How To Use Expend In A Sentence
Balzac expended a great deal of pains, and one of whom he seems to have "caressed," as the French say, with a curious admixture of dislike and admiration.
The Thirteen
Sons don’t resemble their fathers in every detail, I’ve noticed it time and time again, and there’s many a woman brought to bed of a son who is profoundly thankful for that fact, and expends a great deal of her postpartum energy assuring the sprog’s tata that the sprog is a dead ringer for her great-uncle Lucius Tiddlypuss.
The First Man in Rome
These are based on the observation that expenditure is typically necessary to partake in such recreational activities.
Definition: Consumption can be regarded as total expenditure by households on goods and services which yield utility in the current period.
The 62 million consideration will bolster the strength of the balance sheet and free capital for expenditure on the branded goods.
Times, Sunday Times

Public expenditure on the arts is woefully inadequate.
Yet according to a recent survey 7 per cent of health care expenditure is on alternative medicine.
Alternative Health Care for Women
A cup of coffee in the morning can increase performance, but too much coffee expends energy and can create long-term exhaustion.
Table 10.1 illustrates this with reference to revenue expenditure on basic services by the ten district councils in the Greater Manchester area in 1987/8.
Willoughby in outwearying: she asked herself how much she had gained by struggling: -- every effort seemed to expend her spirit's force, and rendered her less able to get the clear vision of her prospects, as though it had sunk her deeper: the contrary of her intention to make each further step confirm her liberty.
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
With this approach there is a need to justify all expenditure and not just that expenditure at the margin or additional expenditure.
Tractors and harvesters were replacing mules and manual labor, and mechanization was in the process of making black tenant farmers and sharecroppers expendable.
I have watched over the years as she has expended much time and emotional energy in dealing with these cases.
Times, Sunday Times
Lenders now require more evidence of both income and expenditure.
Times, Sunday Times
The federal government could be committed to a tax expenditure quickly without prior consultation.
They were weak, expendable with relatively little power in the committee structure.
Energy expenditure whilst flying is limited as most passengers sit in their seats for most if not all of the journey.
In a typical game of badminton, contestants expend as much energy as in running a mile; singles games give the most vigorous aerobic workout.
Times, Sunday Times
Total Capital Expenditures for 2009 are less than historical and current estimates for Maintenance and Obligatory Capital Expenditures which we define as the estimated amount of investment in capital projects and obligatory spending on existing facilities and operations needed to hold production approximately constant for the period.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Taxes must be adequate to raise a revenue sufficient to meet those federal expenditures which are truly advantageous to the general welfare, to maintain justifiable confidence in the soundness of the dollar, and to underwrite the safety of the federal debt as an investment.
As The Allies Face The Future
One adjustment is to capitalize R&D expenditures and amortize them over five years instead of expensing these investments in the year they are made.
While knowing total expenditures in lobbying is good I would like to see some breakdown as to where all of that money is going, to see exactly whose pockets are filling as a result of the largess being spread around.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » $3.47 billion spent. Did you get a pony?
Ostentatious expenditure focused the attention of the poor on the wealth of the wealthy, for this of course was its purpose.
The Chancellor has not taken the opposite political risk of a serious attempt to reduce the budget deficit by increases in taxation and reductions in expenditure.
Times, Sunday Times
From the view of industry, the relation depends on the demand elasticity of price. When elasticity is greater, the industrial investment expenditure also increases with the firm number increase.
Manufacturers have expended a lot of time and effort trying to improve computer security.
Each participating State will provide for its legislative approval of defence expenditures.
With an improved public expenditure allocation for April 1992, the future is looking considerably better.
Missions for unmanned vehicles will gravitate toward those compatible with their primary strengths - persistence, expendability and stealth.
These institutions were "industrial schools" "reformatories" and "orphanages"; in other words, the children were considered outcasts and, therefore, expendable.
No Wall Between Church and State: Ireland and The Largest Child Abuse Scandal in History
That expenditure our sons will incur just on their motorcycles and mobile phones," the turbaned, grey-bearded Mr. Singh says.
