How To Use Explore In A Sentence

  • Mr Smith said the department's own funds, which have bankrolled major improvements in the naval service, had been well tapped and it was now time to explore new ways of funding.
  • She is "not a medium", we are told, but rather "a supersensory explorer who has been trained in the cosmic language of symbols for more than 20 years. British Blogs
  • Interior spaces may also be gendered: the author explores both the activities particular to women, such as needlework or lace-making, and the objects related to female and maternal domesticity.
  • Within the context of modernity, the autonomous artist, as a creative being, explores varying moods, passion, sentiments and emotions.
  • Every jag, every bump on the wall revealed a zone of darkness that was worth to explore, but every time, in the shadows, there was just the sides of the cave, continuing.
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  • This is the exclusive preserve of the cave explorer who cares less for personal discomfort.
  • This prompted the question that he explored through a compelling narrative. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the basis of the existing study we tries to resurvey and explore the urban inclusion of peasant workers using the perspective of social exclusion.
  • He did in these extremities, as I conceive, most humbly recommend the direction of his judicial proceedings to the upright judge of judges, God Almighty; did submit himself to the conduct and guideship of the blessed Spirit in the hazard and perplexity of the definitive sentence, and, by this aleatory lot, did as it were implore and explore the divine decree of his goodwill and pleasure, instead of that which we call the final judgment of a court. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • This magnificent bit of luck, the finding of the calisaya, awakened in the susceptible bosom of Mr. Marcoy an ardent desire to explore for himself the site of its discovery. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Central to the operation is a mile-deep well, dug originally to explore for oil.
  • I'm gonna drag you home tonight and we're going to explore this concept of evolution.
  • EXPLORE the future with one of my gifted psychics or astrologers any day from 9am to midnight. The Sun
  • So, in the next article in this series we'll explore Vim's simple plug-in architecture, which allows you to factor out parts of your .vimrc and isolate them in separate modules.
  • When you hear the words, " adventure travel" , perhaps you think ofthe Venetian merchant Marco Polo, the distinguished African explorer David Livingstone, or North Pole adventurer Robert Peary.
  • Workers in East Asia thus need to explore and combine a variety of tactics to defend their legitimate interests.
  • Space is the final frontier for us to explore.
  • The precis accompanying the weekly summaries of incidents also make it possible to explore in more detail the deaths of individual policemen.
  • The film explores the combat between good and evil.
  • Any themes brought up by respondents were explored by the interviewer.
  • It's all a matter of perspective and intent, something Cave covetously explores across the two discs.
  • After the main presentations, an hour will be devoted to breakout sessions in which executive development hurdles and needs would be explored.
  • Some of the passages can be explored, and are accessible from Princesshay, parallel with the High Street.
  • In 1939, the yardangs in southwestern Egypt were termed ‘mud-lions’ by British explorer Ralph Bagnold.
  • With no news from the explorers we can only surmise their present position / where they are.
  • To test the theory of a chemoautotrophic origin of life in a volcanic, hydrothermal setting, we explored mechanisms for the buildup of bio-organic compounds by carbon fixation on catalytic transition metal precipitates. Dawkins on the OOL
  • Each has written compellingly on this subject, yet each has been unselfishly and unfailingly supportive as we explored terrain that they already knew well. American Grace
  • Among the great explorers is Dr. Wilder Graves Penfield. This World and the Mind of Man
  • Objective : To explore the indication and clinical significance of washed RBC.
  • Since then he has continued to explore the fringes of society with his camera. Times, Sunday Times
  • The explorers climbed a mound to survey the land around them.
  • The first great European ocean sailors were sent out in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to explore the world.
  • Objective To explore the diagnostic value of screening cervix lesion with colposcope .
  • The researcher employed the in - depth interview method to explore male experiences under the patriarchal ideology.
  • For children, the liminal space of play allows them to reconfigure power relationships, explore identities, and reframe actions.
