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How To Use Expressly In A Sentence

  • Such were the prophets of Baal, in whose name expressly they prophesied, and whose assistance they invocated: "They called on the name of Baal, saying, O Baal, hear us," 1 Kings xviii. Pneumatologia
  • Moreover, it is expressly added that if the day before the Passover falls on a Sabbath, one may in this manner purchase a Paschal lamb, and, presumably, all else that is needful for the feast.
  • He said residents of Thornhill had expressly asked for greater visibility of police on their estate.
  • There was once a fairy who created the fields and forests expressly for those in love, — in that eternal hedge-school of lovers, which is forever beginning anew, and which will last as long as there are hedges and scholars. Les Miserables
  • The Prince came without the men, money and guns that he had been expressly told that he needed.
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  • Any public activity that would require women to depart from this modest dress in mixed company is expressly forbidden.
  • But oath-taking, though important, was expressly presented in the body of the work as adding nothing to the force of contracts, so this argument must be treated with some reserve.
  • Indeed, there is very little British railway publicity material of any kind aimed expressly at women consumers during this period.
  • The rules of the competition expressly required that every entry "recombine [] and modif [y] existing digital works to create a new transformative work. Lawrence Lessig: The "Imbecile" and "Moron" Responds: On the Freedoms of Remix Creators
  • Hebrews expressly taught that Christ was peccable, in that He was tempted "in all points" as are the rest of mankind. Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
  • I expressly declare here and now that this rumor was simply the invention of evil-minded relations.
  • The CPA was established by the National Science Foundation expressly to study dark matter.
  • Expressly the title attracted me to be familiar with the unscathed story. Wednesday Competition of the Knowledge of the Bicycle Snobs NYC! (And Announcement of Short Recess.)
  • Lord Fraser of Tullybelton delivered a concurring speech without expressly addressing future conduct.
  • During the whole of that period the same sacrificial rites were observed as on the first day, and they were expressly admonished that the smallest breach of any of the appointed observances would lead to the certain forfeiture of their lives [Le 8: 35]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The parties have expressly agreed to use arbitration as their method of dispute resolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless both houses of parliament expressly disapprove within 12 months, the marriage may proceed.
  • The "I" here, though of course not the regenerate, is neither the unregenerate, but the sinful principle of the renewed man, as is expressly stated in Ro 7: 18. 15, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The factory also had large and growing facilities for aircraft construction and test, but it was expressly prohibited from making aircraft. Plane Speaking - a personal view of aviation history
  • It will be expressly prohibited from selling debt securities. Christianity Today
  • You may not • work around any technical limitations in the software; • reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation;" This clause completely doesn't apply. "work around any * technical* limitations in the software" well, there weren't any technical limitations, only legal ones. TestDriven.NET by Jamie Cansdale
  • Besides the dances common among us, a sort of fandango is a favourite here: it is expressly adapted to display the graces of a fine figure to the best advantage, and is danced by two persons, whose picturesque attitudes and motions are accompanied on the guitar, and by tender songs, according in expression with the pantomimical representations of the dance. A New Voyage Round the World in the Years 1823, 24, 25, and 26. Vol. 1
  • It's quite mad, and the texts are adapted from unpublished writings Edward sent the band expressly for the purpose, shortly before his lamented death.
  • New York law expressly allows bettors in other states to make phone bets to New York OTBs.
  • He had, as I, have said, expressly ordered me to tutoy him; but he was every moment compelled to repeat this order to me, for respect tied my tongue every time I tried to say tu. Recollections of the private life of Napoleon
  • 'I delivered your letter this evening and had a long conference with both the Ministers: Mr. Choiseul assured me upon his word of honour that Your R.H. should be inform'd in time before the departure of Mr. de Gouillon, {309a} so that you might go with that embarquement if you thought proper, upon which I interrupted him and told him if they were destined for the Kingdom of Ireland that it would be to no manner of purpose, for I was certain you would not go, and that you had at all times expressly ordered me to tell them so; he continued his conversation and said you should be equally informed when the P. of S. {309b} embarked. Pickle the Spy; Or, the Incognito of Prince Charles
  • Medes and Assyrians, Virgil is the most ancient writer, who expressly mentions the soft wool which was combed from the trees of the Seres or Chinese; 62 and this natural error, less marvellous than the truth, was slowly corrected by the knowledge of a valuable insect, the first artificer of the luxury of nations. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Parliament has not expressly enacted what standard of proof shall be applied on an application for a sex offender order.
