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How To Use Expressionless In A Sentence

  • His strong face went expressionless as the señora introduced them. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • He read it, keeping his face expressionless, which is something you get used to when you work with John. Remember Me, Irene
  • It is characterized by an expressionless face, slow initiation of motor activity, loss of secondary movements (such as arm swing, which gives the patient a stiff, frozen appearance), and micrographia (handwriting becomes small and choppy). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Planting something inside me...' She nodded once, expressionless. NIGHT SISTERS
  • I release her and hold her at arms length, carefully scanning her face, which is expressionless.
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  • The eyes, slow of movement and heavy-lidded, were almost expressionless under the shaggy, indrawn brows. A PIECE OF STEAK
  • At home his face is an opaque, expressionless void; at work his mouth is frozen into a terrible, ingratiating rictus of a smile.
  • His voice was monotonous, expressionless and cold, like he'd only just mastered the art of speaking and was none too skilled at it.
  • Psychiatric patients with loss of emotional expression and neurologic patients with motor aprosodia share similar features: expressionless face, monotonous voice, loss of speech rhythm and musicality, loss of emotional gesturing, and apparent absence of mood. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Tim Pat stood at the side with his arms folded on his white apron and his face expressionless. WHEN THE SACRED GINMILL CLOSES
  • She stole a look at Eric, but he was expressionless.
  • In these, and all matters, Laursen's expressionless tone and apparent insouciance can be misleading.
  • Also, a fourth model for each phrase was created that was expressionless - the MIDI sequencer was programmed to have mechanically uniform levels of dynamics and tempo throughout the model.
  • He came to watch, and his face continued expressionless as she after a survey of the grain bins, which were in truth of solid maple, or morticed and glued boards, screwed at the corners, but so big that one would have more than filled the wagon, took her knife; and using the little blade loosened screws until the boys could turn them with their fingers. The Dollmaker
  • I caught a glimpse of the haggard face and the glazed expressionless eyes.
  • Meh'Lindi sat cross-legged regarding Jaq expressionlessly all this time.
  • When officials watched the CCTV footage, they found out what the "expressionless" boy had done. Dlisted - Be Very Afraid
  • It's just that ... you know how everyone still has an expression on their face even when they're so-called expressionless? I Hope To God I Never Turn Into That
  • Storm noticed some more things changed about her; a more relaxed tone in her voice, not as much of the expressionless monotones that had been there before.
  • Dawn was as calm and expressionless as usual, but she looked at him in the eyes, nonetheless.
  • Setting aside Justice Alito's rather unique take on the art of "expressionless," since when is it "very troubling" for the President to criticize the Court face-to-face during the State of the Union, but kosher for the Chief Justice to criticize the President in a speech on a campus in Alabama? James Sample: Roberts: Corporate $peech Good, Presidential Speech "Very Troubling"
  • The brick wall of the Customs House, held from collapsing by a row of rusty iron stars, seemed to bulge more than its wont for the moment -- its upper window, a ship's deadlight, round and expressionless as the eye of a codfish. The Best Short Stories of 1921 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story
  • Rolling her eyes, Mira remained deadpan, her face as expressionless as an empty platter.
  • Though the face of the ancient woman in the inset was a deep brown, her eyes closed and expressionless, the resemblance between her and the ghost was unmistakable. Hamlet II: Ophelia’s Revenge
  • You just know this third record of his is going to end up playing at fashion shows while expressionless models parade about in ridiculous clothes.
  • _ -- In complete unilateral _facial paralysis_ (Bell's paralysis) the affected side of the face is expressionless and devoid of voluntary or emotional movement. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Expressionless except for his puffed cheeks, he blew his whistle twice, signaling us to fall in line behind the school's back door.
  • His face was expressionless, but the gleam in his eyes told her he was angry.
  • At times, the dancers appear to be flying or diving; at others, they move with the spasmodic angularity attributed to robots, their faces expressionless masks.
  • Dressed in a blue jacket and blue shirt, he remained expressionless when the verdict was returned.
  • He wore denims and an old oilskin coat, and a seaman's cap shaded calm, expressionless eyes. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • She was gaunt, painfully thin, expressionless, wearing a sleeveless top, dark pants, and sandals.
  • The inhumanity is clear from the hideous lips and mouth and eyes as cold and expressionless as those of a dead fish. Custom anthologies!
  • What volcano of emotion must have been boiling inside that youngster under his teasing and laughing, under his occasionally expressionless face?
  • I don't suppose," he said, in his calm, expressionless drawl, "that you have ever had a cowhiding in your life, have you? The Swindler and Other Stories
  • These words were toneless, expressionless, like everything around us.
  • It might seem that the work would be expressionless, yet its concentrated intensity can communicate to the viewer almost physically.
  • Hope maintained an expressionless visage, but inside, she trembled.
  • On stage, as the band around him rocks the crowd, he stands there motionless, expressionless.
