How To Use Exploitative In A Sentence
The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
Because organisms can consume resources at different times of the year or different times of the day, it is possible for two species that are not present in the same time and place to compete exploitatively.
Exploitative competition
But it is also an exquisitely coded and exploitative masterpiece of tub-thumping demagoguery.
Times, Sunday Times
They both seem vulnerable and this feels horribly exploitative.
Times, Sunday Times
The prospect of yet more exploitative taxes to support reproducer indulgence means that a questioning of the bio-political privileging of natality is long overdue.

There's no story; no soppy lyrics; it's not exploitative or nasty; it's closer to circus, but with simpler tricks and better music.
Of course I abhor exploitative or coercive sex, regardless of the age of those involved.
I admired its moxie, its determination to be nothing more than a cheesy, exploitative, effects-driven popcorn movie.
Informal labour relations tend to be more exploitative than those within the legitimate economy.
The main issue is plant closures, as the auto industry moves to take advantage of more exploitative conditions in other regions.
The confederation calls child domestic servitude, ‘One of the most exploitative forms of child labour’.
Since then, they have ceaselessly prated about alternatives including foreign funded NGOism, job placements in the reactionary government, electoral politics and the like to the armed revolution rather than to the oppressive and exploitative ruling system.
Introduction to Philippine Economy and Politics - Jose Maria Sison CPP
I think one could make a stronger argument that World or Warcraft, Farmville, the lottery, Rolex's ..or GWAPs are more exploitative because they utilize psychological tricks to extract money/labor from people who may not realize they are at some subconscious level being involuntarily manipulated.
Work and the Internet
It is ugly, mean-spirited, exploitative, illogical, and boring.
The girls' love is treated delicately, like any young love affair, and never in an exploitative manner.
Because organisms compete exploitatively by consuming resources, and the same type of resource may be consumed by distantly related organisms, exploitative competition between taxonomically diverse organisms is common.
Exploitative competition
This era of child labour in the factories was the most manifestly exploitative.
There was Elizabeth Wurtzel's exploitatively self-aggrandizing eulogy.
The David Foster Wallace Deleulogy: Bill Bradley
Even in the arithmatics in aftermath of the Kimberly Process, diamonds still are founded exploitative labor.
We have lashed out at those we fear and allowed ourselves to be manipulated by opportunistic and exploitative politicians.
A small exploitative class of intermediaries benefited enormously from the neocolonial relationship, but the masses were sunk in abject poverty and misery.
Most of all, he keeps faith with his native and then readopted community, and details its gradual death at the hands of a rapacious consumer economy and an increasingly exploitative relation to the land.
It's number five on the list of diagnostic criteria, right between "requires excessive admiration" and "is interpersonally exploitative i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: "Entitlement Reform" Is a Euphemism For Letting Old People Get Sick and Die
When is the film-making process simply downright exploitative?
The point here, I suppose, is that check-cashing fees may be an exploitative scam run by sleazeballs, but that they may turn out to be a more prudent option for the working poor than the even-more exploitative scam run by the more mainstream, but sleazier sleazeballs of the banking industry. Fred Clark on the Cost of Being Poor
But it's important to realize that exploitative companies do not gain their stranglehold accidentally.
Both harass the unemployed, pressuring them further into exploitative employment.
An uncomfortable film that sometimes feels exploitative.
Times, Sunday Times
He writes: 'It is simply untrue that all internships are exploitative relationships that only advantage the employer.
The Sun
Smaller individuals will hence be at a competitive advantage with respect to exploitative competition.
However, I am aware that much coffee is produced under exploitative working conditions.
Thus, these two species can compete exploitatively even though they never come into direct contact with each other.
Exploitative competition
Pluralists perceive no exploitative superstructure.
Whilst I wouldn't call the documentary dishonest, I would call it exploitative.
A rational society should draw a line Between legitimate profit - making and exploitative profiteering.
Contracts such as the one signed by the band may have been exploitative and unfair, but, unfortunately, they were all too common at the time.
While the main characters are in as much competition with each other as with the exploitative economic and entertainment systems, the music is energized by communal ideas that move forward in a responsively searching way.
His deconstruction of the capitalist mode of production and the reconstruction of the exploitative relations engaged the prevailing ideological forms.
Critical Social Research
The film's carnage is emetic, not exploitative.
It is not exploitative, however, for someone to benefit from employing others if this works to the maximal benefit of the least well off.
They need to be there to protect workers from exploitative situations and to represent their interests.
This helped incumbents in safe seats - precisely the people that the Agency theorists argue were the most exploitative.
