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How To Use Exquisitely In A Sentence

  • His small, exquisitely crafted pictures could look a bit twee.
  • These small exquisitely carved ivory figurines come in an almost limitless variety.
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • His young, handsome, tonsured head was exquisitely carved in stone. The pope is coming. Liberals, be glad
  • With each soft shadow and sharp crimp exquisitely rendered, the act of painting serves to overwhelm the subject.
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  • Some are quite basic, mere saucer-like indentations, but others are exquisitely engineered with intricate pivots and fulcrums unravelling to form a protruding secure holder.
  • Bronze idol of Ganapathi, with finely proportioned torsos and exquisitely designed limbs is a cynosure of all eyes.
  • First the candy: Known as Mozart Kugeln, packed in a delightful red tin with tiny portraitures of the composer, these are deluxe confections exquisitely filled with marzipan, made from "fresh green pistachios, almonds and rich hazelnut-nougat, enrobed with delicious milk and bitter chocolates. Rozanne Gold: Tastes of the Week
  • Betwixt the gracylament of the foote and the cuppe, it was knitte together with a handle of inestimable workemanship, and in lyke manner the foote and the bowle were of an excellent anaglyphie of foliature, monsters and byformed Scyllules, so exquisitely expressed, as could be imbossed, chased, or ingrauen by proportionate circulation. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • I don't know why the film got panned so much - for me it's exquisitely, painfully beautiful.
  • Their exquisitely bejeweled faces appear in oil paintings at performance halls across India. Top 5 must-sees at the Kennedy Center's Maximum India festival
  • Peter, however, reassured them somewhat, for, although he was not clad in buckskin and feathers, he wore exquisitely beaded moccasins, a scarlet sash about his waist, a small owl feather sticking in his hat band, and his ears were pierced, displaying huge earrings of hammered silver. The Shagganappi
  • But it is also an exquisitely coded and exploitative masterpiece of tub-thumping demagoguery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drawn primarily from the Metropolitan's collections, the exhibition features more than fifty instruments from small personal types such as panpipes and courting whistles to larger forms played at performances heard by the entire community, such as the exquisitely carved temple drums of the Austral Islands or the imposing sacred slit gongs of New Guinea.'s Exclusive New York City Event Calendar : Art
  • The trunk of an Asian elephant is so exquisitely prehensile that it can pick up a dime from a concrete floor.
  • Sure enough, an extremely tall and bony man descended from the spiral staircase to their right, dressed exquisitely in a solid black suit and tie.
  • J. P. Newell, he always wore his gown, mortar board, exquisitely coloured hood and dog collar,’ he writes.
  • The two wedding-cake pulpits and the organ case opposite are as grand as can be, and interior so bracketed is the ne plus ultra of American colonial church architecture, plain and crisp and white, with exquisitely classical proportions. Archive 2009-01-01
  • And some of them, such as poppies, cornflowers and corncockles are exquisitely beautiful as well.
  • Poe was the juiciest rhymer of the nineteenth century—before Swinburne, that is—but Mallarmé in his wisdom translated Poe into exquisitely rhymeless French prose, and then Mallarmé published his reverent prose translations in a book, with line drawings by Manet. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • He eats appreciatively after the manner of a _bon vivant; _ he uses his napkin gently and frequently; he glances blandly at the surroundings; watching him, you would suppose the viands were the choicest of the season, exquisitely prepared, while, in reality, they are poor and unsubstantial stuff, the refuse, perhaps, of better restaurants. Fifth Avenue
  • They were physically tough and exquisitely beautiful, but also intelligent and as obedient as dogs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was restored again, exquisitely, by the current owners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thick tapestry wall hangings vie in splendour with the rich cloth covering her prayer table, on which an exquisitely illuminated Book of Hours lies open. Foundations « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Crystal Mountain's Thistle Pub & Grille, located in Kinlochen, a Scottish-inspired lodge near the Clipper quad lift, might sound rather bar-like and it does have a wide selection of Scottish ales, Michigan wines, designer martinis and single malt whiskeys, but it's helmed by CIA-trained executive chef Darren Hawley who regularly whips up such exquisitely delicious delights as smoked pheasant and morel galantine with pickled beet and goat cheese gateau. Pam Grout: Crystal Mountain Resort: Skiing for Grownups
  • It conveyed exquisitely the notion of the bouleversement de tous les sens: that state of neurasthenic excitement in which images whirled chaotically before the inward eye, impressing on the seer an overwhelming sense of their vividness and spiritual truth (Castle 159). Smoke and Mirrors: Internalizing the Magic Lantern show in _Vilette_
  • This tantalus is decorated with exquisitely carved exterior: on the top is a vignette comprised of three birds; a chick and the chick's parents.
