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How To Use Exploit In A Sentence

  • Pressure difference adhesion and a kinetic pectoral girdle thus allow the clingfish to exploit a food resource unavailable to many other predators.
  • And if that doesn't make you happy, there's always Sabrina's story of organizing young women dancers to go on strike against an MTV sexploitation video.
  • The traditional value of the blades was clearly recognized by their Aboriginal ‘collectors’, who sought to exploit it by hafting a resin handle in the traditional way.
  • The hyena exploits carcasses more fully than either cat because of its bone-cracking abilities.
  • The word 'internship' carries no legal definition and therefore often leads to graduate exploitation," said Mr Curtis. BBC News - Home
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  • Hunger and poverty often compel the poor to overexploit the resources on which their own livelihoods depend.
  • The history of Christian missions, after all, is the chronicle of Western missionaries and their exploits, and the notion of missionaries from the East preaching to a godless Europe is the stuff of creative fiction. The Chinese are Coming
  • However, take away the press and anti-war exploitation of these events and this is a systemic problem like drug use is systemic, rape is systemic, and gay bashing is systemic.
  • Stray too far in one direction and you devolve into saccharine sentimentality, go the other direction and you risk crass exploitation.
  • Vary the story to take in the white collar worker, the ice man let out with the coming of the frigidaire, the clerk displaced for the young graduate, vary it to include, if you will, the "chiseller" and the exploiter, but remembering that suffering, need, idleness and despair play their own part in turning the man who cannot work into the man who will not work. Canada's Problems in Relief and Assistance
  • We exploit the cavity-model theory as the coarse model and electric magnetic simulation software HFSS as the fine model, they are aligned through Aggressive Space Mapping Algorithm.
  • Various authors have indicated that the dehumanization of others by means of ascribing animal attributes to them is a way to legitimize their exploitation and their exclusion from civilized society.
  • Their heroic exploits will go down in history.
  • Four main components indicate repeated use of this location as a seasonally occupied camp for the exploitation of riverine resources.
  • Whelks are widely distributed, but are commercially exploited in only some regions.
  • No, I am not saying that these three popular role models, who were exploited by Home Trade to make suckers out of the common man, must be punished for their silly mistake.
  • We might describe feminism as a political project to understand and, therefore, to change women's inequality, exploitation, or oppression.
  • Many script kiddies are quickly caught, often because they boast of their hacking exploits or are betrayed by their internet names.
  • The rapture effected by an aesthetic of the sublime is often more persuasive than any rational argument in its direct exploitation and manipulation of the audience's sense of actualities, possibilities, ethical duties and emotional affinities/antipathies. On the Sublime
  • _They_ were compelled to regard exploitage as a cruel but eternally unavoidable condition of the progress of civilisation; for when they lived it was and it always had been a necessity of civilisation, and they could not justly be expected to anticipate such a fundamental revolution in the conditions of human existence as must necessarily precede the passage from exploitage to economic equity. Freeland A Social Anticipation
  • I was a conscienceless exploiter of men, a ruiner of families, a disgusting plutocrat who cared nothing for anyone but myself. The envelopes
  • The worst dereliction is tolerance of rave parties where illegal drugs are sold and used, and minors are sexually exploited. Sound Politics: Seattle needs more police; and needs to use better sense in deploying the ones it already has
  • One of the realities of these worlds is the strategic exploitation of these essentialist identities as a means of personal leverage, power, and careerist gain.
  • The building exploits the drama of this interlocked matrix of mass and light as stepped ramps zigzag through the atrium, revealing the sheer concrete wall and the great tottering stack of galleries.
  • He came to believe that working people, poor people, put down and stepped upon, had to organize if they were going to clean up the slums, fight the corruption that exploited them, and get a handhold on the first rung of the ladder up and out. Bill Moyers: Saul Alinsky, Who?
  • These tools should be fully exploited by the nutrition and public health communities to combat micronutrient malnutrition.
  • The film centres around the amorous adventures/exploits of its handsome hero.
  • Recently, itinerant workers - some illegal immigrants - have moved into the trade, at the risk of being exploited by gangmasters.
  • Once the website is visited, the modified exploits will affect the system software and additional malware will get deployed.
  • Over its fourteen-year history the military government has become adept at exploiting Burma's geostrategic position and at manipulating the concerns of its regional neighbors.
