
How To Use Extension In A Sentence

  • And there are a lot of so-called federalists, people who are just generally opposed to the extension of federal power and who object, who say look, this is the same thing that we objected to when liberals did it. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2005
  • Station improvements are being considered for Shenfield while Gidea Park, Harold Wood and Brentwood are in line for platform extensions and station revamps.
  • The couples agreed on a discreet slate-tiled mansard roof extension that gave each house an additional 30sq m of floor space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overextension in the lower back results in this 'duck-like' posture. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Orangery restaurant is not as gorgeous as the rest of the house, partly because it is in a modern extension, but mainly because it is unattractively lit.
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  • The cathedral is the former Perpendicular parish church, reconstructed in 1880, with further extensions completed in 1966.
  • The same mythologem is also active in Dylan's opus, where - with the inclusion of the deepest part of the psyche - came to the repetition and extension of the transformation process, explicitly expressed in Dylan's song "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again" from 1966: Expecting Rain
  • In fact what we have been witnessing in recent times is an extension of the state sector under the cloak of trying to ensure proper economic competition.
  • As I understand it, no one took issue with our lateness, and we did put on an application for extension of time in the second one, as I understand it.
  • There was no extension into the endometrial cavity, nor into the pelvic peritoneum.
  • Many universities in the United States have agriculture extension service that provides information and advice.
  • An extension of this may occur when the victim actually, becomes a supporter or advocate of her captor.
  • In October, the retailer said it would shut 21% of its namesake North American stores over the next two years, coming to terms with the overextension of its store network before the recession and predictions that U.S. growth will be slow. Gap's Profit Falls 36%
  • He wanted to restore the elegant dovecote, which has 880 nesting boxes in 16 tiers, and turn it into a versatile glass-and-steel living space with a glazed extension, without losing the integrity of the original building.
  • One outstanding feature of this ecoregion is the presence of coral reefs, one of the largest and best preserved in the western Caribbean Sea, considered a part or an extension of the great belicean reef, very outstanding in terms of marine biodiversity. Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia moist forests
  • The authors conclude that spondylolysis is mainly the fatigue fracture due to locally increased stress and is contributing most by backward extension of lumbar spine.
  • The extension of the method to aggregate data on nation states will certainly follow, but will involve more complicated techniques.
  • The NE extensional structures style and NW transverse accommodation zone form structural framework of this region.
  • They are also quite preternaturally ugly, bringing a rude abbreviation to the extension of the leg and drawing attention to the unbeautiful formlessness of the shoe, and the cheapness of its material and fabrication.
  • This was in the aftermath of the arrival of proper University extension classes established by the 1902 Education Act.
  • At present the apportionment is as follows: Church extension, 10 per cent; annual conferences, 36 per cent; and the financial Religious Bodies: 1906
  • Mao led the Cultural Revolution Authority in stirring up more animosity by calling the factional fighting “an extension of the struggle between the Communists and the Kuomintang”—without specifying which group was which. Wild Swans
  • Posterior elbow pain in the setting of repetitive elbow extension suggests the diagnosis of triceps tendinosis.
  • Among the projects that will be jumpstarted with this new funding are the Midtown Tunnel tube in Norfolk, the extension of HOV/HOT Lanes on I95/395 and the widening of I-66 in Northern Virginia, work on the Coalfields Expressway in Southwest Virginia, and the widening and improving of multiple sections of Route 58 in southern and western Virginia. UPDATED: Key Democratic panel approves McDonnell's transportation plan
  • Clearly the whole game has a dimension of linear extension which enables a continual process of growth in recognition.
  • As such, offering managed telephony services is a natural extension of their business model.
  • Initiate internal procedure to ensure the change, extension or termination of employment contract.
  • Modeled after British roadsters, the Miata MX - 5 is less about muscle than about being a quick and nimble extension of you.
  • On the other hand, it is very probable that this subcaudal extension of the fins is merely a result of the posterior extension and enlargement of these fins which has taken place in the evolution of the adaptation. Hormones and Heredity
  • We're having a small, flat roof added as part of our loft extension.
