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How To Use Expansion In A Sentence

  • He broke with the mainstream conservatism in the early 1960s, primarily over issues of foreign policy and military expansionism.
  • The late 1950s and early 1960s were a period of expansion and creativity.
  • In fact, the mark ties with that of the 1976-77 Tampa Bay Buccaneers, an expansion team that lost the first 26 games of its existence, the longest losing streak in major American professional sports.
  • White House officials said the bill helped "propel" the company's recent expansion. A state dinner do-over
  • It aims to group existing GP practices in a location which will allow the expansion of primary care services including mental health services, district nursing and health visiting, podiatry and minor operations.
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  • Even after all these thousands of years of human settlement, the vastness of Majipoor was such that ample room for expansion still remained. LORD PRESTIMION
  • He believed that socialism would — and must — come to America, not through armed, bloody revolution but through popular participation in representational government and the constant expansion of the state. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • One must guard against the misinterpretation of this term impoverishment as compared with the state of affairs which would have developed in the absence of credit expansion and the boom. Is Something Better Than Nothing?
  • The volume expansion provides an excellent mechanism to expel and propel fluid products – including hydrocarbons – from the area of serpentinization to seep sites at the crust hydrosphere/atmosphere interface. At it Again
  • At present, monetary policy is expansionary, as interest rates are less than the rate of inflation.
  • Poor trading figures put back our plans for expansion.
  • The expansion of the SVHC list is part of a long term European Union strategy to regulate and limit the use of hazardous substances. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • This expansion brings elements of Journal news coverage to an additional four million people who buy these newspapers.
  • The term humanoid describes a general conformation to the traits of humanity, but implies an expansion of criteria to possibly include other species than homo sapiens sapiens. AMERICAN DIGEST
  • Referring to Fig. 249, it is seen that the large expansion of the bone is produced by the gradual transition of the hollow shaft of compact bone to cancellated bone, resulting in the production of a much larger volume. II. Osteology. 6c. 3. The Femur
  • They point out that the single market and European Union expansion are not being built on a strong social platform.
  • The market hall is to receive a new look in an 18-month expansion programme.
  • Cases we have examined have undoubtedly shown this condition of osteoplastic periostitis, the rarefactive and osteoplastic changes in the bone itself, met with in older cases, occurring no doubt as a result of non-expansion of the horny box. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Robot modular structure, and facilitate the expansion of the robot.
  • The development of a leaf involves a complex pattern of cell division and cell elongation, with cell elongation playing a central part in the expansion of the leaf blade.
  • The expansion will boost the center to more than 311,000 square feet of retail space.
  • The exterior design of the new addition was to provide a nearly seamless expansion of the original historic hall.
  • Garcia, king of Leon, began a rapid expansion of his domain to the east (construction of numerous castles, hence the name Castile). 3. Christian Spain, Castile and Leon
  • Over that time frame, the European Union's eastward expansion will place Berlin at the heart of the continent.
  • The pendulum which comes down first, opens a communication with a vacuum, and the resulting suction is used, by a mechanical device, to produce a sudden expansion of the gas that is being examined. Nobel Prize in Physics 1927 - Presentation Speech
  • Brisk walking cautiously planning small step "If you want to be too big, start smaller, faster expansion" is a global information system engineering building consensus.
  • Nationalizing rail systems early on helped protect some countries from attack and furthered the expansionist dreams of others. Getting There: The Epic Struggle between Road and Rail in the American Century
  • The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
  • That would put domestic political pressure on the Bundesbank to engage in expansionary policies, and German central bankers like nothing less than expansionary monetary policy. Matthew Yglesias » Krugman on Europe
  • Asteroid-sourced raw materials will enable and catalyze the development of an Earth-Moon space economy and humankind's expansion into the solar system.
  • This money would then cut its debt and provide extensive funds for expansion.
  • Hence, the expansion of the number of countries led to a proliferation of currencies.
  • Schweiker describes his position as theocentric, but God seems to be a useful symbol that gives human agency seriousness and purpose by checking the unlimited expansion of human power.
  • The rapid expansion of administrative rulemaking may also be a factor.
  • Physical stress caused by expansion and contraction can damage components within the computer.
  • Thus, after an expansion has been in progress for some time, an event that is not of unusual size or duration can trigger a sharp financial reaction.
  • So began a painstaking operation to replace bolts and an expansion joint on the carriageway taking traffic out of the city, which was completed in 1969.