Times, Sunday Times
Male trade unionists, by contrast, considered piecework anathema, for it was associated in their minds with unskilled labour, exploitative working conditions, and with a loss of control and dignity.
And this balance between humans and the natural environment that they have nurtured is explicitly opposed to other, exploitative, kinds of relationship both within human society and between humans and nature.
Wordsworth's 'The Haunted Tree' and the Sexual Politics of Landscape
By crashing popular culture with trashy, exploitative entertainment we will gain visibility, have fun, and scare people, which is always a good thing.
And the movie contains non-exploitative sexual content featuring minors that may offend more sensitive viewers.
The revelations about Foley are nothing to do with his repressed pent-up "drives" (the steam-boiler analog for human sexuality); they are our peek at privilege and power that the rulers are now obliged to claim "nauseates" them as a way of denying that exploitative, power-trip sex is the norm in this society ... and that these transgressions are an entitlement of their power.
Stan Goff: Pyongyang, Foley, and Mass Death
The other interested party in the fate of handloom is the banya, whose motives are commercially driven and exploitative.
My experience with indie labels was generally that they were just as exploitative as the major labels - they just had a lot less money.
With its energetic cast and insistent street score, it still manages to be poignant without becoming bathetic, and violent without being exploitative.
The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
If one argues the exploitatively-produced good should be banned because admitting it encourages exploitation, one need not worry about past goods, because their present salability does not affect the incentives of present-day would-be exploiters.
Bastiat in Fairfax?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Our reality is exploitative capitalism.
Times, Sunday Times
I daresay there's many "world junkies" whose interest in explication doesn't rule out (i.e. over-ride completely) a liking for exploitative and excusatory modes and their results.
More Aesthetics
Revisionism is an historical discipline made necessary by the fact that all States are governed by a ruling class that is a minority of the population, and which subsists as a parasitic and exploitative burden upon the rest of society.
And perhaps, pornography is the perfect analogy — titillating, unrealistic, demeaning, exploitative, a poor substitute for the real thing, but alluring and potentially habit-forming.
Waiting for Inglourious Basterds « The Blog at 16th and Q
A person with a personality disorder indicated by a pattern of lying, exploitativeness, heedlessness, arrogance, sexual promiscuity, low self-control, and lack of empathy and remorse.
Think Progress » Ultimate Fox News revisionism: ‘What used to be called the nuclear option’ is now ‘called reconciliation.’
They are the same as those most vulnerable to exploitative child labour in general - children from the poorest families who have had little education.
These Greeks often were subject to the padrone system, a form of exploitative indentured servitude employed in many of the larger industrial cities of the North and in the large mining corporations of the West.
So you proceeded to act with deceit, with cunning, with an aim so manipulatory and exploitative —!
The First Man in Rome
Much of their work is domestic labor - caregiving, house cleaning, child care - an industry that, historically, is not only low-paid but also exploitative.
Those provisions exist largely because it is recognised that people who operate brothels, who procure and live off the earnings of prostitutes, are essentially in an exploitative relationship.
Your disability makes you very vulnerable and his behaviour could be seen as exploitative.
The Sun
Cloud Atlas begins in the mid-19th Century on Chatham island near New Zealand where a peace-loving Moriori tribe faces extinction at the hands not only of exploitative colonials but also the rival Maori.
I have to go right back almost to slavery to think of anything more exploitative than what we are proposing to do in this bill in terms of brothel keeping, pimping, and procuring.
It demonstrates that people are not cultural dopes who mindlessly obey the instructions of an exploitative social order, even when these instructions are effective on a subliminal level.
The yogi forsakes stealing, lying, cheating, killing, and other exploitative and self-gratifying behaviours.
Around twenty five percent of Australians cannot access financial services except on the most exploitative and usurious terms.
There are also normative problems: Open innovation may be nonoptimal, it may lead to undesirable strategies for maintaining a competitive advantage, and it can be exploitative of knowledge workers.
Legal Theory Blog
Traditional subordination is arbitrary, exploitative arid alien to the modern values of management by commitment.
To human beings the existence of exploitative relations of production would be agonizing were they perceived simply as exploitative.
Nothing was remotely as exploitatively bad as Edwards 'political theater, at least seen in hindsight after the scandal broke.
Chris Weigant: My 2008 "McLaughlin Awards" [Part 2]
An exquisitely embroidered cushion created by artisans paid an exploitatively low wage is not a comfy proposition.
Times, Sunday Times
The narrative-as-product paradigm is one which obscures the true nature of the contracts involved, predisposes us to think in terms of production-line employment, and thereby represents exploitative and unwarranted demands on artists as obligations.