  • Raw milk proponents take cause to capitols, courtrooms as public health officials warn of risk risks of raw milk is spilling into statehouses and courtrooms across the country as proponents of unpasteurized PAU kisan melas to be held in March Dr M S Gill, Director of Extension University, said the university is creating awareness about the need to - Articles related to Report Claims Flowers Lose Aroma Due To Climate Change
  • Being a conservative talk show host is a logical extension of his upbringing, notes Pendleton.
  • It had been a cold smile and a cold extension o f the hand, but as he took it he had felt blessed. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • His winning design for the £200m extension features a sliced tomato, the flesh radiating from the centre.
  • A left nephrectomy was performed with the clinical diagnosis of a primary renal tumor due to the absence of any other masses in the extension study.
  • The other complicating factor is the hyperextension of his hip joints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Karen Waite, MS, equine specialist with MSU Extension added "If you have a horse and are unsure of its vaccination history, you should revaccinate them to be sure they are protected. News
  • There is an application for extension of time which I understand is not opposed.
  • During the meeting, the board gave the president a two-year contract extension and a raise.
  • The logic of assertoric sentences (Łukasiewicz also considered its modal extension) has the following form. Lvov-Warsaw School
  • The aim of the scheme is to return the cathedral to how it was hundreds of years ago and the application is for a two-storey hostry extension to provide an entrance hall, education room, community room, song school, music library, vestries, chair store and toilets. Norwich Cathedral
  • An extension in opening times will increase the pressure to intolerable levels.
  • A cannibal is a "gastronome of the old school"; longevity is the "uncommon extension of the fear of death. Lacerating Wit, Seasoned Cynic
  • We've applied for planning permission to build an extension to the house.
  • The tip extension would be split into sections lined with clay but Yorkshire Water is concerned contamination may leak out into nearby public water supply boreholes.
  • The elbow joint is very stable and is limited to flexion and extension.
  • Regardless, physical extension seems nothing more than a relational property as well: the quality of extension in space is not possible without relations amongst constituent parts.
  • She found a subfile listed as Genetic Extensions and clicked on it, reading quickly. SILENT TRUTH
  • If I ever use these features at all, I want them optional, totally attachable/detachable .... extensions I mean. Firefox 3.5 Gets Geolocation, Powered By Google | Lifehacker Australia
  • We do not believe this extension would prejudice the state in any way in light of the Florida Supreme Court's opinion.
  • The term actus, therefore, has a much greater extension than act or operation. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • This little extension gives you the ability to plug it in regardless of the USB landscape you are dealing with.
  • Pain is often localised, is worse with extension and rotation, and may be troublesome at night.
  • Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule.
  • With the participants in a supine position, we tested internal and external rotation, flexion, and extension of the hips.
  • The El Pueblo gift store is an extension of these organizations' commitment to fostering understanding and appreciation for cultural diversity.
  • Forwarding residential extension applications of foreign employees working at the park enterprises competent authorities for approvals.
  • An extension was built at the back with a lift to the fourth floor.
  • They had built on a large extension at the back of the house.
  • They also protect against hyperextension, which is a common cause of major knee ligament injuries. How To Buy & Sell just about Everything
  • Each kit comprises a cistern dam and a ball arm extension. 1 Lift off the cistern lid.
  • He will appeal to the state for an extension of unemployment benefits.
  • Subsequent melting of mica pyroxenite may produce potassic magmas as a result of orogenic or extensional, thermal or bark triggers.
  • My extension is two four double 0 .
  • Thus they became, in effect, extensions of the host itself - as indispensable as a vital organ.
  • Although the mechanisms which permit modification of behavior are inherited, learned behavior does not emerge from, and is not an extension of, the unlearned behavior of the individual.
  • Extensions and splash pads were placed on eavestrough downspouts. Canadian Underwriter : Headline News
  • Much of the work relates to house extensions and conversions where applications have increased by 40 per cent.
  • An extension of this may occur when the victim actually, becomes a supporter or advocate of her captor.
  • The paper focuses on development of receiver, interface extension and the display console.
  • We elaborate on these extensions by also considering, where appropriate, assessment and treatment implications for depressed individuals.