  • The mild, exquisitely - flavored , snow - white flesh of the mangosteen is enveloped in a gorgeous, thick, purple rind.
  • This is a pail-shaped receptacle of yewen wood, bound with brass bands, both inner and outer parts being kept exquisitely clean. In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
  • What this suggests is that the human omnivore is exquisitely adapted to a wide range of food and diets. Times, Sunday Times
  • She wore a rose-dyed sacking dress, exquisitely worked under the needle so that it graced her slight figure, presented the curves as clues.
  • The dining room is exquisitely furnished with tasteful chandeliers and wall brackets, nice view over the gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Written by Christos N. Gage • Art by Chris Samnee • Cover by Lee Bermejo “An exquisitely creepy crime story loaded with twists. DC Comics for February 2010 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Alpine sunshine has sometimes followed snow to show the fells and mountains at their most exquisitely beautiful.
  • The ravine grew more and more beautiful, and an ascent through a dark wood of arrowy cryptomeria brought us to this village exquisitely situated, where a number of miniature ravines, industriously terraced for rice, come down upon the great chasm of the Kinugawa. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • Bronsart exquisitely accuses our opponents of ill-will, unfairness, and calumniation. Letters
  • There is indeed a great deal of very evident brickwork, which is never fresh or loud in colour, but always burnt out, as it were, always exquisitely mild. Italian Hours
  • It's exquisitely photographed, with intimate shots of flora and fauna, and a particularly mesmerizing sequence in which a rare butterfly emerges from its chrysalis.
  • Finally, in the Erechtheum the upper part or necking of the shaft is enriched with an exquisitely wrought band of floral ornament, the so-called honeysuckle pattern. A History of Greek Art
  • When I randomly opened the first volume in the Charing Cross bookshop, this is what I read: Her complexion was exquisitely fair; and it was a disadvantage to her beauty that the fashions of the day obliged her to hide the color and texture of her fine silver tresses under a load of powder and pomatum. The most unusual book in your house.
  • The singers exquisitely shape and blend each one. Times, Sunday Times
  • This exquisitely delicate fruit quite rightly features in many sumptuous dessert recipes.
  • Absolutely pure, delicately medicated, exquisitely perfumed, CUTICURA SOAP produces the whitest, clearest skin and softest hands, and prevents inflammation and clogging of the pores, the cause of pimples, blackheads and most complexional disfigurations, while it admits of no comparison with the best of other skin soaps, and rivals in delicacy the most noted and expensive of toilet and nursery soaps. Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
  • On the left one giant specimen of amole, reared from a base of exquisitely waving leaves, ran up the side of the drawing and broke into an airy and graceful head of gold-hearted white lilies. Her father`s daughter
  • Sections devoted to elaborately beaded, exquisitely embroidered and sleekly tailored garments in black and white, red, greige (Armani's trademark, a subtle mixture of grey and beige) or romantic floral prints, are accompanied by text comparing them to the paintings of Ad Reinhardt, Rothko and Matisse.
  • Exquisitely bewhiskered; stark, white antenna, straight as power lines, centred on his nose, dynamically oscillating. BEHINDLINGS
  • In the mid-1880s, Pierre Curie had used minuscule quartz crystals to craft an instrument called an electrometer, capable of measuring exquisitely small doses of energy. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • These exquisitely detailed drawings of Lahore's elegant buildings are breathtaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • London was preceded by a quick trip to visit friends in Oxford, where I reacquainted myself with the Radcliffe Camera and the Ashmolean Museum, and saw a tiny, perfect exhibition of armillary spheres and other navigational and scientific instruments exquisitely fashioned of brass at the Museum of the History of Science or Old Ashmolean. London
  • Behind the exquisitely woven material is the sweat and hard labour of hundreds of handloom weavers and their family members.