  • Aileron: the scale covering the base of primaries in some insects; see tegulae in Diptera = alula and squama, q.v. Air-sacs or vesicles: pouch-like expansions of tracheal tubes in heavy insects, capable of inflation and supposed to lessen specific gravity. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The rapid expansion in 90-92, combined with the recession, did a lot of harm financially, and the company finally went bankrupt.
  • With European Union expansion, this means building commercial and political links with the new Europeans.
  • We need some expansion capital, they don't particularly want to play.
  • Although extensive (and presumably fantastically expensive), the excavations revealed a story of only local interest, with Medieval and later expansion by Kingston upon Thames via a series of revetments into the river.
  • Britons have been swapping bets on royal foibles for decades - many gambled on the name Diana would choose for her eldest son - but recent years have seen an expansion in the scope of the bets offered by mainstream bookmakers. The Seattle Times
  • labor problems incidental to a rapid expansion
  • Expansionism was advocated by many British politicians in the late 19 th century.
  • The Eastern expansion of NATO is another disputed issue between Europe and the United States.
  • Making progress on a moderate expansion of CPP is important for the long-term adequacy of The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Shoppers will have more in their pockets and it will not cost companies vast sums to borrow for expansion.
  • The team is viewed as vigorously expansionist, and is rumoured to be prepared to look at investments in local newspapers, radio stations and new internet opportunities.
  • The development is contained in a report by the Obama administration, International Strategy for Cyberspace, in which the US for the first time sets out a strategy for dealing with the expansion of the internet and what it describes as "arbitrary and malicious disruption". US calls on its Nato partners to help resist cyber-attacks
  • Happily, the expansions and recombinations of American businesses over the century chronicled here have had far more positive results than this author would lead us to believe.
  • Increasing demand for container port services in Hong Kong is adding some urgency to the need for expansion.
  • Stem-cell-enriched CD49f hi cells amplify at dioestrus, or with exogenous progesterone, demonstrating a key role for progesterone in propelling this expansion. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Plans call for the demolition of the racetrack and grandstand to provide the necessary space for expansion.
  • Lavishness of decoration, mastery of execution, expansion of palettes with mixed colours are some of the characteristics of Assam's manuscript paintings.
  • Again, somewhat like global expansion, there are no simple answers and the situation is changing with enormous speed.
  • TSX stand for tripple shock x bullet. a full copper bullet with a scall conical opening that allows for expansion in the absence of a lead core ... however I would NOT throw this in the same category as traditional hollow points, it is something compleetely different and one of themost solidly constructed bullets on the market. Can I use a 25-06 with 115 gr winchester silver balistic tip for Elk
  • This augurs well for our continuing expansion in the future.
  • The rate of expansion of our overseas trade has been spectacular.
  • He or she then asks the anesthesia care provider to reinflate the patient's lung and sustain lung expansion at 30 mm Hg of pressure.
  • When the dialytic apparatus is in operation, shut-off valve 16 is closed in the first phase, and the first pump P1 conveys blood from the patient into expansion chamber 12.
  • —The reflected inguinal ligament is a layer of tendinous fibers of a triangular shape, formed by an expansion from the lacunar ligament and the inferior crus of the subcutaneous inguinal ring. IV. Myology. 6d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
  • This massive monetary expansion has been accompanied by a steep downtrend in the federal funds rate.
  • From these preparations peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated by Ficoll-Paque centrifugation and two PBS washes From the PBMC, erythroid progenitor cells (EPC) were generated via culture in an expansion medium containing erythropoietic growth factors PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • According to the Leadership Council's Al-Amin Abdul Latif, the nationwide, coordinated effort to combat those stereotypes is an expansion of previous Muslim efforts in the United States to meet with the general public. US Muslims Invite Dialogue to Counter Anti-Islamic Tensions
  • On nuclear weapons, the Iranian president deplores what he calls unbridled expansion and testing of more powerful warheads, apparently implicating the United States. CNN Transcript Sep 22, 2006
  • Then, by means of a sudden expansion of the air, which was saturated with steam, he effected a condensation of the steam on the electrically charged small particles, the size of which he could calculate from the velocity with which they sank. Nobel Prize in Physics 1906 - Presentation Speech
  • The Feds Board of Directors later reinstated the approval for the expansion of the facilities.
  • The idea's is that public transport site leads to city's development and outward expansion. The arm is to solve the urban traffic problems by mass rapid transit.
