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How To Use Explicitly In A Sentence

  • All forms of classical orthodoxy either explicitly reject or reject in principle kenotic theology.
  • The Ahmadiyah were explicitly "warned and ordered" that "as long as they consider themselves to hold to Islam, to discontinue the promulgation of interpretations and activities that are deviant from the principal teachings of Islam, that is to say the promulgation of beliefs that recognize a prophet with all his teachings who comes after the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The Heritage Foundation Papers
  • The same mythologem is also active in Dylan's opus, where - with the inclusion of the deepest part of the psyche - came to the repetition and extension of the transformation process, explicitly expressed in Dylan's song "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again" from 1966: Expecting Rain
  • Indeed, the definition of a financial audit explicitly includes examination of systems of internal control whereas the commercial audit does not.
  • If, through their labors to transform misava into masimu, women established traditional tenure rights not explicitly recognized by patriliny, then likewise, through the everyday habits of farming, women learned, performed, and nurtured relationships that overlapped with, but ranged far beyond, blood - and marriage-based patrilineal kinship. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
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  • Neither does he explicitly assert that our natural beliefs are true.
  • While both deontologists and rule - utilitarians are rule-followers, deontology explicitly stresses duty and intention rather than outcome, whereas the ultimate focus of rule-utilitarianism is on consequences.
  • In the syllabus, the instructor must define explicitly SL for students and explain to them how course activities integrate into the SL project.
  • Heidegger turns explicitly to the question of what is involved in existing authentically.
  • As these three examples demonstrate, the "one-China principle" has been used by the PRC as a means of waging its "legal warfare" to incorporate Taiwan and to accomplish its bottom-line goal of de jure unification, as explicitly stated by its declared intent to use military force if necessary under the "anti-secession law" of 2005 to "reunify" Taiwan. Jamestown Foundation: All Publications
  • Without once explicitly citing Israel's scriptures, it contains more allusions thereto than any other New Testament writing.
  • In Psalms, to which St John the Baptist alludes, the trope of the ‘bridegroom’ occurs in a series of parallelisms, balanced by an explicitly competitive image.
  • Why devote a chapter to him in a book which explicitly encourages its readers to pay attention to this music?
  • These holdings would provide investors a partial guaranteed return, denominated in their own currencies, and the government securities would explicitly guarantee the value of the fund's capital.
  • The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process.
  • The canvas in which the woman, wearing a pink dress and greenish fichu, is set against flowered wallpaper (private collection, Fig.13) was made explicitly as a gift for Gauguin.
  • The new law explicitly states that people should not be subject to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
  • These sites usually either implicitly imply, or explicitly and falsely state, that they are an authorized dealer.
  • You have a horrible tendency to post charts and either not label them properly (usually the y-axis) or not state what each curve represents (in this case it happens to be fairly obvious, but you should still state it explicitly). Matthew Yglesias » Doubts About a Vehicle-Miles Traveled Tax
  • I would only belong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly non-violent.
  • Titled Esau studies, the group chose that name explicitly to reflect the younger brother's undercutting of the older brother's birthright.
  • A few cities, including San Francisco, explicitly outlaw weight discrimination.
  • The government that puts up income tax explicitly is the government that deselects itself.
  • This kind of metafictional goofing around was a common convention of the Looney Tunes cartoons, which often referred implicitly or explicitly to the offscreen animator, with characters looking upward in this way to get the attention of the artists a device most famously used in Chuck Jones' Duck Amuck a few years earlier. The Girl Can't Help It
  • He did not explicitly say he would get it done, but personally, I would be surprised if he did not.
  • Naturally, much of this book stems from the writers' residencies in Menton and the spirit of Katherine Mansfield is often invoked, explicitly or implicitly.
  • I can't describe it explicitly without pictures, but suffice it to say that there are definite positions for fieldsmen in cricket.
  • Among Kant's predecessors who employed explicitly antinomic arguments and who may have specifically influenced him were Arthur Collier in his treatment of space (Clavis universalis, 1713), and Christian August Crusius in his treatment of causality and freedom (Entwurf der nothwendigen ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON
  • All of his work is explicitly erotic.