  • The desk itself suggests brocade flounces and powdered hair, so exquisitely is it constructed of tulipwood and inlaid with other woods of many colors. The House in Good Taste
  • Nevertheless, even within the settings of the propers and hours, one keeps coming across exquisitely beautiful moments.
  • At center stage, in the eye of the storm, she exquisitely poises a dynamic tension that offers a momentary, philosophical repose, which is nothing more than the point of view of her birds. James Scarborough: Lisa Adams and the Spirituality of Imperfection
  • In the shadows behind him, an exquisitely dressed lady gracefully positions herself with a tambura (a stringed instrument) and begins strumming a drone.
  • The animate and the inanimate, human and objects and finally cinema and painting had been exquisitely juxtaposed for superb equivocal effect.
  • At first the immediate landscape was beautified by wild flowers; the blue of the harebells was exquisitely set off by masses of golden St. John's wort, and on our walk to The Rocks we would trample down meadow-sweet, marsh mallow, bird's foot trefoil, and potentilla. Lines in Pleasant Places Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler
  • Malick exalts the beauty of the land in this exquisitely shot picture, creating a form of visual poetry which is quite simply mesmeric.
  • With the oncoming of beautiful weather, he clothed himself in his khaki, American Eagle shorts that showed his bronzed calf muscles exquisitely.
  • Thus, the column of sienite from Charnwood Forest has a capital of the cocoa palm; the red granite of Ross, in Mull, is crowned with a capital of lilies; the beautiful marble of Marychurch has an exquisitely sculptured capital of ferns; -- and so through all the range of the arcades, new designs, studied directly from Nature, and combining art with science, have been executed by the workmen employed on the building. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 26, December, 1859
  • A song by the American rap group Cypress Hill accompanied an exquisitely edited video - this was the artist's first excursion into the medium - of a belly dancer and Sufi ecstatics dancing at a moulid (religious celebration).
  • From the moment of birth, our limbic system is preadapted to connect with our caretakers, just as the limbic systems of our caretakers are exquisitely designed to connect with us.
  • George Tsypin's sets, Kyle Cooper's digital projections and Eiko Ishioka's costumes have been melded into an exquisitely exact stage equivalent of the sharp-angled, high-contrast drawing style of the Marvel comic books in which Peter Parker and his web-spinning alter ego first came to fictional life. Spidey's Green Glimmer of Hope
  • It is wonderful to see a mind that is so exquisitely attuned to critical examination at work in the moment, the moment of his own life.
  • Their exquisitely preserved fossils, uncovered in the Atapuerca region of northern Spain, are those of an 800,000-year-old species (Homo antecessor) that may be ancestral to both Neandertals and Homo sapiens. Museums: The Oldest Europeans
  • The improvvisatrice nodded assent, and after a short prelude broke forth into a wild and varied strain of verse, in a voice so exquisitely sweet, with a taste so accurate, and a feeling so deep that the poetry sounded to the enchanted listeners like the language that Armida might have uttered. Ernest Maltravers — Complete
  • One left the hall lost in a kaleidoscope of colour, touched by an exquisitely decorative experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sense he had so often had, since the first hour of his disembarkment, of being further and further “in,” treated him again at this moment to another twinge; but in this wonderful way of her putting him in there continued to be something exquisitely remorseless. The Ambassadors
  • He was an exquisitely talented painter and sculptor who worked for popes and kings, a contemporary and acquaintance of Michaelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci; an incorrigibly opinionated boaster, duelist and brawler, an occasional jailbreaker (for that fast mouth of his got him in trouble more than once), and an indefatigable self-promoter and traveling PR show, with an ego the size of the planet. OMG, how did I miss this?! | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • Soft and dreamy, a perfect pre-echo of the song's exquisitely swooning melancholy, the guitar lead-in to The Guardian World News
  • In no living thing are the lines of beauty more exquisitely defined than in the crescentic borders of these flukes. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • We men do not expect to find in an enthusiastic, tender, and what may be called exquisitely feminine woman the quality of clear and guiding discrimination between the policy of the leader and the principles of the cause which he undertakes to lead. Lady John Russell
  • His improvisations were a great delight to me, and, finding me so appreciative, he composed a lovely set of waltzes, "_The Hospital Waltzes_," which were dedicated to me, but never published, only exquisitely written out on pieces of wall-paper by the composer. Memories A Record of Personal Experience and Adventure During Four Years of War
  • ‘It's kryptonite for both sides,’ one travelling official said, and in a exquisitely poised contest like this, neither wants to risk disaster.
