How To Use Exporting In A Sentence
They contended that many foreign central banks were willing to absorb all the foreign currency earned by their exporting sectors that was not willingly held by their private sector in US dollar denominated assets.
Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) would make a decision on whether to boost output to calm minister said on Tuesday he sees no push by OPEC members to raise oil output to counter a spike in prices to 18-month highs. - Business News
He is also considering exporting to Britain and developing own label products for the British multiples.
We will not be reduced to subsistence farming and exporting fish and chips if the banks leave.
Times, Sunday Times
But the latest tradition in American capitalism is self-reward the CxOs with lots of bonuses no matter how they do, while laying off and exporting American jobs.
Think Progress » FACT CHECK: Combating Global Warming Does Not Require ‘Economic Castration’

India began exporting wheat and rice two years ago to cut bulging stocks built up after successive bumper harvests.
The rising euro and the refusal of the EU commissariat to reflate the EU economy implies that the exporting side of the Irish economy will be squeezed.
Smyth admitted that he was aware of the requirement to have a license or State Department approval prior to exporting the krytrons and that the shipments had no such approval.
It's going to be the year of wisha, shoulda, coulda," says Heffington, who has farmed in the biggest cotton patch in the top-exporting country on the planet for 23 seasons. -- Top News
The rising euro and the refusal of the EU commissariat to reflate the EU economy implies that the exporting side of the Irish economy will be squeezed.
He's now exporting them abroad.
The Sun
Rome was importing goods from its colonies but wasn't exporting nearly as much.
According to reports, there were about 46 such workshops, some of which were importing used plastic bottles from overseas, crushing them into pieces before re-exporting the plastic waste to the mainland where it is then recycled.
There are more than 25 world-scale units exporting principally ammonia, methanol, steel products and, more recently, liquefied natural gas.
Figure 5: Conflict logs: abandoned roundwood logs as a result of the imposition of a timber exporting embargo on Liberia, May 2005.
Opportunities for development in Africa
In his optimism, Sale has even talked about exporting ethanol, at the same time touting Manitoba as a cheap place to grow the grain used to distil ethanol.
You can no longer expect to penetrate these high-rise markets exclusively from an exporting factory in the UK, for example.
A common mistake is to assume that falling export prices mean that China is exporting disinflation, whereas rising export prices imply it is exporting inflation.
The Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries could harm us at any time, maybe next year or when we must confront Iran.
A Long but Not Impossible Road to Renewable Energy
Effectively, tobacco companies will be exporting an epidemic of smoking-related diseases, the campaign suggests.
More can be done to help, especially around the challenge of exporting abroad.
Times, Sunday Times
Officials from the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries expressed concern of pumping too much crude in the second quarter.
For he pant isocracy ruled by America, U. S. makes great efforts to increase the "exporting democracy" strategy.
The feature of exporting text has the convenient inclusion of appropriate references by default.
For instance, exporters of rough gemstones should start exporting finished gemstone products like rings and other jewellery, he said.
A "favorable balance of trade" really means exporting more than we import, sending abroad goods of greater total value than the goods we get from abroad.
More can be done to help, especially around the challenge of exporting abroad.
Times, Sunday Times
More can be done to help, especially around the challenge of exporting abroad.
Times, Sunday Times
In his optimism, Sale has even talked about exporting ethanol, at the same time touting Manitoba as a cheap place to grow the grain used to distil ethanol.
Exporting is necessary for our economic survival.
As such it can be an indirect as well as direct method of exporting, depending upon the arrangement.
Effectively, tobacco companies will be exporting an epidemic of smoking-related diseases, the campaign suggests.
Market Research and Barriers to Exporting Fig. 5 illustrates factors that have inhibited improved export performance amongst respondents.
Wouldn't it be great if we weren't exporting body hatred around the world by implying that the bodies on our billboards are the only ones that let you engage with the modern world?
Ad men today are wrong on body size
Hasn't the Hollywood fantasy factory been generating and exporting the ideas for these spectacular attacks through action and disaster movies for years?
If we could only master the technology for unleashing devastating floods, we'd be exporting that, too.
Amid the integration of international financial markets, Japanese stock prices could follow any falls overseas, and the yen—which is considered to be relatively safe—could also rise further against the U.S. dollar or emerging and commodity-exporting nations' currencies," Mr. Shirai told business leaders in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture.
BOJ's Shirai Concerned Over Euro Crisis Impact on Japan
He promised to rebalance the economy away from housing, debt and imports and towards manufacturing and exporting.
Times, Sunday Times
Now the company is exporting those ideas to other parts of the world - from Indonesia to the Congo.
QUEST: Well, yes, because not only is there not the growth and no consuming economies, or other exporting and importing countries, you have a devaluating dollar.