  • To believe that its catalog is merely a backward extension of Farrar's solo career is to sorely underestimate the essentialness of the three other musicians who made up the band.
  • The syncopations available through this electro-extension were captivating, though Kim's performance was unfortunately marred by the multiple technical failures.
  • Debbie states that, for many professional men, waxing is an extension of regular treatments like manicures and massages.
  • The lack of opportunities for the higher education of women led to the founding of the university extension movement.
  • The switchboard operator rang an extension.
  • The sample traces (a, b) are representative of the diurnal pattern of leaf extension rate for each species.
  • A droplet of water splattered on an extension in the wall to his left, the drop splattering on his cheek.
  • Muscle bulk, tone and strength were normal, but she displayed decreased range of motion in internal and external rotation, flexion and extension of both shoulders.
  • Extensions are also a good idea but this tends to be much more involved than simply converting a loft of tacking on a conservatory to the side of your house.
  • Behold the mountain rillet, become a brook, become a torrent, how it inarms a handsome boulder: yet if the stone will not go with it, on it hurries, pursuing self in extension, down to where perchance a dam has been raised of a sufficient depth to enfold and keep it from inordinate restlessness. The Egoist
  • The aircraft's fixed-wing profile with large wing leading edge root extensions gives good manoeuvrability and control at subsonic speed including manoeuvres at high angles of attack.
  • The architect's brief was to design an extension which would harmonize as much as possible with the existing building.
  • You can edit each type of resource by using a default editor associated with its file name extension.
  • Every university should have an extension department to promote students' participation in community-based activities.
  • Also the previously named Burren Road which extends from Burren Church to the waterworks has been renamed as an extension of the Donaghaguy Road.
  • There is a specific and much researched way to go about constructing the base, extensions, and cantilevers of any and every scaffold.
  • The field evidence includes the presence of several longitudinal extensional folds such as a rollover anticline and drag folds that are related to normal faults in the area.
  • The boundary of a tissue undergoing convergent extension is maintained by the behavior of cells at the boundary.
  • It is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion.
  • Unfortunately, suburban sprawl in the area limits further extension of the quarry perimeter, and it is likely that this quarry may run out of stone to blast by 2015.
  • For it is the peculiarity of linear extension that it alone allows its magnitudes to be placed in _absolute_ juxtaposition, or, rather, in coincident position; it alone can test the equality of two magnitudes by observing whether they will coalesce, as two equal mathematical lines do, when placed between the same points; it alone can test _equality_ by trying whether it will become _identity_. Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • This response mode ensured the privacy of adolescents' responses, in the event that parents or siblings were listening to the interview on a telephone extension.
  • Got an experimental extension that's worth the beta-test burden? Four Experimental Firefox Extensions Worth An Extra Click | Lifehacker Australia
  • The other remedy is an extension of the principles enunciated some time ago by Dr. Horace Britton, of Toronto, when he pointed out that the primary duties of the electorate were not merely to cast their votes but to acquaint themselves with the candidates offering themselves for election and with the issues before the people. The Weak Spot in Our Canadian Constitution
  • Noise pollution, for instance, is an extension of air pollution.
  • One extension made in this article is to allow for unequal population size between the two habitats, a case treated in the past only for the limits of very large or very small migration.
  • The building dates back to the early or mid 19th century, with a later extension at the back, which was used as a forge.
  • Just look at every empire in history - always in the end collapsing in debt and overextension. Times, Sunday Times
  • But then Kevin signed an astronomical nine - digit extension, and things got funny.
  • Has Rima, by that illicit act -- identifying herself with stripping, and hence prostitution and pornography, and by extension the oppression, degradation and exploitation of women, including sex trafficking, domestic violence, rape and other phallocentric crimes (Yes, I was throwing a Bindel there) -- Has Rima thrown away a lifetime of opportunity? Ruth Fowler: Rima, Carrie and Donald: Feminist Liberators
  • We feel developers should not be allowed to get away with extensions like this.
  • Plans for a factory extension could create more than 100 new jobs in Chipping Norton, if council planners give a green light to the scheme.