  • They were exquisitely tender and there was adjacent hyperaesthesia.
  • They were exquisitely tender and there was adjacent hyperaesthesia.
  • Light and exquisitely crafted and delicate jewellery with smooth curves and floral designs in geometric forms made with minimal metal look and set with tiny crystals have been specially designed.
  • What more might your exquisitely delicate sensibilities manage to tolerate from a noxious slug like this, Andy, a lynching in your front yard? How Many Troops will Obama Withdraw from Iraq? « Blog
  • His breastplate was inlaid with black obsidian, the preserved iron exquisitely forged.
  • Besides his exquisitely tooled creations, he is credited with having invented the platform sole and wedge heel, which have had a recent comeback in fashion.
  • A set of exquisitely carved ivory chessmen, a moa egg, stuffed birds, and bird skins, although jumbled in with rubbish, were all neatly catalogued.
  • Norton's Coin was not the subject of videos and telephone hotlines and fan clubs and exquisitely crafted models and opinion polls.
  • Hughes was also a testament to the excellence of British tailoring, as he was dressed in an exquisitely cut chalk-stripe suit, a light-blue shirt with impressive French cuffs, and a black polka-dot tie. A Special Relationship
  • This exquisitely crafted sword was built for strength and speed.
  • The film Taking Chance, exquisitely acted by Kevin Bacon, shows how young men and women are inspired to join the military as the highest achievement of their life -- a young friend of mine, who has just joined the Marines, is a case in point -- and that most Americans, stretching across the country as in Chance's final journey, recognize this and honor them. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It's really an exquisitely scary guessing game, but also kind of exciting, at the same time.
  • The blossoms vary in shape from simple open bowls to flowers with exquisitely recurved petals.
  • That kind of resolution allows exquisitely exact areas to be analyzed for chemical composition.
  • Intelligence, special operations forces, and diplomacy will have to be exquisitely coordinated.
  • Adeline was looking at her exquisitely manicured oval fingernails. THE WHITE DOVE
  • More than that, theirs is a great love story, an exquisitely painful romance of two self-proclaimed soulmates who can't live together yet can't live apart.
  • I am exquisitely afraid of their hatred.
  • Netsuke were fashioned from exquisitely carved ivory, horn, amber, or boxwood and sometimes embellished with gold or silver.
  • But she played the violin exquisitely, and her gift helped win her a place at the prestigious school where Brewer taught. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides his exquisitely tooled creations, he is credited with having invented the platform sole and wedge heel, which have had a recent comeback in fashion.
  • And by making the particles chemically reactive, scientists are building exquisitely sensitive sensors that can detect individual molecules.
  • Individual ulcers were exquisitely painful.
  • The cha gio re, or net spring rolls, were exquisitely delicate, but the stand-out dishes were a Lang Son roast pork, which looked like a rectangular football, and a fiery hot, Indian-inspired dish of soft-shell crab with sweet curry leaf. From Saigon to Soho
  • As always, Giles was dressed as well as any titled lord—his coat and trousers of dark brown superfine were exquisitely tailored to show off his broad shoulders and muscular calves, his waistcoat was of the finest figured silk, and his Wellington boots were perfectly polished. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • Yesterday's set of exquisitely correct opinions concluded with a statement about his gut-wrenching detestation of war.