CNN Transcript Nov 20, 2009
Concerning this special trade, the factors affecting the price of labor force exporting enterprises are analyzed, and the pricing strategies, pricing methods and evaluation system are put forth.
Brazil is said to be interested in using the port of Walvis Bay as a landfall for exporting products to fellow Portuguese speaking country Angola.
One newspaper has denounced it as 'gerontologic colonialism', and compared it to nations exporting their rubbish.
Times, Sunday Times
Naturally I know about Varroa mite, as the island of Hawaii was until recently the last place uninvaded by Varroa, and was exporting queens worldwide to replace decimated colonies.
Acorns Gone; Nature Does What GOP Fails to Do
Ours is a company specializing in exporting leather products. And what about yours?
In 1366 he was exporting large quantities of grain, barley, malt, and ale, and in 1382 a large number of woolfells.
Neither food sufficiency nor ecological sustainability can be achieved by exporting inappropriate western technologies.
Labor and capital are assumed perfectly mobile within an exporting country, but must stay within that country.
Both the establishment of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and the First Oil Crises has resulted in profound impacts on the world oil market.
The 'non-market economy' status, exerting a negative impact on Chinese product exporting severely, is the obstacle against Chinese enterprises tending towards the world.
The Forum panel members agreed with him that the key to exporting success was in-depth local knowledge.
Times, Sunday Times
Exporting is necessary for our economic survival.
When Colmcille is excommunicated for taking up arms, he sails to Iona, which is when Ireland began exporting its monastic tradition.
Saints, censors and satire
He has enjoyed a successful career exporting goods into Africa and now he's written a book on the subject.
Britain was exporting corn, hides, cattle, and iron to the empire, all items of vital importance to the Roman military effort.
A move by members of the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries to put aside major differences means the group may now be able to defend high oil prices by cutting production if needed.
OPEC Accord Helps Balance the Books
There are easy procedures for importing and exporting with competitive rates for skilled and semi-skilled workers.
There are easy procedures for importing and exporting with competitive rates for skilled and semi-skilled workers.
Thousands of officials found employment in allocating and policing quotas in importing and exporting countries.
Certainly in the case of Zambia, a landlocked country with poor transportation and low agricultural productivity, the prospects for exporting corn to Europe in the foreseeable future are almost zero.
Professor Alan Cowman, head of the institute's Infection and Immunity division, said the parasite remodels the red blood cells by exporting hundreds of so-called 'effector' proteins into the cytoplasm of the red blood cell.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
All these considerations indicate clearly why countries like the USA and Japan lead the world in the innovation and exporting of high-technology products.
She has suggested that the government pump about 20m into a voucher scheme that would bring down the costs of exporting.
Times, Sunday Times
We specialize exporting hemp, jute, sisal, kendir , linen, ramie fiber, yarn, twine, rope, fabrics and clothing.
The Pound rallied yesterday after the speech, which means imports will appear cheaper and exporting difficult.
The Sun
The deterrents against traders importing and exporting are minimal.
Namibia has a quota of only 200 tons for exporting deboned mutton under the Cotonou Agreement that will lapse in 2008.
Qatar, meanwhile, is building a business exporting liquefied natural gas.
Times, Sunday Times
They were organized around an exporting economy, and as a result, the major cities dwarfed other towns within the tributary area.
He's now exporting them abroad.
The Sun
A "favorable balance of trade" really means exporting more than we import, sending abroad goods of greater total value than the goods we get from abroad.
By exporting the coffee themselves, farmers earn considerably more per pound than they would if they sold through industry middlemen.
Air fares soar as Jet pilots, management stand ground production quotas unchanged, opting to take a cautious approach in a Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) Thursday decided to leave its production quotas unchanged, opting to take a cautious approach in a oil prices about where OPEC wants them and a modest economic upturn in the offing, the oil cartel isn't likely to tighten the taps when its leaders meet this week in Vienna. - Articles related to Oil surges towards $75, eyes China, US data
We are already exporting gold and we have substantial resources of silver, uranium, nickel and cobalt, the deposits of which need further investigation.
No file importing or exporting is involved, so there's no chance of documents losing their formatting or getting otherwise munged along the way.
Added to the domestic trends was the fourfold increase in the price of oil that resulted from the exercise of oligopolistic power by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
Because we produce under Swiss management, we could easily double our profits by exporting our grison and salami to Switzerland alone.
Very little in business is easy, and anyone looking for an easy option would be daft to make exporting their first choice.
This is not to say that recycling here would not be preferable, merely that exporting recyclable waste is hardly a scandal.
Times, Sunday Times
We are already exporting gold and we have substantial resources of silver, uranium, nickel, cobalt, the deposits of which need further investigation.
CRUDE OIL: Futures ended down slightly as traders weighed the possibility of an agreement by the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries to increase output against forecasts for cold weather in the U.S. Northeast.
