How To Use Expenditure In A Sentence
Just a reminder - expenditure on staff costs and consumables is ‘spending’, not ‘investment’, and just because Nu-Labour persists in miscalling it as spending, it doesn't mean we have to accept meekly their attempts to confuse the issue.
These are based on the observation that expenditure is typically necessary to partake in such recreational activities.
Definition: Consumption can be regarded as total expenditure by households on goods and services which yield utility in the current period.
The 62 million consideration will bolster the strength of the balance sheet and free capital for expenditure on the branded goods.
Times, Sunday Times
Public expenditure on the arts is woefully inadequate.
Yet according to a recent survey 7 per cent of health care expenditure is on alternative medicine.
Alternative Health Care for Women
Table 10.1 illustrates this with reference to revenue expenditure on basic services by the ten district councils in the Greater Manchester area in 1987/8.
With this approach there is a need to justify all expenditure and not just that expenditure at the margin or additional expenditure.
Lenders now require more evidence of both income and expenditure.
Times, Sunday Times
The federal government could be committed to a tax expenditure quickly without prior consultation.
Energy expenditure whilst flying is limited as most passengers sit in their seats for most if not all of the journey.
Total Capital Expenditures for 2009 are less than historical and current estimates for Maintenance and Obligatory Capital Expenditures which we define as the estimated amount of investment in capital projects and obligatory spending on existing facilities and operations needed to hold production approximately constant for the period.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Taxes must be adequate to raise a revenue sufficient to meet those federal expenditures which are truly advantageous to the general welfare, to maintain justifiable confidence in the soundness of the dollar, and to underwrite the safety of the federal debt as an investment.
As The Allies Face The Future
One adjustment is to capitalize R&D expenditures and amortize them over five years instead of expensing these investments in the year they are made.
While knowing total expenditures in lobbying is good I would like to see some breakdown as to where all of that money is going, to see exactly whose pockets are filling as a result of the largess being spread around.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » $3.47 billion spent. Did you get a pony?
Ostentatious expenditure focused the attention of the poor on the wealth of the wealthy, for this of course was its purpose.
The Chancellor has not taken the opposite political risk of a serious attempt to reduce the budget deficit by increases in taxation and reductions in expenditure.
Times, Sunday Times
From the view of industry, the relation depends on the demand elasticity of price. When elasticity is greater, the industrial investment expenditure also increases with the firm number increase.
Each participating State will provide for its legislative approval of defence expenditures.
With an improved public expenditure allocation for April 1992, the future is looking considerably better.
That expenditure our sons will incur just on their motorcycles and mobile phones," the turbaned, grey-bearded Mr. Singh says.
On Punjab's Farms, 'Everybody Has No Jobs'
He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure.
Under our public expenditure plans, housing association output is due to rise substantially to at least 40,000 by 1993-94.
His expenditure on pleasure and luxuries is rather high in proportion to his income.
It is unrealistic to expect the young and naive to feel more responsibility for public expenditure than government does.
Times, Sunday Times
Increased expenditure has caused a depletion in our capital/funds.
The community's, i.e. Cherokee's, financial soundness is a result of low expenditures and a very high soldier's retirement, he says.
Harold allinson
We cannot raise prices on meat and dairy products sufficiently to balance the total present-day expenditure and abolish subsidies completely.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
We'll have to chop back all the expenditure.
This means that a mountain top is a good place to change direction of travel, with little expenditure of energy.
Public expenditure was running at 44 . 6 % of GNP.
Also, both operating expenditure and the operating consequences of capital expenditure appear together in the funds.
An aide wrote the extra spending meant'going into reserves or cutting programme expenditure '.
The Sun
Boise State's ascent to national prominence came amid a 52% rise in athletics spending in that same four-year period, close to tripling a 19% increase in total institutional expenditures.
Missouri shows how schools pay a price for football success
Table 10.1 illustrates this with reference to revenue expenditure on basic services by the ten district councils in the Greater Manchester area in 1987/8.
The pension includes an allowance of fifty pounds for traffic expenditures.
Total personnel and debt service costs should be no more than 40 percent to 70 percent of total church expenditures.
Christianity Today
In addition, government cannot finance long-lived public capital expenditures with borrowing.
Tax relief is provided by the Revenue Commissioners in respect of expenditure incurred on the repair, maintenance or restoration of the approved building or garden.
Those of you who work for themselves have spent many moonlit hours calculating your precise incomes and expenditures.