  • She did not say it to her cousin, but she was exquisitely happy regarding his upcoming marriage.
  • Yesterday's set of exquisitely correct opinions concluded with a statement about his gut-wrenching detestation of war.
  • His improvisations were a great delight to me, and, finding me so appreciative, he composed a lovely set of waltzes, “The Hospital Waltzes,” which were dedicated to me, but never published, only exquisitely written out on pieces of wall-paper by the composer. Memories
  • Backstage after the show, still in his exquisitely constructed riding boots, he manages to blend drama and reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the second quarter of the century, dwellings in Paris flaunted brilliant crystal chandeliers and small, exquisitely carved marble mantels with large mirror panels, or painted overmantels called trumeaus.
  • He is exquisitely aware of the extent to which he follows in his father's traumatic path.
  • Her long, cellar-black hair was blown by the wind across her exquisitely beautiful face.
  • Subtle and persistent with notes recalling the remontant blossoms of trousers, socks, and purloined classified documents, this perfume captures just the right balance of national security/insecurity with exquisitely subtle layers of anxiety, perspiration, and criminal intent. "Does he have sex appeal?... Can you smell the English leather on this guy?"
  • As early as the mid-1950s—first in her paintings and later with her exquisitely textured xylography "Tecelares"—she concentrated on the interplay of forms and background, often provoking our uncertainty in these works as to whether certain shapes are swallowing or being swallowed by the matter surrounding them. Under the Spotlight, the Versatile Oeuvre of Lygia Pape Is Magnified
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • She just can't help herself, and every embarrassing turn — hers or her targets '— is laid out in exquisitely observed detail. Critic's Corner Thursday
  • It is described as exquisitely white, and of good body in water, but of little force in oil or varnish. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • However, the very fact that our brains have become so exquisitely adapted for reading looks like an argument against the second kind of innateness - the written in stone kind. NYT > Home Page
  • And more than this, the action of the alcohol on these acids develops those exquisitely delicate ethers — the oenanthic and other ethers — which constitute, in fact, the bouquet of the wine. The Art of Living in Australia
  • It seems that certain connoisseurs were not averse to engineering breakages so that precious vessels could be mended in this way, and beyond the sinuous lines — some exquisitely fine, occasionally spidery and nervous, others unctuous, broad, plump, and fluid — the volatile elements of chance and happenstance, in other words the randomness of these sudden breakages, lends to this art its clever brinkmanship with the big twin concepts of time and impermanence. Archive 2009-07-01
  • All the dishes were exquisitely presented and the service was polite and attentive.
  • As Lewis, Lannon, and Amini persuasively argue, the human brain is exquisitely prewired to experience love and attachment, and requires such experiences every bit as much as food and oxygen for its healthy development.
  • Only a spy could say something so exquisitely meaningless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exquisitely clad in short-skirted Chanel suits, both Mrs. Buckley and Mrs. Brown had what looked to me to be the most enormous knees and tiny little legs imaginable. Michael Henry Adams: "Would You Like Me To Take My Shoes Off?", Dancing, Lunching and Laughing With Mrs. William F. Buckley, Jr.
  • Although Courmayeur lies only just beyond the Mont Blanc tunnel, it's refreshingly Italian in feel - from the exquisitely dressed weekenders to the brio of the mountain restaurants.
  • The bacalao, or dried, reconstituted codfish traditionally served as a first course, is also European in origin and can be either exquisitely well prepared or terribly salty, depending upon the cook. A Mexican Christmas dinner: tamales, turkey, tejocotes
  • Dizzying balconies hang from its upper floors, and the tower is exquisitely carved with decorative bands and inscriptions from the Koran.
  • I still laugh myself silly when I read it, and every malicious part of my brain applauds the exquisitely cruel detail with which Wordsworth is skewered. Wordsworth & Coleridge II « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Above, between the murqanas - honey-combed stalactites of stucco- and the lime green tiles of the roof, there project exquisitely latticed balconies of Moroccan cedar wood.