  • After all, the Bible expressly says that what God has joined no man should put asunder and that anyone who divorces except for reasons of unfaithfulness is committing adultery. Religious leaders agree on abortion in health care reform debate
  • A bill is discharged if, at or after its maturity, the holder expressly and absolutely renounces his rights against the acceptor either in writing or by delivering the bill to him.
  • Indeed, the report of the Maori Affairs Committee states expressly that neither of them owns the service.
  • However, such victimisation is expressly forbidden by German industrial law.
  • Bäumker) as strophically arranged sacred songs in the vulgar tongue, which, because of their ecclesiastical character, are suitable to be sung by the whole congregation, and have been either expressly approved for this purpose by ecclesiastical authority, or at least tacitly admitted. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Supported by its distinctly "paratactic" nature, Hölderlin's poetry here is presented as a type of scripture that expressly foregoes the desire for closure, as evidenced by the carefully open-ended reception of "the strangers 'tongue" (die Sprache der Fremdlinge) that was "heard ... comprehended ... interpreted" (vernommen/verstanden/gedeutet). [ Pfau, Coda & Works Cited'
  • The great majority of the population are not allowed to participate in any political activities except those expressly encouraged by the regime.
  • The legislation expressly prohibits having the devices in rooms, according to Asher.
  • Pursuivant, to the Bishop of Albertstown, to the Lord Chancellor, with an exposition of the wicked injustice and hardness of heart of lawyers, and the inexpedience of taking the poor child from her earliest motherly friend, expressly chosen by her father. Modern Broods
  • Accordingly, St. Augustine treats the idea of antipodes as an absurdity; and Lactantius, whom we have already quoted, expressly says “can there possibly be any persons so simple as to believe that there are men whose heads are lower than their feet?” etc.St. Chrysostom exclaims, in his fourteenth homily, “Where are they who pretend that the heavens are movable, and that their form is circular?” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Mrs Proudie in truth believed that the archdeacon was an actual emanation from Satan, sent to those parts to devour souls — as she would call it — and that she herself was an emanation of another sort, sent from another source expressly to Barchester, to prevent such devouring, as far as it might possibly be prevented by a mortal agency. A dollop from Trollope | clusterflock
  • These remarkably beautiful beaded pieces are presented alongside an astonishing array of objects created expressly for the Victorian tourist market, including pincushions, photo frames, decorative boxes and wall pieces.
  • Mind is the monad, science or knowledge the dyad (because it goes undeviatingly from one point to another), opinion the number of the plane, sensation the number of the solid; the numbers are by him expressly identified with the Forms themselves or principles, and are formed out of the elements; now things are apprehended either by mind or science or opinion or sensation, and these same numbers are the Forms of things. On the Soul
  • The Court held that he need not state expressly that his quote was a fair quote.
  • Dewald expressly declared that no such immediacy in making the demand was required.
  • St. Peter in 1 Pet.v. 1 expressly describes himself by this title, nor does the title appear to have become confined to the presbyters or priests of the Church until about A.D. The Books of the New Testament
  • It was further matured, and the faith of all the then thirteen States expressly plighted and engaged that it should be perpetual, by the Articles of Confederation in 1778.