  • But what we know is these women often tend to be what we call interpersonal offenders, where they exploit children emotionally, if not sexually. CNN Transcript Oct 25, 2007
  • Software pipelining is a loop optimization technique used to exploit instruction level parallelism.
  • In other words, its aim is to exploit its heritage as a global luxury brand based around its colourful, modern rainwear.
  • He claimed his goal was "tinged with a bit of disappointment" and rued the fact that United had only partly exploited their opportunity. Manchester United worried by Wayne Rooney injury after draw at Bolton
  • The accusation that religious groups are exploiting parlous economic conditions to add numbers to their flock is a common one. Times, Sunday Times
  • This binding affinity was later exploited widely in experimental biochemistry. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • Campaigners for tenants' rights say that the number of unscrupulous letting agents exploiting tenants and landlords with underhand tactics has risen dramatically over the past two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main central banks exploited yesterday's thin market to launch another visible assault on the dollar.
  • We don't see any flashbacks to the gory details, but the script makes it plain that this is a man with a murky past, who has indeed used his position to exploit his female students.
  • Putting value judgments aside for a moment, generally blaxploitation employs stereotypes regarding black people, exploiting these stereotypes for entertainment purposes.
  • The exploitation of the oil fields has further complicated matters and pushed the possibility of a peaceful settlement further away.
  • The pinup of him in Cosmo should have been exploited for the “family values” impact. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 15, 2010
  • A showman might have exploited the discovery by presenting it to an audience and claiming it was evidence of some supernatural agency.
  • The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
  • And he who were pleasantly disposed could not well avoid to liken it to the exploit of that gallant man who thought to pound up the crows by shutting his park gate.
  • This structure enables the high extensibility of elastic fibers to be exploited but protects them from damage at high strains.
  • Such a state of affairs provides the seller with a unique opportunity to exploit the relatively weak bargaining position of the investor.
  • Because organisms can consume resources at different times of the year or different times of the day, it is possible for two species that are not present in the same time and place to compete exploitatively. Exploitative competition
  • Apologists wishing to exploit a revisionist history of science invariably stress the profoundly religious orientation of many prominent scientists.
  • exploiter" so long as he follows any pursuit, however honorable and productive, in which a Christian might engage in his stead. History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II From the death of Alexander I. until the death of Alexander III. (1825-1894)
  • An event can be generated when the migration is started and, again, when the migration is complete. These events are exploited by Business Monitor to track the process migration.
  • Both groups are exploiting illegal immigrants for profit.
  • This is the first bike that will exploit the Renovatio's frameless concept: The 132-cubic-inch, S&S-built engine is a load-bearing structural element, suspended like a girder between the stupendous front engine mount and rear pivot. The Master of Machine-Age Motorcycles
  • The dika nut matures in seven years and although exploitation is still limited to self-planted trees the dika seems suitable for planting in hedges, wooded areas, mixed orchards and pure groves. 1. Lost crops of the incas.
  • Primarily introduced the nutritional constituents of the urtica and its physiological function. Propose as a kind of new food resource. The urtica will have broad prospects for exploiting.
  • The hoaxer, it seemed, had exploited the trickle-up nature of online information flow. February 6th, 2009
  • Neuroscience has not fully exploited hypnosis and hypnotic suggestion as experimental tools.
  • They listened with rapt attention to his exploits in the recent engagement. Man of Honour
  • Other private placements are designed mainly for issuers, often to exploit tax loopholes.
  • He is credited with creating a sub-genre of the 1960s sexploitation flick called the ‘nudie-kinkie’, a series of films which pretty much do what they say on the can.
  • Here, we are concerned with the exploitation of renewing resources by groups of foragers.
  • One can also take issue with the contrived nature of the chase scenes, which were of no dramatic value but rather served to showcase the cinematography and visually exploit the cityscapes of Rome.
  • advertisers had figured out how to exploit libidinal urges to inspire "false needs".But this overlooks the benefits.
  • If this bald truth makes any one of us feel uncomfortable, we can take some solace in knowing we are not the only species to exploit the lie.
  • The film centres around the amorous adventures/exploits of its handsome hero.
  • Now besides our voyages and trades of late yeeres to the North and Northeast regions of the world, and our ancient traffique also to those parts; I haue not bene vnmindefull (so farre as the histories of England and of other Countreys would giue me direction) to place in the fore-front of this booke those forren conquests, exploits, and trauels of our English nation, which haue bene atchieued of old. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The team were quick to exploit their competitive advantage.