Government expenditures influence real exchange rates in terms of resource withdrawal and consumption transfer.
The term reconciliation springs from the mechanism that's outlined in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that allows for tax increases and expenditure reduction to be reconciled with previously passed legislation.
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He caused an estimate to be taken of the sum required for his own expenditure, and that of those in his personal service; and being told that six hundred scudi would be sufficient, (scudo was at that time the name of a golden coin which, retaining the same weight and value, was afterwards called a zecchino,) 1 he gave orders that this sum should annually be set apart out of his patrimonial estate, for the expenses of the table.
Chapter XXII
It is a variable topping-up resource to meet the expenditure ceiling.
The increased energy expenditure of exercise assists in weight reduction.
The Vitality Diet
Obama set in February this year by the 18-member Democratic and Republican Congressional Budget Control Committee to study the control of expenditure and taxation options.
It is the role of this parliament and the House of Representatives to supervise the expenditure of funds.
One aim of these reforms is effective defence with minimal expenditure.
However, expenditure in the future might reasonably have extended that useful life for a considerable period of time.
Housing continued as the most significant item of household expenditure, accounting for 24 cents in every dollar spent in 2000-01.
Apart from extensive and expensive capital expenditure, plenty of labour was required, skilled and unskilled.
However, focusing on having an organised, clean, tidy, welcoming, peaceful home with feminine touches is something I can do to comfort my husband and myself without any expenditure.
Peace in the Storm
Once the problems are recognized and society accepts some degree of commitment in the battle against social evils then, naturally, public expenditure is bound to rise.
Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
Expansion of the money supply in these circumstances may lead to no additional expenditure, only additional idle balances.
A joint commission was to be set up to examine current fiscal legislation and elaborate reforms to promote investment and expenditure savings.
It was a lamebrain excuse on behalf of the Bahamian government to try to cut down on expenditure.
I.. Estimate your expenditures for the first year of your business on a monthly basis: a. Total your indirect costs.
Expenditure this year should be just under 15 billion pounds.
There is, needless to say, some bitterness and disappointment that no system emerged after considerable expenditure.
In estimating the agglutinin content or _titre_ of a serum, testing disinfectants and for many other purposes, it becomes necessary to prepare a series of dilutions of the material under examination, and in order to avoid unnecessary expenditure of labour it is convenient to adhere to some definite scale of increment, such for example as the following:
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
What we seek to do alone is to prevent what we say is the unauthorised expenditure of public funds.
Postponing implementation is a budget gimmick used to keep the cost artificially low (if you only show expenditures in five years out of a ten year budget window the program will appear cheaper than it really is).
Archive 2009-09-01
It needed a credible threat in order to justify its massive expenditure.
Radical changes require heavy expenditure of political capital in the face of massive obstacles.
Times, Sunday Times
One aspect of disorganized capitalism is pressure against general welfare expenditures for those not directly engaged in productive work.
In the modern society, education are always the most important public enterprise that governments in all countries pay attention to, in the public government expenditure of weigh one of the heads.
Cash provided by expenditures have generally comprised purchases of com - financing activities in 2001 of $18 million was primarily puter hardware, software, server equipment and furniture due to proceeds from the issuance of common stock pur - and fixtures, and are expected to range from $160 million suant to stock option exercises of $84 million, offset by to $190 million in 2004 as we invest in expansion of our common stock repurchases of
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They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
Public expenditure and the budget deficit would be reduced.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
Higher education accounts for about 13 percent of general fund expenditures.
Direct action by central government would necessitate substantially increased expenditure and therefore revenue.
We were joined by a mutual friend, a dark-haired looker whose expenditure on manicures and pedicures is legendary.
Severe cachexia, as a result of increased energy expenditure mediated by the tumour, is also a poor prognostic indicator.
In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.
At the macrolevel, we won the Cold War by engaging in a long-term expenditure of resources while maintaining a large standing military.
The Holtham Commission, one of the most thorough reviews of the distribution of public expenditure in the UK, concluded that if the formula used to apportion public expenditure in England were applied to the devolved administrations, Wales would receive nearly £400m more per annum, and Scotland around £4bn less, compared with the apportionments dictated by a creaking Barnett formula.
We are still a nation divided by shameful economic injustice | The big issue
When there is an imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure, the excess is stored as fat.
The Opposition have made absolutely no commitment to provide free phones or to increase public expenditure on telecommunications infrastructure in any way.
