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How To Use Exploration In A Sentence

  • Objective To avoid the happen of negativity common bile duct exploration.
  • The deal is expected to more than treble its production next year, creating enhanced cashflow to fund exploration in other oil provinces.
  • This paper deals with geophysical exploration methods used in mineral resource survey, their application conditions, instrument equipment and application examples.
  • Your first book was actually a theological exploration of the meaning of motherhood.
  • In addition, a huge thickness of foredeep clastic rock in southern foreland basin is a favorable place of exploration of deep-basin gas and carbon dioxide gas pools.
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  • It might also turn educational policy toward explorations and displays of cultural diversity that are less politically pretentious. Postethnic America: Beyond Multiculturalism
  • I have found criticism to be a deeply enriching, but not always comfortable exploration of the text of Scripture.
  • The latest round of trouble came as BP's billionaire partners in TNK-BP, who operate under the name Alfa Access Renova, sought to block a $16 billion share swap and Arctic exploration deal agreed with Rosneft in January. A Tale of Two Partners
  • The 47th Annual Columbus Day Parade was held in New York city this week starting from October 11 to celebrate the spirit of exploration that inspired Christopher Columbus's 1492 expedition.
  • With its elegiac note of a civilisation falling apart while two old men continue their moves toward checkmate, the story is a luminous exploration of a culture that is both realisable yet tantalisingly intangible.
  • In the method, the mean velocity of certain exploration depth can be calculated making use of the difference of phase from consecutive seismic channels.
  • The enticement of an exploration permit was strong enough to draw a half-dozen miners to the sidewalk.
  • Lara's 100%-owned Araguaia Nickel Project comprises 53,889 hectares of exploration licenses and claims in a district that has seen several significant nickel discoveries in recent years: Araguaia adjacent to Vila Oito (Teck), Serra da Tapa and Vale dos Sonhos (Xstrata) and Lontra (Horizonte Minerals plc). The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The moon landing inaugurated a new era in space exploration.
  • Personally, I allowed for this style of presentation and found much to be mined from the exploration of class and gender issues. GreenCine Daily: New Zealand Dispatch.
  • Over time, their trivia games lead to sexual exploration and all kinds of would-be kinky relationship layers start to develop and ferment.
  • The themes begin with discovery, exploration and survival in the last habitable landmass discovered by humans.
  • It is an area of study with a strong academic bias, the foundations of which were none the less in local exploration.
  • Tarkovsky sublimely prefigures space exploration with a five minute sequence of cars winding through the tunnels and overpasses of a modern Russian city.
  • The discovery of a pocket of cassiterite here in 1915 created a small flurry of interest in tin; however, further exploration was unproductive.
  • The exploration company said artifacts recovered from the new expedition will be housed in a permanent museum and exhibited around the world.
  • Some overwrought writing mars an otherwise sharp and insightful exploration of homophobia in the deep South.
  • Ares is the past and the demise of exploration as we can all see if we can read the news coming out! Is Sen. Shelby Helping or Hurting NASA? - NASA Watch
  • Space exploration provides a symbol of national pride.
  • There are opportunities for further exploration at the existing fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rarely, fulminant ischaemic colitis occurs with gangrene or perforation and needs urgent surgical exploration.
  • His exploration of human truths in this great story of love, the on-going aftermath of war, and the individual struggle to find what is true for one's self is timeless; that he uses sex as his basic premise is what draws us, tip-toeing and tee-heeing, to this work.
  • Historically, a certain segment of the population: generally white, somewhat declassed and alienated, developed some sense of aesthetic exploration or at least an identity as a consumer of the same, and the indie store/Outpost section emerged to market to them. War of All Against All: Realism vs Fabulism? Er, No…
  • he called for a careful exploration of the consequences
  • Urban exploration is a relatively harmless hobby. The Sun
  • The exploration leader sent a fellow to go ahead to see if the road was clear.