  • All that was needed was a sustained opportunistic exploitation and minimal encouragement of what were still rather unimportant plant food sources.
  • In fact, by 1990 unexploited reserves amounted to 900 billion barrels - not counting the tar shales.
  • Now they are exploiting the UK's more lenient bankruptcy regime to rid themselves of their debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective: To study the characteristic features of Desmodium gyrans in order to provide a basis for rational exploitation and utilization of the herb.
  • Though Antonio Valencia is hardly a like for like replacement for Ronaldo he is an exciting winger, with all the pace and control necessary to exploit the space he will find on United's right.
  • But it is also an exquisitely coded and exploitative masterpiece of tub-thumping demagoguery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exploitation of videograms by a non-Canadian service agent excludes any other type of exploitation of the production such as theatrical distribution or broadcast on television.
  • Contemporary Prairie du Chien sites without wild rice indicate the spatially restricted nature of rice exploitation.
  • Employers have exploited the situation to end strikes and press ahead with plans to cut jobs and working conditions.
  • It was always a great laugh listening to all the young single men on a Monday morning bragging about their weekend exploits with the usual embellishment on one or two stories!
  • Cinema, which borrows heavily from theatre in terms of choreography, has a few distinct features of its own that can be exploited.
  • If executives fail to exploit the opportunities of networking they risk being left behind.
  • In a letter to the industry last month, Mr. Stevens warned against "activities that reflect an overexuberance in the marketplace" and that seek to increase loan revenue by exploiting the agency's underwriting systems. Red-Ink Fears Prompt Mortgage Backer to Raise Fees
  • Swaggering along in their check suits, gold chains, lumpy rings and billycocks, they were pointed out by name or exploit.
  • So far, this is a case where I hope gay-rights activists and true liberals -- those who believe in liberty -- will take a deep breath before joyfully exploiting the bathroom balagan as an additional reason to oppose the Senator. What's the Connection?: Hypocrisy Redux
  • One solution to forest and pasture land overexploitation is to completely stop open grazing and shift to stall-feeding.
  • These humble people are frequently exploited by their selfish colleagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hansel and Gretel from the point of view of the witch sexually exploiting Gretel and then eating Hansel in front of her, for example - yum yum! MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • Critics claim he exploited black musicians for personal gain.
  • Young company Waking Exploits are reviving this boisterous comedy and taking it out on tour at a moment in time when people's faith in financial institutions is at an all-time low and the word banker has almost become synonymous with villain. This week's new theatre
  • The strike was called by the Union of Kanak and Exploited Workers and the commercial and navigation staff union which represents hostesses, stewards and commercial staff.
  • He exploited the economic benefits of guano, a bird dung collected from islands off the coast of Peru and sold to Europe for fertilizer, as well as desert deposits of sodium nitrate, which was used to make munitions and fertilizer.
  • Early organisms likely exploited these gradients through a process called chemiosmosis, in which the proton gradient is used to drive synthesis of the universal energy currency, ATP, or simpler equivalents. - latest science and technology news stories
  • ‘We'll all have to be on constant code red to prevent him from exploiting me in one of his slap-happy sitcoms.’
  • Meanwhile, the CHP leader Deniz Baykal Saturday said there were no coup attempts, but coup demagogy which is exploited for political gain. Hurriyet Dailynews
  • The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death.
  • All across the country, there are pre-existing rivalries between teams and cities that are ripe for promotional exploitation.
  • Indemnity hinges upon the principal continuing in business and exploiting the agent's connection.
  • And, to some degree, mathematics has evolved to exploit these new tools and techniques.
  • The push of the main group of forces should be directed at exploiting success and thwarting the enemy's attempts to restore its defenses.
  • Like any confidence man, the coercer can only exploit a weakness that we refuse to confront directly, ourselves.
  • legendary exploits of Jesse James
  • They both seem vulnerable and this feels horribly exploitative. Times, Sunday Times
  • It proves that the establishment of program model can exploit a new way for program optimization with good reference significance.
  • Has Rima, by that illicit act -- identifying herself with stripping, and hence prostitution and pornography, and by extension the oppression, degradation and exploitation of women, including sex trafficking, domestic violence, rape and other phallocentric crimes (Yes, I was throwing a Bindel there) -- Has Rima thrown away a lifetime of opportunity? Ruth Fowler: Rima, Carrie and Donald: Feminist Liberators
  • Why use a friendly, cuddly bear, which is usually a toy and associated with young children, and exploit that?