  • Her first breakthrough came through renowned director Jean-Luc Godard, who wrote into the screenplay of his Je vous salue, Marie (1985; Hail Mary) a part expressly for her. Five People Born on March 9 | myFiveBest
  • In his opposition to civil rights legislation, he might be called the original “tenther” -- that is, a serial quoter of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which reserves for the states all powers not expressly granted to the Federal government, with which he justified hamstringing all efforts by Washington to rectify social or economic injustice. Steve Fraser: History's Mad Hatters: The Strange Career of Tea Party Populism
  • Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above.
  • The term also refers to contractual stipulations either implied by law or expressly mandated by the contracting parties.
  • Indeed, the prime impulse behind the campaign to save nature, and expressly to husband wilderness, was aghast awareness of its imminent disappearance, in tandem with conscience-stricken guilt at their forebears' rapacity and greed.
  • He began to think that perhaps the word "inscrutable" had been coined expressly for her. Home Is the Hunter
  • Accordingly we find money called expressly ta neura tou polemou, "the sinews of war," in Familiar Quotations A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature
  • The seller expressly excludes implied provisions, and the buyer expressly includes them.
  • A disk crank is used with suitable counterbalance, expressly adapted to the weight and speed of sash; a hammered steel wrist pin five inches in diameter, and a forged pitman of the most approved pattern, with best composition boxes. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • The question, therefore, is whether, although not expressly negatived, the need for a mental element is negatived by necessary implication.
  • If you have to use waxed lemons - and they all are, if they aren't expressly labelled ‘unwaxed’ - give them a good scrub under warm soapy water, and rinse well before you zest them.
  • As Karl Toepfer makes clear, eroticism was understood by many advocates and participants to be a fundamental component of body culture, whether sublimated or expressly promoted.
  • In addition, an architect may spend many hours developing a design that is expressly tailored to both your needs and your building site.
  • Actually, most calypsonians expressly avoid e-mail, thinking ownership of mobile phones a cure-all, even though their numbers are almost invariably unlisted.
  • As we have already seen, the definition of the demised premises in the lease expressly includes the shop units, save for the purposes of the rent review provisions.
  • In the mandates through which they communicated to their flocks the Bull "Apostolici" they did not hesitate expressly to maintain the distinction between fact and right. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • It did rather lose its marbles towards the end and had turned malicious after one particularly thorough seeing to by a bloke who didn't know how to switch it on and powered it up at least nine times in a way that the manual expressly forbade.
  • One policy matter not expressly covered in the final contract was the question of releasing information to the public.
  • Some states, however, expressly prohibit teachers from investigation, requiring them to report suspected abuse.
  • The Tupperware saleslady was a big-boned Armenian woman whose spiel had been written expressly for housewives. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS
  • Instead of staying on, he chooses to top-edge a sweep off Anil Kumble straight to fine leg, placed expressly for that shot.
  • I then said, that if the motion made by the noble Lord was persisted in, I should most undoubtedly not oppose it, because it was impossible for me to give opposition to any measure which had even the appearance of adding strength to the exclusive rights of Ireland; that I was of opinion myself that the jurisdiction in question was not, by any means whatever, conveyed by the Act referred to; that the statute of Henry VIII. was not intended to affect any part of the King's dominions was clear to a demonstration, from the subsequent statute of the same King in explanation of it -- the preamble of which, referring to the former Act, does expressly speak of treasons committed out of this realm, _and other the King's dominions_; and that the circumstance of the adoption of the former Act by the Irish Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of George the Third From the Original Family Documents, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • It provides expressly for the convictions to remain and to be brought up again the moment there is a fresh conviction.
  • Women soldiers will also have to take down their favorite pin-ups, as one clause, expressly formulated to include both men and women, prohibits them from hanging up pornographic images that might offend others.
  • That rule expressly requires the Court to consider all the circumstances.
  • They likewise reject as sectarian, That the community of the faithful or professing Christians, in a private station hath any scriptural warrant for public teaching, or judicative determination in the church; both which opinions are not only expressly contrary to scripture, Acts xv, throughout, and xvi, 4; I Cor. v, 4; 1 Tim: v, 17; Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • Pizza, pasta, burritos, and any food that must be salted or is occasionally sold with an action figure from a current movie is expressly forbidden.