We are now analysing that expenditure with the aim of realigning it with the research, so that it reinforces what we now know makes a real difference for students.
The main acquisition charges so deferred are direct advertising expenditure and costs associated with the telesales and underwriting staff.
We must try and limit our expenditure.
We will further straighten out resource distribution among governments at and below the provincial level to better match their major responsibilities to major expenditures.
The policy tried to check the exponential growth of public expenditure.
The account represents the customer's liquid funds available for everyday expenditure.
We try our best to limit our expenditure to the original sum,but we may run over by a few pounds.
During the Bush Administration and in the last two years, we have substantially increased government expenditures. Government expenditures as a fraction of GDP are way too high.
It has offered redundancy to managers and is halting capital expenditure projects such as upgrading airport lounges.
Times, Sunday Times
He kept meticulous records of his expenditure in Africa and reading the six-page digest shows just what a herculean task remains to be faced.
In addition, are these profits being converted into cash or are they being sucked up by items like capital expenditure?
Pumping much of the enhanced capital expenditure into new prison building often has the effect of draining the prison of vital resources.
Aso has vowed to stimulate Japan's domestic economy, possibly by increasing government expenditures. Opponents say he will slow the pace of economic reforms Japan sorely needs.
Negro affairs before 1865; but these are hardly extricable from war expenditures, nor can we estimate with any accuracy the contributions of benevolent societies during all these years.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
Gross domestic savings are calculated as GDP less final consumption expenditure (total consumption).
Cash terms freezes will reduce this, meaning that public sector expenditure can begin to rise (if that is what is wanted) sooner. stephen
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
Determine equipment needs and oversee capital expenditure justification.
Special allowances are given for expenditure incurred in exploring for minerals and petroleum resources and mine development expenditure.
Demographic changes may also conspire to raise the share of public expenditure.
Energy expenditure and allocation are determined using a combination of techniques, including body composition analysis (using extraction methods, calorimetry, and TOBEC), roosting metabolism (using standard respirometry), field metabolic rates and water flux (using doubly-labeled water), and time-activity budgets (using radiotelemetry, video monitoring, and direct observation).
Contributor: Thomas Kunz
Although her expenditure does not exceed her income at the moment, this may well change.
Times, Sunday Times
The purpose or effect of this bill would be to require a new or increased expenditure of local funds within the meaning of Amendment 621.
The MPA can approve expenditure on legal advice under strict criteria, subject to limits on the amount to be disbursed, for cases which have potential to bring the organisation as a whole into disrepute.
Scotland Yard paid John Yates's legal bills
Homeothermic mammals regulate their body temperatures, and hence their energy expenditure, to a relatively constant and fairly high rate.
After 2000, the expenditure continued to increase at an annual rate of 12.5 percent.
It is unrealistic to expect the young and naive to feel more responsibility for public expenditure than government does.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead, our beloved fuehrer the Prime Minister is calling for increased European arms expenditure so that the EU does not have to rely so heavily on the US.
The current levels of expenditure were not reduced, because farmers were compensated with income supports, including set-aside payments for leaving cultivated land to lie fallow.
Expansion of the money supply in these circumstances may lead to no additional expenditure, only additional idle balances.
Increased expenditure has caused a depletion in our capital/funds.
The Group remains in a negative cashflow position as it used its available cash to finance capital expenditure and retire debt.
Therefore, the average expenditure for students with learning disabilities is 1.6 times that of a general education student.
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Public expenditure on social housing provision has doubled in the last five years.
Expenditures on healthcare are driven by demand, which is spurred by income and by advances in biotechnology that make health interventions increasingly effective.
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The English financial policy in this period sought to achieve financial independence and realize a balance between royal financial revenue and expenditure, if not a surplus.
Now after the election we need a big campaign to stop any new expenditure on nuclear arms.
Capital expenditures by both public and private schools have soared as have the outlays for labor.
Where the funds are going, and as Rose Ferlita so clearly pointed out in her arguments, the generosity to areas that disproportionately "augment" private business enterprise eg, sports authority beneficiaries, does not demonstrate a magnitude of benefit to justify the level in increased expenditure and are therefore ... inappropriate when other services are being left ... - Financial News
Underinflated tyres, however, will cause the avoidable expenditure of untold quantities of sweat, and soft tyres wear out more rapidly.