  • Michael says: cboldt: – the 2/3 for a veto override is explicitly in the Constitution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Marshall Field v. Clark Preclude a Challenge to “Deem and Pass”?
  • We explicitly rejected the emancipation of the middle-class "career woman" who was forced to remain childless. The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
  • He is not explicitly called a Nazarite, nor is there any mention of the unshaven hair, but the severe austerity of his life agrees with the supposed asceticism of the Nazarites. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The heroines explicitly reject comfortable middle-class lives when they rebel against their parental figures.
  • Just a page into the book the grandfather is caught red handed in an explicitly bizarre act of sex with a minor.
  • A man can reason well about familiar matter; but, unless he has explicitly examined the illative process, he will hesitate and err when dealing with new subject-matter. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Use of the term axiom reinforces that our computational model is a mathematical, formal system and that analogue execution is a form of deduction from the axioms or assumptions explicitly programmed into the model. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • However, existing knowledge modeling approaches for product configuration can not express products' constraint semantics, parameter variable configuration and customers' needs explicitly.
  • The original object of the subcinctorium was, as St. Thomas explicitly says, to secure the stole to the cincture. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Its impact on Reilly, who was at Wilson's bedside at the very end, ran much deeper, and while this work is explicitly signalled as a 'paean' - literally a song of joy or exultation - it is one etched in melancholy notes. Drowned In Sound // Feed
  • She writes repeatedly about how she remained a virgin until she was 24, until, it seems, although she doesn't say so explicitly, she met her now husband, a shadowy figure who only really appears in her story when he's comedically useful as a straight man. Bossypants by Tina Fey – review
  • Berezovsky explicitly states in his court action that he wanted his name hidden from ownership of his assets after 2006 because he believed he was being pursued by the Russian authorities, having become a public opponent of Putin. Carlos Tevez: The billionaires' fight over his ownership revealed | David Conn
  • The second case is particularly interesting because the court explicitly declared that the issue considered “does not present a nonjusticiable political question.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Balkin on the “Slaughter Solution”
  • The process of an ethics trial would be much more meaningful if there were tiers of punishment below expulsion that explicitly brought with them more substantial penalties, such as demotions or fines. Why Rangel's punishment won't really matter
  • It's not explicitly stated here, and that's a mistake.
  • Quite clearly the conception of the company explicitly adopted by the legal model is the contractual one.
  • The Rambam (1138 – 1204), who was considered the leading decisor (the mara de-atra, or supreme halakhic authority) in Palestine and Egypt, explicitly ruled: “If [the woman] said: ‘I cannot abide him or be intimate with him willingly,’ we compel him to divorce her immediately, for she is not as a captive that she must be intimate with one who is hateful to her” (Hilkhot Ishut 14: 8). Levant: Women in the Jewish Communities after the Ottoman Conquest of 1517.
  • Update #2: several people wrote in to point out that Kiesling explains his capitalization explicitly in a footnote.
  • She has repeatedly emphasized that her novels are linguistically self-conscious explicitly in order to translate the apprehension of the problematic area of language.
  • For our paraphrastic procedure to be comprehensive, it must work with contexts containing explicitly comparative locutions.
  • When challenged by the racist right, Obama pirouetted to the right in true Clintonian fashion, boasting that his health care "reform" explicitly excludes undocumented immigrants, unlike the universal health care programs in place in most other economically advanced nations. Andy Thayer: May Day Immigration March Offers Opportunity to Push Back Against Arizona
  • Indeed, the definition of a financial audit explicitly includes examination of systems of internal control whereas the commercial audit does not.