  • When they wish to drink it, they take a boiler made expressly for the purpose, which they call an _ibrik_; and having filled it with water, they let it boil. All About Coffee
  • Ross lobbed a few softballs, because the audience expected that much at least, but expressly so that Tom could bat them away.
  • A judge may exercise out of court all the powers expressly conferred upon a judge as contradistinguished from the court.
  • These interests may be created expressly by granting another person a right over one's land, or by reserving a right over land which one is transferring to another person.
  • Firstly, I have no power to review - in fact, I am expressly forbidden from doing so - a decision on a case by the Legal Services Agency.
  • It was expressly stated that there must be a presentment by the grand jury; that the owner must be notified; that the hearing might be removed to another county on affidavit of owner; that an offense clergyable for freemen was to be clergyable for slaves; and that the slave with the advice of his master might challenge the jury for cause. Slavery in the State of North Carolina
  • The first, and still by far the best church-building at Amoy, which is also the first church building erected in China expressly for Chinese Protestant Christian worship, may be called his monument. Forty Years in South China The Life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage, D.D.
  • However, there is a presumption in favour of the right of States to enter reservations unless the instrument expressly states to the contrary.
  • In this way, from the beginning of the thirteenth century, although not expressly so stated in the decretals, the term censure became the equivalent of a certain class of ecclesiastical penalties, i.e., interdict, suspension, and excommunication. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Centralized uniformity expressly forecloses such deviation, in the name of equality.
  • Of course Meredith can do it, and so could Shakespeare; but with all my romance, I am a realist and a prosaist, and a most fanatical lover of plain physical sensations plainly and expressly rendered; hence my perils. Vailima Letters
  • The Constitutions of Clarendon expressly forbade any oath about future conduct being required from an excommunicate.
  • But some theologians have recently placed the mystery in a new framework, by setting natural evil within an expressly evolutionary context.
  • Expressly tailored for Murray, Johnston is a character that plays to his strengths.
  • 26 S.D.N.Y. 1971 - the assignment of certain IP that was expressly conditioned on the assignee bringing suit was champertous, and therefore void. Archive 2006-09-01
  • In contrast, the Florida Constitution spells the point out expressly.
  • COSATU believes that the right to picket, which is fundamental to the right of workers to organise themselves, and to assemble and demonstrate in support of their grievances, should be expressly included within the ambit of this section. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • There is nothing in the Act of 1987 which expressly removes any part of that protection.
  • Moreover, he expressly guarantees to leave filibusters of legislation alone.
  • A number of weapons have been expressly forbidden for any use in warfare on the grounds that they are deemed to be excessively injurious to the immediate victims or have potentially harmful effects for others.
  • First, the court found the tax is a gross receipts tax which is expressly prohibited by that section.
  • England and Spain were, he declared, at peace, and no official could deny an Englishman the right to travel peaceably in Spanish dominions, unless a law expressly excluded them. Sea-Dogs All! A Tale of Forest and Sea
  • The pleading does not expressly rely on such a premise.
  • Accordingly, continues Deloitte, "no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by or on behalf of Deloitte or by any of its partners, employees or agents or any other person as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information contained in this document or any oral information made available and any such liability is expressly disclaimed". John Naughton: With friends like Facebook, who needs sociopaths?
  • Congress possesses no power, under the Constitution, to legislate upon the subject of slavery in the States where it does or may exist, or to exclude any State from admission into the Union, because its Constitution does or does not recognize the institution of slavery as a part of its social system; and expressly pretermitting any expression of opinion upon the power of Congress to establish or prohibit slavery in any Americanism Contrasted with Foreignism, Romanism, and Bogus Democracy in the Light of Reason, History, and Scripture; In which Certain Demagogues in Tennessee, and Elsewhere, are Shown Up in Their True Colors
  • With these forest resources close by, people do not grow any trees expressly for fodder or fuelwood on their own cropland.
