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experimental procedure

  1. the specific techniques used in conducting a particular experiment

How To Use experimental procedure In A Sentence

  • (voice-over): Last month, Maria had an experimental procedure known as a gastrectomy; 80 percent of her stomach was removed including the area that makes her appetite hormones. D Mag - News
  • The researchers then measured their reaction to another participant (actually a research associate) who turned up late and thus needed help with the experimental procedure.
  • The child would be conceived in a lab dish, using the same experimental procedure being tested in Boston to help couples with HIV have children without passing on virus.
  • Note and emphasize clearly any dangers, hazards, or potential ill results that might occur during an experimental procedure. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • This was done in order to ensure that handgrip strength had not fallen during the course of the experimental procedure.
  • The experimental procedure, called photo-refractive keratectomy (PRK) and performed only by ophthalmologists, uses a new "excimer" laser to treat moderate degrees of nearsightedness (myopia). A Light For Poor Eyes
  • Therefore, artifacts associated with the experimental procedure could not be absolutely excluded, as was mentioned by the authors.
  • What experimental procedure could provoke some people to profuse sweating and trembling, leaving 10% extremely upset, while others broke into unexplained hysterical laughter?
  • Experimental procedures for differentiation of enteric microorganisms.
  • The probability of this convergence happening by chance tends to zero as the number of experimental procedures increases.
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