Occidental, OMV Cut
Irish and British prices were the lowest and this tempted outside traders into re-exporting cheap goods into high-price markets.
Seriously, if we are exporting cigarettes to Iran, which are a direct cause of cancer and other fatal maladies, is it not true then, that we are contributing to Iranians’ potential untimely demise? —
McCain Dismisses Iraqi Idea of Troop Withdrawal - The Caucus Blog -
The North Dock, built originally for the ships exporting millions of tons of tinplate, have been turned into Millennium Quays, home to a sail training and water sports centre.
The Pound rallied yesterday after the speech, which means imports will appear cheaper and exporting difficult.
The Sun
Sailors and workers alike worked steadily removing wares from importing ships while stocking products for exporting vessels.
This work goes hand in hand with a drive to get more of our medium-sized businesses exporting.
Times, Sunday Times
By 1900, Cardiff was exporting 5 million tons of coal annually from more than 14 miles of seething dockside wharfage.
The financial aspects of exporting will be explained, and terms, conditions and procedures that could catch the unwary exporter off guard, will be made clear.
It's a shrewd attempt to further their cause of inciting hatred and horror by glossing on a Western façade of ‘contemporary culture’ - and exporting it abroad, as a filmmaker notes.
In Japan, which unfortunately continues to flounder, any negative effect on global trade would be serious for its very many household-name exporting companies.
We will not be reduced to subsistence farming and exporting fish and chips if the banks leave.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet China had already begun to emphasize exporting. The reason may lie in John Maynard Keynes's analysis of mercantilism.
OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries, has been controlling the exports of oil and taking advantage of the current uncertainty.
CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2002
A common mistake is to assume that falling export prices mean that China is exporting disinflation, whereas rising export prices imply it is exporting inflation.
This brings us to the next point: though his film has received rave reviews thus far, some criticize him for not presenting enough evidence to link arms dealing with fish exporting.
GST is a necessary reform, an absolutely critical tax reform to an exporting nation such as Canada.
A Look at Canada Incorporated
They were exporting as far afield as Alexandria.
Requirements relating to the largest exporting and importing countries of certain precursor chemicals.
Think Progress » Former Intel Chairman Graham: White House Made ‘No Reference’ to NSA Program In Briefings
The Pound rallied yesterday after the speech, which means imports will appear cheaper and exporting difficult.
The Sun
By April 1983 it was clear that Japan would be exporting automotive precombustion chambers in significant volume to U.S. car manufacturers.
Strategic Management in Developing Countries Case Studies
‘It is scandalous in this day and age that we have resorted to exporting our own children,’ she said.
He's now exporting them abroad.
The Sun
We will not be reduced to subsistence farming and exporting fish and chips if the banks leave.
Times, Sunday Times
We are exporting atrocious suffering, disease and death in poor countries where controls are not implemented.
In 1984, when famine was at its height, the country was still exporting linseed, cottonseed and rapeseed grains to the UK and Europe for livestock feed.
This would vitalise the tourist trade, forcing foreigners to come here to acquire the white gold, and would be a better long-term solution as opposed to exporting the raw ivory in bulk to China.
The perfect scenario for an Australian miner exporting would have been to sit back unhedged and watch the dollar plunge below US50c around the time of the Sydney Olympics.
The country has already emerged as a big player in the finished product category - cutting and polishing imported roughs and re-exporting it as solitaires and jewellery.
Townsend was noted for exporting considerable quantities of pewter to these shores.
In reality, of course, charging into exporting in this kind of haphazard fashion is not ideal.
Exporting can strain a company's resources and staff.
Third, Beijing is likely to emerge as an exporting superpower, aggravating America's trade deficit and fanning protectionist pressures in a slumping world economy.
Found via Exporting the past into the future, or, "The Possibility Jelly lives on the hypersurface of the present" which in turn came via a tweet.
The location-aware future is here (and why cities suck but are good)
The Obama administration has urged China to relax its currency policy to let the renminbi rise in value based on market forces, and the International Monetary Fund also has expressed concern that imbalances between major exporting nations and debt-laden importing countries are not evening out as hoped.
China rate hike surprises markets
Qatar, meanwhile, is building a business exporting liquefied natural gas.
Times, Sunday Times
A new cultivar'Dongnong 803'is a new hybrid used to exporting Russia. It is adaptable to the protected field cultivation in spring and open field cultivation in summer in northeast of China.
Analysts observed that the oil price increase was mostly due to speculation that the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries will cut production when it meets in mid-March.
In recent years the company's emphasis has been on exporting bulk quantities of its Muller Thurgau-based White Cloud.
Besides exporting cloth, he imported nails, lumber, iron, glass, and sackcloth; he also dealt in wine (but was not necessarily importing it himself).