  • I imagined what we must look like to the Hezbollah men crouched resentfully in their tents: two unveiled women, one of them eating pink cotton candy and wearing a cherry-red jacket; one cranky old hajji, barely able to walk, supported by her son, who seemed to have brought her to the tent city expressly so she could parade through and tell them they were bums. Day of Honey
  • So I think there should be a law that expressly allows and encourages price gouging in emergencies and directs vendors to donate their excess profits to the Kling Center for Basic Encononic Education. The Case for Price Gouging, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The pragmatic criterion of significance is expressly epistemic, not semantic: it speaks of relevance with regard to an established cognitive practice, not in-principle truth-evaluability. Vienna Circle
  • I told you expressly to report to me everyday.
  • The statute did not expressly provide for cross-examination, nor did it impose penalties such as fines and imprisonment.
  • Meanwhile, Hollywood lies before him like a world set out expressly for him to conquer.
  • It is true, the Lord can, and I hope He often does, make that preaching effectual to the conversion of sinners, wherein little is said expressly to them, only the truths of the gospel are declared in their hearing
  • The Philippine Constitution expressly forbids foreign troops from fighting on Philippine soil.
  • Genesis 17 expressly stipulates that all descendants of Abraham - that is, all who follow the ordinances of the God of Israel - are to be circumcised; rather, that the males are to be circumcised.
  • A bill to establish a farm modus, setting forth the abuttals of the farm, and averring that the mo - dus had immemorially been paid for the said farm, is sufficient, without expressly averring it to be an ancient farm. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of exchequer, from Easter term 32 George III. to [Trinity term 37 George III.] ... both inclusive. [1792-1797]
  • These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment.
  • Indeed, non-competitive contracts with convicted monopolists would seem to be expressly what these laws should allow to be exposed.
  • States to keep troops in time of peace, and they are expressly distinguished and placed in a separate category from land or naval forces in the sixteenth paragraph above quoted; and the words _land_ and _naval forces_ are shown by paragraphs 12, 13, and 14, to mean the Army and Navy of the Confederate States. The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
  • The Court expressly concedes that this interest is compelling and is promoted by the ordinance.
  • Two new posts were created expressly for supporters of Ashour.
  • There are many homes in the national park area which were built expressly to house farm workers.
  • Both of these forms of conduct are expressly excluded from the liberty interest recognized by Lawrence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Closer and closer
  • The egg of the bird breaks clumsily under the blows of a wart-like excrescence which is formed expressly upon the beak of the unborn bird; the egg of the Cricket, of a far superior structure, opens like an ivory casket. Social Life in the Insect World
  • The combination of second-person speech and frontal gaze of the princess on folio 3v indicates to him that the book was expressly produced for her young foreign eyes.
  • The first of these is the constant doctrine of the whole ancient church, viz, that whether, (for instance,) in our solemn prayers and invocations, we call expressly on the name of the Father, or of the Son, or of the Holy Christologia
  • The source of all sovereignty lies essentially in the Nation. No corporate body , no individual may exercise any authority that does not expressly emanate from it.
  • 'I wanted easy ways, and lovely things, and Romance and all that; but it just seemed I had no luck nohow and was only and expressly born for cooking and dishwashing. The Night-Born
  • Abstract expressionism, collage, surrealism, impressionism and the use of other materials were expressly banned.
  • We had expected that publication would be routine, unless expressly forbidden by the judge. Times, Sunday Times
  • It remains open for Parliament to expressly repeal the Act.
  • These verses, which sounded as if they had been sung expressly for the dirge of my departed happiness, were only an aggravation of my feelings.
  • The practice of writing voters' electoral registration numbers - or entering any other note which might disclose a voter's personal identity - on the counterfoils of ballot papers should be expressly abolished by law.