On Punjab's Farms, 'Everybody Has No Jobs'
He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure.
The US media is expending a lot of ink and air time evaluating the potential economic effects of George Bush's new tax-cut proposal.
Under our public expenditure plans, housing association output is due to rise substantially to at least 40,000 by 1993-94.
His expenditure on pleasure and luxuries is rather high in proportion to his income.
The group was seen as inferior and therefore expendable.
And the effort expended under the Mara's merciless sun pays fabulous dividends.
Times, Sunday Times
The remote-controlled vehicle is designed to be expendable, carries its own warhead, and uses cheaper components.
In this we were limited only by the time and effort we wished to expend, rather than such logistical publishing considerations as page layout and total printing costs.
SInce the country has not yet become self-reliant in terms of energy, it still expends vast sums of money protecting energy supplies.
It is unrealistic to expect the young and naive to feel more responsibility for public expenditure than government does.
Times, Sunday Times
Increased expenditure has caused a depletion in our capital/funds.
The community's, i.e. Cherokee's, financial soundness is a result of low expenditures and a very high soldier's retirement, he says.
Harold allinson
Under this sequence, the capitalist expends a sum of money M in buying materials and machinery and in paying wages.
We cannot raise prices on meat and dairy products sufficiently to balance the total present-day expenditure and abolish subsidies completely.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
On the lower tier to the left of the tach is a needle that swings up and down between blue at the top and green at the bottom to let the driver know when the battery is expending power or getting a regenerative charge.
Mississauga News
We'll have to chop back all the expenditure.
This means that a mountain top is a good place to change direction of travel, with little expenditure of energy.
Public expenditure was running at 44 . 6 % of GNP.
Also, both operating expenditure and the operating consequences of capital expenditure appear together in the funds.
An aide wrote the extra spending meant'going into reserves or cutting programme expenditure '.
The Sun
Boise State's ascent to national prominence came amid a 52% rise in athletics spending in that same four-year period, close to tripling a 19% increase in total institutional expenditures.
Missouri shows how schools pay a price for football success
Table 10.1 illustrates this with reference to revenue expenditure on basic services by the ten district councils in the Greater Manchester area in 1987/8.
As hard as expendability is on workers themselves, increased productivity is the way progress is made.
The pension includes an allowance of fifty pounds for traffic expenditures.
Total personnel and debt service costs should be no more than 40 percent to 70 percent of total church expenditures.
Christianity Today
In addition, government cannot finance long-lived public capital expenditures with borrowing.
Why should it expend men and treasure on the forlorn hope of supporting democracy abroad?
Times, Sunday Times
Tax relief is provided by the Revenue Commissioners in respect of expenditure incurred on the repair, maintenance or restoration of the approved building or garden.
It used to be that the Vice President was expendable, relatively unimportant and rather decorative.
People of different ages expend different amounts of energy.
Those of you who work for themselves have spent many moonlit hours calculating your precise incomes and expenditures.
Government expenditures influence real exchange rates in terms of resource withdrawal and consumption transfer.
The term reconciliation springs from the mechanism that's outlined in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that allows for tax increases and expenditure reduction to be reconciled with previously passed legislation.
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He caused an estimate to be taken of the sum required for his own expenditure, and that of those in his personal service; and being told that six hundred scudi would be sufficient, (scudo was at that time the name of a golden coin which, retaining the same weight and value, was afterwards called a zecchino,) 1 he gave orders that this sum should annually be set apart out of his patrimonial estate, for the expenses of the table.
Chapter XXII
It is a variable topping-up resource to meet the expenditure ceiling.
The increased energy expenditure of exercise assists in weight reduction.
The Vitality Diet
Obama set in February this year by the 18-member Democratic and Republican Congressional Budget Control Committee to study the control of expenditure and taxation options.
It is the role of this parliament and the House of Representatives to supervise the expenditure of funds.
One aim of these reforms is effective defence with minimal expenditure.
However, expenditure in the future might reasonably have extended that useful life for a considerable period of time.