Times, Sunday Times
A source close to them said they would vigorously dispute any suggestion of reckless or fraudulent trading, excessive expenditure, mismanagement or undeclared income.
Things are tight and there is little space for unnecessary expenditure.
The great unexplored area of public expenditure is the annual revenue consequences of servicing the long-term PFI debts, all a consequence of investment in new hospitals, courts, schools, roads, IT and water and waste infrastructure.
Stop protecting PFI contracts
With the drastic cuts in our defence expenditure, can we really afford to get involved in another war?
Times, Sunday Times
For example the current value of a variable like consumption expenditure will depend upon income in the previous time period.
Collins Dictionary of Economics
We have also increased our capital expenditure to an average of R2-billion per annum to deal with the backlogs.
Once the problems are recognized and society accepts some degree of commitment in the battle against social evils then, naturally, public expenditure is bound to rise.
Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
The hope is that Sol Campbell's return, which is at least two weeks away, will render such expenditure unnecessary.
Our desired expenditures depend on our national income.
The emphasis on accountability and budgetary control that this new structure brought in reflects the firm commitment of the Conservative government to public expenditure control.
Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
These guidelines apply to expenditures of cash imprest, cash advance or your own cash to be reimbursed.
You will have to render an account of your expenditure.
Just as a writer can write without much expenditure, a filmmaker must, first of all, be able to express himself without much fuss about what is saleable and what is not.
They range from merging wards and eliminating luxury expenditure to controlling study leave and overtime and reviewing non-clinical vacancies.
Government expenditure, through provision of better living conditions and health care for the elderly, has itself contributed towards this.
What you consider to be essentials may be deemed excessive expenditure by lenders.
Times, Sunday Times
You must ask permission for all major expenditure.
Were I not persona non grata I would like to witness the classroom performances of these young professors -- chosen with owlish gravity by men who cannot write deer sur without the expenditure of enough nervo-muscular energy to raise a cotton crop, chewing off the tips of their tongues and blotting the paper with their proboscides.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
On the expenditure side, the bias toward error is just as strong.
Suppose that you purchase gasoline and a composite good that represents expenditures on all other goods.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
Cuts in expenditure were made as part of the country's structural adjustment programme.
Unless there are any other myths I can dispel, lemme sign off with the reminder that while the feds and/or the state may *may* end up kicking in a share via the enterprise or empowerment zones, the beneficiaries of this deal will not only be these poverty-wage workers, but all of Los Angeles, as lowered poverty brings lowered crime, safer communities, stronger families, less drug use, fewer public health expenditures and more effective schools.
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The remaining expenditure can be projected over the budget period.
Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
Thus any calculation of results and expenditure is inevitably distorted.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
The marginal propensity to import, in other words, is a " leakage " from the expenditure stream.
kept a close watch on expenditures
The King's open-handed attitude to royal display also partly accounts for the style of masque costumes because, although he did not perform in masques himself, lavish expenditure on his clothes set a precedent at court.
Previous research into the response of domestic energy expenditure to changing prices has concentrated almost entirely on the use of aggregate data.
Suppose that you purchase gasoline and a composite good that represents expenditures on all other goods.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
(Professional statto explanation to follow:) Whilst our average daily expenditure in Tanzania is inflated by us moving quite quickly over a short period of time and numerous visa expenses, we have not really 'done' any tourist sights. Recent Updates
This is another instance of what is commonly called "practical;" as though mental processes must not necessarily antecede efficient action, and as though there was not then at hand abundant data for brains to work on, without any expenditure of money.
From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
Playing a round of golf without a cart requires about the same average expenditure of effort.
Living with Angina
Diverse opinions concerning the improvements of annual revenue and annual expenditure.
But nobody fuses much over daily expenditures on sales and gasoline taxes -- even though they add up to large sums annually.
Each party must break down its expenditure under a number of headings for each tranche of funding it receives from the state.
The impact of beef advertising expenditures on pork intake is not statistically different from zero.
Those expenditures will cover the cost of new processes and equipment in the upgrading area.
One more unit of the omitted good will reduce expenditure on the composite good by an amount equal to the price of the omitted good.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
High military expenditure will fuel inflation, reduce international competitiveness, and balance of payments crises will occur as public debt increases.
Municipalities still need money for infrastructure improvements such as roadwork and capital expenditures and must go to the market for that funding.
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On the audit of expenditure, it changes from center expenditure audit into center expenditure and subsidy local expenditure.
