
How To Use Explicate In A Sentence

  • Such works have always been explicated through commentary, and this one too is designed for commentary, like the German Baroque dramas to which the learned Silesians appended their scholia.
  • It also means that the sort of "doing and making" that tends to improve learning needs to be explicated. eg. turtle geometry might work because it is "body syntonic". Untangling constructionism
  • He does not try to explicate knowledge in terms of an object in isolation from the knowing subject.
  • The researcher's race, background, and research assumptions were explicated in a research journal providing readers with a context for critique.
  • And as it happens, we have such a thing explicated, in perhaps the most brilliant philosophical dialogue in all weird fiction, namely the introit to "The White People. Kenneth Hite's Journal
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  • This paper explicate through exemplification and comparison the thematic diversity and diction ambiguity of the poem.
  • He saw the manifest aspect of the universe in space and time as part of an explicate order, and that underlying the substrate of matter is an implicate order, which is generative and holographic. James O'Dea: Finding the Holy of Holies: Sticky Particles and the Ground of All Being
  • Such works have always been explicated through commentary, and this one too is designed for commentary, like the German Baroque dramas to which the learned Silesians appended their scholia.
  • My analysis will be mostly an attempt to explicate what the Cox Report would have said if they had been able to properly weigh the conflicting arguments.
  • Before we vote your petition, yes or no, we must explicate the nature of this falsity. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The count-mass distinction, though explicated most easily on the example of concrete objects and physical substances, applies equally to entities in other domains.
  • The accelerator has been fruitfully combined to explicate economic dynamics.
  • But they confess to being unable to explicate the concept, and they ultimately resort to treating it as an unanalyzable base on which to erect a theory of physical lawfulness.
  • It mainly explicates, before the Cuban revolution, how America dominated Cuba in politics, economy, military, etc.
  • That artworks can be erroneously explicated by their producers is self-evident to historians of contemporary art, whose very existence is predicated on such misprision.
  • Before mentioning these myths and stereotypes, let me explicate a developmental theory, for good theory and science enhance each other for practice.
  • He also uses it to explicate the notion of a constitutive rule.
  • Before we vote your petition, yes or no, we must explicate the nature of this falsity. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The manner of the breaking and flawing of them, explicated by Figures. Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • The four negative stereotypes are explicated below.
  • Chapter One will explicate the researcher's motivation and offers the orientation of this thesis.
  • My analysis will be mostly an attempt to explicate what the Cox Report would have said if they had been able to properly weigh the conflicting arguments.
  • Cartes_ principles by conceiving the Globuls of the third Element to find less and less resistance against that side of them which is downwards, or by a way, which I have further explicated in the Inquisition about Colours, to be from an obliquation of the pulse of light, whence the under part is continually promoted, and consequently refracted towards the perpendicular, which cuts the Orbs at right angles. Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • In addition, our findings are useful in their ability to more specifically explicate the role of women's beauty and fashion magazines in the psychopathology of eating disorders.
  • Although Walker explicates the latter in terms of "[creating] persons who are smarter and more virtuous than we are," one could interpret person-engineering as the process of modifying the human organism using technologies that are classifiable as either enhancive or therapeutic (although I take this binarism to be vague in nontrivial ways). Ethical Technology
  • He both re-emphasizes and thoroughly explicates the details of this approach.
  • Thus a detailed study of works of literature and their represented objects could serve to explicate the purely intentional mode of being, with a view to contrasting this with the real mode of being and ultimately demonstrating that it is impossible to reduce the ˜real world™ to the status of a purely intentional creation. Roman Ingarden
  • When qualitative research is grounded in a subjective or intersubjective epistemology, it is critical that the researcher explicate his or her position so that the reader understands the full context of the study.
  • Derating requirements of heat fusion fittings and quality evaluation were explicated.
  • There are some that detest them as a kind of sacrilege and count it the height of impiety to speak so irreverently of such hidden things, rather to be adored than explicated; to dispute of them with such profane and heathenish niceties; to define them so arrogantly and pollute the majesty of divinity with such pithless and sordid terms and opinions. In Praise of Folly
  • The text explicates Cohen's work in a thoughtful and non-confrontational manner.
  • In order to clarify their ethical agendas, they include prefaces that explicate the thematic direction and instructive nature of their novels.
