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How To Use Exponentially In A Sentence

  • This "reflection upon itself" part could lead to a theory of subjectivity, that, like Deleuze's "intensities," would manifest, exponentially, more concentrated wave interaction i.e. in itself, in the body; of the body itself, leading to thought? Archive 2005-10-01
  • Therefore, the wear rate of rhino teeth, in terms of crown height, may decrease exponentially with age.
  • And you've only antagonized terrorists and exponentially increased their numbers by being there. CNN Poll: Afghanistan War opposition at all-time high
  • Having learned that lies procreate exponentially, Rosas was forced to implement some rules and demand discretion. HAVANA BEST FRIENDS
  • Observations of change over the past century indicate that technology is evolving exponentially, which means change is accelerating or the rate of change is increasing.
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  • I think things can get magnified exponentially when you have two celebrities in a situation like this.
  • These selection coefficients are exponentially distributed.
  • E-commerce is expanding exponentially.
  • Marketing costs have grown exponentially.
  • Exponentially increasing literacy rates among women and the resultant popularity of feuilletons had made this an important political issue in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • Under his stewardship, darts, tenpin bowling, poker and pool have all grown exponentially. Snooker Faces the Grim Reaper
  • Cosmetic surgery, the last resort of those who cannot hold on to their youth and beauty through diet and exercise, is expanding exponentially.
  • The number of connected devices is expected to increase exponentially in the next few years, as the so-called internet of things continues to expand. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you're dealing with tickets on multiple carriers - also called interline tickets - the odds of something going wrong increase exponentially with each airline added to your itinerary. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • But a reason GDP/capita might grow exponentially is because new knowledge is gained faster than old knowledge is forgotten. Nonlinear Thinking, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A 2048 bit key would be exponentially harder to crack.
  • World War II again exponentially expanded the bureaucracy and D.C. and its neighboring suburbs exploded. Washington is Crisis City again
  • How much longer can we exponentially expand our demand for energy and resources?
  • Being overweight or obese—or, as we call it, waisted—exponentially increases the risk factors associated with a host of diseases and conditions, including joint pain. You Being Beautiful
  • Malthus wrote about the risks involved in the world's population increasing exponentially.
  • After all the winery's profits are exponentially greater with direct shipping.
  • There have long been restrictions on the width and length of cricket bats, but modern bats have grown exponentially, especially in the depth of the edges. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as her wealth has grown exponentially, so has her reclusiveness.
  • Samples of 2.5x10 cells were also plated from exponentially growing cultures as control samples.
  • The consumption per microprocessor increases while the number of microprocessors in use exponentially grows.
  • In contrast, an exponentially growing population has a smooth unimodal distribution approaching a Poisson distribution.
  • Appliances such as refrigerators and stoves have increased exponentially.
  • Approximately 2 x 10 exponentially growing HeLa-S3 cells were synchronized by size using centrifugal elutriation in a J6 MI centrifuge and at least 15 size-separated fractions were collected.
  • Franks was one of the founders of the scientific study of ethnography and increased the Museum's collections in that area exponentially.
  • The turnover and employment figures rise exponentially when ancillary activities such as taxis and various contractor-suppliers are factored in.
  • I could feel this slap-happy punch-drunk idiot grin appear on my face, widening exponentially.
  • In addition, computing power and memory have grown exponentially, with optical fibre and wireless connectivity seemingly becoming ubiquitous. Computing
  • Yet they snapped up the $5 shirts from street vendors, as well as haughtier (and exponentially more expensive) options from top-flight designers such as Diane Von Furstenburg, Donna Karan and Beyoncé's own House of Dereon. As Obama's popularity drops, so do sales of his merchandise
  • The presumable management overhead, both technically and in real personnel terms, for such a computing network is immense: when every machine is a server and a backup drive, the complexity of the network increases exponentially.
  • With all that silicon and increasingly-programmable APIs, low-level GPU programming is growing exponentially more intricate.