  • Not surprisingly, Metung attracted a number of distinguished early holiday-makers, some of whom settled there permanently, including the explorer and mineralogist Dr. Alfred Howitt; His Honour Judge John Burnett Box; and John King, the second son of Rear Admiral Philip Parker King. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Objective: The study attempts to find initial relationship between olfactory perception favor and individual personality, to explore a new route in research of personality at behavior level.
  • Objective To explore a proper recording of the unit discharge in auditory nerve and inferior colliculus for the observation of characteristics of response potential.
  • The explorers were faint from hunger and cold.
  • This exhibition pools the collections of nine museums to explore the county's vibrant cultural life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bigger picture is the implication this has for the largely unexplored region. Times, Sunday Times
  • The state's intentions, of using the entire coastline for desalination, were revealed when chief minister Ashok Chavan recently instructed officials to explore the idea of allotting land to private parties for setting up desalination plants on design, build, operate and transfer basis. Daily News & Analysis
  • Training crossing guards to spot and defuse volatile situations is one of the options being explored. Times, Sunday Times
  • Public-private partnerships and social housing units are just two options currently being explored.
  • It would be easy to snooze the day away in the spa, but Galway is surrounded by rich history and beautiful scenery that has to be explored. The Sun
  • This wonderful new series provides a feast for the ears as it explores the importance of film soundtracks. The Sun
  • The authors clearly have several potentially fruitful avenues to explore.
  • Objective To explore common causes of death in umbilical cord blood transplantation treating malignant and nonmalignant diseases in children.
  • Objective To explore the effect of endotoxin to lung in experimental peritonitis.
  • Although, thinking about it, I'm sure my vocabulary has been enlarged in previously unexplored directions by the energetic neologists of spam.
  • There was formerly a tribe of South Sea islanders who, until discovered by explorers, had never made the connection between sexual congress and pregnancy.
  • Watching your child explore the world about her can open your eyes to delights long forgotten.
  • Under the heavy market competition pressure, domestic engineering machinery manufacturer want to explore and launch the new credit sales mode.
  • But you can also swim with turtles, or don scuba gear and explore the corals and colourful fish of the deep. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hypothetical role of tissue hypoxia also needs to be explored.
  • Starting with only a loincloth , you must explore the wilderness to find water, food and shelter.
  • It was adequate though and the Explorer could also boast massive cargo capacity, extensive research facilities and most importantly the ability to serve as a mobile dock for semi-independent ships.
  • The final selection of four papers explores an even more miscellaneous assortment of problems.
  • The programme will explore how angry exes have destroyed lives by sharing explicit images of their previous partners. The Sun
  • Objective To explore the role of mouse dermis - derived mesenchymal stem cells ( md MSC ) on skin repair.
  • And just as I was settling into the new world, ready to explore it, I was whisked away to the mysteriouse oriente .... How To Kill My Interest as a Reader
  • A tautly told tale of psychological tension and chilling moral complexity, The Last Secret accelerates to a shattering conclusion as it explores the irreparable consequences of one family's crimes of the heart. The Last Secret: Summary and book reviews of The Last Secret by Mary McGarry Morris.
  • Many of the subjects are necessarily members of wealthy or aristocratic families, and part of the purpose of the show is to explore the place of children in society their dress, and their toys.
  • Nothing was different except for a large mousehole shape gap in the bottom of the awning where the intrepid explorer had made his escape.
  • The continent's rich linguistic diversity has been poorly explored, developed, and sanctioned.
  • We incidentally found that STAT1C overexpression cause aberrant STAT activation in LL2 cells. Further studies on the underlying mechanisms may explore a novel regulatory system of JAK/STAT pathway.
  • The play explores children's honest if naive attempts to reconcile conflicts between rules of peer friendship and the expectations of parents.
  • A clear and elaborate historical investigation of this process helps a grat deal to make an academic analysis of this historical "issue" and explore the essence of Chen Duxu's case as a Trotskyist.
