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How To Use Extensional In A Sentence

  • This volcanism seemingly developed in an extensional setting near a shelf margin located in the eastern Neptune Range.
  • Anscombe had drawn attention to the fact that perceptual verbs satisfy the tests for non-extensionality or intensionality (see the entry on intensional transitive verbs). The Problem of Perception
  • He also questions the stratigraphy of the graben and the timing of north-south extensional tectonics.
  • There are two well exhibited main features of the structural geology of the site, east-west trending extensional faults (the Abbotsbury-Ridgeway Fault and the Purbeck Fault), that have undergone contractional reactivation. Dorset and East Devon Coast, United Kingdom
  • These techniques change the performance profile of the function, without affecting its extensional meaning.
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  • The development of extensional and shear fractures in volcanic areas is usually related to magma emplacement at shallow crustal levels.
  • It is concluded that dynamics characteristics of extensional appendages result in increasing the possibility of structure failure when it is under excitation of external force.
  • There are sentences which are neither extensional nor intensional; for example, belief-sentences.
  • Development of pillow breccia probably occurred along the scarps of normal faults in this extensional setting.
  • In other parts of the Selendi and Usak-Gure basins, the group contains only tilted sedimentary units due to the extensional tectonics in the region.
  • x and y have precisely the same members they are said to have the same extension, and sets are often called extensional entities. Properties
  • Extensional faults are planed by a regional unconformity that is overstepped by Permian to Cretaceous strata.
  • From an ethical standpoint, such acts would be readily justifiable as a form of extensional self-defense on behalf of voiceless, defenseless sentient beings. To dam the torrential rivers of blood and to silence the cacophony of their agonized cries....
  • It is a subject of current discussion whether this tradeoff is unavoidable and whether the lack of extensional principles in intensional Type Theory is a feature or a bug.
  • Photo to the left is an extensional crack taken in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California, on October 17, 1989. SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Friedemann Freund - The Future of Forecasting Earthquakes
  • If we try to apply Dedekind's definition as a criterion for determining whether a given set is infinite by establishing a 1-1 correspondence between two inductive rules for generating “infinite extensions,” one of which is an “extensional subset” of the other, we can't possibly learn anything we didn't already know when we applied the ˜criterion™ to two inductive rules. Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The upsurge of extensional tectonics is based on the establishment of theory of recent tectonic geology.
  • Conversely, in an extensional basin, older strata would be expected to develop higher grades beneath an overburden of younger rocks.
  • Of course, one alternative possibility might be to deny that causation is an extensional relation.
  • In southern Andrée Land, the contact is obscured by a later extensional fault with downthrow to the east that cuts obliquely across the strike of the high-grade Krummedal sequence.
  • What I call extensional self defense mirrors penal code statues in California and other states, known as the “necessity defense.” Who's Afraid of Jerry Vlasak?
  • The ESE-trending, sharply discordant and unstrained northern margins of the Mpuluzi batholith, in contrast, attest to the intrusion of the granites into the extensional sector of the dilational jog.
  • On the island of Ikaria in the eastern Aegean Sea, a low-angle extensional ductile shear zone and two associated brittle detachment faults are well exposed.
  • Simulation results show that for the isolators with different structures, the time delay and sound isolation for the collar extensional wave vary widely.
  • As a result, proof theories for R either contain distribution as a primitive rule, or contain a second form of premise combination (so called extensional combination, as opposed to the intensional premise combination we have seen) which satisfies weakening and contraction. Substructural Logics
  • It is proposed that evaporite dissolution led to the collapse of the weakly lithified overburden, and this deformed with a series of concentric extensional faults.
  • The metamorphic core complex is thus formed as mid-crustal rocks are exhumed by tectonic unroofing in an extensional setting.
  • It has changed the way the traditional economy operates in that it makes technology a kind of input, which makes possible the transition from extensional reproduction to intensional ways.
  • For Grice, the admission that "intensionality seems to be imbedded in the very foundations of language" doesn't preclude "extensionality. Post-Secular Conviviality
  • If one likes, this could be called extensional self defense, since humans are acting on behalf of animals who are so vulnerable and oppressed they cannot fight back to attack or kill their oppressors. Who's Afraid of Jerry Vlasak?
  • These basins were interpreted to contain thick Old Red Sandstone sediments and to have resulted from the extensional collapse of thickened Caledonian crust.