  • The smaller dividend payout ratio indicates that the Group is conserving cash for expansion and reducing debt.
  • Before forming the task force, Golding said the planned $ 213 million convention center expansion will not be included.
  • Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on steam pipes.
  • From these observations emerged the view that the horseshoe-shaped fibrillar band functions as a barrier inhibiting migration of individual mesoblast cells and expansion of tissue sheets.
  • Industry insiders suggest a mixture of greed, overexpansion and simple overfamiliarity has knocked the shine from certain formerly invincible megabrands.
  • The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.
  • The expansion of higher education should be a powerful force for change.
  • The new inter-bank settlement system introduced earlier this year will enable the expansion of e-service to cover most inter-bank transfers, including bill payments and on-line purchasing. Lloyd Mexico Economic Report May 2002
  • The day after his address, a report of the select committee recommending a detailed survey of a 119 mile expansion westward from Porus to Montego Bay and north-eastward from Bog Walk to Port Antonio was presented before the council.
  • As relations with the Soviet Union deteriorated the Western zones began to be seen as a potential ally against Soviet expansion.
  • As students of economic historian Charles Kindleberger know ("Panics, Manias, and Crashes"), financial manias throughout history have shared one trait: the excessive expansion of credit.
  • However, overexpansion saw the firm eventually acquire huge debts.
  • Voters in Hungary have agreed to be part of the historic eastward expansion of the European Union, strongly endorsing economic unification with their more developed neighbours to the west.
  • It is the understanding of these expansion dynamics that is exciting, because it may be that ultracold plasmas cross over to the regime of strongly coupled plasma physics.
  • The instantaneous destruction of all molecules in a sample is known as detonation, and the rapid expansion of hot gases that results is what gives rise to the destructive blast.
  • He projects a slowdown in the rate of expansion of world trade.
  • In order to adapt, we will have to work together to create community-based collectives, which will prove increasingly easy to do since, owing to the lack of multinationals, global expansion has decreased to the point of not only preserving the last of the cultivatable land but creating more of it -- after all, global warming is no longer an issue and the environment is thriving. Thomas Stern: A Kick in the Career: Bailout, Bailout, Who's Got the Bailout?
  • In a climate of scientific expansion after the Second World War CSIRO's viticultural research broadened to include nematology, irrigation, hydrology, and basic vine physiology.
  • The combination of warming temperatures and the fertilizing effect of increased carbon in the atmosphere could fuel a northward expansion of what is known as the boreal forest, the coniferous timber lands that run across the earth's northern latitudes and include forests in Canada, Finland, Russia and Sweden. Rainforest Portal RSS Newsfeed
  • Expansion of the money supply in these circumstances may lead to no additional expenditure, only additional idle balances.
  • There was some variation in this regard as different colonial powers pursued different expansionist policies.
  • Book 3 examines different aspects of marketing the product through advertising, organisation of sales force, expansion of sales outlets.
  • The expansion, or attempted expansion, of genes is seen as the central causal mechanism underlying both individual and social behaviour.
  • The industry has just undergone a period of rapid expansion .
  • If the arctic host populations become fragmented due to the northward expansion of southern biogeographic elements, extinction of parasites in small host populations and/or cryptic speciation (isolation events seen in parasites, often only by using molecular methods, that are not evident in host populations) in refugia are likely to follow. Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • There are many in expansionist China today who believe that this prerogative belongs to them. Communist China—Time for Reappraisal
  • Very promising and brave of them to move forward with the expansion when facing not only this economy, but also the threat of a narrowing gap between theatrical release and VOD video-on-demand dates and the ever- present worldwide problem of piracy. Ashley Wren Collins: Seeking Cinematic Sustenance in a Saturated World
  • Even when service industries revive, the overexpansion and slow productivity growth of the last decade will still take their toll.
  • But the NFL has toughened the rules for expansion teams since then, making it more difficult to load up on players from the get-go.
  • Used in ceramic tile, Mosaic facing juncture, because not bibulous, winter won't frozen, expansion, can prevent ceramic tile, Mosaic of spalling.
  • Various factors were decisive here: more food for better performance, the widespread introduction of piecework wages, and the constant expansion of the plant-internal system of surveillance and punishment.
  • The service is undergoing a rapid expansion to 20 or more blogs (as he mentions in the comment referenced above).
  • The expansion of the university sector has meant more degree holders, but the number of jobs has remained roughly constant.