  • Conductance declined exponentially with applied pressure for both roots and stems.
  • Alas what could have been still been achieved on the Moon got once again shortchanged with NASA being stuck for several years on a continuing budget resolution because of exponentially increasing war costs. "Moon = Stupid": Its The Same Tired Rhetoric From Bob Zubrin - NASA Watch
  • After the air attacks began, refugee movements multiplied exponentially, amounting ultimately to more than half the population of the province, with another third listed as internally displaced from their homes.
  • Mercenaries had grown exponentially, and trade routes were risky, the merchant ships pillaged.
  • So sorry to inform, old lad, but you and I most definitely live in exponentially darker times now. Matthew Yglesias » (Part of) The Case for Higher Inflation
  • Why have the number of upper second class and first-class degrees increased exponentially in the last 15 years? Times, Sunday Times
  • Well before a billionth of a second had elapsed the universe started to grow exponentially.
  • But my home-briew code seemed to exagerate it exponentially, hitting the 2gig limit within 950 frame every time. Forum
  • The range of products is expanding just as exponentially as the means of operation.
  • In FED UP, Governor Perry argues that expansion of the federal government is occurring exponentially and injuriously. Rick Perry, Texas Governor, To Write Book, 'Fed Up,' On Expansion Of Federal Government
  • Our technological advances have increased exponentially over a few centuries, but our intercommunity and interracial skills have improved little.
  • And the phase velocity of fast wave will decrease exponentially with frequency.
  • When beauty is allied to a passionate heart, scorn multiplies exponentially. Times, Sunday Times
  • There have long been restrictions on the width and length of cricket bats, but modern bats have grown exponentially, especially in the depth of the edges. Times, Sunday Times
  • The benefit increases exponentially when a higher priority is placed on the additional procurement of equipment for the Army Reserve.
  • The size of neuron clusters that we have successfully recreated in terms of functional equivalence is also scaling up exponentially.
  • In addition to exponentially increasing certain animal populations, the process of domestication has changed the very nature of its subjects.
  • With a single worm capable of laying 900 eggs a year, his worms began multiplying exponentially.
  • Population, as Malthus said, naturally tends to grow "geometrically," or, as we would now say, exponentially. Tragedy of the Commons (historical)
  • Basically, it's the idea that crime expands exponentially when small crimes go unpunished.
  • Meanwhile, however, as they cleared the land and created and improved watering places for livestock, the settlers enabled the roos to multiply exponentially.
  • Shortly after the coining of the term beatnik in the late fifties, the paths of the Beat Generation and what most of America believed to be beatnik culture began to diverge exponentially. The Typewriter Is Holy
  • It is expanding exponentially, and has built one of the most enviable brands in hospitality and zipless pick-up joints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Malthus wrote about the risks involved in the world's population increasing exponentially.
  • The use of contactless cards for the tiniest transactions is growing exponentially. Times, Sunday Times
  • The candlepower increases exponentially when James Franco, the film's Allen Ginsberg, arrives. Travis Nichols: Howl on the Red Carpet
  • Imagine tossing a coin until it lands heads-up, and suppose that the payoff grows exponentially according to the number of tosses you make.
  • The estimates for waiting times are not quantitatively reliable because they depend exponentially on imprecisely known quantities.
  • Technological development is accelerating exponentially.
  • Jihadist violence had grown exponentially, insurgent attacks had increased nearly 800 percent since 2005, and suicide attacks had increased twentyfold. The Longest War
  • Unhindered reproduction, he said, causes the population to increase 'geometrically' ( 'exponentially', we say now), while the means of subsistence increases only arithmetically. Bill Totten's Weblog
  • Since "congestion" is not a measurement of only increased traffic counts, it will exponentially explode. Metro: Fix the bridges we have (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Rather than ameliorating his problems, however, these gadgets multiplied his frustrations exponentially.