  • We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications.
  • In the absence of a theory that explicates the causes, how can anyone possibly tease causal effects out of data consisting of convolved dependent variables? Treydte, Moberg, Soon and Baliunas « Climate Audit
  • Schematic notation and scrawled text inscribed on the off-white paper grounds explicate the works' conception and fabrication.
  • New literater's builder in May Fourth period draw into drama by Ibsen, therefrom explicate the Ibsenism, and then play experimenting on text, get great influence in that period.
  • I know and use “explicate”, I know “trope”, I have a vague sense of both “quotidian” and “discursive”, and “paratactic” is a complete mystery. Waldo Jaquith - 5 words my poetry professor used during today’s lecture.
  • Allen's primary intention, we can see, has been to explicate the art of oratory not for its own sake, but as a tool of social justice in general and of abolition.
  • On Sunday, all that was missing from the giant state-of-the-art screen, where supertitles explicated the Italian text, were the levels of information you normally get at a baseball game. WNO's 'Opera in the Outfield' event is a family-friendly day with Verdi
  • It is a very historical text, as it was the first book in France to systematically defend and explicate Nietzsche's work, which was still suspected of fascism, even after the second World War.
  • Chapter One will explicate the researcher's motivation and offers the orientation of this thesis.
  • I share your impatience with topical books or books that don't try to do anything but explicate a theme, but I don't see why saying something is incompatible with literary performance. Doing Something as a Reality
  • Researchers conclude, however, that at least broad intervention principles can be explicated within such approaches.
  • Such critics might have been able to explicate the novel more rigorously and with a more informed perspective on its historical, national-literary, and biographical contexts. Book Reviewing
  • I briefly note the unexplicated distinction their Lordships draw between legal and social policy.
  • My analysis will be mostly an attempt to explicate what the Cox Report would have said if they had been able to properly weigh the conflicting arguments.
  • To explicate this paradigm, the study, in addition to the tenets of border theory, draws on the insights of historicism and postcolonial theory.
  • Could you contact orthoneurologists if that's even a word and explicate the two star quarterbacks' respective injuries? NYT > Home Page
  • It would help me if you could explicate your version of history: "We hear the term occupied territories when in fact they are lands that were part of Israel, s first lands, later taken in war by the ARABS and regained in 1967 after being threatened with invasion yet again ... On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • One assignment that proved useful here was to have the students work in groups to explicate specific passages from Mann's Twelfth Annual School Report from 1848.
  • Whitewater—the all-consuming mess of accusations about an allegedly corrupt Arkansas land deal decades earlier that would haunt the Clinton presidency—is, on the other hand, fully explicated. Portrait of a Presidency Under Siege
  • Heidegger explicates the concepts of "ontic" and "ontological" through a consideration of science in section 3 of Being and Time. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Years ago I had the opportunity to visit the santeria shrine at Barracoa in Cuba with a practitioner who was ready to explicate the beliefs behind African religion. An Interview with Robert Stone
  • An almost impossibly rich work, it explicates a host of thorny theological, philosophical, and epistemological controversies and positions (Marsden, for instance, insightfully draws the connection between, on the one hand, the intellectual appeal of dispensational premillennialism and the opposition to Darwinism and, on the other, the peculiarly American “non-developmental” understanding of history). Modernism, Minimalism, Fundamentalism
  • But questions of more general nature have lately arisen, and these have tended to have a skeptical cast: whether any use of "aesthetic" may be explicated without appeal to some other; whether agreement respecting any use is sufficient to ground meaningful theoretical agreement or disagreement; whether the term ultimately answers to any legitimate philosophical purpose that justifies its inclusion in the lexicon. The Concept of the Aesthetic
  • But it is debatable whether this could be explicated in any meaningful way.
  • These three canzoni were then embedded in a second prose work of Dante's, Il Convivio, which also frames and explicates his lyric verse.
  • Is all this important enough to have explicated in such detail? Peter Clothier: A Disappointing Night Out
  • But they confess to being unable to explicate the concept, and they ultimately resort to treating it as an unanalyzable base on which to erect a theory of physical lawfulness.
  • On 14 February 2008 with 9 comments explicate discursive paratactic trope quotidian Waldo Jaquith - 5 words my poetry professor used during today’s lecture.