  • The nature of that extension can be seen by reference to two passages in the report.
  • With the introduction of the Render extension, X now has the ability of producing high-quality graphics based on vector representation.
  • ‘Any extension should also have a finite timeframe so that such extensions cannot be exploited indefinitely,’ he cautioned.
  • Resize right handrail extension and stair angle.
  • These cells were found minimally invading the liver, by direct extension, but were readily found within the lumina of blood vessels and lymphatics.
  • The swords have a simple crossguard and most have a languet, a short central extension towards the blade that fits over the scabbard when sheathed. Archive 2009-08-01
  • South Cave school was opened in 1967, further extensions including a sports hall were completed in 1978.
  • Additional individual leg extensions will be paid for at the steel weight unit prices stated.
  • A Spring 2.0 extension tag can define its own attributes and subelement structure as necessary.
  • University education rises from it, extension education extends from it; the index is your High School population. The Creation of Wealth
  • The extension of the deadline gives us a breathing space.
  • It is variously a fabulous technical challenge, an extension of the American frontier and the locus for sundry Utopias.
  • We shall be enabled to speculate with security on the former extension of the land.
  • But when I plugged it back into the third extension cable, I heard a little bing-bong from the computer. MDRS-88 sol 7: Engineering
  • Her long, striking extensions and shapely arms undoubtedly would catch more eyes in a company with fewer spitfires and soubrettes.
  • Flexion force applied against long finger (third digit) extension distal to the proximal interphalangeal joint may provoke pain over the extensor muscle mass in the proximal forearm.
  • The results may help to reconstruct the orogenic nappe structure that prevailed in the area before the region was reworked by extensional tectonics.
  • The authors conclude that spondylolysis is mainly the fatigue fracture due to locally increased stress and is contributing most by backward extension of lumbar spine.
  • High output capability and low distortion with excellent high frequency extension characterize these new drivers.
  • That extension is busy right now. Can you hold?
  • I keep my freezer and my fridge out there, trailing extension leads to the power points in the kitchen.
  • And is that anything more than an extension of the use of the flag as a battle standard and rallying point?
  • Remove right side moldboard extensions and stow on moldboard.
  • Reducing access to credit as a means of preventing overextension, of course, risks reorienting policy towards the paternalistic practices of the past.
  • Connection to the electricity supply should be via a weatherproof cable connector to the extension lead.
  • Fed purchase extension: Some of the downdraft is a result of the Federal Reserve's recent decision to extend by three months its program of buying up debt and mortgage-backed securities from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. U.S. News
  • May I have extension 103?
  • We came up against a lot of problems in the course of building our extension.
  • Specifically, the conjunction of two events is contained within the extension of both individual events.
  • A northward extension at the west end of this trench is also included here because it had pottery of the same date.
  • This installation will enable intuitive video file descriptions of hidden file extensions.
  • However, events which entitle the contractor to an extension of time may also entitle the contractor to recover extra costs.
  • Rather, my instinct is telling me that the "ablautless" forms are coloured by uvulars, hence *-a-, and that ablauting forms stem from a lengthened Narten present, *ɢēb- or *gʰēbʰ- in traditional notation, since it's already been established by other IEists that long vowels are not affected by laryngeal colouring and thus, by extension, they wouldn't be affected by uvular colouring. PIE *kap- and *ghabh-
  • It had six true legs---tiny, pointed extensions, each one ending in an apical hook. MINUTES TO BURN
  • In northern Italy and in France, south of the Loire, the main tenurial development of the seventeenth century was a massive extension of share-cropping, whereby landlords received rents as a fixed percentage of their tenants' crops.
  • The extension of the current plant will include the installation of primary, secondary and tertiary crushing, two stages of primary screening and a ball milling process.
  • It is not officially a branch, but rather an extension of the main line first named the Oshawa Subdivision and re-named the Belleville Subdivision.
  • Part 1 analyzes the concept of ENI from its intension and extension aspects.
  • Sánchez trained tens of thousands of farmers and extension agents in soil conservation and organic fertilization.
  • I am reasoning by analogy and by reference to the extension of rights for humans.