  • In the April issue, I explored the use of basic slip stitch designs for knitting fabrics.
  • Objective We explore the value of three - dimensional scan and the diagnostic criteria for prominent malar complex.
  • Carl, a reckless billionaire adventurer, has financed an expedition by an expert spelunker and diver named Frank McGuire Richard Roxburgh, to chart the unexplored portions of Esa'ala and discover a previously uncharted route through Esa'ala and back to the ocean coast. Marshall Fine: Movie Review: Sanctum
  • Tired of writing detective novels, she began to explore new territory.
  • We should explore its return to stem the rivers of blood flowing through our streets. The Sun
  • Tell the class that early explorers in Florida thought manatees were either mermaids or monsters.
  • He explores in his art the dynamics of decay without ignoring the comedic ironies of living.
  • This area of grazing marshes is now a nature reserve and includes woodland, marsh and heathland, and can be explored on marked trails.
  • There's a whole world out there, waiting for you to explore, and the possibilities are almost limitless.
  • Most bushy tail jirds welcome cage companions but they treat humans like part of their terrain to be explored.
  • Cycling: Hire a cycle to explore the surrounding countryside; the terrain around the lakes is fairly gentle!
  • As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore.
  • Relationships, marriage and parenthood are next explored. Know Your Own Mind
  • Scientists have no need to explore the internal logic of the consciousness of matter simply because it does not exist.
  • Objective: To explore the diagnosis and treatment of testicular intratubular seminoma.
  • Ambleve; or you may still cling for a little while to the fringe of the Ardennes, which is also the fringe of the industrial country, and explore the valley of the Meuse westward, past Huy and Namur, to Dinant. Beautiful Europe: Belgium
  • The GHA will also explore improvements in additional staple crops, including sorghum and a legume such as cowpea or peanuts. Health News from Medical News Today
  • I explore optimistic possibilities in fictional worlds to express my hope for good and transcendent outcomes. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Kay Kenyon
  • It is an imperative selection to transform the outdate teaching perception and mode and to explore the new ways in the integrate of the information resources and Chinese courses.
  • AIM : To explore a simple fixation of hydroxyapatite ( HA ) artificial eye mount of auto sclera.
  • If you're running Windows, update your system to the latest version of Internet Explorer and be done with it.
  • The model will be used to explore these energy strategies which might form the basis of acceptable compromises.
  • Not only will that skill help your re sume, it will make you familiar with on-line job recruiting. Explore alternatives.
  • The questions and issues we place at the fore of our claims of faith are constantly being explored in today's multimedia.
  • Even before they reach their digital recorders overhead, the reporters tower over Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who must be all of five-foot-four and cannot possibly see any of the gleaming sheetmetal she has come to explore. 2010 Detroit Auto Show: Politicians see "progress" in Motor City
  • This unevenness of the yarn is explored through layering and fraying of raw edges.
  • Bill Geist explores the resurgence of the classic game of ping pong, which is now ... Breaking News: CBS News
  • This article, from the perspective of language style, explores the features, principles and techniques of headword translation in bilingual dictionaries.
  • Muslims (in particular Moors from Spain) may well have been among the early explorers.
  • A mission involving three gliders would explore the composition and stratigraphy of the walls of Valles Marineris in ways not possible for orbiters and landers.
  • Explore ideas, beliefs and activities that will challenge you and take you out of your comfort zone.
  • In a funky setting, explore artfully presented skewered meats, seafood and rice, perfumed with tamarind, coconut milk, anise, chillies, garlic and ginger.
  • My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
  • In consultation with university administrators, the board encouraged foundation leaders to explore options.
  • There's a vast and virtually unexplored area where the two overlap.
  • Disappointed, Magellan led the fleet south again -- further south than any previous explorer had been.
  • The booklet was first published in 1985, the year which celebrated the centenary of the motorcar, and explores the part that Croydon played in its history and development.
