How To Use Extermination In A Sentence

  • Regrouping in camps diminishes resistance, facilitates extermination and makes it possible to camouflage it, to give it the appearance of a natural death.
  • You will decide whether you will assume responsibility for the extermination of all voices of dissent.
  • In question is no longer ‘merely’ the extermination of countless humans, but of the work of readaptation which can be undertaken on the very basis of the human.
  • The dodo is the tragic symbol of bird extermination. Birds arrived comparatively late
  • Five lions abandoned in a defunct zoo faced imminent extermination until a local veterinarian called on an international animal rescue group to step in.
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  • He much enjoyed listening to the accounts given by travellers of the scenes, animals and plants and native life they had seen, and deplored the so-called civilising of the natives, which, in his opinion, generally meant their exploitation by Europeans, leading to their deterioration and extermination. Alfred Russel Wallace Letters and Reminiscences
  • The hamsters are very fierce little creatures: constantly fighting with other quadrupeds, and even among themselves; but the polecat is their master and tyrant, and carries on a war of extermination against them -- following them through the intricate ways of their burrows, and destroying them even in their dens! Quadrupeds, What They Are and Where Found A Book of Zoology for Boys
  • Here the logic of the social reaches its limit – the point where it inverts its finalities and reaches its point of inertia and extermination, but at the same time approaches ecstasy. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Humankind has caused the extermination of the rainforests.
  • The principal reasons of their disappearance were extermination of predators and their prey and habitat destruction.
  • It will probably resist extermination, however, since, unlike its parasite, it frequents shallow water.
  • The council approved a motion calling for the city to explore more humane bee-removal alternatives other than extermination.
  • To throw a whole ecosystem out of whack for our pleasure, especially by way of extermination is foolish. Coyotes, Wolves, and Respect for Wildlife
  • I don't think England has fully recovered from the extermination of Christians by the Normans, to the present day.
  • Worse yet, this signified the exclusion, eradication and extermination of this subsegment from societal discourse, radicalizing Timothy McVeigh and others and causing the OKC man-caused incident. The Volokh Conspiracy » Waco
  • As a result large scale extermination of St. John's Wort has been undertaken in Australia.
  • The extermination of all foreigners was ordered.
  • In my mind the main distinction is that in Kenya there were no extermination camps. The Secret History
  • When the white backed vulture, as a species, faces the threat of extermination, what hope is there for other wildlife?
  • I contend that an ecosystem that after the extermination of one of its most active predatory species not only continued to maintain its other species’ populations but ultimately saw them increase exponentially is hardly a malfunctioning ecosystem. Wolves Kill 23 Lambs In Oregon
  • So far, extermination of this particular mosquito doesn't look like an ecological catastrophe.
  • What they do understand is ruthless extermination of opponents.
  • Or I could wage a war of extermination against them, and their leader, a sentient giant dustball named Rupert.
  • The authorities have long denied any campaign of systematic extermination.
  • Even the "pacificator" would have been employed for its extermination, if, for no other reason, because of the fancied resemblance which it had always worn to Brother Stevens -- a resemblance which occurred to him, perhaps, in consequence of the supposed similarity between the arts of the libertine and those for the entrapping of his victims which distinguish the labors of the spider. Charlemont; Or, the Pride of the Village. a Tale of Kentucky
  • There is a widely shared view that nuclear weapons cannot be used as it will be a step towards planetary extermination.
  • Similarly, genocide does not encompass the extermination of a group on political grounds.
  • But earlier wars deployed nothing comparable to the death-dealing armaments and state-backed exterminations of civilians characteristic of twentieth-century conflicts.
  • Of course, I am comparing the differences between the Visigoth and Frankish forced conversions and exterminations of the Jews as a favourable comparison to the second class citizens they were under Moorish rule. Islam: The Invasions Of Europe « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Thus the most urgent task before the victorious Communist Government was the extermination of the moujik; and yet the moujik, being still the goose that laid the golden eggs, could not be exterminated summarily without incidentally exterminating the whole Russian nation. ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Armenians and Guns:
  • I wanted to find a way, cinematically, of showing this feeling of being in the midst of the extermination.
  • After the uprising, 7,000 people were gassed in extermination camps, while 30,000 were shot there.
  • In the book, he does not defend his views about either genocide or extermination.
  • Tim Moore, managing director of Adelaide-based Northwest Carbon, a commercial company, proposed the extermination idea to the government.
  • The exhibition records the systematic extermination of six million people.
  • Only such a premise can legitimise the wholesale domination, enslavement, or extermination of other peoples.
  • Nor was Stalin's behaviour in Ukraine, however atrocious, on a par with Hitler's total extermination strategy.
  • The banning of DDT did not put an end to the poisoning and extermination of birds.
  • Older and wiser now, I am well aware that our own country has committed many crimes, some on a scale approaching those of Germany and Japan: the near extermination of Native Americans, the mass, centuries-long enslavement and cultural and physical destruction of millions of African slaves, the use of nuclear bombs on civilian targets, the decade-long saturation bombing and herbicidal poisoning of most of Indochina … Obama, Seeing Darkness, Conjures Up the Mists of Time
  • Housing authority officials said in the past, roach extermination was done on a 60 - to 90-day cycle
  • Métraux, too, blamed the "hideous atrocities" of foreign slavers for the near-extermination of Rapa Nui's people. Don't Blame the Natives
  • Anyone preaching extermination is ignorant of how ecosystems work. Wisconsin Wolves Kill Hunting Dogs
  • Would you like to learn how to do some DIY pest extermination?