  • Its effect is to confine any exceptions to certain special cases provided such excepted use does not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.
  • He also essayed the role of "The Creeper" in 2 films, 1944's The Pearl of Death (a Sherlock Holmes entry starring Basil Rathbone), and 1946's House of Horrors (where he was exploited by an evil artist played by Martin Kosleck), but was not involved in 1948's The Creeper. Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D.: Intriguing Factoids From the Horror/Sci-Fi/Mystery Genre
  • ‘Any extension should also have a finite timeframe so that such extensions cannot be exploited indefinitely,’ he cautioned.
  • He said that in the run up to the political contest elements of the extreme right would re-emerge in Oldham looking to exploit divisions for political gain.
  • Within each colonial prebend tribal jealousies and differences were exploited by colonial masters to maximize political power and economic advantage. Matthew Bergman: The Obama Manifesto
  • The prospect of yet more exploitative taxes to support reproducer indulgence means that a questioning of the bio-political privileging of natality is long overdue.
  • And it has been in the nature of documentary television to also exploit the subject of mental handicap in a sensational fashion.
  • Cinema directors have long exploited the expressive possibilities of the wide-angled lens.
  • Then I got riled about the unequal distribution of wealth, and the exploitation of the working class.
  • His speech was a pre-emptive strike designed to prevent opponents from exploiting the war issue.
  • Hiller wondered if the fine hairs of gecko feet might exploit these forces.
  • On our premises, without exception, they are condemned to remain exploited with the hands of the procurers.
  • The Irish ranchers twitted me good-naturedly on my exploit, and patted me on the back until I felt that I had done something heroic. Chapter 4
  • Delrina says it will exploit the signal processing capabilities that some facsimile modem manufactures are just beginning to build into their products.
  • They might gain access to our systems and tamper with data through computer network attacks or exploit it for hostile purposes.
  • The FSVQ-CEC scheme is applied to an analysis-synthesis adaptive predictive speech encoding system so as to exploit the redundancy between vocal tract codevectors and excitational codevectors.
  • The opposition coalition criticized the tax-free zones as exploiting women textile workers and as creating dependence on foreign countries.
  • It will heavily exploit the fact that UK design is universally recognised as the strongest in the world.
  • White exploits the pin on the long diagonal to advance in the centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • So long as the exploitage of man by man was considered a necessary and eternal institution, there existed no motive to prompt men to subject it to Freeland A Social Anticipation
  • The dominant class, the capitalists, own and control the means of production and thereby exploit the subordinate working class.
  • Subscription to the list is absolutely free and there is no commercial exploitation or hidden costs.
  • There's no story; no soppy lyrics; it's not exploitative or nasty; it's closer to circus, but with simpler tricks and better music.
  • Can we develop simple and cheap alternatives to over-exploitation?
  • Contrary to today's popular mythology about our past, slavery and exploitation were not taboo subjects then.
  • The natural resource has remained relatively untouched, unexploited.
  • In conducting coastal open air placer mining or shore-based well drilling to exploit seabed mineral resources, effective measures must be taken to prevent pollution to the marine environment.
  • Turning Wheels organised two blockades at the Marianhill toll plaza on the N3 near Durban last month to highlight what it called lorry drivers 'exploitation and unfair working conditions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It exploited fears that the accord would collapse to extract concessions previously denied it.
  • But again, unless one is really honest, absolutely frank, and does not subtly deceive oneself, what I have said can be used to exploit further.
  • They're just relying on the consumer to make certain erroneous assumptions -- namely, that no one would be scummy enough to exploit cancer for profit. Pandora Young: The Pink Ribbon Marketing Scam
  • This takes us back to a time when wild nature was not something to be exploited. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worker exploitation and unfair wages are no laughing matter.
  • Other mineral resources include wolframite, gold and unexploited natural gas reserves.
  • Such companies, the argument goes, exploit poor workers abroad and impoverish workers at home by moving capital overseas.