  • The development of extensional and shear fractures in volcanic areas is usually related to magma emplacement at shallow crustal levels.
  • The structures are bounded by a series of extensional ring faults that exhibit similarities to salt withdrawal basins, caldera collapse features and impact craters.
  • Subsequent melting of mica pyroxenite may produce potassic magmas as a result of orogenic or extensional, thermal or bark triggers.
  • The field evidence includes the presence of several longitudinal extensional folds such as a rollover anticline and drag folds that are related to normal faults in the area.
  • It is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion.
  • The results may help to reconstruct the orogenic nappe structure that prevailed in the area before the region was reworked by extensional tectonics.
  • It is also widely held that in addition to having such properties as reference, truth-conditions and truth ” so-called extensional properties ” expressions of natural languages also have intensional properties, in virtue of expressing properties or propositions ” i.e., in virtue of having meanings or senses, where two expressions may have the same reference, truth-conditions or truth value, yet express different properties or propositions (Frege 1892/1997). Mental Representation
  • The early Permian rifting in the North Atlantic involved siliciclastic sedimentation in extensional basins and widespread extrusive and intrusive magmatic activity.
  • Given the relentless nature of the systemic torment and slaughter of millions of other sentient beings that take place day after day, violent responses from nonhuman animal lovers are inevitable and are a morally acceptable means of extensional self-defense on behalf of the voiceless, defenseless victims. He no longer heard the cries of the animals or saw the flowing blood....
  • While Friedman and Myhill gave realisability models for extensional set theories, Beeson developed a notion of realisability for non-extensional set theories. Set Theory: Constructive and Intuitionistic ZF
  • These extensional faults were reactivated as reverse faults during Neogene compression associated with subduction beneath the North Island.
  • In this case the folds found within the Miocene sediments have been interpreted as extensional folding in the form of the ramp anticlines and drag folds.
  • Bent specimens show folds on the compressional but not the extensional side, indicating that walls were originally flexible.
  • It is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion.
  • Subsidence rates in foreland basins decrease away from the orogenic load, and are generally higher than those in extensional basins.
  • This shows that there is at least one interpretation of Ω (x) under which this formula really does capture ” at least from an extensional perspective ” the ordinary mathematical notion of uncountability. Skolem's Paradox
  • This seems odd to me because I'm not sure what non-denumerability has to do with extensionality. Words and Other Things
  • The NE extensional structures style and NW transverse accommodation zone form structural framework of this region.
  • Rapid cooling between 22 and 20Myr reflects both uplift during ductile phases of extensional deformation and ambient cooling of the granitic intrusions.
  • In both cases, the sequence of events started with extensional basin magmatism and culminated in emplacement of plutons, passing through basin subsidence.
  • It has changed the way the traditional economy operates in that it makes technology a kind of input, which makes possible the transition from extensional reproduction to intensional ways.
  • A major extensional event of Permian age post-dates all of these strata.
  • The oddest of which is the following from p. 443: "The emphasis on extensionality [in PM 2nd ed.] hardly fitts well with a logicism in which, for example, non-denumerability is central. Words and Other Things
  • The details of regional geology together with extensional folds in the Alasehir graben are enough to refute a short lived contractional tectonics in late Miocene to Pliocene in western Turkey.
  • The steep fault along Leathad Riabhach and Glen Beag is a steepened lateral ramp of the Ben More Thrust and not an extensional structure, throwing doubt on the existence of ‘surge zones’ in Assynt.
  • It is proposed that evaporite dissolution led to the collapse of the weakly lithified overburden, and this deformed with a series of concentric extensional faults.
  • Bozkurt mainly provides a short, but incomplete, summary of previous work on field characteristics of extensional folds, including rollover anticlines.
  • A series of compressional and extensional tectonic events created the present geologic structure and physiography.
  • The range was formed in the extensional environment associated with the Mesozoic and Cenozoic breakup of Gondwanaland.
  • The development degree and predominant direction of extensional fracture relate to deformational curvature produced after force is exerted on rock.
  • But there is what philosophers (at least this philosopher) think of as an extensional and an intensional way of describing our perceptions.
  • Some of the most significant and compelling arguments for and against versions of internalism are therefore extensional, that is to say, based on what reasons agents actually have. Reasons for Action: Internal vs. External

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