  • Earth has burrowed into itself, shunning space exploration for centuries, walling itself away from nature and other planets in enclosed cities that people are terrified to leave. Interplanetary Manifest Destiny
  • On this basis, the statistical calculation and correlation analysis between the passive SLF electromagnetic exploration sample data and the coal-bed gas contents were processed.
  • All three are rivals in the global oil services industry, where they provide support to the exploration giants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another core area is oil and gas - not only the area of exploration; the whole business is going to be opened up.
  • With the development of microelectronics, using DSP chip in geophysical exploration instruments to improve the efficiency of real-time data processing is a significant research subject.
  • Indeed, little was known of those orbs until within the past hundred years, when the exploration of the heavens by the aid of greatly increased telescopic power, was the means of creating a new branch of astronomical science, called sidereal astronomy. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • Feeling satisfied with this preliminary exploration of the market, I went back to my room.
  • This is fully compatible with a vitalist/idealist/panpsychist view that has become a strong player in consciousness explorations. Alpha Centauri U., BioEvolution 7314
  • But the complex of anisotropy and difficulty of exploration of igneous rock reservoir far exceeds others.
  • Extensive exploration was carried out using the latest drilling technology.
  • This is not an exploration or a scientific expedition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exploration implements a form by labor element distributive.
  • The London area is not considered a target for shale gas exploration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Class B : areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration.
  • The main aim of the expedition is to continue exploration of the cave Asopladeru le Texa.
  • Plans for the three-year exploration phase include drilling three wells and seismic studies at a cost of $ 13 million.
  • The quantitative relation reflects the relation between the exploration input and output, and makes the exploration planning be more scientific.
  • Sir Aurel Stein was one of the keyman in history of the exploration in northwest of Chinese Turkestan and Dunhuang Studies.
  • He spent his early career getting down and dirty in oil exploration and trading. The Sun
  • The exploration of literary texts is not an elitist activity, distinct from the study of other means of communication.
  • The ten chromolithographs produced from his oil sketches are compelling images of western exploration of the 1870s.
  • The fiction of Richard Powers sometimes resembles a dying satyr — above the waist is a mind full of serious thought, philosophical reflection, deep exploration of music and science; below, a pair of spindly legs strain to support the great weight of the ambitious brain. 2009 September | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • To leave that as an observation without examining its far-reaching implications seems remiss amidst any sociological exploration.
  • The first four chapters deal with peaceful uses of technology, with technology as a tool of economic progress and of scientific exploration. Infinite in All Directions
  • The ship was lovely -- at least, her re-entry system was lovely, a swing-wing streamlined exploration vehicle as big as any hypersonic passenger plane. A Hole In Space
  • The atrocities of the Second World War coupled with developments in genetics, robotics, and space exploration (just to mention a few) are reflected in nihilism and existentialism philosophies, presenting the image of a man as a fluctuant entity, surrounded by relative values, incapable of seeking ultimate truths and haunted by the disintegration of ideologies that once he has held sacred. POSTMODERN LITERATURE:
  • Coffee houses were a reflection of the emerging middle class, with its emphasis on discussion, exploration of ideas, sobriety and refined sociability.
  • Controls against tree felling, tourism, urban development and major road and oil exploration schemes are to be increased.
  • Areas such as Cambay basin, Krishna-Godavari basin and Assam-Arakan basin are considered as most prospective areas for shale gas exploration, Srivastava said. Daily News & Analysis
  • A period of exploration and study about ideas new to organizational life began.
  • That had been the subject of factual exploration and is well covered by findings of fact.
  • For that kind of gastronomical exploration, head over to whatsinjoesbelly. com. Joegood Diary Entry
  • Along with managerial skills, his geoscience specialties include well survey ( "logs") analysis and interpretation, evaluation of depositional and diagenetic systems, seismic - stratigraphic application to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon reservoirs, and definitive risk/reward economic evaluation of oil and gas projects. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Woodside Petroleum says it will pursue gas markets in the Northern Territory and boost exploration spending in Australia and abroad as domestic oil and condensate fields move into decline.
  • Telerobot system can be widely used in high altitude exploration, deep-ocean exploitation, remote task or dangerous and execrable task environment.