  • Its also used to bind mashed potatoes, which are then piped out and deep-fried, a preparation called pommes dauphine the choux paste leavens the croquettes; alternately, you can mix it with leftover mashed potatoes2/3 potato, 1/3 pte chouxform disks, flour them, and panfry for exquisitely light potato pancakes. Ratio
  • The New York Times says: "Ms. Collins ... was best known as the exquisitely beautiful dancer who was the first black artist to perform at the Metropolitan, four years before Marian Anderson sang there. BV on Sports
  • Exquisitely judged dynamics propelled the third movement.
  • As Luni rode through town, mounted on his exquisitely bred horse, she decided that life with him might not be so bad.
  • I'm sure it had nothing to do with the vast wealth she stood to inherit, her unsurpassable beauty, her exquisitely feminine charm, or even something as shallow as her fine conversational skills and excellent education.
  • Amid simple, wood-panelled walls, 10 black neo-classical columns support a vault of gilded beams and a complex ambulatory of exquisitely painted murals depicting male and female saints.
  • The building's design is exquisitely tasteful.
  • The slick restaurant serves exquisitely prepared dishes in a dining room with glass walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tom Phillips presented a typically idiosyncratic arrangement of 40 sheets of Minutes from RA meetings on which he'd doodled quite exquisitely.
  • My first equine love was a Shetland gelding, but the schoolie mounts I bonded with the best with one exception and he was superb–exquisitely sensitive Arab gelding were all mares. BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG » Going to War? Ride a Mare
  • These are exquisitely detailed works of architecture.
  • Now if this tube swells so much that it entirely closes, as so often happens in cases of "cold in the head" as well as in constant irritation from adenoids, then may follow a vast train of difficulties -- earache, mastoiditis, etc. -- with the result that the tiny bones in the middle ear which vibrate so exquisitely may become ankylosed (stiffened) and deafness often follow. The Mother and Her Child
  • Exquisitely bewhiskered; stark, white antenna, straight as power lines, centred on his nose, dynamically oscillating. BEHINDLINGS
  • That exquisitely beautiful grass-leaved gromwell which is supposed to be unsuited to our climate, Lithospermum graminifolium, covers a broad ledge, and is not less delightful than the better-known prostratum and the form Heavenly Blue; among profusely bloomed blue-flowered plants there are few greater June treasures than these gromwells.
  • Her features were clear-cut, flawless; the expression exquisitely grave and pure; the large grey eyes had that steady glow which shows a firm and undisturbed will. AE in the Irish Theosophist
  • Crystal Mountain's Thistle Pub & Grille, located in Kinlochen, a Scottish-inspired lodge near the Clipper quad lift, might sound rather bar-like and it does have a wide selection of Scottish ales, Michigan wines, designer martinis and single malt whiskeys, but it's helmed by CIA-trained executive chef Darren Hawley who regularly whips up such exquisitely delicious delights as smoked pheasant and morel galantine with pickled beet and goat cheese gateau. Pam Grout: Crystal Mountain Resort: Skiing for Grownups
  • Exquisitely shaded pencil drawings are the basis for this slow, patient drift through a surrealist landscape that is at once impossible and alarmingly familiar.
  • Rarely has grace and brute strength been so exquisitely combined. Times, Sunday Times
  • If for no other reason, it is because of the demands of the brain for oxidizable glucose that the human body exquisitely regulates the level of glucose circulating in the blood.
  • A flute just always sounds flutey, no matter how exquisitely it is phrased, or how cleverly the flautist manages the dynamics.
  • From their immaculate haircuts and the swish of their exquisitely cut cassocks these were the lads from Rome.
  • It was La Hurley, after all, who memorably coined the exquisitely derogatory term "civilians - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Carrara marble inlaid with verd-antique, in a kind of damask pattern; over the pulpit it fell like drapery, so easy, so graceful, so exquisitely imitated, that I was obliged to touch it to assure myself of the material. The Diary of an Ennuyée
  • The film follows the lives of four central characters: two are physically crippled, two emotionally broken in exquisitely compelling ways. Boing Boing: November 17, 2002 - November 23, 2002 Archives
  • Lady Mar gazed with a weird frown on the lovely form of Helen, as she wound her exquisitely turned arms around the earl in filial tenderness. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Her poetry is a superb distillation of the black idiom, capturing tones from the exquisitely humorous to the hauntingly poignant.