  • Filling the role of Fiona Belli places the player in limbo between voyeur and subject, exploiter and exploited, violator and violable, and for most players, between masculine and feminine. Critique: Haunting Ground
  • Multiple reflected XSS vulnerabilities can be exploited by manipulating parameters of pvm_messagestore. php resource. url_placeholder/pvm_messagestore. php? msgid = & sender = & rcpt = & subject = & meta = & mailsize = & folder = allfolders&date1 = & date2 = & s = mails&favname = MVSA-10-007 / CVE-2010-0152 - IBM Proventia Mail Security System - Multiple persistent and reflected XSS vulnerabilities
  • The economic collapse and financial bailout they have exploited (or more likely caused) have woken the American people from their slumbers and now they are "taking their country back," which apparently involves anesthetizing the government and buying gold (which Beck promotes on his program). Tea Party Jacobins: The State Of American Politics Today
  • Women don't emerge from sexual exploitation into positions of power, respect or admiration.
  • Breakpoint 3, main (argc = 1, argv = 0xbffff824) at exploit_notesearch. c: 29 29 strcat (command, "\ '"); Planeta Linux México
  • Nobody complained that the international capitalists were exploiting the workers.
  • He had been out, I believe, in 1715 and 1745, was an active partaker in all the stirring scenes which passed in the Highlands betwixt these memorable eras; and, I have heard, was remarkable, among other exploits, for having fought a duel with the broadsword with the celebrated Rob Roy MacGregor at the clachan of Balquidder. Waverley
  • The genius of Lee's film is that it too exploits the American minstrel heritage - the Sambo performances are devilishly powerful - but with a careful emphasis.
  • We will tighten controls against exploitation, we will create more National Parks and we will improve access to the countryside.
  • Advertising can be an enormous lurk for governments to exploit.
  • The dominant class, the capitalists, own and control the means of production and thereby exploit the subordinate working class.
  • Others resort to exploitation, as in the case of an injured officer who, with the help of a resentful assistant, attempts to trade tobacco leaves with the retreating soldiers in exchange for food and other necessaries.
  • I found myself rooting for Tamara to reconnect in the deepest way with handsome Andy, her childhood friend — Luke Evans makes him a son of the soil who would have had Hardy's vote — and I was shocked by her home-wrecking exploits with a fatuous scrivener, though her heedlessness is exactly the point. A Grownup Look at Lennon as a 'Boy'
  • Of course I abhor exploitative or coercive sex, regardless of the age of those involved.
  • Along with managerial skills, his geoscience specialties include well survey ( "logs") analysis and interpretation, evaluation of depositional and diagenetic systems, seismic - stratigraphic application to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon reservoirs, and definitive risk/reward economic evaluation of oil and gas projects. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • In addition, the ASP.NET runtime infrastructure is scalable enough to automatically exploit any selected processor on multi-processor hardware.
  • Regions in the east are able to exploit natural resources such as forestry to provide for prison labour.
  • Most of them have risen to the top from the shop floor by treading on anybody who got in their way and by their exploitation of the workers. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Telerobot system can be widely used in high altitude exploration, deep-ocean exploitation, remote task or dangerous and execrable task environment.
  • The problem though is that it's not a spoof or a joke but rather the exploitation of academic qualification for personal gain.
  • While big directors don’t really pay you, they exploit your talent beautifully. Asrani 
  • British banks have also exploited the loophole to offload unwanted assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The competitive process arises out of disequilibrium in markets giving opportunities for entrepreneurs to exploit their superior information and earn profits.
  • The war was, in a sense, the latest fad, a topic to be exploited in the same way as other fads like bicycles, automobiles, or the jitterbug.
  • The British National party quickly seized the opportunity to exploit the attack.
  • Many countries exploit oil under the sea.
  • Exploiting an extraordinary cast of characters to the full, Coe dissects the body politic of Conservative Britain in the 1980s.
  • Sustainable development offers us a unifying concept for the exploitation of natural resources and the integration of environment and development.
  • We are appealing all people, all pro people organizations, individuals and democrats to expose and fight conspiracies of exploiting landlords and sangh parivaar combine's anti people and anti democratic acts like bundh against the people and their cause in the name of maintenance of so called peaceful environment, which is for them. CPI(Maoist)Karnataka State Committee on Anti-people band organised by Landlords
  • Firms are sponsoring the scaffolding on buildings undergoing restoration, then exploiting a legal loophole allowing advertising to be hung from the structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Obama administration has focused sanctions efforts on Iranian fuel imports as a way to exploit that vulnerability and boost pressure on the nuclear issue.
  • Poverty, injustice and other secular problems are, therefore, seen as being the result of exploitation by world capitalist powers.