  • Not explicitly stated in this this phrase is the requirement that the actus reus (act) and mens rea (guilty mind) must overlap in time. Man Not Criminally Responsible for Greyhound Bus Beheading; Victim’s Family Call for Punishment : Law is Cool
  • Without explicitly stating so, the essay assumes this doctrine is agreed upon by all parties. Archive 2009-07-01
  • [195] "The Hindus call the nought explicitly _ ['s] [= u] nyabindu_ 'the dot marking a blank,' and about 500 A.D. they marked it by a simple dot, which latter is commonly used in inscriptions and MSS. in order to mark a blank, and which was later converted into a small circle. The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
  • Rome's official statements do not explicitly define whether Tradition is the second of a two-part revelation (known as partim-partim), or if both forms of revelation contain the entirety of God's revealed truth. Pros Apologian
  • * Sean Collins dubs the latest League of Extraordinary Gentlemen book "a funny, creepy, nasty piece of work that encapsulates and articulates many of Alan Moore's most heartfelt themes as explicitly and entertainingly as any book he's ever done. Everyone’s a critic: A round-up of comic book reviews and thinkpieces | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Moisture and temperature cannot be explicitly divided out from convolved data, therefore, You seem to suppose that because there is no evidence bearing on the question at all, one can therefore blithely go an and assume there is no conflation of responses so as to produce some proxy series. Treydte, Moberg, Soon and Baliunas « Climate Audit
  • In each gospel some of the parables are linked explicitly to Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom of God.
  • That is why my original article called explicitly for the active cooperation of monetary policy.
  • The law explicitly states that any federal, state, or local ID which requires proof of citizenship for issuance is acceptable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarian Critiques of AZ Immigration Law
  • The best day, by far, was watching the vet castrate a colt, but for some strange reason, Peter doesn't like me to talk about that too explicitly.
  • Experimental literature that explicitly suggests that chaotic behavior has been observed in neural systems not subject to periodic stimulation is more limited.
  • The "federalists" - seen by many historians as the only party to defend the classes against the masses explicitly were rapidly reduced to an Westminster Wisdom
  • The equation between proper dress and proper speech is made explicitly in Victorian etiquette manuals, where proprieties of language are spoken of as if they were cosmetics.
  • Just wondering, though - you gave a bunch of texts using 'pataphysics' in some way, and then anticipated what I was thinking with the comment on pataphysics vs. postmodernism - what would you consider an explicitly postmodern text using pataphysics, as opposed to a modernist like Davenport? Notes on Strange Fiction: The Pataphysical Quirk
  • Bartholomew: The trend is towards more focus on fault, less on instrumentalism. eBay explicitly rejected a cheapest cost avoider standard. Archive 2009-01-01
  • I am striving to explain explicitly.
  • Author C. Palmer examined three aspects of timing in piano performance that are not explicitly notated in the score: chord asynchronies, rubato patterns and legato/staccato patterns.
  • First, under the transition, we shall explicitly be nonvoting members for two years. The Sun
  • Although the term trinity is a theological expression devised by the early Church Fathers in countering various heresies, such as Gnosticism, Sabellianism, and Arianism, and not to be found explicitly in the Bible, it is everywhere assumed and alluded to. SharperIron
  • The awareness of component sounds is arguably a more critical aspect of early literacy development in orthographies such as English where these segments are less explicitly and irregularly marked in the written language.
  • Computers and the Brain A conventional computer is typically a single processor acting on explicitly programmed instructions.
  • But if you actually (gasp!) read his material, none of this preachiness comes through (except, maybe, in his explicitly religious stories). A Complex Shadow
  • In more than 12 years, it has published one article explicitly on a minority writer and one that is centrally concerned with issues of race.
  • Its aims were shaped by an extreme tail event (the Great Depression) and were explicitly minimax (to avoid a repetition). Costs and consequences
  • Radkau never really explains the title explicitly, but it is pretty well covered in a look at how well traditional knowledge understood soil. All articles at Blogcritics
  • While explicitly posing the question of whether the performance of this ethical language can ever be free of the constative (the language of ontology), his own performance of the ethics of reading is impressive indeed.
  • In a period when the ANC was about to change its tactics, Lutuli stood explicitly for non-violence. The Nobel Peace Prize 1901-2000
  • Yu Si modern, the origin of modern genre of lightheartedness, manifested itself explicitly in the perspectives of theoretical system and practice.
  • In Northern Ireland, Unionism continued to appeal to an explicitly Protestant identity, reinforced by the threat, real and imagined, of Catholic nationalism.
  • One is that the reasoning in Enderby, on which it is explicitly founded, was overset by the European Court of Justice.
  • One factor that isn't mentioned explicitly in the article is the use since 1996 of the acellular pertussis vaccine instead of the whole cell vaccine.
  • We were eager to have "separate but equal" explicitly overruled.
