How To Use exponential curve In A Sentence
- The fitted result proves that the hypothesis that load-life curve in single logarithm should be exponential curve is right.
- Just as the forward function resembles the exponential curve, the inverse function appears similar to the logarithm.
- The second one is a brand - new method based on dual - exponential curve transformation.
- In his view, Luddism was, indeed, a fallacy when productivity improvements were still on the relatively flat, or slowly rising, part of the exponential curve.
- Those of you familiar with the mathematics of an exponential curve will note, however, that it is one of diminishing returns.
- This pattern, which mathematicians call an exponential curve, was to become a basic feature of the online world. DOT.CON
- As shown, high-priority tasks receive the vast majority of the processor, while low-priority tasks receive considerably less in an exponential curve.
- This pattern, which mathematicians call an exponential curve, was to become a basic feature of the online world. DOT.CON