How To Use Expressionism In A Sentence
Golub was an odd man out, one of those who kept alive certain ambitions scuttled by the artists who followed Abstract Expressionism.
And the prints represent Abstract Expressionism's entire stylistic range, from fast and visceral to cool and ethereal.
Under her they merely turn from pointillistic snapshots into abstract expressionism.
It was pianistically challenging to create the required intensity and expressionism, and thus colour and line were of utmost importance, as also an improvisatory element.
Moderate stylization and antirealism that falls short of true expressionism is sometimes enough to soothe congruous crudity into an effectively intensified sensibility, if the idiom is correct.

Art historically, they imaginatively summarize his stylistic dalliances with Cubism, Futurism, Expressionism and the period's interest in ‘primitive’ art.
The tragic nature of Eugene O Neill splays is deeply influenced by the ancient Greek tragedy, the expressionism of Strindberg, and O Neill sown experience.
The Rat Pack fanbase loves Some Came Running, from the James Jones potboiler, not just for its Sinatra-Dino-MacLaine dream cast, but for its delirious expressionism, especially in the hallucinatory final fairground sequence.
Meet Me In St Louis embodies the virtues of a bygone era
The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus.
O'Hara's list of friends reads like a Who's Who of abstract expressionism.
Here, being true to nature enables Shemesh to record a dazzling array of painterly gestures, some of them squarely within the tradition of Abstract Expressionism.
While Stout eschewed the splashy gestures of expressionism, there is a deep, almost lyrical sensuality not only in his shapes, but in the sumptuous metallic texture of the graphite.
His distinctly German neo-expressionism gave painting new purpose, serving up brutal truths in the wake of the second world war.
This week's new exhibitions
The final outcome is a festive, paint-by-numbers Abstract Expressionism, a gimmick made thoroughly improvisatory and formalities made endearingly licentious, all of it as if for the first time.
A late 19th century movement, impressionism is on the opposite side of the spectrum to Expressionism.
The Americans tend toward a flat, emblematic depiction of commercial imagery, whereas the British often favor an episodic approach to narrative that betrays a fondness for the facture of Abstract Expressionism.
Helen Frankenthaler b. 1928, employing gestural brushstrokes, bold color shapes and shimmering washes, is considered to be a bridge between Abstract Expressionism and Color Field painting.
Going From the Abstract to the Sort-Of Concrete
Pre-Columbian art's contribution to modernism fails to fit into the teleologically reconstructed development from post-impressionism, fauvism, and cubism to abstract expressionism.
He developed an idiosyncratic, instantly recognizable style that combined figurative expressionism with influences from Klimt, Schiele and Austrian Art Nouveau.
I remember how Robert Motherwell didn't like the term abstract expressionism and preferred abstract automatism.
The cult of abstract expressionism ricocheted around the world.
All the ideas evident in early German expressionism are applied to the simple design of two cars roaring down a dark and desolate road.
Like Watson, Carr has assembled generous visual material on the best-known artists of abstract expressionism, especially Pollock and de Kooning.
There is also, of course, a consistent expressionism in the vehement febrility of the musical materials, and the two choral sections of the opera so far completed seem to continue the dialogue between these qualities.
There is also a large selection of styles - from landscapes and still lifes to abstract expressionism and surrealist art.
This is a magical piece of theatre, with a streak of engaging, sly humour and playfulness that takes you into a theatrical world where naturalism and expressionism, realism and surrealism sit side by side.
This in turn led to the aesthetics of expressionism, and also to the emergence of gnostic theosophy, which similarly sought to controvert nihilism rather than allow the human will to be vanquished.
Far from hanging on to its radical credentials, abstract expressionism was seen by many to have sedimented into mainstream orthodoxy.
California artist Henri Plisson has moved beyond the boundaries of impressionism and into an era of 'emotional expressionism'.
Courtauld Gallery, WC2, to 18 SepSSAn 80th birthday celebration of Barrie Cooke's visceral expressionism, which is appropriately held in his adopted home country of Ireland.
This week's new exhibitions
For centuries, artists painted religious figures, whether saints or gods and goddesses, then still lifes -- arguably with religious aspects present -- moving into landscapes and portraits of the high and low born, before the crosscurrents of popular culture opened the more psychological frontiers, with Surrealism, Symbolism and Abstract Expressionism taking the forefront.
Lisa Derrick: Retro Cool Pop Art at the Palms this Weekend: Rare Exhibit of MidCentury Modern and MC-Influenced Fine Art
In practice they were not a cohesive group, and their art became an angst-ridden type of Expressionism.
On abstract expressionism, I think that its debt to surrealism was largely formal or technical.
In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism.
He found it in the classicized expressionism of the "New Objectivity," an approach he helped create and promulgate, even beyond Germany's borders (and a phenomenon about which we in America are still too little apprised, even despite its influence on some of our favorite artists - look at Dix's own prefiguration of such popular latter-day artists as Lucien Freud and H.C. Westermann).
Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Dix's Mix (No Quick Fix)
Some reflect the neo-expressionism of the Neue Wilde, as in an exuberant, graffiti-esque 1983 Veit Hofmann poster with playfully crossed-out dates and primitive markings, or Angela Hampel's boldly feminist images of androgynous women, such as a punk Cassandra.
The Flicker of Art Through Tyranny
The titles of these essays indicate that the terms in which historians were writing about abstract expressionism had refocused art history.
As an artist who gained prominence in the turbulent and exciting 1960s, he was instrumental in the transition from abstract expressionism toward a return to the object and representationalism.
In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism.
Dance scenes that fly from even the pretence of naturalism to attain an oneiric expressionism…
The greatest thing about this picture, adapted from a novel by "William Irish" (a pen name for Cornell Woolrich) is its completely invented reality which, while certainly informed by German Expressionism, spins off into a realm of horrific hilarity, as in the picture's legendary "jazz drummer" sequence, wherein Raines, dolled up and playing hep-kitten, eggs on hopped-up Elisha Cook Jr. (who has information that could exonerate Raines 'boss) to a kind of percussive orgasm.
In The Company Of Glenn
He has what I call lovingly 'a dancer's instinct 'toward gesture and expressionism. : News
This is weird, transgressive, mind-bending cinema, reminiscent of silent-era German expressionism, and seasoned with Hollywood musical parody.
Sometimes the music of this period is associated with expressionism in art, but, as with impressionism, the use of the word in this context can be somewhat vague.
Looking at some of their efforts, I suspect that if they spell their name correctly it is hailed as a triumph, and incorrectly, as expressionism.
We readily take the cinema as an expressionist medium because expressionism (broadly understood) takes the inside of people and projects it outward into the external world.
The results may resemble Pollocks or Stills from a distance, but the smooth, even surfaces suggest a paint-by-numbers version of Abstract Expressionism.
Far from hanging on to its radical credentials, abstract expressionism was seen by many to have sedimented into mainstream orthodoxy.
The inclusion of early paintings and drawings, produced shortly after her graduation from Yale in 1959, provides a sense of her beginnings as a young artist in awe of Abstract Expressionism and the primitivism of Jean Dubuffet.
Much experimental music at the time incorporated the ideals of Dada, Surrealism, Futurism, Expressionism and abstract painting.
What we have here are a series of large, eight foot high canvases, generally untitled, painted in a number of styles, and appearing to hark back principally to Abstract Expressionism.
In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism.
Abstract expressionism, collage, surrealism, impressionism and the use of other materials were expressly banned.
Abstract expressionism is commonly identified as the pinnacle of modernism.
Muller (1922-1958) absorbed the lessons of precedent-Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Orphism and the quiddities of the unclassifiable Paul Klee-with determination and fidelity.
Allusive, Eccentric Complex: A Different Kind of de Kooning
I feel the pendulum is swinging back, now, toward expressionism, which is where I think I fit best.
Archive 2006-10-01
Pre-Columbian art's contribution to modernism fails to fit into the teleologically reconstructed development from post-impressionism, fauvism, and cubism to abstract expressionism.
Gary Engle, a self-taught artist, explains that the heart of his portfolio consists of images of nature that lean toward abstract expressionism.
However, Rauschenberg's act is important in establishing the necessity of acknowledging the importance of usurping the claims of abstract expressionism.
Even the names reflect this: Fuller, Murnau, Lang, the cinematic avatars of noir and its origins in German expressionism.
Archive 2007-10-01
In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism.
Suddenly, this "realistic" minor masterpiece jolts into expressionism with a remarkable series of composed images that find Sammy more ogreishly dominated by the ticking clock -- a device conveying a double meaning in a scenario about British officers striving to learn how to dismantle unexploded "Jerry" bombs without incurring new casualties.
Archive 2008-10-12
His style reminds somewhat of French fauvism or German expressionism.
Tate cites influences on Gallagher's work ranging from bebop to hip hop, from abstract expressionism to minimalism to the postmodern, and identity-based art of the recent decade or so.
He is known for his large abstract collages made of cut and painted canvas that have inflections of European modernism and Abstract Expressionism.
The titles of these essays indicate that the terms in which historians were writing about abstract expressionism had refocused art history.
The role of Abstract Expressionism, whose characteristic feature was the lack of representationalism, is the focus of this well-illustrated and well-documented video.
German artist Georg Baselitz, a leading light of 1980s neo-expressionism. - Articles related to Wax museum pushing presidents, not pop stars
In general, the show boxed the compass under the four strong winds of realism, expressionism, surrealism and abstractionism.
His stark, dramatic compositions strive for immediacy of effect at all costs - now in unpolished newsreel fashion, now in shadowy borrowings from Expressionism.
Gone, too, were the essentially macho male connotations which had informed abstract expressionism, to be replaced by a new lyricism.
His unique style is an extraordinary mix of popart, neo-expressionism and Japanese comics.
Press Releases
This article also compares LuXun with Kafka through the angle of Expressionism.
A classic piece of abstract expressionism from the Polish state music publisher, who opted for these sorts of far-out covers quite a bit.