  • There have long been restrictions on the width and length of cricket bats, but modern bats have grown exponentially, especially in the depth of the edges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well before a billionth of a second had elapsed the universe started to grow exponentially.
  • When the scale factor depends exponentially on time, the scale factor goes to zero when time t goes to minus infinity.
  • The coefficients show an exponentially decaying trend.
  • Having learned that lies procreate exponentially, Rosas was forced to implement some rules and demand discretion. HAVANA BEST FRIENDS
  • I contend that an ecosystem that after the extermination of one of its most active predatory species not only continued to maintain its other species’ populations but ultimately saw them increase exponentially is hardly a malfunctioning ecosystem. Wolves Kill 23 Lambs In Oregon
  • Specifically, cell viability decreases exponentially with energy density.
  • Imagine tossing a coin until it lands heads-up, and suppose that the payoff grows exponentially according to the number of tosses you make.
  • First, the evanescent field decays exponentially at the sensor surface.
  • Over the past thirty years, the movement has expanded exponentially to include emphases on nutrition, physical exercise and various body therapy approaches, including Rolfing.
  • The quantity of chemical pollutants has increased exponentially.
  • Malthus wrote about the risks involved in the world's population increasing exponentially.
  • If we invest in providing education and training to those at risk of becoming or remaining criminals, the chance that they will recidivate goes down exponentially with each grade level completed. Elena Quintana: Toward an Industry of Peace
  • You might want to practice this now, in your mind (or in the mirror!), before summer hits and catcalls multiply exponentially: TheGloss
  • If the drug concentrations in plasma or other body fluids decrease mono-exponentially in time, absorption is apparently absent or very fast.
  • These developments were the beginning of the technology which has grown exponentially towards its modern explosion.
  • The day the nadir of his perfidy is brought to light, he will effectively have put the lives of hundreds of thousands — maybe even millions of Americans and more worrisome to him — American Interests (“Cha-CHING!”) in exponentially greater jeopardy than before. Look 'Pon The Devil's Brow...An Impossibility...
  • But alas, the mercenariness prevalent in our game will ensure that the high turnover of personnel at the Jags will rise exponentially with the club's success.
  • In this age of audit-everything and trust no-one, the work of IT groups has grown exponentially and the staffing is dropping. WebTADS Does Not Know How Much Leave You Have - NASA Watch
  • Contemporary Marxists recognize that capital can produce "green" commodities such as antipollution devices, recycled goods, or organic produce, but capital will only do so if it can reproduce itself exponentially through these avenues. Neoclassical, institutional, and marxist approaches to the environment-economic relationship
  • Data storage needs are increasing exponentially for most organizations.
  • For example, all equations in field theory with tachyonic modes are unstable because the tachyons particles with negative squared mass grow with time exponentially for reasonable initial conditions. Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
  • In addition, the incentives for alternatives - such as hydro, solar, nuclear and - crucially biofuels - grow exponentially.
  • The burden could grow exponentially as the female participation rate in paid employment escalates.
  • Then his normal befuddlement is exponentially enhanced by two very unexpected -- and potentially very dangerous -- visitors from the pound. The Highly Effective Detective Goes to the Dogs by Richard Yancey: Book summary
  • All beer heads decay exponentially with time, with most taking around three minutes to decay almost completely.
  • It should be especially deeply disturbing for those who were planning to vote for the fellow, and yet exponentially more so for those who were premising their conclusions because of his "experience. When can McCain misstatements be called lies?
  • The evolution of a classically chaotic Hamiltonian system is characterized by a computational complexity that increases exponentially with time elapsed.
  • It doesn't matter who you are, how strong, how smart, how fast - if you get fatigued you are exponentially raising your chances of being in a car accident.
  • However, the grammar must be able to correctly distinguish word hypotheses or the number of paths will grow exponentially.
  • The hassle factor goes up exponentially when you have to swage primer pockets and keep that brass separate.