  • To explore the mechanisms and neurological basis of aphasic agraphia, 20 patients with aphasic agraphia after cerebral infarction were selected for observation.
  • Objective To explore statistical approaches to analyzing factorial designed repeated measurement data.
  • As always, I use the search engine to sniff for clues when I need to explore possibilities and options.
  • For the romantic and postromantic traditions of poetics in which Benjamin and Adorno participate, modern lyric ambition stands as a, or even the, high-risk enterprise, the "go-for-broke-game" [ "va-banque-Spiel"], of literary art: The lyric poem must work coherently in and with the mediumlanguagethat human beings use to articulate objective concepts, even while the lyric explores the most subjective, nonconceptual, and ephemeral phenomena. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • PSK spread spectrum system that uses the digital correlator is explored and designed.
  • With 400 acres to explore, it is the perfect retreat away from hectic city life. The Sun
  • What is there to celebrate and explore when my life is so grim?
  • General Pathology a very active laboratory, with international contacts, and was especially gifted in stimulating his students and foreign guests, including the Norwegian histologist and explorer Fridtjof Life and Discoveries of Camillo Golgi
  • He is collaborating with the National Biodiversity Institute of Costa Rica to explore poorly understood endophytic fungi and uncultured soil microbes of Costa Rica.
  • It is not enough for me to explore, to retreat graciously into the dust and floorboards of those exotic places.
  • Juliet McMaster explores how in juvenilia in general the presence of "sexual knowingness in a child, especially a girl" is usually met with "resistance": "[w] riting and doing it are seen as perilously close, although the same assumption would not apply in the case of subjects less loaded" ( "Virginal Representations" 304-5, close window 'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
  • Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian-born merchant and explorer who took part in early voyages to the New World on behalf of Spain around the late 15th century.
  • With oil prices in retreat as well as metals prices, explorers and producers were on the back foot, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • While her works have consistently pointed to a delightful connection between ourselves and our things, here she seemed to explore that connection down to an elemental level.
  • Certainly Asda struggled to beat it yesterday when I went to explore the new supermarket in Leith with an express aim of picking up some Lamb Mince for some stovies. Archive 2009-03-01
  • As the story unfolds, she then responds to the children's comments and allows the toddlers to explore the book by touching.
  • Any country that doesn't explore is going to ultimately recede was the previous entry in this blog. Apollo 11 Anniversary Thoughts - NASA Watch
  • Lucky for us, the relationships that we formed allowed us a lot of freedom to explore what was really going on.
  • Objective:To explore contents and characters of mental self-supporting of adolescent students.
  • Firstly I must explain from the start that I manage an organisation called Two Sides, which has been set up by all sectors of the UK print and publishing industries to explore the Myths and set out the Facts about the Print and Paper industries which actually have a great environmental story to tell. Books, Ebooks and the Environment « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Take the fear our of using architects and designers and explore the full potential of your home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Comprehensive modernists both, they explored art forms from film to opera.
  • Edwards explores how a single rugby match proved to be one of the most significant flashpoints in Welsh history.
  • People quickly found out that Explorer 3 didn't give access to the images on a page, so that the mouseovers wouldn't work.
  • They will head off to explore the network of ancient trails and bridleways that cross the valleys and hilltops.
  • Explore toads pharmacological function to experimental animals circulatory system.
  • Our nation's rich supply of blow-up dolls has barely begun to be explored for national security purposes.
  • In vibrant, unpunctuated prose purporting to be Ned's own words, Carey explores Australia's most enduring myth.
  • In caving parlance, a "dry cave" is one which a human visitor can explore without getting wet. Caves and Cave Life
  • The last, for instance, explores the conflict between cultural traditions and powerful assimilative tendencies.
  • As soon as Lennart's airship is ready, Hugo is going to travel in it in order to explore what is still left of this globe to be discovered. The Girl from the Marsh Croft
  • Leonardo's challenges as a genius with a great vision and also a human being who needs to pay his bills and feed his dependents is explored throughout the novel. Leonardo's Swans by Karen Essex: Questions
  • To map that joining, we must explore emerging technologies, not merely because they are new, but because they have some bearing on a facet of sound and music that is meaningful to us.
