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How To Use Extemporary In A Sentence

  • Exercise I have of late withdrawn my self: three Hours by the Clock he prays extemporary, which is, for National and Household Blessings: For the first -- 'tis to confound the Interest of the King, that the Lard wou'd deliver him, his Friends, Adherers and Allies, wheresoever scatter'd about the Face of the whole Earth, into the Clutches of the The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume I
  • He stunned Parliament as a young MP in the 1770s with his extemporary oratory and dandyish clothes. My hero: Charles James Fox
  • These are contrasted with ideas that are merely ‘arbitrary, rationalistic, or willed’, based on extemporary polemics.
  • an extemporary lecture
  • And thus having shewn, both what ought to be meant by praying by the Spirit, and what ought not, cannot be meant by it; let us now see whether a set form, or this extemporary way, be the greater hinderer and stinter of it: in order to which, I shall lay down these three assertions. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
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  • An extemporary campaign organised on an Internet discussion forum resulted in a flood of complaints to the news station.
  • Tom o 'the Gleam standing up and delivering a kind of extemporary oration, while his rough cap, under the pilotage of Bill Bush, was being passed round the table in the fashion of a collecting plate. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • “My spirits were all in arms, and I played a kind of extemporary prelude. Maria; or The Wrongs of Woman
  • Not always, not by every one, come these inspirations; too often what is called extemporary prayer is but a form, differing from the liturgy of the church only in being poorer and colder. Poganuc People: Their Loves and Lives
  • It is said that he was the first to introduce extemporary praying in public worship, an important development which took place at this time.
  • My spirits were all in arms, and I played a kind of extemporary prelude. Maria, or, The Wrongs of Woman
  • It reflects the fact that it is a December 22 extemporary judgment, perhaps.
  • Such was his flow of thoughts, and such his promptitude of language, that in the latter part of his life he did not precompose his cursory sermons, but, having adjusted the heads and sketched out some particulars, trusted for success to his extemporary powers. Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 2
  • Such was his flow of thoughts, and such his promptitude of language, that in the latter part of his life he did not precompose his cursory sermons, but having adjusted the heads, and sketched out some particulars, trusted for success to his extemporary powers. The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
  • Consequences were her most frequent choice; for, as she had a ready invention, and a happy turn of sprightliness, which was often mistaken for wit, nobody shone more in this kind of extemporary sallies than herself. Caroline; or, the Diversities of Fortune
  • The format must be manipulated and contrived to prevent anything extemporary or natural from happening on the screen.
  • The judgment says what it says, and we are not going to say anything extemporary which modifies what we have said in the judgment.
  • Il improvisatrice," was she styled by her admiring associates, whom she amused by the hour with her extemporary effusions of rhyme. Hubert's Wife A Story for You

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