  • Next, this unstable atom, this new radio-element which we have called decomposes exponentially with a half-life of three minutes. Artificial Production Of Radioactive Elements: Nobel Lecture
  • Prosperity was an endless prairie, and corporations expanded almost exponentially to fill those empty spaces.
  • First, the human population is continuing to rise exponentially.
  • In addition, work by people like Darwin and Newton were discussed in correspondence between scientists of the day I remember a tale of Priestly writing a letter to Benjamin Franklin after his discovery of “de-phlogisticated air”, later to be named oxygen The amount of scientific work being done today is exponentially larger, and in specialized areas. The Discovery Institute and publications - The Panda's Thumb
  • YouTube, that incandescent tower of video Babel; monument to the sloughed-off detritus of our exponentially-exploding digital culture; a Technicolor cataract of skateboarding dogs, lip-synching college students, political punditry, and porn; has reached the zenith of its meteoric rise; and Icarus-like, wings melting; is spiraling back to earth. P2pnet World Headlines – April 9, 2009
  • Currents in resistance / inductance circuits always decay exponentially, not linearly, after the power source is switched off.
  • For two years, Singularity University SU--created by futurist Ray Kurzweil and X Prize CEO Peter Diamandis--has been bringing people together at NASA Ames Research Center here to discuss what are called "exponentially growing" technologies--things like 3D printing, self-organizing molecular circuits, advanced robotics, and more. CNET
  • I could feel this slap-happy punch-drunk idiot grin appear on my face, widening exponentially.
  • The burden could grow exponentially as the female participation rate in paid employment escalates.
  • Over the next 20 years, the balance sheets of the largest dealers ballooned and their willingness to provide liquidity across a range of products grew exponentially. Times, Sunday Times
  • Information technology continues to improve exponentially, and this progress bleeds over into adjacent fields such as genetics, robotics and nanotechnology.
  • Investing capitalists came to feel that their wealth could go on expanding almost exponentially forever.
  • Medical websites have multiplied exponentially over the past several years.
  • Stupid laws contaminate those charged with enforcing them at the first level and then become exponentially more costly as their poison spreads through other layers of the economy.
  • The dye level for ventral bundles also rose initially to a maximum value, but dropped exponentially to a non-zero final value.
  • The intensity of the evanescent wave created at the bottom of the flow cell decays exponentially with the distance from the slide's surface.
  • Constant customer input helps provide an exponentially clearer picture of what kind of software designers need.
  • My longing for Shrimp—say his name loud and proud—increased exponentially the longer I made out with Luis. Gingerbread
  • The harvest of mantas in eastern Indonesia has increased exponentially in just a few years.
  • As other electronics have improved exponentially, batteries have done so only incrementally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coasteering has grown exponentially in the past ten years or so. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each of these three men simply cannot help but to make every film they appear in exponentially more awesome — their mere presence enough to assist a film’s transcendence from mediocre to almost-good. Top 10 Gary Busey Performances » Scene-Stealers
  • They have increased tenfold the number of inmates in prison, they have increased exponentially the number of prisons, they have backed numerous draconian laws to ensure that more and more people go to prison for longer and longer for doing less andless. The Volokh Conspiracy » California’s Woes and Prop 13
  • In de Sitter space the universe expands exponentially, which is the basis of the inflationary model of the universe.
  • The quantity of chemical pollutants has increased exponentially.
  • Tonight, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm: How come putt putt golf is exponentially more fun than regular golf but t-ball is just as -- if not less -- exciting than baseball? HUFFPOST HILL - House Passes Anti-Union Bill
  • Exponentially growing cells were plated in a 6-well plate on glass coverslips and cultured for 24 h prior to drug treatment.
  • When you are building a fine-tuned, multicomponent cellular structure, the problem gets exponentially more severe at each step, as many specialized components are required. The Edge of Evolution
  • The number of issued software patents grew exponentially in the U.S. beginning in the early 1980s.
  • Note that this is exponentially worse than the Manning Henkel problem, since there are not two but four dissyllables to conjure with.