  • The new Public Service Act lists them explicitly, a sure sign that their survival is threatened.
  • When recompiling your kernel, you'll need to set several things explicitly.
  • The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process.
  • The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.
  • Explicitly promising to do so would at least put them on a par with schoolteachers, lawyers, and other professionals.
  • Few elements at the site could be explicitly associated with agricultural productivity; no olive or wine presses, for example, were found.
  • A century earlier, Franco of Cologne had explicitly associated the idea of ternary rhythm with the Christian trinity, but from now onwards, every value had to be able to be divided by either two or three. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Although they do not explicitly speak of an ingressive imperfect, they do mention the conative imperfect.
  • One of the few judicial decisions to deal explicitly with intersex conditions came in 1999 from the Constitutional Court of Colombia.
  • As a result, no religious acknowledgment could claim to be an instance of ceremonial deism if it explicitly favored one particular religious belief system over another.
  • Ends and means are concordant and, indeed, explicitly so, with every step toward the outcome a faithful miniature of the larger program.
  • But in context virile and manly are always distinguished from servile or slavish; Tocqueville does not explicitly or implicitly contrast them to feminine or womanly.
  • They explicitly disavow the classical philosophies of formalism, logicism, Platonism, intuitionism, and social constructivism.
  • • Evidence that the district intends to state explicitly in its policies and procedures that it will not consider race as a factor for any extracurricular activities, including superlative categories in a school yearbook such as choice for the "blondest" students. The Daily News - News
  • It's called separation of church and state; more explicitly, that our constitution specifically enjoins government from promoting one religion rather than another.
  • The bridge principles must be explicitly added to the union of the original axiomatics in order to ensure completeness. Combining Logics
  • Here we show that by considering the additivity and nonadditivity features of each genotype explicitly, regulatory biology can be linked to the basic concepts of single locus genetic theory in a straightforward way. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Another hint: Many balance problems (including the ones we have looked at here) involve ternary (base 3) arithmetic, either implicitly or explicitly, because there are three possible outcomes to each weighing.
  • Against the explicitly but restrictively political mandates of critical and monumental histories, antiquarian history holds out the ideal of disinterest, even as disinterest is deemed no longer possible. Is Literary History the History of Everything? The Case for 'Antiquarian' History
  • I continued to feel guilty even though I simultaneously felt like a badass for doing something that I was explicitly told was not allowed.
  • Sometimes they explicitly enforce it, sometimes it just sorts itself out in the natural rhythm of being two people with two lives.
  • A few women gave explicitly feminist reasons for going to university.
  • When a standoff between ATF agents and Five Points quickly devolves into a violent cataclysm explicitly recalling the 1993 fiasco at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, Smith critiques the horrors of an overreaching, inhumane government that cares more about avoiding bad press than the lives of innocents trapped inside the compound. Cathleen Falsani: Kevin Smith's 'Red State': Masterful, Spiritually Powerful
  • The debt they owe to Reformation theology is explicitly acknowledged; and unbiblical ecumenism and charismaticism are rejected.
  • Since it is difficult to quantify such constraints explicitly, the budget limit may be used as a proxy. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • The report states explicitly that the system was to blame.
  • QCD tells you explicitly how to evolve these non perturbative functions, but that has to be done with an approximation. How low is low? « Imaginary Potential
  • These are not considered marine risks. Risks of this kind must BE specifically applied for and explicitly accepted by the insurer.
  • I'm not surprised the subtitling firm regularized your anacolutha - unless the brief is explicitly to retain speech errors and disfluencies, subtitles are almost never verbatim but are edited for length and clarity for readability purposes. On anacolutha
  • B.F. Skinner's theory of operant conditioning, which deals with the ontogenesis of individual behavior, is explicitly based upon the Darwinian selectionist model (Skinner 1981). Evolutionary Epistemology
  • But it's the obvious conclusion to emerge from Moloney's magisterial work, though he doesn't himself draw it out as explicitly as this.
  • The implied connection between ‘cadence’ and falling is most explicitly realized in music where a melodic line descends conclusively to the modal final or tonal tonic.