Archive 2010-02-01
However, the same people who have limited access to nonexploitative work are also ineligible for unemployment benefits.
Using corrupt means and intensely exploitative labour practices, they build up their own capital.
Turning the whole conflict into a pageant is exploitative, in bad taste, and extremely unflattering to the father.
Matthew Yglesias » Purity Ball Fun
Informal labour relations tend to be more exploitative than those within the legitimate economy.
I'm sorry, but shitty aging makeup, croaky vocal fakery and - spoilers ahead - an exploitatively rendered, off-screen death do not a good performance make.
Archive 2009-01-01
When their guru turned out to be mad, materialistic and exploitative, the family escaped and changed their name to Phoenix.
Her advice is to steer clear of commission, or cash-in-hand jobs, many of which are exploitative.
She describes this binding of her brother's death with a call to arms as insincere, hypocritical and exploitative.
Rural poor have been the victims of different kinds of exploitative intermediators, brokers, landlords, moneylenders, commission agents, all exploit poor farmers in different forms and manners.
A strong mutually supportive and non - exploitative community.
Such a movement has far more in common with the vision of Marx and Engels than the exploitative postcapitalist regime that rules the USSR and has been replicated in its client states.
What the Doctor Ordered
His deconstruction of the capitalist mode of production and the reconstruction of the exploitative relations engaged the prevailing ideological forms.
Critical Social Research
By "symbolic formulation", then, I mean those types of strange fiction which take a purely excusatory approach to the strange, rather than explicatory or exploitative approaches.
The Aesthetics of Fat
In this way, expressions of intimacy between men and women are limited to non-exploitative relationships of total commitment.
When Tennessee Ernie Ford gave the full weight of his bass-baritone to "Sixteen Tons" and boomed that he owed his soul to the company store, the phrase evoked images of stooped miners living in tar-paper shacks under what Hardy Green calls the "super-exploitative conditions of life in a coal-mining company town.
The Labor of Living
This created a bad image of the private sector in the minds of the people and most of the population viewed capitalism as some corrupt exploitative philosophy.
Second, there is the issue of the increase or decrease in overtly exploitative, degrading and violent forms of sexuality.
Human smuggling is a corrupt and exploitative criminal enterprise that should not only be discouraged but prosecuted.
2009 October : Law is Cool
What was probably intended as tragedy, came across as cheap exploitative television, blurring the lines between fiction and fact.
On what grounds might we justify interfering with consensual and mutually advantageous exploitative transactions?
Given Fabrício's nostalgia for a more "classicist" time when "things were called by their real names," it may not be too far-fetched to associate him to the colonial past and to the practical and exploitative Portuguese colonizer.
Children Playing by the Sea: the Dynamics of Appropriation in the Brazilian Romantic Novel
As bin Laden pointed out, usury was banned by all the major religions, and riba, meaning exploitative and excessive interest, was banned by the Koran.
Banking on Allah: Islamists say Sharia-compliant financial system is morally superior. The truth is more sinister. « Sigmund, Carl and Alfred
Since its discovery, photography has been a haven for everyone and everything: skilled or not, the inspired and the exploitative, the purists and the posers.
But if one argues that the exploitatively-produced good is inherently inferior, then it does not matter where or when it was produced.
Bastiat in Fairfax?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Second, there is the issue of the increase or decrease in overtly exploitative, degrading and violent forms of sexuality.
At the end of the day, doctoral students are in a relatively powerless position within academic institutions and potentially exploitative situations can arise.
As prostitution frequently involves an economically exploitative relationship with a pimp or a madam, young girls are at even higher risk of abuse and exploitation than their older counterparts.
Inculcating and deluding the masses with a multi-billion dollar barrage of agitprop and sophistry potent enough to penetrate the minds of the most adroit thinkers, the moneyed interests behind corporatism and exploitative Capitalism have created a false dichotomy that clings to our collective psyche like a cocklebur deeply embedded in a wool sock.
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Should the aim be to seize political power in order to further social reform, or should political power be destroyed as exploitative and evil in itself?
It is fitting, in a society that still claims to cling to socialist values, while enforcing a spectacularly exploitative primitive accumulation.
Peter's employers - an exploitative wrestling manager and the cynical, money-grubbing newspaper boss - do nothing to salvage big business's sinister image.
We were grizzling about the exploitative nature of the Pride festival, and that we resented paying fifteen quid just to get into the village itself, when we support the whole thing every weekend, all year round anyway.