  • Using stable sea kayaks, we'll explore a remote corner of this region, search for wildlife in sheltered coves, and watch glaciers calve into ice-choked bays.
  • The other possibility would be to explore such typologies in the Irish archive on other historical subjects.
  • This exhibition explores the enduring architectural question of the relationship of surface to structure, a problem the investigation views through the lenses of both architectural and automotive design, focusing on the spectrum of systems defined as monocoque, semi-monocoque and superleggera. Media Newswire
  • The accompanying text pages explore these questions and give definite answers as a basis for discussion.
  • That same year another daimyo, also with shogunal consent, led an expedition to Taiwan to explore the possibilities of setting up a trading center there, although nothing came of the attempt. 43 In 1616, a Japanese merchant-adventurer named Murayama Toan (村山東庵) sent thirteen junks to conquer Taiwan. 44 They were ambushed in a creek by headhunters and decided to give up on Taiwan and instead pillage the Chinese coast. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • For anyone who has ever been curious about a whole range of sexual behaviors, cybersex offers a private, safe, and anonymous way to explore those fantasies.
  • Objective To explore the relationship between obese children with benign acanthosis nigricans and insulin-resistant and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • The child seems unable to explore all aspects of the stimulus, or decenter the visual inspection.
  • When a white van with two more whiskered men pulled up to the huddle, Sergeant Tommy Wright stepped out of his gold Ford Explorer.
  • It was so exciting to put something on that felt like it had a story, and it encouraged me to explore different parts of my personality. Times, Sunday Times
  • But explorers would not eat prissy little candy canes and peanut brittle when they could tear into a hamburger, would they?
  • Objective To explore early diagnosis and operative treatment of primary synovial chondromatosis of the hip joint.
  • Nearby is Everglades National Park, which can be explored by canoe, hiking, biking or in an airboat.
  • Outside, you can explore a fragrant herb garden, orchards and lawns or take a circular walk through the parkland. The Sun
  • This means 'to fold inward' ... so we may be led to explore the notion that in some sense each region contains a total structure 'enfolded' within it ". Notes From The Geek Show
  • The symbiotic relationship between Italian food and the country's identity is a subject that has been explored and documented extensively. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 I always wondered about dimwits who go on holiday, then spend the entire trip a fingerbreadth from the hotel television. Banks Get a Bailing Grade
  • Nasa spacecraft has sent back the first historic pictures of an unexplored region of Mars.
  • To understand causes of compulsive gambling or pathological gambling, it is useful to explore causes of impulse control disorders.
  • The region has barely been explored, but as the polar icecap melts access is becoming easier. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to change the very words we use to analyze writing so that we can wash this stigmatism out of our collective consciousnesses and allow writers to expand their 'toolkit' and readers to explore more methods of storytelling. So It Goes: Thoughts on the Cassandra Ghetto
  • The joint venture calls for the companies to explore three sections in the Kara Sea, an icebound coastal backwater north of central Russia.
  • Marx sharpened and deepened this concept, and then used it to explore capitalism's class relations and internal dynamics.
  • Contemporary works in a variety of media from the past 50 years, which look at the ways in which art has explored perception and awareness. Times, Sunday Times
  • We should explore/pursue every avenue in the search for an answer to this problem.
  • The explorers made a camp fire to keep off wild animals.
  • Objective To explore the relationship between network dependent behavior and self acceptance in adolescent.
  • The explorer whose experience living as a hunter was the most carefully documented was the controversial anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson. THE NEW ATKINS FOR A NEW YOU
  • And no other country has explored the painful parts of its history with such rigour and intensity. Times, Sunday Times
  • From its base we could explore the headwaters of the stream leading back to camp for our cross-country route into Wallace Creek, to the north.