  • Adults who want to visit these sites would have to explicitly request access. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think environmental laws may be at risk by such an amendment (in the Bills of Federalism that was specifically addressed) and should be explicitly allowed here, but civil rights laws do not derive from the Commerce Clause. The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment
  • But an alternate view has always been present within experimental modernism and its aftermaths, a view that difficulty and complexity are actually the raisons d’être of romantic lyric, and that the real complexities of romantic lyric explicitly or by default underwrite modernist experimentation (an experimentation that in its turn honors romanticism’s unprecedented insurgencies precisely by avoiding the temptations of an easy, conventional neoromanticism). Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • It's not a widely recognised position but every so often he does explicitly express his viewpoint.
  • Adults who want to visit these sites would have to explicitly request access. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such explicitly parodic celebrities implicate themselves in the culture industry's deception.
  • Both the computational and analytical models make mechanistic assumptions and do not explicitly deal with processes such as translational elongation.
  • But what is particularly noteworthy about his remarks is their explicitly theological tenor.
  • Richardson pits this code explicitly against Matilda's nefarious campaign to sign Gerald on as her personal mercenary.
  • You were explicitly instructed to wait here.
  • Zermelo introduces axioms of set theory, explicitly formulates AC and uses it to prove the well-ordering theorem, thereby raising a storm of controversy. The Axiom of Choice
  • The DSEi website explicitly states the sale of "leg irons, gang chains, shackles and shackle bracelets" are prohibited. UK arms fair under scrutiny over 'cluster munitions' stall
  • As far as we can see, the patent doesn't explicitly refer to Flash, but it does refer to NAND gate logic, a key component of Flash memory.
  • in his foreword Professor Clark puts it explicitly
  • He laments the fact that the U.S. bishops have not explicitly condemned the film even though it appears to violate their own norms for presentations of the Passion of Jesus.
  • Computers and the Brain A conventional computer is typically a single processor acting on explicitly programmed instructions.
  • Therefore, in order to maintain control it can not specify the production function and so on explicitly as a constraint.
  • Well, we know that the Workplace Relations Act explicitly excludes ‘training’ as a matter upon which the commission may arbitrate.
  • Consequently, effort and diligence were not always explicitly known.
  • The explicitly sexual content of this image is also revealing.
  • Commercially, benzene is often known as "benzol" or "benzole"; but it would be generally advantageous if those latter words were only used to mean imperfectly rectified benzene, _i. e._, mixtures of benzene with toluene, &c., such as are more explicitly understood by the terms "90. s benzol" and "50. s benzol. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The goal is quite explicitly to discourage adolescents from using condoms or other contraceptives.
  • His drawings themselves are major works of art and the show has a substantial selection, including a group of explicitly erotic subjects.
  • In this instance, what we call "scripture" is best defined by what it does, rather than by what we outside observers think it explicitly says. Peter Ochs, Ph.D.: What Is Scripture?
  • A lengthy sequence features a seven-year-old boy composing explicitly scatological emails.
  • An orchestrated return to traditional family values has pressured conservative men to explicitly re-valorize women who accept traditional roles.
  • Here at Xymos we are explicitly imitating organic morphology ," Julia said. PREY
  • The most explicitly religious part of his myth is the most strenuously, and the least successfully, allegorized. LOSING OUR RELIGION
  • I explicitly and unambiguously said the opposite.
  • The Democratic president explicitly blamed Republicans for the country's recent rating downgrade, saying it "could have been entirely avoided if there had been a willingness to compromise in Congress" which he later described as a "self-inflicted wound. Obama Defends Job Initiatives
  • As Ray makes clear, thrillingly at times, the subject's working life gives the biopic something to show, at any rate, but not necessarily a way to bring out character explicitly, in dialogue.
  • The late Ninian Smart, a doyen in the comparative study of religion, argued that it is through the comparative analysis of worldviews that we will generate the normative conceptual resources and categories for worldview evaluation, if only because the process itself will serve to “detribalize Westerners,” that is, enable us to overcome our dispositional tendency to “treat our tradition normatively, either explicitly or secretly. The rainbow as refracted truth
  • It also implies, but does not explicitly require, important installation details, such as complete backfilling of the trench and thorough compaction of backfill.