  • In the e-mail, I thought to myself, I would explicate my apparent teenage gawkiness from the previous day as the consequence of being mortifyingly embarrassed and hapless.
  • The ultimate goal is to clarify and explicate the notion of ‘Atheism,’ then spell out and defend the correct definition.
  • The contributors present engaging interpretations that explicate the life experiences of the people studying and working at community colleges.
  • Within this framework, Barnave's revolutionary political ideas will be explicated.
  • We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications.
  • He explicates both character and action, thereby pulling the entire story to his level where all human motivation is lechery, which leads only to ‘the bone-ache.’
  • The collection of seven articles, six essays, and one interview use an assortment of scholarly approaches to explicate elements in Shonibare's works.
  • Before we vote your petition, yes or no, we must explicate the nature of this falsity. THE BROKEN GOD
  • According to the bequest, the lecture series aims ‘to explicate the concept of the human mind through theory and empirical research.’
  • The discovery of a missing cache of 4,500 images made by Robert Capa and his colleagues during the Spanish Civil War is explicated in "The Mexican Suitcase. Listening at Latinbeat, Looking In on Ol' Blue Eyes
  • A vital step in the right direction is to acknowledge that our human sexuality is perplexing at best and cannot be legislated by a government, regulated by rules, or explicated by a religion. Aaron Anson: Regulating Human Sexuality
  • Before we examine the more recent work, we need to explicate the notion in more detail than we have done so far and introduce some empirical findings.
  • China's overall prospects are explicated given specific caveat concerning China's distinctive pragmatic and cautious approach of implementing a market system along a political control by a one party system -- its longevity and stability will be subject to conjecture. Nake M. Kamrany: China's Growing Economic Strength in the 21st Century
  • Some recent authors have written books attempting to explicate the concept of nomicity.
  • It was that Bengal tiger of a ballerina, Sofiane Sylve, stalking onstage on steely pointes, as if France itself had come to explicate this most elusive of texts.
  • Calcutta! and as the unapologetic joker known for his spanking jones a penchant well-explicated in the play. 'Tynan': A show to please the critic
  • Before we vote your petition, yes or no, we must explicate the nature of this falsity. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The sense by which to understand these terms are both given in the famed 2005 address to the Roman Curia, and are also further explicated upon in various discourses and activities of the Pope. Exploding a Myth: An Assertion About the "Hermeneutic of Continuity"
  • Sheriff explicates the metaphor of fire as it was used to connect nymphomania to the passions, including enthusiasm.
  • The rendition in the previous sections is meant to explicate the core ideas that held the McMaster group together, at least for a while.
  • Further, both the looser, more informal structure and the reader-friendly critical language Thirlwell employs seem to me to work to accomplish one of criticism's legitimate tasks, which is to explicate features of literary works that are not necessarily obvious to all readers, that require the critic to call attention to them as evocatively as possible. Translated Texts
  • To explicate this relation, Searle and Vanderveken define weak illocutionary commitment: S1 weakly illocutionarily implies S2 iff every performance of S1 commits an agent to meeting the conditions laid down in the septuple identical to S2 (1985, p. 24). Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
  • Before we vote your petition, yes or no, we must explicate the nature of this falsity. THE BROKEN GOD
  • I have silently assumed Foucault's earlier definition of "genealogy" in construing the term in this passage, firstly because nothing in the passage otherwise explicates the term. Foucault and the Hedgerow History of Sexuality
  • He does not explicate this roundabout reference to circumcision.
  • I myself generally adopt the latter strategy when attempting a review of an unconventional work, although I don't so much try to make the work fit the existing categories as to explicate what it seems to me to be doing that effectively replaces or substitutues for those categories. Experimental Fiction
  • Her light-hearted vignettes are woven in between clearly explicated theories about laws of possibility.
  • We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications.
  • Among Hyde's strengths are his detailed knowledge of texts and contexts, and an ability to explicate them.
  • The real difference is that Auerbach is attempting to explicate the text in front of him, to help the reader "see" more fully what is really going on in the scene from the Odyssey. Literary Study
  • In his attempt to explicate the determinate-determinable relation, he uses the notion of predicate entailment.
  • And while he may have lacked the gene for self-promotion, it is not as if no one else in public life had the opportunity to explicate his ideas for a larger public.

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