  • From the sites Louis offered, Phillips chose the west side of Lake Rudolf, a vast region that Louis assured him was “virtually unexplored.” Ancestral Passions
  • Consequently, the goal of the research was to try to begin to systematically explore what we called blasphemy sensitivity. Experimental Theology
  • Objective To explore the technological processes of extraction, identification and determination of total flavone from folium Camelliae for fully making use of Camellia sinensis resourses.
  • The Coens unashamedly celebrate and aggrandize American culture and sense of place, using it to enhance stories that convey and explore love, betrayal and ambition.
  • But he doesn't do emotion or much like the idea of stomping about his own unexplored psychic terrain without a map. Times, Sunday Times
  • I ran down to the port at Leith, which has all been yuppified and is pretty nice, and just explored around there.
  • In the afternoon you'll be free to explore a little on your own.
  • According to conventional wisdom, the lost Inca city of Machu Picchu was discovered in 1911 by Hiram Bingham, a dashing American explorer with a satisfyingly assonant name who later went on to be the Governor of Connecticut and a US Senator. Nunc Scio » Blog Archive » Who really discovered Machu Picchu?
  • Let's go do it because we're a species of explorers and inventors and innovators.
  • A posse of hip downtown lesbians explore cowboy mythology with gender-bending glee, using every multimedia trick in the book.
  • The corkboard is great (you can even replace the cork with your own background image) and it also has an outliner mode (which I haven't explored yet) and lets you import web pages and multimedia files into your 'Research' binder. Scrivener (a somewhat advertorial post)
  • The companies went on to secure licences to explore for oil in Congo. Times, Sunday Times
  • In one aborted poem I explored the feeling by examining the way a tuning circuit hunts up and down its scale to locate and fix on a signal.
  • Tourists visit Mayan ruins, take jungle safaris, and explore a long barrier reef.
  • The pair had decided to explore the north of Tenerife and were rounding a bend when they collided with the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cameron's documentary shows him embarking on his own expedition to explore the wreck of the Bismarck.
  • Explorer One went into a higher orbit than either Sputnik.
  • Researchers have explored the use of green fallow systems in recent years—however, a suitable green cover has not been discovered.
  • In addition, this text explores the optimum distribution question of the limited fund with the linear programming model, attempt to analysis complicated problem quantitatively.
  • As for the Ocean Explorer, I could just make out its low silhouette in the distance and felt a strange, brief, constriction in my throat. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • a "footpad" might leap upon and slay him; when wild beasts roamed the forest and the jungles, and there were savage men, and countries yet unexplored. The Lost Continent
  • This might be an opportune time to explore or return to hobbies, leisure activities or career pursuits.
  • Identities explores the relationship of racial, ethnic and national identities and power hierarchies within national and global arenas.
  • So, here I would only talk about a few rather arbitrary points that have occupied my mind in the recent days and leave the rest to other people to explore.
  • Objective To explore the changes of autoimmunity and its significance after spinal cord transection ( SCT ).
  • It will explore the excitements of Paris between the wars, through opera, ballet, concerts, oratorio, film and visual arts, and a specially commissioned book.
  • Objective To explore the nursing service mode for specialized nurses in diabetes and its application effect.
  • We shall explore the question of career progression more fully in Chapter 8.
  • This wonderful new series provides a feast for the ears as it explores the importance of film soundtracks. The Sun
  • In the latest issue of Symmetry, a magazine about particle physics, I've traced the chain of scientific developments in the 1930s and 1940s that inspired Williamson to write his "Seetee" tales -- if not the first, certainly the most influential stories to explore the physics of "contraterrene" (CT) matter. Boing Boing
  • Lake District National Park Authority rangers will be on their bikes and inviting guests to join them as they explore cycle tracks and bridleways around the area on Monday.
  • Among the technologies being explored are transit vehicle priority at signalised intersections and the use of a mobile bus-mounted machine vision system for transit and traffic monitoring.

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