  • If the only way works of literature can usefully be brought into the classroom or the pages of academic journals is to examine them for their "social constructions", or to expressly belittle mere aesthetic questions, in my opinion, as I've said here before, the best thing for literature would be to remove it from academic curricula altogether. Literary Study
  • This only serves to emphasise the desirability of stating expressly whether time is or is not to be of the essence.
  • Most guarantees expressly exclude faults which are the result of misuse by the consumer, accidental damage or normal wear and tear.
  • she needs the money expressly for her patients
  • Stephen Romylowe is expressly called esquire of Edward prince of Wales (the Black Prince), and he held an annuity from that prince. Chaucer's Official Life
  • Unlike Veterans Day, which commemorates living veterans, Memorial Day is expressly intended as a day to memorialize the sacrifice of men and women who have given their lives in uniform.
  • This would not imply that all of the many thousands of formulaic expressions would be expressly taught.
  • If a future Congress was so inclined to re-fund the organization, could they not revoke the permanent bar also either expressly pre-re-funding or implicitly by actually re-funding? The Volokh Conspiracy » ACORN Challenges Congressional Defunding
  • The building is expressly designed to conserve energy.
  • The seller has expressly reserved their right of resale should the buyer default in payment.
  • Fifty-six matches are on display and feature a variety of mechanical beasties built expressly to beat the Valvoline out of other mechanical beasties.
  • Soon designers began to invent new idioms expressly for the toolbar.
  • The only terms relating to the green attributes of a plastic product that are expressly permitted in advertising, under the proposed legislation, are "compostable" and "marine degradable;" provided, however, that at the time of sale the plastic product bearing such term shall meet the applicable American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard specification approved by the Legislature (all such approved standard specifications being set forth in the bill). New Jersey Law Blog
  • His not specifying this here expressly is just what we might expect in the outset of this letter; towards the close, when he had won their favorable hearing by a kindly and firm tone, he gives a more distinct reference to Jewish agitators (2Co 11: 22). above strength -- that is, ordinary, natural powers of endurance. despaired -- as far as human help or hope from man was concerned. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • On the other hand, the resolution expressly praised all those deputies who had voted against the war in parliament.
  • He turned early to film, and included in Tarnation, along with family photos and footage shot expressly for the film, are excerpts from his early efforts.
  • Would it not be better to expressly insist upon all cruive fisheries being positively closed from sunset to sunrise? or, what would be still better, that the cruive or heck should have a free gap in it, of a specified size, which should be kept constantly open between sunset and sunrise. Essays in Natural History and Agriculture
  • *] * There appears to be a tendency among Egyptologists now to doubt the existence, under the Ancient Empire, of the five epagomenal days, and as a fact they are nowhere to be found expressly mentioned; but we know that the five gods of the History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • While the Court is clearly very reluctant to refuse EC law recognition to a principle which is important in a number of Member States, it has never expressly endorsed either a maximalist or a minimalist approach.
  • Invariably the borrower itself will be expressly prohibited from assigning its rights, notably its right to make further draw-downs.
  • In this allocution the pope expressly distinguishes between true and false civilization, and declares that history witnesses to the fact that the Holy See has always been the protector and patron of all genuine civilization; and he affirms that, if a system designed to de-Christianize the world be called a system of progress and civilization, he can never hold out the hand of peace to such a system. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Large, brightly-coloured signs warning against bathing in the reservoir and expressly the dangers of cold water are prominently displayed there.
  • Congress expressly prohibited states from doing this.
  • The evidence clearly shows that the city's police powers are not abridged in any manner and that the agreement is expressly subject to the remedies available to the city under the Omaha Municipal Code.
  • A slave manumitted by a will is not entitled to his peculium unless it is expressly bequeathed to him, though, if the master manumits him in his lifetime, it is enough if it be not expressly taken from him, and to this effect the Emperors Severus and Antoninus have decided by rescript: as also, that a legacy of his peculium to a slave does not carry with it the right to sue for money which he has expended on his master's account, and that a legacy of a peculium may be inferred from directions in a will that a slave is to be free so soon as he has made a statement of his accounts and made up any balance, which may be against him, from his peculium. The Institutes of Justinian
  • We see no necessity for a defendant who is bailed to be expressly warned that, if he absconds, he may be tried in his absence, for that has been the English common law for over a century.