  • Paul Shambroom's exploration into systems of power has led him to agrestic town council meetings where local officials don jeans and consume Diet Coke.
  • That's why the shares look like a decent punt with reasonable protection against the downside risk of a modest slip back in the price of oil and no new exploration successes.
  • Usually, no exploration work has been carried out in those districts, and the assessment value is zero with the methods of exploration cost effect and geologic element assessment.
  • His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche.
  • Sun Rings is a piece composed by Terry Riley for string quartet and a 60-voice choir, and part of it comes from the whistlers recorded by NASA's explorations into space.
  • Something like COTS is the FUTURE of Space exploration. Is Sen. Shelby Helping or Hurting NASA? - NASA Watch
  • We do not believe it is extractible," said Doug McCuistion, director of NASA's Mars exploration programme, at a press briefing on Tuesday. New Scientist - Online News
  • Keung is continuing his exploration of wireless communications as an MPhil candidate in ELEC.
  • Collecting and making sense of this data is an important part of oil and gas exploration.
  • Large rockets are used for space travel and exploration.
  • But full acceptance of the importance of large impacts on Earth had to await the exploration of the solar system by spacecraft.
  • It's space exploration on an incredibly vast scale, with effectively an infinite number of planets to explore. The Sun
  • Their team will undertake exploration for oil.
  • Wearing a flesh-coloured foam helmet that gives her the proportions of a newborn, Lee performs an uncanny imitation of a baby in this almost dialogue-free exploration of the mother-child bond.
  • Jillian says: In a way my initial exploration into the people we call the Celts had nothing to do with the Celts themselves but more to do with my growing inclination and curiosity with the world and events that surrounded them. Hosks Half Hour
  • This is not surprising given the value of information in this area; exploration companies are extremely volatile on the stock market.
  • His first big strike had been the product of careful research and systematic exploration.
  • In this exploration of armed hold-ups, convicted armed robbers speak candidly about how they conduct their crimes and about the terror that they deliberately create.
  • Scrambling turned to roped up exploration as the frustrating hunt for anything remotely matching the guidebook description ensued.
  • Videocon has interests in telecommunications, electronics, oil and gas exploration and consumer appliances. Videocon to Enter Non-Life Insurance With Liberty Mutual
  • A broad panorama of the triumphs and follies of humanity, an exploration of the quirks of the mind, of the nobility but more often the meanness and sheer malevolence of human nature, the collection was knit together by a web of self-consistent thinking, a skein of ideas woven from a lifetime of close reasoning on life, art, and literature. William hazlitt | the man of letters « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • It's high energy stuff, but it changes shape throughout with bewildering ease and fluidity, from freebop polyrhythmic pummelling to spidery ballad forms to spacey textural exploration.
  • Hence, this technology can be used in routine exploration for natural resources and in environmental investigations.
  • This road map was specifically formulated to create opportunities for students to continue their exploration of space throughout their educational careers; then once thier educational career is complete, the students are then primed for a career in aerospace industry. Today's Video: Inspire Me! Weightless Flights of Discovery - NASA Watch
  • In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.
  • Two years before, he had begun writing to them, asking for photos, information, anything to sate a schoolboy's appetite for space exploration.
  • His curiosity and detailed pursuits with paint and drawing materials continued throughout his life as a vital source of exploration and communication.
  • A side tunnel branched up slightly into a chamber that must have been worked as an exploration into the vein.
  • His long life spanned an incredible period in space exploration. The Sun
  • Besides diving, we had many other entertainment choices, such as fishing, surfing, jungle exploration, parasailing, helicopter flights, banana boat trips, even submarine expeditions.
  • Exploration activity slowed during the 1970s.
  • He has fashioned a unique identity for himself in his exploration of the relevance of kowhaiwhai painting here today.
  • But sometimes, it would just be a little tentative exploration of the idea that some of the official stories of world events might not be the full truth.