  • In spite of an interminable row of contrabassi, with which a conductor usually coquettes at musical festivals, his performance was so expressionless and inane that I turned away in disgust as from an alarming and repulsive problem, and desisted from all attempts to explain the impassable gulf which, as I again perceived, yawned between my own vivid and imaginative conception of this work and the only living presentations of it which I had ever heard. My Life — Volume 1
  • His face was expressionless, but Alex felt the unspoken criticism.
  • A lonely porcupine likes to wander to the river alone and stare into the water expressionless.
  • The knight gave a brief nod at Pher's words, expressionless.
  • Blaze is leaning back in her chair without blinking, with tears running down her blank, expressionless face.
  • The small man with the sallow complexion and expressionless eyes seems to have made no particular impression on anyone with whom he came into contact during that time.
  • The only thing creepier than his expressionless glare is his smile. Seeing Double: No Country For Old Men / The Getaway » Scene-Stealers
  • She was just still and quiet, watching people walk past with bags of Christmas shopping with an expressionless face.
  • They then were asked to record the pieces, via a MIDI sequencer, in an expressionless manner.
  • The eyes, slow of movement and heavy-lidded, were almost expressionless under the shaggy, indrawn brows. A PIECE OF STEAK
  • A gleam of excitement phased through her expressionless eyes.
  • The screen beauty claims many of her colleagues now have the expressionless faces of waxwork dummies.
  • He remained dry-eyed and expressionless as the girl cried throughout her statement.
  • Birkin was expressionless , neutralized, possessed by her as if it were his fate, without question.
  • He stood expressionless in the dock, shaking his head and mouthing the word ‘no’ when asked if he had anything to say.
  • Many donkeys pattered by under their loads of encinal fagots, the ragged, expressionless drivers plodding silently at their heels. Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras — Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond
  • his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read
  • Her eyes were wide open and crystal clear, but instead of the warmth of lucidity, they burned with the ice of expressionlessness.
  • Here, women of a certain age parade improbably large and pert bosoms encased in lime-green body suits, suspiciously taut, unwrinkled, expressionless faces, and very aged, very rich husbands on the terrace.
  • Make your mouth straight not a smile, not a frown, just straight, what might used to have been called expressionless. Ascend
  • My voice was flat and expressionless, edged with steel and contempt for my enemy.
  • In all the other passport style photos I had done I was always trying not to smile and just look expressionless.
  • We stopped a moment to gaze at the deer then looked into each other's expressionless faces. THE EXECUTION
  • His face is simultaneously expressionless and expressive, his eyes communicating deep emotion and intelligence.
  • Expressionless except for his puffed cheeks, he blew his whistle twice, signaling us to fall in line behind the school's back door.
  • So she sat, expressionless, immobile, trying to fight the anger as her gut ached for her husband.
  • The screen beauty says she is sick of her fellow actors looking artificial because they've been under the knife and claims many of her colleagues now have the expressionless faces of waxwork dummies.
  • Extends hands, legs and body to you for "pick me up"; looks down to floor, squirms and fusses, meaning "put me down"; expressionless stare means "I'm bored"; cranky and nothing soothes means "I'm tired. My daily life experience...
  • Lionel moved around so he could clearly see Vincent's expressionless visage when he made to call to the man again.
  • A lonely porcupine likes to wander to the river alone and stare into the water expressionless.
  • One of the most ubiquitous examples of kawaii is Hello Kitty, a mouthless, expressionless, large-headed kitten that emblazons lunch boxes, T-shirts, wallpaper and coffee mugs.
  • Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., despite his expressed concerns about a "political pep rally" with lawmakers "cheering and hollering" while the court just sits there "expressionless," nevertheless headed, sans pompoms, across First Street to attend. Hanging with the Justices at the SOTU Mixer
  • His eyes were somewhat expressionless, but they would not stop looking at me in that accusing, betrayed way.
  • Tashko's face was expressionless as his thumb expertly pressed a nerve against bone. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • She is very resourceful and thrifty, but her face is always expressionless, except for an occasional look of fear.
  • It turns out that the young woman with the expressionless face of a professional on the catwalk loves cartoons and collecting matchboxes.
  • Soave Classico and Valpolicella Classico come from the superior hillside vineyards and are usually far removed from the expressionless versions made from grapes grown on the valley floor.
  • Her father was his normal, sedated self, perhaps mildly drunk, looking around the room as if he were in a dream, his pale, washed-out features expressionless.
  • Peculiar so-called catatonic states of muscular tension develop, in which the patients remain expressionless and motionless in all sorts of positions. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • But a boy could sit unnoticed and unregarded as long as he remained expressionless.
  • Most of her paintings were self-portraits showing her with a fixed, expressionless face staring out at viewers.
  • Roxie Farmer was still sitting in the police car, looking out at them with an expressionless face.
  • I couldn't tell what it saw or thought, but felt its expressionless expression spanned aeons through which the evolution of seeing and thinking had changed much between the newt and me. Country Diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Edward was gone, but Alice was still there in the dark, her face blank — the kind of expressionless look you see on the face of someone who has just witnessed a horrible accident. Eclipse

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