  • A few years ago, the city mayor expressly acknowledged the level of integration of Turkish business people there into the wider community.
  • It mandates a form of involuntary servitude expressly prohibited by the 13th amendment to the US Constitution.
  • Many guests came in expressly FOR Liver Pate weekend. Feeling Posh while Impoverished
  • They were expressly exempted from inclosure under section 15 of the Inclosure Act 1845.
  • Along all three of the Maine/New Brunswick boundary rivers, the actual boundary follows the middle of the main channel, but it is only on the St. Croix that the term thalweg is expressly used.
  • In one he expressly declared that the coronation of the Young King by the Archbishop of York did not constitute a precedent and that the right to crown and anoint the kings of England belonged to Canterbury.
  • If there were no other indisposing causes, Pluck himself expressly forbade the practice, and trained his children to very different habits and feelings. Margaret
  • Sorrow had quenched the fiery passions of impetuous youth, and religion’s holy precepts had taught Edmund Saville, that revenge was sinful, and that the divine command expressly said —” Thou shalt do no murder;” and in his reflective mind, the duellist was a murderer, let custom gloss the practice how it might. Lovers and Friends; or, Modern Attachments
  • Our previous research on physical risk-taking refutes such an explanation; it suggests that risk-takers do not expressly exhibit traits of neuroticism or anxiety.
  • For those of faith and tongues, it is enough that they are in him virtually; but wisdom and understanding, they cannot be given by any but he that is wise and understandeth what he doth; and hence is he called expressly a "Spirit of wisdom and understanding, of counsel and knowledge," Isa. xi. Pneumatologia
  • And that if a State such as Australia, which is conformable to international law, intends to enact laws that deal with this and reverse this deep principle it will do so expressly, and it has not done so expressly in section 5.
  • Here I shall only observe, that the apostle expressly and in terms affirms that “by the obedience of Christ we are made righteous,” or justified; which we cannot be but by the imputation of it unto us. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • The difference between the predictions of the Spirit and the oracles of the heathen is remarkable; the Spirit speaks expressly, but the oracles of the heathen were always doubtful and uncertain. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • And note that I am old enough to give counsel, and that this which I now deliver is as fit for you as if it were expressly cast for you in a mould; for a sparrow in the fist is worth more than a flying bittor. The Fourth Book. IV. Of the Pleasant Discourses Continued between Don Quixote and His Squire Sancho Panza, with Other Adventures
  • Lord Chancellor: "Whether, by the _law of England_, and constant practice in all prosecutions by _indictment and information_ for crimes and misdemeanors by writing or speaking, the particular words supposed to be written or spoken must not be expressly specified in the indictment or information? The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 11 (of 12)
  • States to keep troops in time of peace, and they are expressly distinguished and placed in a separate category from land or naval forces in the sixteenth paragraph above quoted; and the words _land_ and _naval forces_ are shown by paragraphs 12, 13, and 14, to mean the Army and Navy of the Confederate States. The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
  • I find it difficult to attribute such authority to the decision, when both the Court of Appeal and this House were expressly invited to adopt that proposition, and both, in different ways, declined the invitation…
  • It is expressly understood that the work to be carried out by the Contractor hereunder is as described herein.
  • But by his spies and intelligencers he was well aware that he had been the chief combiner and animater of the imperial party against himself in the university, and by his presence had given life and confidence to that party in the city which did not expressly acknowledge him as their head. Memorials and Other Papers — Complete
  • One general set of ideas will be expressly forbidden - that of deceit intended to advantage some at the expense of others. The Making of Neoclassical Economics
  • Secondly, we say that the principle is expressly limited in the cases to circumstances where the employer has done all that it could in the discharge of its duty.