  • There are a ton of exciting and fun projects on the to-do list; most are for new user-facing features or 3rd party extensions, but there are also some geeky-cool middle-tier applications that will help the site scale and munge data. BillMonk is hiring « Notes from the BillMonk
  • The licences are to be granted for an initial duration of two years, although there is the possibility of renewal and extension countrywide.
  • Perhaps the Minister could call John Tamihere and tell him that my telephone extension is 6262, so he can communicate to this House just what he thinks of this bill.
  • The same materials are expected to be used in the larger extension, which will have a conveyor link to the existing facility to ease the transfer of airfreight.
  • The relentless search for new revenues during the Dutch war had led him in 1673 to seek an extension of the regalian rights whereby the crown enjoyed the revenues of vacant episcopal sees.
  • He took the vac outside, got the extension cord out, hooked it all up and ran it all the way to the car.
  • The shop specialises in manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, and technicians will design whatever style you want on your nails.
  • That information would be of little use except for one other characteristic that cementum possesses: it is deposited in distinct layers that correspond to seasons of the year and by extension, track the age of the animal until death. Tales From the Crypt: What Teeth Can Tell Us About Life, Death and Prehistoric Human Behavior
  • Although the dunes near Parker seem to be an extension of this same sandflow path, Muhs says that saltation couldn't carry grains of sand across the Colorado River.
  • To the north are the Northamptonshire uplands, the most north-easterly extension of the broad band of limestone that runs diagonally across England and is best exposed as the Cotswold hills.
  • Most of the increase will come from an extension of the tours of duty for troops already stationed in Iraq.
  • A 440-metre extension of the pedestrian path and cycleway along Ewingsdale Road between The Northern Star
  • Some of the zones had previous exposure to the idea of silage through an extension effort made ten years earlier. Chapter 10
  • The loading door formerly incorporated in the east elevation of the extension was replaced by a large fixed window of plate glass.
  • There has been argument about whether or not there should be an extension of the interlocutory injunction which is to expire today for a period of indeterminate length.
  • Grab the extension at the link below or sound off in the comments with your favourite time-saving extensions. Copy Without Formatting Strips Text Formatting In Google Chrome | Lifehacker Australia
  • It is also widely held that in addition to having such properties as reference, truth-conditions and truth ” so-called extensional properties ” expressions of natural languages also have intensional properties, in virtue of expressing properties or propositions ” i.e., in virtue of having meanings or senses, where two expressions may have the same reference, truth-conditions or truth value, yet express different properties or propositions (Frege 1892/1997). Mental Representation
  • It differs in its lighter brown colour, not becoming darker or purpled on the breast; in the extension of the yellow colour all over the upper part of the back and on the wing coverts; in the lighter yellow of the side plumes, which have only a tinge of orange, and at the tips are nearly pure white; and in the comparative shortness of the tail cirrhi. The Malay Archipelago
  • Worse still, some practices which Sacrosanctum Concilium had never even contemplated were allowed into the Liturgy, like Mass “versus populum”, Holy Communion on the hand, altogether giving up on the Latin and Gregorian Chant in favour of the vernacular and songs and hymns without much space for God, and extension beyond any reasonable limits of the faculty to concelebrate at Holy Mass. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • In the short term, that certainly doesn't mean abandoning the Ethical Trade launch - this is a logical brand extension.
  • The regulations also apply to new buildings and alterations and extensions of existing buildings.
  • Lastly, all chordates have a post-anal tail, or extension of the notochord and nerve cord past the anus.
  • Seen in the right light, a robust industrial ecosystem is an extension of the natural ecosystem of the biosphere.
  • Before this can happen, he should be required to obtain a Congressional supermajority, and the requisite percentage should increase with every requested extension - from two-thirds to three-quarters to four-fifths.
  • She has ditched the extensions in favor of a fashion-forward undercut.
  • One need not be a Nobel Prize economist to divine the logical extension of that trend.
  • In most cases they used a long extension of the hairspring and pinned it to the base of the balance cock.