Once our services cease to be useful to them, we're expendable.
Housing continued as the most significant item of household expenditure, accounting for 24 cents in every dollar spent in 2000-01.
Once the water reaches fifty degrees and above, and the sun starts to stay out longer and longer, these large females will begin roaming the shallows and looking for food that will build weight and is easy to catch without expending a lot of energy.
Is This The New World-Record Largemouth?
Apart from extensive and expensive capital expenditure, plenty of labour was required, skilled and unskilled.
However, focusing on having an organised, clean, tidy, welcoming, peaceful home with feminine touches is something I can do to comfort my husband and myself without any expenditure.
Peace in the Storm
Hong Kong's regulators are expending ever greater efforts to crack down on ever paltrier financial crimes such as insider trading and market manipulation.
Hong Kong's Regulatory Misdirection
Once the problems are recognized and society accepts some degree of commitment in the battle against social evils then, naturally, public expenditure is bound to rise.
Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
Expansion of the money supply in these circumstances may lead to no additional expenditure, only additional idle balances.
S. macrurus stands to conserve more energy through reductions in EOD amplitude during periods of inactivity than is expended by the constitutive cycling of channels in the electrocyte.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
A joint commission was to be set up to examine current fiscal legislation and elaborate reforms to promote investment and expenditure savings.
After $2,000,000 had been "expended," the clamor of the stockholders caused the company actually to build several furnaces.
Frenzied Finance Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated
It was a lamebrain excuse on behalf of the Bahamian government to try to cut down on expenditure.
I.. Estimate your expenditures for the first year of your business on a monthly basis: a. Total your indirect costs.
Expenditure this year should be just under 15 billion pounds.
The very cultures that men have built, he says, have considered males more "expendable" than women.
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There is, needless to say, some bitterness and disappointment that no system emerged after considerable expenditure.
In estimating the agglutinin content or _titre_ of a serum, testing disinfectants and for many other purposes, it becomes necessary to prepare a series of dilutions of the material under examination, and in order to avoid unnecessary expenditure of labour it is convenient to adhere to some definite scale of increment, such for example as the following:
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
What we seek to do alone is to prevent what we say is the unauthorised expenditure of public funds.
One of his problems as a player is an abundance of expendable energy that he only knows how to use while on the basketball court - he's ‘too amped up,’ as he describes it.
Postponing implementation is a budget gimmick used to keep the cost artificially low (if you only show expenditures in five years out of a ten year budget window the program will appear cheaper than it really is).
Archive 2009-09-01
It needed a credible threat in order to justify its massive expenditure.
A developer expends money on the project before planning permission is granted at his own risk.
Radical changes require heavy expenditure of political capital in the face of massive obstacles.
Times, Sunday Times
The greatest conceit - that pregnancy is not a health issue and women's lives are expendable - underlies the dual standards of Republican Party pronatalist policy demanding female submission to males who assume the right to hold women hostage to biology.
Michele Swenson: "Non-Personhood" for Women: Defining Women Down
One aspect of disorganized capitalism is pressure against general welfare expenditures for those not directly engaged in productive work.
In the modern society, education are always the most important public enterprise that governments in all countries pay attention to, in the public government expenditure of weigh one of the heads.
Cash provided by expenditures have generally comprised purchases of com - financing activities in 2001 of $18 million was primarily puter hardware, software, server equipment and furniture due to proceeds from the issuance of common stock pur - and fixtures, and are expected to range from $160 million suant to stock option exercises of $84 million, offset by to $190 million in 2004 as we invest in expansion of our common stock repurchases of
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Buy a little book ruled for the purpose for pounds, shillings and pence and keep an account of cash received and expended.
The money and resources expended on ensuring portability of old-fangled phone numbers will be diverted from other projects.
They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
Public expenditure and the budget deficit would be reduced.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
In this scandalous era, savvy operatives like him are expendable.
There are other uses for cheap, expendable remote sensors.
Higher education accounts for about 13 percent of general fund expenditures.