  • It is a mistake to call Caliban's theology a study of primitive religion; for primitive religion is inseparable from the primitive tribe, and Caliban the savage, who has never known society, was a conception as unhistorical as it was exquisitely adapted to the individualist ways of Browning's imagination. Robert Browning
  • Thus speaking, Sir Piercie Shafton knelt down, and most gracefully presented to the nostrils of Mary Avenel a silver pouncet-box, exquisitely chased, containing a sponge dipt in the essence which he recommmended so highly. The Monastery
  • High security walls obscure sprawling lawns with exquisitely groomed coiffures.
  • The pottery workshop is filled with exquisitely painted plates for decoration, with flowers and birds the main motifs.
  • Today the three decade-old Dastkar Andhra - weaver interaction has resulted in saris with zari, thread, stripe work or plain, exquisitely woven or natural dyed mangalgiris, khadi with kalamkari prints and wonderfully textured plain materials. The Hindu - Home
  • But the poses - however exquisitely they were realised - seemed just that: self-conscious postures, tasteful concoctions.
  • In what can only be described as exquisitely poor timing (not to mention taste), the all-male Quest Crew was assigned to dance to Chris Brown's "Forever," while the all-female Fly Khicks crew was asked to perform a routine to Rihanna's "Pon de Replay. Disgrasian: MTV's America's Best Dance Crew "Battle of the Sexes" Episode: Chris Brown v. Rihanna
  • It was restored again, exquisitely, by the current owners. Times, Sunday Times
  • The visuals are exquisitely loveable, mirroring the cooly cute design of Bob Staake, but it is a title with its own style and its own message. The 25 best smartphone games of 2011 (so far) – part one
  • I hand my keys to the valet and follow and exquisitely dressed couple through the house to the backyard.
  • Birds use them for flight, and they are exquisitely adapted for flight in their subtlest details.
  • Our newspapers were not so crooked, our politicians so crazed, our bourgeoise quite so exquisitely ripe for insult or assault.
  • But no, it was an exquisitely tailored blue sharkskin sports coat that was made for a man at least seven foot tall, and as big around as a beer keg.
  • Norton's Coin was not the subject of videos and telephone hotlines and fan clubs and exquisitely crafted models and opinion polls.
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dreamy, Chopinesque poetry of the Adagio sostenuto was exquisitely molded.
  • Many of the qualities like the extravagant detailing, lush colours and fine handwork are demonstrated in the exquisitely crafted shades of the era.
  • In London there are examples of Hilliard's exquisitely detailed work in the Victoria and Albert Museum and National Portrait Gallery.
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was exquisitely attuned to the need for public relations.
  • But nor I, nor this place may halfe suffice for his praise, which the sweetest singer of all our westerns shepheards hath so exquisitely depainted, that as Achilles by Alexander was counted happy for having such a rare emblazoner of his magnanimitie, as the Meonian Poete; so I account him thrice-fortunate in having such a herauld of his vertues as Shakespeare's Lost Years in London, 1586-1592
  • Exquisitely crafted in the shape of a large cobra, it had a broad hood spread out, with two large rubies on either side for eyes that glowed lustrously, like coals.
  • The pool is free-form, exquisitely landscaped and crossable via an arched bridge.
  • In addition to the usual Buddhist emblems there are musical instruments, exquisitely inlaid, or enriched with niello work of gold and silver of great antiquity, and bows of singular strength, requiring two men to bend them, which are made of small pieces of horn cleverly joined. Among the Tibetans
  • (almost) is wainscot; all hammer-work brass; in short, exquisitely fitted up. Illustrated Science for Boys and Girls
  • This resembles the deadening of the emotions paradoxically required for the exquisitely heightened sensate perception in the Marquis de Sade's novels.