  • Divorce will become more difficult due to the taxes on alimony, while a husband will be freed of all responsibility to maintain equitable treatment of his wives if he engages in polygamy -- in Islam, polygamy is explicitly forbidden in the Quran unless the husband is capable of treating his wives in a perfectly equal fashion. Shayan Ghajar: Iranian Women Poised for Major Setback
  • There are others however who may well have "commited" Mundane SF but who have also produced great works far from its shores: Michael Swanwick's industrial fantasy masterpiece The Iron Dragon's Daughter; Bruce Sterling's postmodern slipstream novel Zeitgeist; Philip Dick's gnostic novels such as VALIS that certainly don't engage with the world through science; Aldiss and Ballard's many stories from the New Wave period that explicitly reject the precursor to Mundane SF; Ryman's own work of magical realism, Was. Rules And Mundanity
  • But the rhetoric of those who defended government policy in the early 1680s was explicitly legalist in nature.
  • A breadcrumb trail explicitly shows the path from the homepage to the current page.
  • Feminist extensions of conventional psychological methodology often resemble more explicitly oppositional programmes for social scientific method.
  • The original law explicitly on the basis of the commercial banks, the sponsor of the insolvency proceedings and bankruptcy standards.
  • But even as Madoc's destruction of the Aztec temples marks an end to acquisitive empire, Southey's aim of rationality and sobriety is compromised by the poem's own explicitly exoticist allure. [ The Allure of the Same: Robert Southey's Welsh Indians and the Rhetoric of Good Colonialism
  • Thus, the problematic nature of eyewitness reports was explicitly acknowledged by the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • The beat on which the bind begins is also indicated explicitly.
  • Despite 10 years of United Nations reporting about vicious violence connected with gold, tin, coltan and wolframite, many international refining and trading companies insist, implicitly or explicitly, that their due diligence need not extend to the origins of these minerals. Human Rights First: Controlling enablers in the conflict mineral trade
  • The number of teeth pairs mating simultaneously and the proportion coefficient of the biggest load on a tooth to total load is derived explicitly by means of geometric method and elastic mechanics.
  • These facts were nowhere explicitly stated.
  • This text speaks explicitly of those whom the Lord (has) deigned to regenerate of water and the Holy Spirit, granting to them remission of their sins. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 7 - The Vigil of Pentecost and the Holy Week Readings
  • Note, however, the irony that Keillor - a famous ironist - explicitly accuses Coleman of being ‘unpatriotic.’
  • This phenomenon is explained by the fact that elements can be introduced into mental models without being explicitly mentioned.
  • The obligations and duties of insurers doing direct selling need to be spelt out explicitly.
  • It could even be described as coy or described more explicitly by invoking that explicit term "cock-teasing. David Finkle: Warning: This Blog Contains Explicit Language and Lots of It
  • Explicitly, no oligomerization or dimer dissociation appears to be likely, attributing changes in the binding constant to the immediate microenvironment of the binding sites.
  • The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process.
  • Mr. Henry Schloesser, barrister-at-law of the Inner Temple, [Footnote: In his pamphlet published by the Women's Social and Political Union.] very explicitly explains how they affect women. Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
  • The Thai text explicitly labels the moral as such by preceding each moral with the text,’ This fable teaches us to know that ’.
  • In making up these recipes, it will be well to note that unless the variety of cheese is stated explicitly, use should be made of American Cheddar cheese, or, as it is often called, _American cream cheese_, or _store cheese_. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 2: Milk, Butter and Cheese; Eggs; Vegetables
  • One threat, as yet untested in the courts, comes from shrink-wrap licenses that explicitly prohibit anyone who opens or uses the software from reverse-engineering it, she says.
  • It has consequently recognized explicitly the regulator's need to have comparisons by making very difficult any horizontal mergers in the English water industry.
  • With the GOP and Lieberman already explicitly stating that they intend to delay health care legislation, why should we give him more than the allotted to give us the same ol 'rigamarole? MN GOP calls Franken-Lieberman incident an 'embarrassment'
  • It is much more explicitly present in a variety of passages such as the one in which Richard expatiates about the death of kings in characteristically allegorical terms.
  • These catenoids are the first explicitly known discrete minimal surfaces besides the trivial plane.