This forced commercial satellites onto expendable launch vehicles, which had a higher risk of failure than the relatively safe shuttle.
The energy expended on this perpetual urge to explore different locations can also be found in his work.
Times, Sunday Times
Why was such huge effort expended for so little gain?
Times, Sunday Times
When the deadline of this contract reached, Party B shall return the leased car or expend the contract immediately, or Party A has the right to report to judicial office and decide according to law.
Direct action by central government would necessitate substantially increased expenditure and therefore revenue.
My hands commenced a series of tasks they knew instinctively: reseating the refueling probe, putting the flaps in “auto,” turning the expendables on, calling up the targeting pod, selecting the gun, slewing the pod toward the target area.
A Nightmare’s Prayer
We were joined by a mutual friend, a dark-haired looker whose expenditure on manicures and pedicures is legendary.
However, any observer will note that the energy people are prepared to expend in pursuing organizational goals varies greatly.
Severe cachexia, as a result of increased energy expenditure mediated by the tumour, is also a poor prognostic indicator.
I only once saw him without his stiff white detachable collar: at once a symbol of perpetual elegance and expendability.
In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.
A major gunnery exercise was held to expend the last of the ship's training ammunition - the tracer fire was focused on two large red inflatable targets, nicknamed the Killer Tomatoes, launched several thousand metres away from the ship.
At the macrolevel, we won the Cold War by engaging in a long-term expenditure of resources while maintaining a large standing military.
The Holtham Commission, one of the most thorough reviews of the distribution of public expenditure in the UK, concluded that if the formula used to apportion public expenditure in England were applied to the devolved administrations, Wales would receive nearly £400m more per annum, and Scotland around £4bn less, compared with the apportionments dictated by a creaking Barnett formula.
We are still a nation divided by shameful economic injustice | The big issue
Thus, the energy a stevedore expends in unloading boxes from a ship is recycled to him in the form of the money which he uses to buy bread.
For my part, I do not understand why this Court should expend any time in relation to this matter if it be the case, as appears to be uncontroverted, that your client is missing.
Our client is a little concerned as he has been allowed access to the premises and has expended substantial sums thereat.
When there is an imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure, the excess is stored as fat.
As the easy stuff is used up, we arrive at the point where we must finally expend a whole barrel of oil to produce a barrel of oil.
It thinks that educational outcomes reflect initial social and economic circumstances rather than effort expended by parents, pupils and teachers.
Times, Sunday Times
After so much energy and time had been expended, the matter remained unresolved.
Times, Sunday Times
The Opposition have made absolutely no commitment to provide free phones or to increase public expenditure on telecommunications infrastructure in any way.
We are now analysing that expenditure with the aim of realigning it with the research, so that it reinforces what we now know makes a real difference for students.
The buyers, as it requires a dizzying peppertree at thousand hills branson of duck to remain houses, had to exclude teens who would expend them residential roofing at the lowest specimen noticeable in headache for a gleaming of thei.
The main acquisition charges so deferred are direct advertising expenditure and costs associated with the telesales and underwriting staff.
We must try and limit our expenditure.
We will further straighten out resource distribution among governments at and below the provincial level to better match their major responsibilities to major expenditures.
The policy tried to check the exponential growth of public expenditure.
The account represents the customer's liquid funds available for everyday expenditure.
We try our best to limit our expenditure to the original sum,but we may run over by a few pounds.
During the Bush Administration and in the last two years, we have substantially increased government expenditures. Government expenditures as a fraction of GDP are way too high.
It has offered redundancy to managers and is halting capital expenditure projects such as upgrading airport lounges.
Times, Sunday Times
Weight loss is achieved by eating less kilojoules than the energy that is expended.
He kept meticulous records of his expenditure in Africa and reading the six-page digest shows just what a herculean task remains to be faced.
In addition, are these profits being converted into cash or are they being sucked up by items like capital expenditure?
Pumping much of the enhanced capital expenditure into new prison building often has the effect of draining the prison of vital resources.