  • Henry Cabot Lodge says the shovelboard of Shakespeare's time was almost the only game not expressly prohibited. Customs and Fashions in Old New England
  • Opinions may differ as to the nature of the Ka itself – one regarding it as a ghost, another as a double, another as an "eidolon" or genius; but no Egyptologist doubts that all forms of portraiture in ancient Egypt were funerary, or that they were expressly designed for the accommodation of the Ka. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • In particular circumstances the rules of an exchange or clearing house may be expressly incorporated into customers' contracts with members.
  • At the period of the Voysins and the Brinvilliers, there were nothing but poisoners abroad; and against these, a court was expressly instituted, called ardente, because it condemned them to the flames. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • One of those illegitimate blockades, bearing date in May, 1806, having been expressly avowed to be still unrescinded, and to be in effect comprehended in the orders in council, was too distinctly brought within the purview of the act of Congress not to be comprehended in the explanation of the requisites to a compliance with it. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Small businesses are expressly exempted from the requirements of this legislation.
  • As such, it sounds an awful lot like something the Constitution expressly forbids -- a bill of attainder, which is a punishment of particular individuals imposed not by a court of law but by a legislative body. Latest Articles
  • With these forest resources close by, people do not grow any trees expressly for fodder or fuelwood on their own cropland.
  • Baron Kielmansegge, the common friend of both king and capellmeister, took occasion of a grand water-party, attended by the whole court, to engage Handel to compose some music expressly for this festivity, the result being the celebrated 'Water Music,' of which Handel secretly conducted the performance in a boat that followed the royal barge. Among the Great Masters of Music Scenes in the Lives of Famous Musicians
  • He expressly referred to the significance of the fact that the plots were fenced and to the potential impact on conditions.
  • But it appears to us that there is a prior, but closely connected, question to which the judge did not expressly refer.
  • He was expressly forbidden to speak to the girl.
  • Unlike Veterans Day, which commemorates living veterans, Memorial Day is expressly intended as a day to memorialize the sacrifice of men and women who have given their lives in uniform.
  • Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above.
  • Geldings, coach horses, close carr horses, litter horses and sumpter horses sent expressly for the use of the royal party were allowed 2s per day.
  • Abstract expressionism, collage, surrealism, impressionism and the use of other materials were expressly banned.
  • Imperial officials were bound by strict rules designed to prevent disloyalty and corruption; even the doge was "expressly barred from accepting gifts of any value from a foreign agency. The Doges of War
  • Exempted performances Certain performances that would qualify within the definition of plays are expressly exempted.
  • But section 44 of the Judiciary Act expressly empowers us to remit things within our jurisdiction.
  • The son, apparently, claimed that the partnership had been formed expressly to prevent this happening.
  • The plan proceeds expressly on the idea of enfeebling the regular executory power. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 01 (of 12)
  • [18] Under the Arab dynasties of the east, the _vizir_ was exclusively an officer _of the pen_: and Makrizi expressly mentions that Bedr-al-Jemali, who became vizir to the Fatimite khalif Al-Mostanssor in 1074, was the first in whom _the sword and the pen_ were united. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 342, April, 1844
  • This statement may seem to be rather audacious, since the very next branch of biology, anthropology in the stricter sense, makes very little use of these results of anthropogeny, and sometimes expressly opposes them. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • This is the one area along the downtown San Francisco waterfront where you have a public park on the water, expressly designed with sweeping views of the open bay and the Bay Bridge," Travis said, adding that the space will be even more important in 2013 as "a little bit of respite" during the regatta, which is expected to attract hundreds of thousands of onlookers to the city shoreline on race days. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Carlyle, in the first of his two essays on Richter (1827), expressly distinguishes true humour from irony, which he describes as a faculty of caricature, consisting "chiefly in a certain superficial distortion or reversal of objects" -- the method of A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above.
  • We were told expressly not to tell them what was happening. Times, Sunday Times
  • The MSS. looks as if expressly written for interlineation. The Danish History, Books I-IX

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