of any such natural and inevitable law to some particular nation, denouncing its destruction, without any specification of time, manner, instrument, or cause of its infliction.
Fables of Infidelity and Facts of Faith Being an Examination of the Evidences of Infidelity
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society conservation director Eric Pyle said the report showed many species were moving closer to extinction, including the six species of kiwi, as well as kakas, blue ducks and yellowheads.
All water used by the fire - brigade for fire extinction purpose is supplied free by an act of Congress.
It has also allowed him to rescue his company from the threat of extinction.
Times, Sunday Times
Right whales in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans were hunted nearly to extinction before coming under international protection in 1949.
The Butterfly Conservation Society says the information could help save some of the rarest examples from extinction.
Thousands of rare Australian animals, such as endangered numbats and long-nosed potoroos, face a precarious future as a company set up to ensure their survival faces extinction itself.
All these and more, being alien to the rural economy, had bounties on their heads and were targeted for extinction.
Times, Sunday Times
These extinctions become a problem to solve rather than the natural course of things.
Will improved classification schemes allow better understanding of extinction and radiation events?
For some time scientists have been predicting that the male Y-chromosome is heading for eventual extinction.
Times, Sunday Times
I need not detail how at the sale he put buyers on their guard, exposing the fraud, and condemning the peccant scarabaei to extinction.
My Life as an Author
Or, say the liberals, we waste our money on video games and trashy novels while the fine arts totter on the brink of extinction.
Small groups brought life to my extinction.
Christianity Today
The species was doomed to extinction.
These results parallel the conservative bootstrap statistical analysis of Hubbard and Gilinsky, who also found only these same three unambiguous high extinction magnitudes in their analysis.
However, Mughal supremacy in India was not established till the reign of Akbar and before that there were times when the Mughals were in danger of extinction.
Both clubs have known penury, relegation and near extinction.
Times, Sunday Times
The ultimate end of this process is extinction, not evolutionary progress.
Or was it a means by which classical civilization was rescued from extinction?
The Times Literary Supplement
There have been five major mass extinctions and more than 20 minor mass extinctions.
The small, brilliantly colored vermilion darter, a fish found only in a single tributary in Alabama, is nearing extinction because of habitat destruction and a decline in water quality.
We are only just in the process of developing laws that may protect our closest evolutionary relatives, the other hominids, from virtual extinction.
I am looking forward to the day Twitter goes the way of the dinosaurs: extinction. reply big aristotle
Twitter’s New Headquarters As Shown Off By Employees (Pictures)
Torres took these vines from extinction and used them to create his winery's best cuvée.
Because according to "Dr. Long," the geoduck was considered to be an aphrodisiac in Asia, and people were eating the mollusk into extinction.
Joey Skaggs, The Ultimate Hoax Meister
Previously, it was thought that any asteroid or comet collision would leave strong evidence of the element iridium, the signal found in the sedimentary layer from the time of the dinosaur extinction.
The challenge of studying extinctions is that it can be hard to know when a species is finally gone for good.
We must do what we can to save the world's largest carnivores from extinction.
The Sun
It seems likely that either the cessation of Aboriginal burning - done to attract game species and clear the land - or the arrival of cats caused the extinction of the broad-faced potoroo.
Many are working to save species from extinction, animals from cruelty, natural environment from destruction.
Her observation that the traditional art forms face extinction, for lack of adequate support, technological influences and unremunerative returns is true.
The new dates also support the suggestion made by Dutch paleontologist Paul Sondaar more than a decade ago that the extinction of pygmy stegodon on Flores ca. 900,000 years ago was the result of human predation.
First Mariners
They're endangered throughout the majority of their range, and in fact in a lot of the areas they've been extirpated, which is a local extinction.
CNN Transcript Apr 4, 2007
Global mass extinctions are usually explained by one or more physico-chemical causes.
Dingoes were originally pack animals and Australia's largest carnivores, and are believed to have caused the extinction of the thylacine and Tasmanian devil on the mainland.
Henceforth this system provided the framework for his preoccupation with the problems of the extinction and origin of species.
Ever since the proposal that the mass extinction resulted from a bolide impact, the nature of mass extinctions has been the subject of much debate.
Cleante demanded, sensing that the introverted one was in danger of introverting herself into extinction unless a little human teasing could prevent it.
Dwellers in the Crucible
In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.
We would have to consider the company's evolutionary history and its brushes with extinction.
The act gave teeth to a series of treaties designed to protect migratory birds, including the swan family, from extinction.
The obvious conclusion is that the layer of debris ejected by the impact draws the line of extinction for the dinosaurs.
When the Makahs stopped whaling in the 1920s it was because commercial whalers, harpooning all they could find, had nearly driven the gray whales to extinction.
Introduced predators such as rats, cats, dogs, foxes and mongooses are thought to have been responsible for about half of island bird extinctions.
Now they are on the edge of extinction.
The Sun
Many species are doomed to extinction.
The bug obtains its energy by chemical means and may drive smelters to extinction.
First and last occurrences of fossils seldom record the actual times of origination and extinction.
With rapid species extinction, we don't have time - or fieldworkers or taxonomists - for the slow pursuit of taxonomy by academic specialists alone.
In the following sections, we re-evaluate the continuity or discontinuity of magnitude and then briefly consider whether events that might be regarded as mass extinctions can be unified by effect or cause.
The second, a wasting contagion, produces an entropic narrative of slow dying, finally petering away into ignominious extinction.
They have driven the rhino to the edge of extinction.
For the Scottish Conservatives this election is not just about winning, it is a fightback from political extinction.
If we aren't careful and prudent it could be that the club finds itself in the horrible predicament it found itself last season, when the club tottered on the brink of extinction.
If the ancient human habit of taking what we want without understanding, without compassion, and without compunction continues unrestricted, it will lead us to extinction.
An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from extinction.
Was There a Mass Extinction of Land Plants at the Permian - Triassic Boundary ( PTB )?