  • Expansionary fiscal policies and a powerful inventory cycle, helped by a recovery in international trade and improved financial conditions, fueled a significant pickup in growth.
  • Royal licences to acquire property in mortmain allowed for a period of expansion into adjacent properties in the early 14th century.
  • If the whole universe is expanding at a rate that is calculable, then by regress, we can go back to the starting point of this expansion.
  • Cash provided by expenditures have generally comprised purchases of com - financing activities in 2001 of $18 million was primarily puter hardware, software, server equipment and furniture due to proceeds from the issuance of common stock pur - and fixtures, and are expected to range from $160 million suant to stock option exercises of $84 million, offset by to $190 million in 2004 as we invest in expansion of our common stock repurchases of Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Reuters Geely Chairman Li Shufu, left, and Volvo CEO Stefan Jacoby, in Beijing in February, worked to tailor a luxury-car expansion plan for China. Volvo's Chief, New Boss Are a Study in Contrasts
  • And if the denominator has factors of 2 and/or 5, it can be written as a sum of a fraction whose denominator has only factors of 2 and 5 (and thus has a finite decimal expansion) and one whose denominator is relatively prime to 10. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pi Day
  • Moreover, what building could better symbolise Britain's territorial expansion in the industrial age than the world's first purpose-built railway terminus?
  • These states are more comfortable with a distant hegemon with an honorable history of restraint than a local hegemon with a persistent history of expansionism.
  • Many catfishes are accomplished suction feeders with high volume expansion of the buccal cavity and fast jaws, whereas other taxa maximize bite force.
  • This enraged many U.S. expansionists, not least Thomas Benton, who called the concession “a gratuitous and unaccountable sacrifice” that had “dismembered the valley of the Mississippi, mutilated two of our noblest rivers, and brought a foreign boundary to the neighborhood of New Orleans.” A Country of Vast Designs
  • The incomes they earn are small - Farida sells her candles for four taka a packet - but it can be enough to make a drastic difference, securing homes that they might otherwise be evicted from and offering hope of expansion in the future.
  • During the quarter, Verio began to incur costs associated with the previously announced expansion of its hosting operations.
  • In monocotyledons, the expanding region of leaves, where cell division and tissue expansion take place, is located near the leaf insertion point.
  • He said the overall effect of the expansion will be to build around much of the existing school facilities.
  • Industrialization inevitably led to the expansion of the urban working class.
  • Although additions and expansions have been made to suit its occupants, the Bishop's House at Fort Kochi can instantly take you on a nostalgic ride.
  • While her political future may be up in the air, Sarah Palin's populist star wattage remains undeniable as she basks in an undimmed political limelight for a core of supporters bored by what they describe as a lackluster Republican Party leadership and angry at the Obama administration's expansion of government and imposition of power. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Cell division and cell expansion are fundamental processes for growth and development of plant organs.
  • Your repute and expertise open up new vistas for business expansion.
  • The central bank's decision to sharply raise its rediscount rate is aimed at encouraging banks to hold more funds, after it said it wants to cut credit growth to less than 20% and limit money supply expansion to less than 16% this year," said an analyst with Hanoi-based Agribank. Vietnam Raises Key Interest Rates
  • This large scale cultural appropriation is precisely what drives the already huge K-pop machine to continue its global expansion as well as share its benefits with other South Korean enterprises, such as the nation's tourism industry. Linda Constant: K-pop: Soft Power for the Global Cool
  • These introductions are welcome adaptations – as the new titles and hardware delight wider populations on broad scales and bring forward ingenuities that allow for further creative expression and expansion. EA���s Spore Keeps Darwinism Mainstream
  • Spot, are you concerned at all about the 110 "chokehold" expansion project about to commence? Noontime Briefs and Outtakes for Thursday
  • The possible alternatives - fear of Russian revanchism, desire for self-defense, German enthusiasm for expansion, a wish for these countries to cement their status as stable democracies - are certainly not compelling.
  • Without this productivity increase exports could not have expanded fast enough to balance the additional imports required to sustain the 1955-61 expansion.
  • By contrast older established partners may be less keen on expansion in view of the added pressures it will produce.
  • The competition is certainly hotting up in the mobile market, but at the moment the expansion is more about quantity than quality.
  • The expansion in the southeast coal sector in the early 1980s was marginally uneconomic, generating a basecase loss of $89 million.