  • Dynacor, which owns the Acari, Casaden and Tumipampa exploration properties in Peru, said annual production from custom milling rose 43 percent to 33,525 ounces in 2010. UPDATE 1-Dynacor Gold Q4 production doubles to 10,478 ounces | Reuters
  • the first major milestone in space exploration was in 1957, when the USSR's Sputnik 1 orbited the Earth
  • This paper first founds a gigabit exploration storage personal network based on gigabit network technology, then introduces its NAS's administration and application in details.
  • France is proposing to ban shale gas exploration over safety fears. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many nations in Africa, which have seen a boom in oil exploration during the past 5 years, simultaneously experience a decline in both human rights and financial equality as "strongmen" leaders have used the oil wealth for personal gain, and limited civil rights to remain in power. John Gartner: Increase in Renewables Aids Human Rights
  • There, during the 60s and 70s, nearly all of the Apollo astronauts who walked on the moon were taught the basics in extraterrestrial exploration and earthworks. Simulated Worlds
  • In September 1942 the GKO ordered a crash programme for exploration and drilling in the oil regions of the interior.
  • The best examples of this are found in explorations of manufactured colors. reference Even without widespread acceptance of new theories in chemistry — assumptions about elements, or measurement, or phlogiston-based theories of coloration — the focus on colormaking as a chemical operation grew during the eighteenth century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The perfect antidote to Schultz's uninformed banalities about Arbus's pictures is Errol Morris's detailed explorations of photography's connection to the real world. Michael Roth: Thinking Photography With Diane Arbus and Errol Morris
  • To distract American taxpayers from the suspicion that the stimulus is largely bogus, Obama encourages green space exploration, presumably with the intention of assisting the Venusians currently imperilling their planet. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible « Anglican Samizdat
  • Class B : areal geology survey; hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey; solid mineral exploration.
  • As a measure for exploration, we assessed latencies between introduction of the objects and first tactile contact, the number of objects touched, and the duration of tactile exploration.
  • This estimate is even on the high side because many exploration companies have left the country because of the inconsistency of government policy and lack of legal certainty.
  • This was followed closely by new demand for air transport to serve exploration teams seeking to exploit the country's rich deposits of iron ore.
  • Today, 1pm The rangers of Chatelherault Country Park in South Lanarkshire lead a day of exploration inside a disused coal bing in search of signs of mining life, wildlife and plant life.
  • In his personal correspondence and in his published memoirs, Franklin comes across as a man dedicated to the external duties of war and exploration, who kept introspection and self-analysis to a minimum.
  • Oil companies around the world have been selling forecourts in recent years to focus on exploration and production. Times, Sunday Times
  • He feels that India is equipped to take the lead in ocean exploration and research.
  • There was also, says exploration manager Neil Ritson, a sense of real achievement.
  • Rather, the deferral is taken without prejudice; it is a pause, a time-out, to allow the President to establish his vision for human space exploration and to commit to realistic future funding levels to realize this vision. NASA Watch: June 2009 Archives
  • Exploration, however, depended upon private patronage despite theorists imploring that maritime expansionism should be state-sponsored.
  • Log curve, which reflects electrical property about stratum, is one of the important and basic data in petroleum exploration and development.
  • The creation of devices capable of producing resonance was the culmination of a long and patient exploration of sounds.
  • Relevant sections cover development near highways, agricultural engineering operations, mineral exploration and industrial and warehouse extensions.
  • The group specialises in marine seismic equipment used by exploration and production companies to monitor oil reservoirs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The foundation of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea in 1902 also acted as a stimulus.
  • The French names on the streets and the quaint old houses invite exploration into the history.
  • Recognition of these elemental associations and their environments of formation is the basis for geochemical exploration.
  • His curiosity and detailed pursuits with paint and drawing materials continued throughout his life as a vital source of exploration and communication.
  • It may be advisable to pre-establish a legitimate (preferably UN-mandated) legal framework for vetting pre-hostility exploration agreements.
  • Demeter's exploration produced a bulldog revolver, a slungshot, a packet of pamphlets, and several small red flags. All-Wool Morrison
  • Moreover, new problems are emerging from sources such as offshore aquaculture, wind energy development, bioprospecting, and ever-deeper oil and gas exploration.