  • Multiple drug therapy or polypharmacy is quite common, with the consequence of adverse drug interactions, the risk of which rises exponentially with the number of drugs given simultaneously and with concurrent diseases.
  • The use of illegal drugs like marijuana, cocaine and heroin has increased exponentially, most dramatically among the young.
  • The most common varieties are even vibration and damped vibration, according as the amplitude remains constant or it is decreasing exponentially.
  • Dear Freddy, the exponentially decreasing saturating formula is assuming that there is a universal value of the coefficient that I wrote as 1/200″ in the exponent, which is only reasonable if you study the absorption at one frequency. Annan on Hegerl et al « Climate Audit
  • The quantity of chemical pollutants has increased exponentially.
  • Having learned that lies procreate exponentially, Rosas was forced to implement some rules and demand discretion. HAVANA BEST FRIENDS
  • CO2 can only trap light at a certain wavelength and has exponentially decreasing returns for warming. Prevention of Global Warming: Understanding The Main Causes
  • Having learned that lies procreate exponentially, Rosas was forced to implement some rules and demand discretion. HAVANA BEST FRIENDS
  • The day the nadir of his perfidy is brought to light, he will effectively have put the lives of hundreds of thousands — maybe even millions of Americans and more worrisome to him — American Interests (“Cha-CHING!”) in exponentially greater jeopardy than before. Look 'Pon The Devil's Brow...An Impossibility...
  • But throttling is just a stopgap measure because unlike telephone data, Internet transmissions are growing exponentially! Canadian high speed isn’t
  • It measures the rate at which small disturbances explode exponentially in time.
  • Well before a billionth of a second had elapsed the universe started to grow exponentially.
  • The monsters in Carpenter's film become exponentially less and less human.
  • (It is projected that Medicare and such will take up a far larger chunk, but only if medical costs continue to rise exponentially, which is another debate.) Matthew Yglesias » The Ethics of Deficits
  • Third, the creation, consumption and communication of content have increased exponentially.
  • The phytotoxic effects of these substances become intensified in conjunction with other atmospheric pollutants and at the same time increase dryness and exponentially drive the eco-toxicological consequences of climate change. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Contact lenses increase the risk to his eye exponentially by increasing the physiological stresses to the cornea that enable herpetic virus activation. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Licensing is Anti-Consumer
  • There is something vertiginously sublime about contemplating timescales that are exponentially longer than our own lives.
  • What impresses me is that if you look at the subatomic level, or the quantum level, what you find is that the information processing power of nature goes up exponentially.
  • For ads and for transversality, suffice it to say you lose readers real fast if they need to scroll down; the probability for a banner to be viewed decreases exponentially: 10 scrolls divide the probability by 100 or more. Breaking News: CBS News
  • Diseases can disseminate exponentially fast.
  • It is once you go off-radar, off-label, to try unlicenced, inadvisable procedures such as injections of liquid silicone that the risks begin to rise exponentially. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, observations of the High Street late at night indicate the noise, filth and anti-social behaviour increase exponentially with the hour.
  • inflation is growing exponentially
  • The evolution of multicellularity therefore qualifies as an "autocatalytic" process; once set in motion, it drives itself exponentially from then on. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • In bigger pregnancies, the hazards grow almost exponentially. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Internet will also help drive economies as it increases exponentially the ease, speed, and inexpensiveness with which information can be collected.
  • Put down anchor somewhere and the barnacle problem multiplies exponentially. 2009 February « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Most transient signals, which are exponentially damped sinusoids, cannot be wavelet basis functions because of their nonzero mean.
  • Everybody knows that the mandolin is the "bad boy" of the lute family, and since Letle Viride is, in turn, the "bad boy" of mandolin players, this makes him exponentially bad. Bike Buzz: Old Bikes, New Humiliations
  • The burden could grow exponentially as the female participation rate in paid employment escalates.

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