Archive 2008-01-01
The expressionism, which had been modified by mediators, changed its color from the grays in the early paintings to bold and assertive colorfulness in the 1990s.
Artists: Israeli, 1970 to the Present.
There are about 100 trends and technical forces shown, and 60 movements, many of them ‘isms’ - Futurism, Purism, Expressionism, Brutalism or Metabolism - that became ‘wasms’.
Though the modern art movements of impressionism, cubism, expressionism and abstract art have influenced urban art, what we see is not a made-in-India version of Western art.
But there is much to enjoy here, especially Mr. Pells's zest for tying together the unlikely—as when he links Abstract Expressionism to Method acting as two forms of improvisation or when he ponders the similarities between the austerity of the International Style and the unadorned utility of a massive Wal-Mart store.
Making It New in the New World
Abstract expressionism, collage, surrealism, impressionism and the use of other materials were expressly banned.
In the late 70s, a movement known variously as neo-expressionism or New Image Painting revived gestural figurative styles, with an institutional seal of approval given by the Royal Academy's
The Guardian World News
Although his work clearly shows their influence, he was able to find his own distinctive voice - in some fashion a combination of expressionism and neoclassicism.
Within the context of art, say of realism versus expressionism, you can have a realistic body or an expressionistic body.
Like Watson, Carr has assembled generous visual material on the best-known artists of abstract expressionism, especially Pollock and de Kooning.
Amid the derangements of Dada and abstract expressionism she reverted to tradition.
The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus.
But can the highest form of expressionism really be the exteriorizing, or soliloquizing, of inner, realistic psychological states?
A unilinear view of modernity, with Shitao's gestural brushwork as a sort of unconscious precursor to Abstract Expressionism, is here surely laid to rest forever.
In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism.
No, it strikes me as more akin to the museumgoer who, upon seeing a work of Abstract Expressionism, says "My kid could paint this," and then goes home to prove it.
Brian Gresko: National Novel Writing Month Is Hooey
So we have big sections on Futurism, Expressionism, Dada, Surrealism, Negritude, and (because we're writing out of the United States) the ‘Objectivist’ poets as well.
During a period when American art was dominated by Abstract Expressionism, he stubbornly clung to his own intimist, suavely painted view of things: portraits of his wife, children, and friends; domestic still lifes; landscapes around his house on Long Island and on Great Spruce Head Island in Maine, the latter a family property that has also been depicted by his brother, the photographer Eliot Porter.
Things As They Are
This is a magical piece of theatre, with a streak of engaging, sly humour and playfulness that takes you into a theatrical world where naturalism and expressionism, realism and surrealism sit side by side.
Far from hanging on to its radical credentials, abstract expressionism was seen by many to have sedimented into mainstream orthodoxy.
I've always admired Neel for pursuing portraiture in an age when representative art was deemed irrelevant, when everyone was chasing after Abstract Expressionism, when it was claimed the camera had "freed" the painter from the "tyranny of realism.
Confessions of an Uncouth Beast
But beyond that, the Congressional GOP outrage over the matter is also steeped in a competing exhibition of abstract expressionism: deficit peacockery.
GOP-Led Smithsonian Controversy Will Likely Make Controversial Artists Better-Known
Like Watson, Carr has assembled generous visual material on the best-known artists of abstract expressionism, especially Pollock and de Kooning.
The collective memory, besides noting that his art reputedly links 1930s Surrealism to 1950s Abstract Expressionism, is rather vague about his pictures: were they realistic?
The terminology of appearance and essence in Lukacs' critique of expressionism thus echoed his analysis of the outer archaism and inner modernity of naturalism.
The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus.
Its aim was to provide ‘a conspectus of the movement that has been termed Expressionism’.
Would we have to reassess the history of Abstract Expressionism if we were to discover that this taxidermist was Robert Rauschenberg's lover and that the artist's found objects were not appropriated from the streets and trash heaps of New York City but were actually pilfered from the museum's workrooms during their nighttime trysts?
Other Simulated Worlds
The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus.
Perhaps the brash and celebratory character of Pop art was seen as an even more boosterish symbol of American culture than Abstract Expressionism.
Vallieres paints in all styles: impressionism, Expressionism, Realism, abstract and portraits.
He even appreciates the aesthetics of the game, wherein lies a kind of abstract expressionism - the non sequiturs, the shapes of words themselves, the improbable consonance of consonants.
These included, as he wrote in his journals, Cubism, Futurism, Purism, Orphism, Expressionism, Dadaism, Surrealism, ‘and an avalanche of exposed secrets.’
But I feel that output from people like you should be more referred to as "expressionism" because it encompasses so many realms.
Mike Ragogna: Heady Nuggs, Gummyskulls & A Box O' Dylan: Conversations with The Flaming Lips' Wayne Coyne plus Jon Polk
However, Rauschenberg's act is important in establishing the necessity of acknowledging the importance of usurping the claims of abstract expressionism.
Like Watson, Carr has assembled generous visual material on the best-known artists of abstract expressionism, especially Pollock and de Kooning.
His style seems to represent a point halfway between naive art and Expressionism.