  • On est loin de la tuerie annoncée, SW le pouvoir de la force ne tient pas ses promesses, un scénario intéressant mais trop vite expédié et peu exploité via les cinématiques, des bugs majeurs à foisons, un système de caméra fixe mal foutu pour les boss, un multi inexistant et des séquences "cultes" complètement foirées "le Destroyer imperial ..." sont les conséquences de la sortie précipitée d'un jeu qui demandait encore de longs mois de développement. - Articles related to ETHIOPIA: Government denies food aid "manipulated" for political gain
  • And furthermore, the community of Val Bavona “continues to celebrate the beauty of a lifestyle reduced to essentials (houses still do without electricity) as a real utopia, a simple, practical way of continuing, conserving and innovating the resolute search for living space that has characterized its history, finding a use even for the great rocks dislodged in landslides by using the earth they brought down with them to create fragments of vegetable garden and pasture or by the exploitation of jagged ravines to make grondàn, cantìn and splüi.” Archive 2006-05-01
  • Commercial relationships should be continually monitored to ensure against inappropriate exploitation of the organization's name or reputation and undue interference or influence of commercial interests.
  • The trees were planted from propagules, in April 1994, in an overexploited clear-cut area.
  • The most effective combinations offer variety and subtlety; one makes inroads, the other exploits them. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not much of a gift, especially if some unscrupulous person was able to exploit it for their own wicked advantage.
  • The wealth from those fields helped finance the exploitation of the greatest gold reef in the world, which was discovered on the Witwatersrand in 1886.
  • Whether managers fully exploit the pocket of discretion thus created depends on the intensity of their own commitment to profit maximisation.
  • South Africa and Mozambique would probably sign an agreement on exploitation of Mozambique's Mpande gasfield early next year, ANC Daily News Briefing
  • These dreams led them to a lifetime of risk-taking adventure, and ultimately the women came to learn of each other's exploits.
  • According to the model of Hotelling which ascertain the most preferential exploiting of petroleum resource, the marketplace is the most effective mechanism to deploy petroleum resource.
  • The holes have been discovered from analysis of an existing link on the Internet and a fully functional demonstration of the exploit have been produced and been shown to affect even fully patched versions of Explorer.
  • Slugs are attracted to beer, and this weakness can be exploited by deploying pitfall traps baited with beer (real ales with traces of yeast, rather than filtered lagers).
  • So he who would not exploit or contribute to the cause of war must cease to follow tradition, cease to be greedy, ambitious, self-seeking.
  • They say brokers, trying to make up lost income from stock trading, may be exploiting the low yields on taxable Treasury bonds to sneak through higher charges on munis, which are exempt from most income taxes.
  • Illegal working is harmful to society and to the individuals who are exploited in this way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exigencies of market forces and the legacy of over-exploited finite resources and deregulated labour markets remain.
  • It was obviously written for the children or grandchildren of the mosstroopers whose exploits it glorifies, a generation to whom appeals to a higher code than their ancestors accepted would have been wholly unintelligible.
  • Man was able to exploit the potential of music only when he started writing musical scores.
  • The 20-year-old has justifiably garnered headlines for his cool kicking exploits in Rome but has not been a presence elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exploiting the fictionality of what is real is a seam of gold that literature will continue to mine in the next few years, I think. Last Reviews of 2008 « Tales from the Reading Room
  • At most periods in the history of opera, composers have valued and exploited the scope of the chorus for complementing and heightening the functions of principals and orchestra.
  • By hijacking the legitimate connection to a traditional wired computer network, hackers might be able to exploit the soft underbelly of corporate networks and launch even more invasive attacks.
  • There also seems to be no shortage of news outlets willing to make companies out to be the evil exploiters of labor and customers - after all, it sells newspapers.
  • Thus LINDA since the bitch coulter is merely exploiting the women and their greif just to SELL books and make money off their greif. .she must be lower than snake slime in you mind … right? Think Progress » Coulter on 9/11 Widows: ‘I Have Never Seen People Enjoying their Husbands’ Death So Much’
  • Yet the economic rewards for both could be sizeable, both in terms of tourism for the north and exploiting recent offshore gas discoveries. Times, Sunday Times
  • The official receiver was duly ordered to exploit the film.
  • They can build a more harmonious society once inequality and exploitation are removed.
  • He said if exploited in the right way Zambia's great variety of gemstones that includes emeralds, amethyst, aquamarines, tourmalines and garnets offered great potential for poverty reduction.
  • Their bawdy exploits were commented on by Howerd during asides, complete with awful puns, in a pastiche of the traditional Greek chorus.

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