But for some reason Ceausescu did not become obsessed with exporting timber, and so the Carpathian highlands remained wild and sylvan while other parts of the country grew grim.
Indirect exporting involves less investment and is therefore less risky, which enables small firms with limited capital and product diversification can export very easily.
They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting.
This ecotax would make acceptance of climate change easier for oil exporting countries (and also, if imitated, for gas and coal exporting countries).
Herman Daly Festschrift~ Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth
Towns and cities are now exporting surplus peregrine falcons, hedgehogs and foxes to the countryside rather than vice versa.
Times, Sunday Times
As influential voices like the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries, the International Energy Agency and Saudi Arabia pointed to signs that recent high prices may already be reducing demand, front-month crude futures fell $3.67, or 3.3%, to settle at $106.25 on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
A Sudden Chink in Oil Prices
The study of international mushroom importing and exporting structure helps Chinese mushroom exporters to understand the international market conditions.
But in Proton they are mining it, exporting it at a horrendous ratel
Blue Adept
No other country can boast such a successful record in nurturing and exporting female singers, songwriters and performers.
Times, Sunday Times
Towns and cities are now exporting surplus peregrine falcons, hedgehogs and foxes to the countryside rather than vice versa.
Times, Sunday Times
Now that our exporting business to Eastern Europe has grown so successful, everyone wants to get in on the act.
No other country can boast such a successful record in nurturing and exporting female singers, songwriters and performers.
Times, Sunday Times
He cited the horticultural and floricultural sectors that were exporting produce to foreign markets, especially the European Union.
And after pinning all its economic hopes on exporting to the US market, it finds itself outmaneuvered in low-wage manufacturing.
Exporting firms can be foreign freight forwarders, export management companies, or international trading companies.
At home, I realized that the latest version of the label software doesn't replace characters when exporting, at least not for thirty days.
Elfpvke Diary Entry
Our country will go on exporting oil and gas and petrochemicals in large quantities.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
I am certain that most people hate the idea of exporting our horses to be made into sausages and salami.
In the first fifteen years of the nineteenth century re-exporting still accounted for between a fifth and a quarter of total exports.
Qatar, meanwhile, is building a business exporting liquefied natural gas.
Times, Sunday Times
He promised to rebalance the economy away from housing, debt and imports and towards manufacturing and exporting.
Times, Sunday Times
Scotland's exporting success in eastern Europe has not been exactly illustrious in recent years.
An American company came up with the idea of exporting natural gas to Europe by liquefying it at very cold temperatures and shipping it.
She has suggested that the government pump about 20m into a voucher scheme that would bring down the costs of exporting.
Times, Sunday Times
China has a strong interest in exporting nuclear technology and in keeping secrets,' he said.
Times, Sunday Times
If only he was as free with his tolerance as he is with his mouth he'd have something worth exporting.
She has become the second naval power on the globe, and the second exporting nation, her exports averaging some $900,000,000 per year, an amount larger than the exports from this country, which has a population nearly double that of France, nearly all of it being manufactures; and had the same rate of growth continued as was maintained before France became monometallic, it is fair to presume that her exports at this time would have equalled those of Great Britain.
If Not Silver, What?
In the 6th century, Athenian black-figure supplanted Corinthian and became the dominant ware with workshops exporting painted ceramics throughout the Mediterranean and beyond.
Having qualified as a taxidermist from the North-Western School of Taxidermy, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A. in 1969, Gerry set up a taxidermy studio and fur exporting business in 1975.
Exporting pine to Scandinavia seems a bit like carrying coals to Newcastle.
These seem amazing facts in a country which daydreams about exporting its democracy.
In the first fifteen years of the nineteenth century re-exporting still accounted for between a fifth and a quarter of total exports.
That conflict, subsequently redesignated the Long War, continues today with no end in sight, even as the Obama administration clings stubbornly to the conviction that asserting military dominance, exporting liberal values, and advancing the peace process promise a way out.
Between War and Peace
Oil - exporting countries commonly experienced declines in the rate of growth of their agricultural sectors.
And after pinning all its economic hopes on exporting to the US market, it finds itself outmaneuvered in low-wage manufacturing.
Around 40 food-exporting countries have imposed some sorts of trade restriction of food: taxes, quotas or across-the-board bans.
Effectively, tobacco companies will be exporting an epidemic of smoking-related diseases, the campaign suggests.
But ironically, while Gulf states seek promising ways to invest their "petrodollars," earned as crude-oil prices have surged to near $100 a barrel, signs are growing that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries might soon increase oil output amid forecasts of U.S. economic gloom, driven in part by those higher oil prices.
Mideast Investment in Citigroup Shows Timing Is Key
They are, in short, flourishing in a market that is now far more complex than the old caricature of Western firms '"exporting" well-paid jobs to poor nations, where salaries are far lower.
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