To enact, amend or repeal laws, examine and approve budgets, approve taxation and public expenditure etc.
They tend to be wary of public funding, but accept limits on contributions and expenditure.
He did not need to consult anyone about expenditure on funerals as these were routine occasions.
Judy, if I do nothing else in my life I will never stop trying to bring to people the conviction of how wasteful and asinine is a human expenditure of this kind.
The Thoughtful Soldier
The commitments made to Italian workers on employment creation were increasingly sacrificed to meet targets on reduced public expenditure.
But, as new systems are developed to capture the allocations and expenditures under the Act, we plan to make that data available in exportable form.
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In order to obviate that, because money is fungible and budget-cutting is suddenly in vogue, you would think that government agencies would be aggressively trimming noncritical, nonlife-threatening expenditures and diverting scarce resources to genuinely pressing needs.
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But in other ways the colony lagged behind, especially when government expenditure was at stake.
The panel expects the core personal consumption expenditures deflator to rise 1.5 percent in 2010, following an identical gain in 2009.
Once the problems are recognized and society accepts some degree of commitment in the battle against social evils then, naturally, public expenditure is bound to rise.
Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
The report has even argued that the government should enhance capital expenditures "in order to counter-balance the contractionary effects of fiscal consolidation."
A joint commission was to be set up to examine current fiscal legislation and elaborate reforms to promote investment and expenditure savings.
They've got the perfect mechanism for shifting expenditures from the public to the private sector.
France's first rearmament plan was adopted in 1934, only to be followed by a cutback in expenditure in the next year.
Such are the written placards wafered up in the gentlemen's dressing-room, or the green-room (where there is any), at a private theatre; and such are the sums extracted from the shop-till, or overcharged in the office expenditure, by the donkeys who are prevailed upon to pay for permission to exhibit their lamentable ignorance and boobyism on the stage of a private theatre.
Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
Excessive domestic borrowings to finance current expenditure has resulted in debt service payments approaching unsustainable levels.
Furthermore the ceiling on money that can actually be paid out differs from the ceiling on commitments to future expenditure.
Times, Sunday Times
The various categories of operating expenditure are broadly in line with expectations.
Limit your expenditure to what is essential.
Once the problems are recognized and society accepts some degree of commitment in the battle against social evils then, naturally, public expenditure is bound to rise.
Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
The expectation was for an abrupt decline in consumer expenditures that, in fact, did not materialize.
A joint commission was to be set up to examine current fiscal legislation and elaborate reforms to promote investment and expenditure savings.
The budget provided for a total expenditure of £27 billion.
The Government has hinted that any boost would probably come in the form of higher public expenditure rather than tax cuts.
Times, Sunday Times
However, it is unclear if this will completely save the university from the need to cut expenditures in other areas.
The alcids (family Alcidae) have a high rate of energy expenditure during flight due to their flapping, nongliding technique.
The key assumptions used to estimate expenditures and revenues also are quite conservative.
It is therefore incorrect to say the Department of Education underspent, because at present there is no weak expenditure on the part the department.
They could be organic growth plans - product launches, new hires or major capital expenditure.
To what extent should advertising expenditure be capitalized and recognized as an asset in a company's balance sheet?
The expenditure of energy here is massive.
Fats, Nutrition and Health
We will return to this topic in Chapter 5 in the context of military expenditure and the formulation of defence policy.
Science, Technology, and Social Change
In regard to the pure question of the sufficiency of your salary, they hint in the kindest manner that all expenditures are contractible as well as extensible.
Stories by American Authors, Volume 1
With the exception of South Africa, expenditures on HIV / AIDS in these countries are financed mainly by external sources.
Now, he's slashing capital expenditures and ransacking his portfolio for bits and pieces to sell, all to bring down debt.
The dotation of Persian queens consisted in consigning to them the revenue of certain cities, in various parts of the kingdom, for defraying their personal and domestic expenditure.
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Health insurance is expensive in the US partly because most states mandate coverage of various health expenditures that have little to do with insurable risks.
The government devotes a disproportionate share of the budget to military expenditure.
In western societies, the family support for higher learning is virtually absent and the desirous youth often find ways of appropriate jobs to support their expenditure.
Chinese rice has an evident cost advantage with most factors, while Korean rice has less expenditure only in irrigation and animal power.
A falling savings ratio and rapidly rising consumer expenditure were certainly significant features of the second half of the 1980s.
Furthermore, it had no effective way to discipline itself on expenditures.