  • All the faltering, paltering and useless procrastinating by Hillary and her ilk have worked to delay any effective Democratic-backed change in the Iraq War, and, by extension, the reining-in of Cheney plans against Iran. Hillary Joining Webb For Measure Opposing War With Iran
  • This route has been earmarked for a possible future extension of the Midland Metro light rail transit system.
  • The Dictionary of Islam by Thomas Patrick Hughes states: “They become invisible at please (by a rapid extension or rarefaction of the particles which compose them), or suddenly disappear in the earth or air, or through a solid wall.” SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1065
  • Extension of the grounds for divorce took even longer to enact and was not achieved until 1937.
  • The extension will provide 600 square metres of new gallery space.
  • It was not long ago that, at enormous expense, the pavement was relaid and now we have Tarmac extensions!
  • He told me that the extensions were going with him to the Cosmo shoot to transform the short-haired Christina into a luscious big-haired Cosmo girl.
  • The implication of rapidity that most often accompanies the use of careen as a verb of motion may have arisen naturally through the extension of the nautical sense of the verb to apply to the motion of automobiles, which generally careen, that is, lurch or tip over, only when driven at high speed. Word of the Day
  • What they do with their hair beggars belief - dye, hairpieces, extensions - anything to go against nature.
  • The skill and tenacity of the teaching assistants were very apparent, often in the face of challenging new extensions to their role.
  • Indeed George Stephenson originally envisaged the railway system as an extension of the colliery system.
  • Strength testing of the biceps and triceps muscles, pronation, supination, and wrist flexion and extension should be performed.
  • Try not to use extension leads and adaptor plugs; ideally each appliance should be plugged into its own socket.
  • The word ‘refer’, in our submission, is the trigger in each of those parts to the extension or additional application of that part.
  • She got an extension for writing her essay.
  • An extension of this electric description of jinn is that they are not beings at all but thoughts that were in the world before the existence of man. Born of Fire
  • The early Permian rifting in the North Atlantic involved siliciclastic sedimentation in extensional basins and widespread extrusive and intrusive magmatic activity.
  • The cross-party committee of peers and MPs, chaired by Lord Armstrong and with Sir Menzies Campbell among its members, says that such an extension from the current 14 days limit would first have to be approved by a vote in parliament in each case and would jeopardise any chance of a fair trial. Plans to extend limit of detention without charge criticised
  • As his remarks last week and yesterday showed, his economic agenda is more of the same, only less: more jobless benefits in the name of spurring job creation; an extension of the temporary payroll tax cut that has coincided with rising unemployment. A Downgrade Awakening
  • Possible extensions to active word edges are not added to the Chart as soon as they are found but are placed on the Agenda.
  • What is known is that the ball was a metaphor for the movement of the sun, and by extension also of the moon and stars.
  • It's about 450 feet long, longer than other attack boats due to a hull extension, and it's designed to carry torpedoes and cruise missiles.
  • Given the relentless nature of the systemic torment and slaughter of millions of other sentient beings that take place day after day, violent responses from nonhuman animal lovers are inevitable and are a morally acceptable means of extensional self-defense on behalf of the voiceless, defenseless victims. He no longer heard the cries of the animals or saw the flowing blood....
  • Space was the empty extension that allowed his bits of matter - his atoms - to move about.
  • Those residents who wish to oppose any extension to opening times for nearby pubs may now take heart because no extension is possible without planning permission for those hours.
  • Its orientation, however, was curious, running diagonally across the ditch extension towards a position off-centre of the mound.
  • This simple step protects hair extensions from the disturbance caused by suds, water and excessive handling, keeping your braids neater, longer.
  • Dorothea by this time had looked deep into the ungauged reservoir of Mr. Casaubon's mind, seeing reflected there in vague labyrinthine extension every quality she herself brought; had opened much of her own experience to him, and had understood from him the scope of his great work, also of attractively labyrinthine extent. Middlemarch
  • Flying mantids that hear ultrasound perform a bat evasion behavior that comprises a head roll, complete prothoracic leg extension, wing beat changes, and abdomen dorsiflexion.
  • She wants you to have a good centered position, and not to aim for the highest extension.

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