  • When he wrote his ur-alien-invasion novel, he was evidently using the British “war of extermination” againstthe Tasmanians as his model. Tom Engelhardt: In the Crosshairs: Tucson-Kabul
  • I have resolved on the extermination of all mortals," but, unfortunately, he introduces a tone of arbitrariness which is just the thing that is not involved in the phrase "before me. Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • Of course many claimed they didn't know, even when the evidence of the exterminations were literally a stench in their noses, most crematories were within walking distance of the towns after which they were named. The Danger Of Becoming Good Americans
  • We now have concrete proof of ecocide (the destruction of the ecosystem), biocide (the extermination of many kinds of life form), and geocide (damage to the earth's atmosphere).
  • For them, aggressive war across national frontiers was a more salient risk than the extermination of peoples within states.
  • Pacification was the CIA's reader-friendly word for its extermination of civilian opposition to the US war machine in South Vietnam.
  • It is at this time that the idea of conquering a people and subjugating them became a viable model, rather than total extermination.
  • Jefferson's suggestion to pursue the Indians to extermination fits well into the eugenistic vision.
  • This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.
  • For example, extermination of a big battle cruiser is such a task.
  • The most fatal and wide-spread disease, and one which since 1854 has threatened the extermination of silk worms in Europe, is the _pebrine_. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • Sometimes the train puffed between lines of grey slab fencing in which were armies of white skeleton trees that had been 'rung' for extermination, or with bleached stumps sticking up in a chaos of felled trunks, while in some there had sprung up sickly iron-bark saplings. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • He interlaced the death of an actual bruin with an American storytelling tradition that used the moment of extermination to build and express cross-species empathy.
  • Allied energies focused on mobility and prefabrication, while the Nazis aimed for "enslavement and extermination. Building for War
  • Morgan with an expression of insolence such as might well warrant the belief that he held feud with all grangers and made their discomfiture, dislodgment, and extermination the chief business of his life. Trail's End
  • In the final two chapters, he makes his final case against the extermination of the remaining smallpox stockpiles.
  • These are (1) the production in the blood of an antidote to the toxin or poison elaborated by the invading microbe -- an antitoxin, which chemically neutralises the toxin; (2) the production in the blood of the attacked animal of a "germicidal" poison which repels and kills the attacking microbes themselves (not merely neutralising their poisonous products); (3) the extermination of the intrusive, disease-producing microbes by a kind of police, which scour the blood channels and tissues and "eat up" -- actually engulf and digest -- the hostile intruders. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • But since we are tallying “extermination/expulsion of subhuman populations”, one group that somehow that always ignored by so many ‘loving, compassionate’Zoinest Christians and Zionists alike is the Christians of Palestine whose luck was not much better than the Muslim of Palestine either. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • Despite its rather idyllic sounding name (birch tree meadow), Birkenau housed gas chambers and four crematoria and therefore served as the main extermination unit of Auschwitz. Members
  • I doubt the systematism of the extermination of the Jews and I also doubt the number of deaths, [...] and also whether camps such as Auschwitz were all meant to be extermination camps Little Green Footballs
  • Despite its rather idyllic sounding name (birch tree meadow), Birkenau housed gas chambers and four crematoria and therefore served as the main extermination unit of Auschwitz. Books
  • The extermination of anti-social elements does, after all, have a somewhat controversial history.
  • This inscription awakens the memory of the people whose sons and daughters were intended for total extermination.
  • The systematic extermination of the bison wasn't merely trophy hunting gone wild.
  • Faced with the horrors of the extermination camps and what is now termed the Gulag, Arendt strove to understand these phenomena in their own terms, neither deducing them from precedents nor placing them in some overarching scheme of historical necessity. Hannah Arendt
  • In Faroese, "grind" literally translates to pilot whale, while "drap" translates to "murder" thus representing the largest extermination of marine mammals in all of Europe -- literally whale murder. Deborah Bassett: "Whale Murder" in the Faroe Islands: 100 Pilot Whales Slain for Cultural Tradition
  • This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.
  • Our ability to stress over trivial cultural issues while ignoring the extermination of the environment will make medieval peasants believing in miracles seem as reasonable as Einstein.
  • Hardly noticed, they are liquidated in extermination camps.
  • Ant extermination is a subject that the site has covered in the past in some detail.
  • In the same way it behooved our Christian brothers to allow us Jews to choose to commemorate the extermination of our people in the manner we saw fit, it likewise behooves our Islamic brothers and sisters to approach the families of those who died on 9/11 and ask them how they wish the site to be commemorated. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Is a Giant Mosque at Ground Zero Justified?
  • The extermination of religion is at times an official state objective.
  • The courageous reporters of the social-democratic paper had gotten hold of a secret Nazi Party plan for the disposition of the Jews that first used what was to become the widespread euphemism for extermination: “Final Solution” (Endlössung), a word that left little doubt over the mass murder it euphemized. Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
  • This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.
  • These were to be followed by extermination camps such as Auschwitz, where, according to Rudolph Hoess, its Commandant, 2,500,000 people were to be murdered and 500,000 were to die of starvation and di - sease. Graf Spee
  • Oh, and I missed this: The courageous reporters of the social-democratic paper had gotten hold of a secret Nazi Party plan for the disposition of the Jews that first used what was to become the widespread euphemism for extermination: “Final Solution” (Endlössung), a word that left little doubt over the mass murder it euphemized. Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
  • The failure of the swamphen extermination project -- expensive in staff time, shotgun shells and gas -- contrasts sharply with a similar effort to knock out a budding population of sacred ibis, a long-legged exotic from Africa that in 2007 was nesting in Palm Beach and South Florida - South Florida Recipes

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