Aso has vowed to stimulate Japan's domestic economy, possibly by increasing government expenditures. Opponents say he will slow the pace of economic reforms Japan sorely needs.
The reason is that it is a fundamental principle that the legislature should not act or expend money without parliamentary authority.
Negro affairs before 1865; but these are hardly extricable from war expenditures, nor can we estimate with any accuracy the contributions of benevolent societies during all these years.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
Gross domestic savings are calculated as GDP less final consumption expenditure (total consumption).
Cash terms freezes will reduce this, meaning that public sector expenditure can begin to rise (if that is what is wanted) sooner. stephen
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
Determine equipment needs and oversee capital expenditure justification.
Special allowances are given for expenditure incurred in exploring for minerals and petroleum resources and mine development expenditure.
Demographic changes may also conspire to raise the share of public expenditure.
Energy expenditure and allocation are determined using a combination of techniques, including body composition analysis (using extraction methods, calorimetry, and TOBEC), roosting metabolism (using standard respirometry), field metabolic rates and water flux (using doubly-labeled water), and time-activity budgets (using radiotelemetry, video monitoring, and direct observation).
Contributor: Thomas Kunz
All the creative energy is expended in hyping and sales, with none left over for the product.
One of the most important decisions to be made is whether Europe's new launchers will be expendable or reusable.
Thank you General Manager, for you expend in your labor.
Although her expenditure does not exceed her income at the moment, this may well change.
Times, Sunday Times
The purpose or effect of this bill would be to require a new or increased expenditure of local funds within the meaning of Amendment 621.
The MPA can approve expenditure on legal advice under strict criteria, subject to limits on the amount to be disbursed, for cases which have potential to bring the organisation as a whole into disrepute.
Scotland Yard paid John Yates's legal bills
Did NASA carefully review to make sure they don't inadvertantly have some of the crew in an "expendable" classification?
ISS Expedition 21 Poster Now Online - NASA Watch
The more efficient your stroke, the less energy you expend to swim any distance.
Homeothermic mammals regulate their body temperatures, and hence their energy expenditure, to a relatively constant and fairly high rate.
After 2000, the expenditure continued to increase at an annual rate of 12.5 percent.
It is unrealistic to expect the young and naive to feel more responsibility for public expenditure than government does.
Times, Sunday Times
The orbital space plane will initially launch on an expendable vehicle and provide rescue capability for at least four crew members.
Instead, our beloved fuehrer the Prime Minister is calling for increased European arms expenditure so that the EU does not have to rely so heavily on the US.
The current levels of expenditure were not reduced, because farmers were compensated with income supports, including set-aside payments for leaving cultivated land to lie fallow.
If he/she now has to expend the cost of trucking the merchandise to an auction hall and preparing it for auction, that means added costs for labor, and a delay on the return on the initial investment.
Expansion of the money supply in these circumstances may lead to no additional expenditure, only additional idle balances.
What makes some art expendable and some art permanent?
All those matter expend the great mass of the subsidiary company's gross profit analysis .
Paula expended her inheritance on building and supporting the twin communities and led her community of women with sensitivity and humility.
Increased expenditure has caused a depletion in our capital/funds.
The Group remains in a negative cashflow position as it used its available cash to finance capital expenditure and retire debt.
Habet haec ciuitas consuetudinem, quod quando vnus vult facere conuiuium amicis suis, ad hoc sunt hospitia deputata, et vbi ille circuit per hospites, dicens sibi tales amicos meos habebis, quos festabis nomine meo, et tantum in festo volo expendere, et per illum modum meliùs conuiuant amici in pluribus hospitijs quam facerent in vno.
The Journal of Friar Odoric
Therefore, the average expenditure for students with learning disabilities is 1.6 times that of a general education student.
The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
The congress has, for more than twenty years (not sure of the exact dates), in budgeting for the BATFE, required that NO funds may be expended for this purpose by the Bureau, thus nullifying this provision of the law while leaving the “rehabilitation” on the books so that they may say that they have provided for correction of errors in application of other provisions of the law.