  • The slavery expansionists originally took the position that the federal government had no role to play because they wanted slavery to gain a foothold, then when they realized they were losing, they switched to demanding that the federal government affirmatively defend the rights of slaveholders to settle the new land. The Volokh Conspiracy » European Libertarians and Federalism
  • Indeed, achieving industrial diversification of African economies depends in large measure on the expansion of trade opportunities.
  • Athletics is moving ahead with expansions to Columbia Icefields recreation facility.
  • But a vote for him will aid and abet a Democratic leadership that's hell bent on an expansion of government that's a radical departure from the nation's bedrock principles and ruinous in its economic implications. Daily Press: A Vote for Rigell is a Vote for Bush!
  • The correlation is supported by an analysis of stratal expansion, throw development, and data on the sandstone ratio of corresponding footwall and hanging-wall intervals.
  • We mustn't attempt unrestricted expansion regardless if it is within our capacity.
  • As airlines grew, their large cash flows were used to justify huge borrowings for takeovers and expansion.
  • Custom Field Six and six custom attributes to facilitate expansion and custom.
  • We took our penknives and made two right angle cuts down through the nose of a hollow point to encourage its expansion by ‘pre-splitting’ the bullet into four parts.
  • [F] rom the start" places like New Orleans and Houston were "conceived from the start" as major ports of call for this country, and hugely contributed to the economic expansion that depended on waterway shipping (before airlines, etc.). Honore dismisses talk of Senate run
  • To discuss the mechanism of scleral expansion in therapying the presbyopia.
  • An expansion valve would then advance to transform the liquid refrigerant into a cold, gaseous form, so as to once again absorb the warm air inside your automobile.
  • Overexpansion and management undoubtedly were factors in its demise.
  • Former Broncos foundation coach Wayne Bennett, who had close ties with the Thoroughbreds through the late mining magnate Ken Talbot, has reportedly already been earmarked as a possible coach of the side if it's approved by the NRL, which is planning expansion in | Top Stories
  • In particular, it is violated during the accelerated expansion predicted in theories of cosmic inflation.
  • The expansion of medical practice into the regulation of behaviour carries doctors beyond their sphere of expertise and competence.
  • Once again we see how the fortunes of modern European science intertwined with the vicissitudes of colonial expansion.
  • Ironically, in an era where global trade is trying to achieve unrestricted expansion, these recommendations will toughen border regulations.
  • No sooner had I closed my notebook on it pending a future revision and expansion than the wind slewed round, gathered breath, and commenced to blow.
  • The national consolidation of American capitalism set the stage for its extraterritorial expansion.
  • The workers are demanding an expansion and prompt payment of welfare benefits to the unemployed.
  • The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system.
  • The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.
  • And, doggone it, we can't find an easy game against an expansion team anymore.
  • No adjoining land is available for the station expansion.
  • The Republican administrations of 1921-33 publicly reaffirmed their commitment to neutrality, repudiating the League in favor of a policy of commercial expansion and political nonintervention.
  • By analyzing the relationship between basis expansion model (BEM) and Doppler spectrum, the authors propose a scheme based on fractional BEM for the estimation of doubly selective channel parameters.
  • There are various ways of estimating a neutral rate of interest, one that would be neither expansionary nor contractionary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Go with at least a .277 dia with a 150+ grain projectile with good terminal ballistics characteristics: mass retention and expansion (see Barnes or Nosler) I am looking for a good elk rifle, and possible moose rifle. I have a .243 so I am hoping for something larger.
  • Professional projects are completed and new opportunities present vistas for expansion.
  • The industry in 'artificial silks' or 'lustra-celluloses,' by the collodion processes also, whilst presenting features of unusual interest attaching to rapid expansion, has been barren of contribution of fundamental scientific or technical importance. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • In addition to losing land to ranchers and farmers, pastoralists have seen their mobility drastically reduced by the expansion of national game parks.
  • RIO DE JANEIRO—Brazilian mining company MMX Mineracao e Metalicos SA said it hired Banco Itau BBA and WestLB do Brasil to raise $1.8 billion to finance expansion of an iron-ore mine in Minas Gerais state. Brazil's MMX Taps Banks to Raise $1.8 Billion for Mine Expansion
  • The most important actor in the development and expansion of this global food regime has been the US, which, at the end of the Second World War, was producing large food surpluses.
  • The rapid expansion of cities can cause social and economic problems.