  • Many of the qualities like the extravagant detailing, lush colours and fine handwork are demonstrated in the exquisitely crafted shades of the era.
  • An exquisitely embroidered cushion created by artisans paid an exploitatively low wage is not a comfy proposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Neither sensational nor cagily sentimental nor self pitying, this grounded, exquisitely written work . . . requires reading.” The Memory Palace
  • Few men have more exquisitely tasted of glory and disgrace; nor could Juvenal (Satir. x.) produce a more striking example of the vicissitudes of fortune, and the vanity of human wishes.] 3 This last epithet of Procopius is too nobly translated by pirates; naval thieves is the proper word; strippers of garments, either for injury or insult, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • It opens with Fokine's Le Spectre de la Rose, the 1911 ballet with which Vaslav Nijinsky legendarily reinvented the image of the male dancer, leaping on stage in a pink-petalled costume – athletically virile and exquisitely perfumed. Men in Motion – review
  • And the next shot is exactly that of a languid, exquisitely shaped flower which picks up and repeats the outline of the bound foot.
  • And more than this, the action of the alcohol on these acids develops those exquisitely delicate ethers -- the oenanthic and other ethers -- which constitute, in fact, the bouquet of the wine. The Art of Living in Australia ; together with three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information by Mrs. H. Wicken
  • Under water, this world changes more rapidly from top to bottom than it does in air and archerfish have come up with a neat system of accounting for this change and retaining exquisitely tuned vision in every direction at once. - latest science and technology news stories
  • An exquisitely addictive, high-minded, bare-fisted, low-churchstyle sanctimony. BEHINDLINGS
  • Its exquisitely decorated sandal clearly identifies the person represented as an emperor shown in the "cuirassed type," wearing a military uniform. Hadrian at Sagalassos
  • Without even bothering to change from his ultra closed stance, Locke produced a brace of exquisitely faded woods.
  • I think there's another side to it as well, seen from the other side of the fence: incoming slang is a sort of secret language, expressing exquisitely shaded meanings that are shared among the in-group but are baffling to outsiders.
  • Plants and animals are often exquisitely adapted to living in the desert.
  • Soon afterwards I was delighted to receive from him a quarto parchment "breviary," containing a dozen ballads, long and short, engrossed in his exquisitely fine handwriting, and illuminated with colored borders and drawings by the poet himself. The Holy Cross and Other Tales
  • The brain has evolved to be exquisitely adaptable to environmental change.
  • She could scarcely speak but looked serene and exquisitely beautiful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intense discomfort comes from passing jagged crystalline stones down a straw-sized, exquisitely sensitive tube known as the ureter The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Davies punctuates his collage of exquisitely selected archival footage and a few contemporary scenes shot in crisp digital photography with a sound track of extraordinary aptness and variety: Handel, Benny Goodman, Brahms, Salvador Bacarisse, the Spinners, Mahler, Peggy Lee. Intimate History
  • This show features the work of several of these Japanese artists, and ranges from Rockin’ Jellybean’s exquisitely rendered rock vixens, to Sugisack’s photo realistic paintings of street rods, to Mr. G’s meticulous pin striping, to Makoto’s exceptional blend of traditional Japanese iconography with old school Americana. Boing Boing: January 23, 2005 - January 29, 2005 Archives
  • The meat itself was exquisitely spiced and well cooked, surprisingly tender considering that the cubes were very firm under the knife.
  • The first thing you see as you enter is an exquisitely stitched peasant vomiting in a ditch. El Escorial
  • In fact, fat breakdown and fat burning are exquisitely sensitive to changes in the amount of insulin released in response to dietary carbohydrate.8Small decreases in insulin can almost immediately increase fat burning severalfold. THE NEW ATKINS FOR A NEW YOU
  • The balance between splenetic, foul-mouthed comedy and real pathos is exquisitely maintained throughout, making 50/50 as funny and wise about impending death as Knocked Up was about impending birth. New film 50/50 shows that death can get a lot of laughs
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carves out an existence by selling exquisitely detailed works of art.

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