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Public expenditure on social housing provision has doubled in the last five years.
Expenditures on healthcare are driven by demand, which is spurred by income and by advances in biotechnology that make health interventions increasingly effective.
A Fact a Day About Obamacare – Day Six: Why Medical Costs Rise
The English financial policy in this period sought to achieve financial independence and realize a balance between royal financial revenue and expenditure, if not a surplus.
Speech and speech-reading are taught where the measure of success seems likely to justify the labor expended, and in most of the schools some of the pupils are taught wholly or chiefly by the Oral Method or the
The Deaf Their Position in Society and the Provision for Their Education in the United States
Now after the election we need a big campaign to stop any new expenditure on nuclear arms.
Capital expenditures by both public and private schools have soared as have the outlays for labor.
Where the funds are going, and as Rose Ferlita so clearly pointed out in her arguments, the generosity to areas that disproportionately "augment" private business enterprise eg, sports authority beneficiaries, does not demonstrate a magnitude of benefit to justify the level in increased expenditure and are therefore ... inappropriate when other services are being left ... - Financial News
Underinflated tyres, however, will cause the avoidable expenditure of untold quantities of sweat, and soft tyres wear out more rapidly.
Times, Sunday Times
A source close to them said they would vigorously dispute any suggestion of reckless or fraudulent trading, excessive expenditure, mismanagement or undeclared income.
Things are tight and there is little space for unnecessary expenditure.
Today's NASA, in contrast, is focused on re-engineering big, expensive expendable rockets provided by hand-picked favorite contractors to launch throw-away spacecraft (also provided by hand-picked favorite contractors) whose designs are shackled to ancient architectural mentalities driven almost entirely by lunar access expediencies instead of long-term operational sustainability considerations.
Sean O'Keefe Responds to Jay Barbree - NASA Watch
The great unexplored area of public expenditure is the annual revenue consequences of servicing the long-term PFI debts, all a consequence of investment in new hospitals, courts, schools, roads, IT and water and waste infrastructure.
Stop protecting PFI contracts
With the drastic cuts in our defence expenditure, can we really afford to get involved in another war?
Times, Sunday Times
She could have at least made an effort at candidness, but Mike reckoned once you'd been to the other side, sincerity was an expendable commodity.
If it is the fact that a certain quantity of phosphorus is expended in the work of the brain, it would be difficult to say how many milligrammes the judge had parted with to excite the network of his "sensorium," and after all, to find out nothing, absolutely nothing.
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
It points out that the revenues have not been expended for the purposes for which they were levied -- "_on appert clairement, que les dictes finances ne sont point employées à choses dessus dictes_," etc. -- and it closes this its review with the peremptory demand: "_Item, et il fault savoir, où est cette finance," -- "Now, we have a right to know what has become of these funds.
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 10 Prince Otto Von Bismarck, Count Helmuth Von Moltke, Ferdinand Lassalle
For example the current value of a variable like consumption expenditure will depend upon income in the previous time period.
Collins Dictionary of Economics
We expended almost two million tons of bombs, rockets, napalm, and so forth against the trail and lost far too many men.
We have also increased our capital expenditure to an average of R2-billion per annum to deal with the backlogs.
Once the problems are recognized and society accepts some degree of commitment in the battle against social evils then, naturally, public expenditure is bound to rise.
Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
The hope is that Sol Campbell's return, which is at least two weeks away, will render such expenditure unnecessary.
Our desired expenditures depend on our national income.
Our densely-crowded slums, the far too large percentage of unemployed, the gigantic revenues which are expended by all classes of society in intoxicating drink, the huge crowds which throng to the places of public amusement to watch our matches, simply because they have something on the event -- I say these are not satisfactory features in connection with British social life today.
Modern British Liberalism and the Empire
The emphasis on accountability and budgetary control that this new structure brought in reflects the firm commitment of the Conservative government to public expenditure control.
Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
These guidelines apply to expenditures of cash imprest, cash advance or your own cash to be reimbursed.
A great deal of time and money has been expended on creating a pleasant office atmosphere.