  • It, however, is paradoxical that "enjoying the rural life" has never been an indigenous idea having developed independently and self-consciously, but a bounce-back of urban cultural expansion.
  • Once this nucleus of states demonstrated that the surveillance mechanism was practical and usable, a gradual expansion into other states occurred.
  • Innovation and expansion have continued apace as manufacturers have no misgivings about the long-term future for clay roofing tiles.
  • This expansion means that should the opportunity arise again, Newbridge will have a semi-pro soccer team to call its own.
  • We, the peoples who were objects of imperialist expansionism, for ever the infantile dwarfs who required the benign or brutal patronage of the white superperson, in earlier times had to be liberated form the state of noble savagery. Editorial
  • After all, interest rate setting has its ambiguities too - do lower rates imply expansionary policy or simply a validation of disinflationary pressures?
  • In the post-school environment the rapid expansion of industry training continues.
  • The thermal deformation calculation on base definition of expansion coefficient is analyzed.
  • Exploration, however, depended upon private patronage despite theorists imploring that maritime expansionism should be state-sponsored.
  • Rapid expansion of public infrastructure and urbanization there are driving demand for bulldozers, excavators and other earthmoving equipment. Deere Enhances Focus on Russia
  • The Islamic expansion of the early medieval period was not waged for glory, or any of the other factors I listed at the top of this op.
  • Cystadenoma adenoma tissue as a result of glandular secretions of siltation, glandular cavity gradually integrating into the expansion and size of cysts, hence the name.
  • Forming a vast expansion of the bony and fleshy framework are the quills, or flight-feathers, called collectively the "remiges. Our Bird Comrades
  • In addition there is a danger that freezing of water and the consequent expansion might even crack the radiator or the engine block.
  • What was achieved by the great expansion of research which produced these drugs and the clinical innovation which adopted them so freely?
  • The old rationale for bearing with mere authoritarians has crumbled away with the passing of the expansionist Marxist-Leninist totalitarians.
  • Table 2 is applicable to an IBM PC-1, which is fitted with either a "bootable" harddisk or an IBM Expansion Chassis. AST Research Technical Bulletin #0055 FAULT ISOLATION OF THE IBM PC-1
  • FIFA 10 as well as the development of FIFA 10 Ultimate Team, a game mode expansion and new way of playing FIFA 10, the highest rated sports game* ever on the Xbox 360. - HOME PAGE
  • By pulling these observations together with some mathematical syntax, a theorem is formed relating to the expansion of binomial terms.
  • Three pillars of the model - the expansion of the universe, the cosmic microwave background, and primordial nucleosynthesis - make it hard to imagine any credible alternative.
  • An illustration of the expansion is exemplified in the following Senior Steward's experience.
  • This paper introduces three designs of the external interrupt port expansion with a MCS—51 chip, and the related program will be given.
  • The import will decelerate will cause the trade surplus expansion quickly.
  • Expansion in the service sector has been considerably smaller than the decline in manufacturing.
  • Rapid changes in the occupational structure, facilitated by educational expansion, have increased the overall chances of entering higher-ranking occupations.
  • Stanbic Bank Zambia has embarked on an expansion programme that will see the opening of new outlets in Matero township and Kabulonga residential areas before going to other parts of the country.
  • This decline was coincidental with the expansion of regional feed lots and the pre-cutting of cattle carcasses at slaughter and meat packing houses closer to the farmers.
  • This alloy has the closest thermal expansion match to alumina, beryllia, and vitreous glass
  • Cold dry periods, glacier expansion and crop failures between 5,800 and 4,900 years ago resulted in deforestation, flooding, silting of irrigation channels, salinisation and the collapse of the Sumerian city states.
  • Until recently, expansion of citriculture was accomplished by the propagation and distribution of material originally introduced via nurseries.
  • We've been working with a few defense contractors and companies in the electro-optics business that are considering expansions.
  • Pettitt sees urban services in particular offering vast scope for expansion as city fathers wake up to the dangers from the car population explosion.
  • He realized that it would bankrupt the company if he continued the expansion.
  • The EU's political andeconomic activities in Central and Eastern Europe, including its plans to open EU membership to a number of new countries in Europe, will help promote a democratic and prosperous post-Cold War Europe and will complement NATO expansion. Fact Sheet On The European Union Eu
  • What if the Iranians actually see Israel as an expansionist power seeking to adust its borders at the expense of fellow Muslims. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...

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