  • It also explicitly makes no attempt to give any pre-established explanation or paradigm.
  • Policy of Exit Interview explicitly indicates that management staff are willing to know more about what their colleagues are thinking, and that they respect these thoughts and opinions.
  • Then is Perception, in the prefent way of confidering it, faid to be fimple, when the Objeft of it is fimple, and then complex when the Objeft of it is complex* And fince the intire and ade - quate Objeft of Thought (as will hereafter ap - pear) is cpmprifed within the compafs of Ideas and of their Relations, we may more explicitly fay that then is Perception fimple when it is tlie Contemplation of Ideas only, and then complex when with the Ideas it takes in alfo the Confideration of their Relations and effen - tial Habitudes. An Essay Towards the Theory of the Ideal Or Intelligible World. Design'd for ...
  • As you pointed out, the United States was not explicitly mentioned in the summit declaration.
  • The heliotropic, great-circle and Hipparcos telescope reference frames are explicitly defined in the light of the scanning law of Hipparcos satellite.
  • Stegmann does explicitly allow that components other than nucleotide sequences might contain what he calls instructional information. Molecular Biology
  • We therefore explicitly model the union wage-setting process in a median voter framework.
  • Koons claimed to be critiquing the genre and explicitly disclaimed interest in the particular image. If a book meets a book coming through the rye
  • The only way to declare the document encoding we want to parse is to declare it explicitly in the document header. Zend Developer Zone
  • Nothing wrong with that, except that the leverage ratio explicitly excludes lending the banks undertake domestically from calculations of capital.
  • An affirmation phenomenon (sgrub-pa, affirmingly known phenomenon) is a validly knowable phenomenon that is apprehended in a manner in which an object to be negated (dgag-bya) is not explicitly precluded, cut off, dismissed, or rejected by the sounds that express the phenomenon. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part One: Temporally Related Phenomena
  • As to his defence having been abandoned, we refer your Lordships to the last petition laid by him upon your table, (that libellous petition, which we speak of as a libel upon the House of Commons,) and which has no validity but as it asserts a matter of fact from the petitioner; and there you will find that he has declared explicitly, that, for the accommodation and ease of this business, and for its expedition, he did abandon his defence at a certain period. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 12 (of 12)
  • In order to explicitly represent the vowelized word forms, each non-vowelized word entry is considered as a word class regrouping all of its associated vowelized forms.
  • Fascism explicitly repudiated the bourgeois individualism that it associated with liberalism.
  • Some people are proud to be bestowed with ‘polygamy awards’ - which explicitly place women in a subordinate position in society.
  • Indeed, the definition of a financial audit explicitly includes examination of systems of internal control whereas the commercial audit does not.
  • What I do oppose is forcing children (implicitly or explicitly) to pray to a god their religion does not recognize. Which Religion Does Obama Choose To Honor? « Tai-Chi Policy
  • The key question considered in Youngstown is whether the President may act when Congress has explicitly or implicitly told him not to do something. Balkinization
  • The first university disruptions at Berkeley were explicitly directed against the multiversity smorgasbord and, I must confess, momentarily and partially engaged my sympathies. THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND
  • He assumes that what is not explicitly and consensually clear across what all acknowledge to be normative sources would be an innovation if asserted, and thus would constitute addition to or substraction from the deposit of faith. Progressing to ecclesiological debate
  • We explicitly do not have an activist short-term-oriented policy.
  • What matters for our purposes is the way in which it explicitly reconceptualizes a theory of managed consumption as one of managed excess. Economies of Excess in Brillat-Savarin, Balzac, and Baudelaire
  • And this balance between humans and the natural environment that they have nurtured is explicitly opposed to other, exploitative, kinds of relationship both within human society and between humans and nature. Wordsworth's 'The Haunted Tree' and the Sexual Politics of Landscape
  • It is here explicitly declared that this doctrine, the obedience of slaves to their masters, are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ; and the arguments of its opposers are characterized as doting sillily about questions and strifes of words, and therefore unworthy of reply and refutation. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • Even if it is not explicitly stated within the framework, what is being taught to or required of the student is what has been found to be the ‘bestest for the mostest,’ over the history of the framework.

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