  • Example: Difficult decisions and their consequences A year six class is working on a drama about undersea exploration.
  • More exploration work needs to be done to the northeast due to additional fault offsets complicating the mineralized horizon and the occurrence of an expanding volume of picrite in this direction relative to Sugarloaf diorite, the main host unit for copper-gold mineralization. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Keith's note: ESMD AA Doug Cooke briefed Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan today via telecon on the results of NASA's internal exploration working group studies. NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: May 2010 Archives
  • Most scenes revolve around exploration. Christianity Today
  • It will be of a size to be manageable and stress-free, while still rewarding exploration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mobile Robot effective recognition of their work environment, perception and reconstruction, is the autonomous navigation and environment-based exploration Foundation and prerequisite conditions.
  • At twelve o'clock (noon) the next day the English engineers, with a party comprising all the Brazilian swells of Lagôa Dourada, proceeded to a valley within the village to lay the first chain for the exploration of the mountains which divide the watershed of the Rio São Francisco and the Paraopéba from the Carandahy and Rio Grande, for the prolongation of the Dom Pedro Segunda Railway. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • The urban planning subject discussion is the logic home, also is our theory exploration primary intention.
  • Although the remaining resources are abundant, their quality is relatively poor, the exploration difficulty is big, and the exploration cost will increase greatly.
  • The machines tend to be used for industrial research, such as aircraft design and petroleum exploration.
  • The fine brushwork figure painting goes through a flexuous exploration process . 3.
  • Type+Code: processing for designers formal exploration of letterform transformations in processing. SWEATblog: April 2008 Archives
  • It is a new attempt and exploration to apply the dual-loop antenna to the 3G base station.
  • A useful place with which to begin such an exploration is the kind of "common-sense" knowledge we all have concerning victims of crime. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • The exploration of the Chinese ancient civilization involves the analysis of the early vassalage.
  • Oil and gas exploration, mining, engineering and construction, maritime shipping, offshore platforms, and large elements of the government including the military, border patrol, and the Department of the Interior all work off-grid. Let the Market Pay for Renewable Energy
  • This arena for exploration has provided remarkable examples of intuitive problem solving.
  • They have lifted a long-standing moratorium on offshore oil and gas exploration as part of their commitment to doubling petroleum production.
  • Belief is the appropriate term, because Incognito isn't precisely an examination of neuroanatomy or neurological case histories; nor is it an exploration of the philosophical struggle involved in explaining the relationship between brain and mind. Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman – review
  • The great age of exploration in the 1500s witnessed the creation of its own folklore: sea serpents, unicorns and unipeds, the Fountain of Youth and the Seven Cities of Cibola.
  • That idea, just like the Demaines' sculptures, comes from a desire to make something beautiful that is based in hard-core mathematical exploration, Ochsendorf says.
  • Others rationalise that it might bring benefits to one of the world's coldest countries, freeing up a melting Arctic for oil and gas exploration, and extending the country's brief growing season.
  • Last time I checked there was a plan to increase domestic offshore exploration of oil, a plan to reduce use of imported oil by making new cars and trucks more fuel efficient, known as the CAF We Should Consider Every Fuel
  • Like trailers and film scores, the title sequence is a worthy subject for exploration. Michael Giltz: DVDs: Should Charlie Sheen Have Made "Born On The Fourth Of July?"
  • The first four chapters deal with peaceful uses of technology, with technology as a tool of economic progress and of scientific exploration. Infinite in All Directions
  • Teacher and pupil, even primary school pupil, were equal partners in this joint exploration.
  • Little mineral exploration has been carried out in the area which is poorly exposed except in coastal sections.
  • The vast majority are aid workers, and the rest are mainly involved in oil exploration, although there may also be a few tourists.
  • We are literally still in the birchbark canoe stage of space exploration, testing the waters. Why Some Say the Moon? - NASA Watch
  • To accomplish that goal, the company intends to focus on global investments in exploration, pipeline and power projects.
