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[ US /ɪksˈpɫoʊd/ ]
[ UK /ɛksplˈə‍ʊd/ ]
  1. burst and release energy as through a violent chemical or physical reaction
    the bomb detonated at noon
    The Molotov cocktail exploded
  2. cause to burst as a result of air pressure; of stop consonants like /p/, /t/, and /k/
  3. be unleashed; emerge with violence or noise
    His anger exploded
  4. increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner
    The population of India is exploding
    The island's rodent population irrupted
  5. drive from the stage by noisy disapproval
  6. show a violent emotional reaction
    The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary
  7. cause to burst with a violent release of energy
    We exploded the nuclear bomb
  8. show (a theory or claim) to be baseless, or refute and make obsolete
  9. burst outward, usually with noise
    The champagne bottle exploded
  10. destroy by exploding
    The enemy exploded the bridge

How To Use explode In A Sentence

  • Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • An established order of seeing, of understanding, of ruling, is simply exploded - the Modernist spirit asserts itself.
  • To wake up with her belly-up and demanding affection is to have your heart explode with the kind of joy that compels some people into a life of large-scale oil painting.
  • When flammable powders are dispersed in the air, they can explode.
  • The sight of the fireball was followed by a sonic boom as the meteorite exploded into thousands of pieces over Barwell near Leicester. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strange emotions welled up inside her until she felt like she was going to explode from the pressure C7: Chapter Five – Lost on Earth « Write Anything
  • Due to the very long stroke and alloy conrods, the motor is redlined at 7,000 and will definitely explode if persistently over-revved.
  • Father exploded a bombshell when he forbade us to go to the prom
  • The bomb exploded and blew them all to kingdom come.
  • On impact the shells explode in a fire ball, producing a fine dust.
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