  • I understand that Rob wants to get away from the tweeny romance (btw I am a die-hard twilight fan) and I think he achieves this by doing an indie movie in which he takes on Dali's sexual exploration. New Trailer: ‘Twilight’ Star Robert Pattinson Moves From Edward Cullen To Salvadore Dali In ‘Little Ashes’ » MTV Movies Blog
  • Archaeological exploration of the eastern delta has revealed the initiation of some of these extraordinary building activities by the Saite Dynasty—and the presence of large numbers of foreign settlers there. The Bible Unearthed
  • It is engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are a time of exploration, assertion, and challenge, and often of confusion, contradictions, and trauma.
  • The calls decry high gasoline prices, linking them to Democratic opposition to expanded oil exploration and gasoline-tax cuts. Vegas Tycoon Bankrolls Republicans
  • The Engineering Geology and Geophysics Group's responsibilities for borehole geophysics extend to boreholes drilled for mineral exploration.
  • The foundation of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea in 1902 also acted as a stimulus.
  • We brought to this exploration our prior study of relevant issues in our individual research.
  • This is not surprising given the value of information in this area; exploration companies are extremely volatile on the stock market.
  • What begins as a personal odyssey becomes a fascinating exploration of one of the darkest chapters in the history of modern Ireland.
  • In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration. Ansel Adams 
  • Upstream services include the exploration and production of oil and gas while downstream includes the trading and refining of the products.
  • The history of the scientific exploration of cold features many famous names. Times, Sunday Times
  • John Grisham’s first work of nonfiction, an exploration of small town justice gone terribly awry, is his most extraordinary legal thriller yet. The best recent books: True Crime
  • The oil company began as a contractor for larger companies, servicing pipes and building scaffolding, before expanding into exploration.
  • But those were explorations of a percussion instrument, not a vehicle for melodic lines.
  • The successful experiences an object lesson for the further exploration in new depressions of Erlian basin.
  • It's one of the best and most immersive explorations of the subjects that I've been involved with…
  • Toronto's exchange and its venture affiliate, the TSX Venture Exchange, are known as the preeminent places to raise capital for exploration, hosting about 1,900 energy and mining firms that raised about $29 billion in equity last year. London, Toronto Exchanges to Merge
  • In this way, video game turfs serve to mark boundaries and borders for methods of exploration and play.
  • Extensive exploration was carried out using the latest drilling technology.
  • Initial results have led to further exploration of the subsequent careers of nurses.
  • Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.
  • The patache was a purpose-built vessel for reconnaissance, surveys, and exploration. Champlain's Dream
  • Future research may include a more thorough exploration of these observations.
  • What's ahead for the beleaguered agency and manned exploration of space in general?
  • Tanker's explorations of the African origins of local art forms during this time led him to the Orisha faith, whose musical idiom became central to his work.
  • The mission to Titan has kicked off one of the most exciting years for space exploration in more than a quarter of a century.
  • The rocket carrying the WINDS satellite -- a joint project of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries -- lifted off its pad at 5:55 p.m. (0855 GMT).
  • He uses his exploration of these long-forgotten characters and their arcane quarrels to advance three propositions.
  • He describes the finished product as, ‘an exploration of the concept of home, of personal change, of identities or multiplicity of identities through radiophonic format.’
  • He had earlier argued in favour of manned exploration of the Moon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our secondary goal is to situate this exploration and analysis within the broader context of continuing professional education.
  • In the warm sunshine ancient courtyards beckon, inviting exploration.
  • In the absence of substantial state funding, even pioneers of real-life space exploration missions have to turn their work into a cultural gimmick in order to win investment and publicity.
  • Its clients include oil and gas groups, exploration and production companies, energy services companies and utilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite dramatic improvements in seismic and offshore drilling technologies that have opened up huge new areas for exploration, Australia's reserves have barely budged over the years.
  • His initial explorations were narrative, but in 1993 he made the discovery that some kinds of information are best expressed diagrammatically.
  • The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their exploration.

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